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MicrMicrosoosofft visual identity guidelinest visual identity guidelines Typography 28 Type size and Headline set in Headline relationships Segoe Light, While there are many possibilities in the size and style of type, here are some proven two units tall. twice logo relationships for using Segoe in composition. Body copy is one grid unit tall or less, set in Segoe Regular. Body copy is one height. grid unit tall or less. Body copy is one grid unit tall or less. Body copy is one grid unit tall or less, set in Segoe Regular. Body copy is one grid unit tall or less. Headline is same Subhead is one grid unit tall height as logo, HR and set in Segoe Semibold. set in Segoe Light. Body copy is not more than 75% as tall as the subhead. Body copy is not more than 75% as tall as the subhead. Body copy is not more Body copy is 75% of the subhead height, or than 75% as tall as the subhead. Body copy is less, and set in Segoe Regular. Body copy is not more than 75% as tall as the subhead. 75% of the subhead height, or less, and set in Body copy is not more than 75% as tall as the Segoe Regular. subhead. Body copy is not more than.

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