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GOVERNANCE POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT TRANSPARENCY CHARLENE LAKE (CHAIR) Senior Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG, and Chief Sustainability Officer COREY ANTHONY Senior Vice President, Human Resources and Chief Diversity and Development Officer MÓNICA ASPE Chief Executive Officer, AT&T Mexico LEN CALI Senior Vice President, Global Public Policy ANNE CHOW Chief Executive Officer, AT&T Business – AT&T Communications DEBBIE DIAL Senior Vice President and Controller ANDRE FUETSCH Chief Technology Officer, Network Services – AT&T Communications SUSAN JOHNSON Executive Vice President, Globa l Connections and Supply Chain – AT&T Communications K.C. KAVANAUGH Chief Communications Officer TOM MOORE Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance Office and Chief Privacy Officer AMIR ROZWADOWSKI Senior Vice President, Finance and Investor Relations VALERIE VARGAS Senior Vice President, AT&T Advertising and Retail Marketing RICK WELDAY Exe cutive Vice President and General Manager, Broadband and Video, AT&T Consumer – AT&T C ommunications CSR Governance Council Read more: 2022 Proxy Statement • Our Corporate Governance Issue Brief Executive oversight Our CSO oversees internal management of ESG strategy, risks and opportunities. Our SVP – Audit Services oversees internal enterprise risk assessment activities and audit functions, including analysis of ESG risks and disclosures, and associated processes, controls and assurance. Our CSR Governance Council (Council) is led by our CSO and comprises more than a dozen officers representing business operations and management functions aligned to our most important ESG focus areas. In addition to ad hoc meetings, the Council held 3 regularly scheduled meetings in 2021, discussing topics such as ESG reporting, digital divide, social innovation, climate transition, political contributions, DE&I, long- range goal setting and social issue engagement. In addition to the Council, we convene 5 core issue committees: Community, Employee Activation, Environment, Human Rights and Online Safety. These committees are led by senior CSR leaders and work closely with experts throughout our operating companies to implement or enhance programs and policies that address ESG issues across AT&T. OVERVIEW AT&T AND SHAREHOLDERS CUSTOMERS AND COMMUNITIES EMPLOYEES SUPPLIERS ENVIRONMENT GOVERNANCE GOALS SUMMARY Political engagement transparency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act In 2021, the U.S. Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which will invest an unprecedented $65 billion into our country’s broadband future – significantly augmenting private industry’s investment of nearly $80 billion in 2020 alone. 31 AT&T supports smart investments that foster economic growth and improved productivity. We commend the Biden Administration and Congress for paving the way to universal connectivity in underserved areas, making broadband more affordable for low-income households and providing more resources for digital equity and adoption. We s trive t o br ing ou r c ustomers the i nno vation the y d emand, pr ovide s ha reholders v alue on the ir i nvestment and take s eriously the i mportant r ole th at w e can p l ay i n the he alth of our society. Our mission to connect people to greate r opportunitie s m anifests in our emp loyee v olunteerism; c o rporate and e mployee ph ilanthropy; ou r c ompany’s c ulture o f diversity, equity and inclusion; employe e benefits and our many corporat e responsibility programs th at address s ocial and e nvironmental need s . The se a ctions and c o mmitments are designed to improve the fabric of society and put the possibility o f a better future in the hand s o f p eople i n ou r communities. Our corporate mission also requires us to actively participate in the political process because federal, state and local laws have a significant impact on our employees, communities, c ustomers and o ther s takeholders. W e e ngage i n a tr an sparent and bipartisan manner, to advocate for policies that support U.S. economic stability and growth; r esilient i nfrastructures; t echnological pr og ress and a ccess t o c onnectivity; and opportunity for our employees. These issues affect our ability to hire, pay good wages, provide world-class benefits, serve our customers, make capital investments, innovate t o f oster ec o nomic g rowth and c reate s hareholder v alue. O ur e ng agements include a dvocacy and lo bbying, c orporate p olitical c ontributions, me mberships i n tr ade a ssociations, c ontributions t o o ther t ax-exempt o rganizations and e mplo yee p olitical ac tion c ommittee ( PAC) c ontributions. E lected officials hold varied and diverse views on a wide range of issues, reflecting those of our broader society. Contributions made by the company or its employee PACs to an i ndividual o r p olitical o r ganization d o no t me an the c ompany o r its e mp loyee P ACs support o r ag ree wi th e ve ry p osition t ak en b y the c ontribution r ec ipient, bu t r ather general al ignment with our policy priorities. Our biannual Political Engagement Report discloses our U.S. political contributions. Since 2019, we’ve received the leading “trendsetter” designation from the CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability. And in 2021 , AT&T was among only 6 companies to receive a 100% score. 2021 CPA-ZICKLIN INDEX OF CORPORATE POLITICAL DISCLOSURE AND ACCOUNTABILITY 100% Score (1 of only 6 companies) Read more: 2022 Proxy Statement • Political Engagement Report “We look forward to working with Congress, the Administration, the FCC and local, state and Tribal governments to ensure Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funding is effectively and efficiently deployed.” – John Stankey, AT&T CEO KPI s AT&T ESG SUMMARY REPORT 2022 AT&T ESG SUMMARY REPORT 2022 40 41

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