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SAMSUNG PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Paid Display & Social - Remarketing SAMSUNG DIGITAL TOOLKIT PDP Add to Cart Payment Checkout There are several points where users may potentially drop -off in the consumer journey. With that, we need to create specific user segments* based the point of their drop -off to deliver relevant messaging to encourage purchase. This would allow our ads to be more personalised based on the user behaviour. Key Purchase Journey Milestones Audience Segment Segment Definition PDP Visitors Cart Abandoners Incomplete Checkout Payment Drop -offs Samsung Users - CRM Viewed PDPs AND NOT purchase Added to Cart AND NOT purchase Initiates Checkout AND NOT purchase Initiates Payment process AND NOT complete purchase Past Buyers of Samsung TVs Note: *Due to changes to changes in IOS14, Facebook has standardised the tracking events via pixels to 8 standard & custom events. Seg mentation of these audiences may vary and dependent on individual retailer event setup

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