MicrMicrosoosofft visual identity guidelinest visual identity guidelines Color 32 Use the 10 core colors in the right places Use RGB and HEX formulas for on-screen and digital use. CMYK builds and PMS colors are Process Yellow Orange 144 Red 185 Process Magenta Purple 526 for print applications. C0 M0 Y100 K0 C0 M50 Y100 K0 C0 M100 Y100 K0 C0 M100 Y0 K0 C75 M100 Y0 K0 R255 G241 B0 R255 G140 B0 R232 G17 B35 R236 G0 B140 R104 G33 B122 Please note that each color has been HEX #FFF100 HEX #FF8C00 HEX #E81123 HEX #EC008C HEX #68217A optimized for on-screen (RGB) or print (solid or 4CP) reproduction. The specific RGB color formula, PMS color, and CMYK color formula are provided here and must be specified individually for each color. Do not use the automated color conversion tools in your software. Blue 286 Process Cyan Teal 3275 Green 355 Lime 382 C100 M75 Y0 K0 C100 M0 Y0 K0 C100 M0 Y50 K0 C100 M0 Y100 K0 C25 M0 Y100 K0 R0 G24 B143 R0 G188 B242 R0 G178 B148 R0 G158 B73 R186 G216 B10 HEX #00188F HEX #00BCF2 HEX #00B294 HEX #009E49 HEX #BAD80A
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