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Digital Inclusion In 2021, we began opening the first of more than 20 AT&T Connected Learning Centers SM planned in under-resourced areas across the country – including neighborhoods in Atlanta, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami and San Francisco. Each center is housed within a local community organization and provides students and families with free access to high-speed AT&T Dedicated Internet , Wi-Fi, computers and technical resources. AT&T employees volunteer at the centers and through digital platforms to provide learners with tutoring and mentoring opportunities. To help students and families participate in virtual learning and gain digital literacy skills, the centers offer educational content through our joint initiative with WarnerMedia, 8 The Achievery SM (see below), plus digital literacy training developed in collaboration with the Public Library Association. Dell Technologies donates computers and monitors with integrated audio and webcams, and the systems are configured by Overland-Tandberg, a Black-owned technology company that is part of AT&T’s supplier diversity program (page 27). Through March 2022, we’ve opened 8 Connected Learning Centers. As additional centers open, we’ll begin reporting the number of students served. CUSTOMERS AND COMMUNITIES DIGITAL DIVIDE Digital divide UNDERSERVED STUDENTS RECEIVING WI-FI HOTSPOTS IN 2021 ~40K COMPUTERS DISTRIBUTED TO FAMILIES AND STUDENTS ~7.7 K DIGITAL LITERACY AND LEARNING WEBSITE VISITS >21K “Our nation’s most under-resourced communities need immediate solutions for overcoming barriers to access, affordability and adoption.” – Charlene Lake, Senior Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG, a nd Chief Sustainability Officer Read more: Digital Divide Issue Brief • Community Engagement Issue Brief Safeguarding Children Issue Brief • Responsible Use of Products and Services Issue Brief FROM 2 021-202 3 $2B committed to address the di gital di vi de Digital Learning and Literacy AT&T Connected Learning includes digital learning and literacy initiatives to help students, parents and families make the most of broadband connections. Connectivity alone is not enough to keep students engaged in learning, especially in a remote or hybrid setting. In 2021, AT&T created The Achievery in collaboration with WarnerMedia, to help make online learning more entertaining, engaging and inspiring for today’s connected students everywhere they learn. The Achievery is a free digital learning platform featuring popular entertainment content from WarnerMedia and other world class NGO and programming partners, alongside lesson plans and learning activities developed by leading education organizations. When working to address the homework gap, helping kids also means helping parents. Together with the Public Library Association, we’ve launched a series of digital literacy courses to help parents and caregivers build skills and confidence using technology so they can better support their child’s online learning. Topics include using computers and mobile devices, navigating the internet and using teleconferencing tools. All are available free at . Through AT&T ScreenReady ® , we’re also helping parents and caregivers create the right online experience for their families, with information such as how to set parental controls on connected devices – plus online safety and digital parenting tips from experts including Common Sense Media, Family Online Safety Institute and others. Progress: Open 20 Connected Learning Centers by 2023 8 0 20 Committed Today, a n e stimated 4 2 milli on 11 Americans don’t have broadband internet access at home. Affordable and reliable connectivity is critical for remote work, learning and c ommerce – an d for s t aying di gitally c onnected t o f amily, f riends, ne ws an d information. A ddressing the digital divide is strategically important to AT&T, as it helps drive social c hange wh ile e xpanding ou r ne twork r each and deepening v aluable c ol laboration w ith communities, authorities and non-government organizations (NGOs). In 2021, AT&T announced an expanded commitment to invest $2 billion over the next 3 years to help address the digital divide. This effort includes our low-cost broadband offerings, ongoing c ommunity i nvestments and mo re t o he lp the n a t ion's mo st v ulnerable co mmunities. Our digital divide strategy includes efforts to promote broadband affordability, availability and a doption. W e’re al so i n vesting ou r r esources and k no wledge t o advance the d igital skills needed to thrive in the classrooms and workplaces of today and tomorrow. This work involves collaboration across our entire company – engaging teams such as Product Development, CSR, Public Policy, External and Legislative Affairs, Network Technology and Operations, Finance and Marketing. A T&T Connected Learning A T&T-commissioned research shows that 35% of parents and 39% of teachers say their children rely on internet connectivity outside the home. As part of our $2 billion c ommitment, w e’ve es tablished AT&T C onnected L earning , a multi-year initiative focused o n n arrowing the ho mework g ap b y c onnecting k ids a cross the c ountry to high quality digital learning resources. We’re investing in digital inclusion, digital literacy and digital learning to help connect today’s students and their families with skills, tools and opportunities for success – in and out of the classroom. W e’re tracking progress toward our 2025 goal to provide 1 million people in need with digital resources through AT&T Connected Learning. Through 2021, we engaged more than 72,000 individuals through digital inclusion initiatives such as partnerships to provide refurbished devices to low-income students and families, resources to support digital learning and l iteracy, and i nvestments i n pr ograms th at boost e mployment o pp ortunities. Progress: Provide 1 million people in need with digital resources by 2025 >72,000 0 1,000,000 Digital Inclusion Digital Literacy Digital Learning Employment Opportunities AT&T CONNECTED LEARNING PILLARS OVERVIEW AT&T AND SHAREHOLDERS CUSTOMERS AND COMMUNITIES EMPLOYEES SUPPLIERS ENVIRONMENT GOVERNANCE GOALS SUMMARY KPI s AT&T ESG SUMMARY REPORT 2022 AT&T ESG SUMMARY REPORT 2022 14 15

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