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Followers Objective Playbook

Build a larger audience for your brand.

Twitter Objective Playbook Increase Your Followers Build a larger audience for your brand.

Followers Objective Playbook - Page 1

What’s covered Overview 03 Campaign planning How to get started 04 Where your ads appear 05 Promoted account ads 06 Copy best practices 07 Campaign implementation Bids 08 Audience targeting 09 Campaign pro tips 14 Launching a Follower campaign 15 Measuring results 19 Troubleshooting + FAQs 20

Followers Objective Playbook - Page 2

Overview The Follower objective helps you get Did you know? more followers on Twitter. 90% of people buy from Followers campaigns (also known reach and engage that person brands they follow on as Promoted Accounts campaigns) over time. social media. promote your Twitter account to people who would find your Each time you engage with your content interesting and likely followers, you create new follow you. opportunities for them to share your message, make purchases, or This is great if you’re looking to tell others about their positive build an engaged audience that experiences. After all, word of will amplify and scale your mouth is one of the most effective message both on and off Twitter. way to sell. How so? People who follow you not only see your Tweets, they're Because Followers campaigns more likely to become brand boost your follower growth, they're advocates and customers. best used when you're looking to be discoverable by prospective When someone follows you on customers on Twitter. Twitter, you get the opportunity to Benefits Increase organic reach and word of mouth. Twitter makes it easy for your followers to share your content with their friends through Retweets, which drives reach. Drive web traffic Once you acquire a paid follower, you have the opportunity to engage with them every day for free through your organic Tweets. These followers are more likely to see your Tweets and spend time on your profile, content, or website. Drive purchases, leads, downloads, and sign-ups By choosing to follow you, people are showing an interest in your product. You have an opportunity to connect, drive action, and target ads directly to them. 03

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How to get started Things to consider Before you start, make a plan. Here’s a checklist of considerations that’ll help you refine your objectives and achieve the best results. What are you trying to Who do I want to follow accomplish? my account? Are you trying to get new Think about the different types of followers for a new brand you people you would like to regularly are launching? Connect with see or engage with your content or a new audience around purchase your product or service. certain topics or passions? Or Make sure your targeting selections do you want to build a loyal line up with these groups, and for audience of brand advocates? best results, test often.
 How many new How much am I willing followers do I want to to pay for each new gain? follower? Setting a goal will help you decide The cost per follower on Twitter is on a budget. This could be a not fixed. Cost depends on the size regular daily gain or hitting a of the audience you're targeting, certain number of followers by a your bid, and other advertisers' specific date. For example, if you demand for that audience. want to accrue 10 followers a day, set your daily budget to $30 and your bid to $3.00. 04

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Where your ads appear Here’s where your Followers campaigns ads get served across mobile and desktop. Followers campaign impressions are displayed in multiple locations across Twitter, specifically timelines, search results, as well as front and center in your audience’s “Who to Follow” sections, leaving you only a click away from new prospects. They're automatically distributed across these locations to people who fit the targeting you've specified in Campaign Setup. You cannot customize where you'd like your Followers campaign impressions to show. As with Promoted Trends and Promoted Tweets, the unit is labeled as "Promoted" to distinguish it from other recommended accounts. The Tweets you choose to add to your Followers campaign will automatically render the Follower Card shown in the bottom left. TBARMORE 9:15 AM 100% For this reason, we recommend you use text-only Tweets in your Home Followers campaigns. If you use Tweets with images or videos in your Followers campaign, the image or video will not render and the follower card will show The Barista Bar @baristabar in its place using the default image from your Twitter profile. Love coffee? Follow us to see the full Barista Bar menu and specials. Search Twitter What’s happening 0:26 Follow Who to follow The Barista Bar @baristabar Love Coffee? We do! Our espresso, tea Other impressions will be and Tweets are freshly brewed. served in the "Who to follow" Promoted section in the top right of a person’s Twitter timeline, as shown in the right. 05

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Promoted account ad format The promoted account ad format is made up of five key parts. Follower ads include a follow button, are clearly identified as “Promoted,” with your brand labeling and only appear to people who do not already follow you. Name & Handle Profile Badge Image People will immediately Like most ads on Twitter, your be able to see your Promoted Account ad will business name and automatically include your account handle as well Profile Badge image which as image from your helps people on Twitter quickly profile. identify your brand. Follow button People can follow your brand with one Tweet Copy simple click. The ad format can support up to 280 characters of Tweet Copy. (Note: each link used Promoted reduces character county by 23 badge characters, electing 257 The Promoted badge characters for Twitter copy.) clearly identifies that this is an ad. 06

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Copy best practices Let’s talk about effective Followers campaign copy. We highly recommend using compelling copy in your Tweets for your Followers campaigns. When Tweets are serving, the follower card will automatically render. This card will display your Twitter profile background header image, bio, and a "Follow" button, allowing users to follow your account with one click. Do’s and Don’ts We've found our advertisers have the most success using Tweets crafted specifically for Followers campaigns, keeping it short, clear, and text-only. Do Don’t Include “follow us” in your Add extra links that distract Tweet. from the "follow" button. Do Twitter does not expand any Let people know why they additional links or pictures. should follow you. Don’t Do Add excessive hashtags that Craft a clear bio and use a may distract from the "follow" professional background button. image on your profile. Actionable copy drives Pro Tip followers. Tell people why they should follow you. 07

Bids When setting up your Followers campaign, you can select between automatic or target bidding. We recommend the target bid option since it gives you the flexibility to successfully bid on followers who are likely to follow your account, while staying near or below your target costs per follow. When you set up your campaign and input your bid, think of your target bid as how much you're willing to pay per follow. When you run a Followers In addition to controlling the campaign, you will only be amount you pay per action, you charged for the follows you also have complete control over acquire from that campaign. All the amount you spend overall. other actions and engagements After setting your bid, you are (impressions, replies, and prompted to enter a total budget Retweets) are free. for the campaign and an optional The cost you pay per follower in daily budget. When your overall your Followers campaign will budget is reached, your depend on the budget and bid campaign will stop serving until you set for your campaign, as well you increase the budget. When as the targeting you select. your daily budget is reached, your campaign will stop serving It's important to think carefully until the next day. about the value each follower brings to your business. The recommended bid is a good Here’s how indicator of the amount you will it works. need to bid for your campaign to reach its goal. You will never be Twitter’s cost-per-action charged more than your bid. pricing means you only pay for what you’re looking to However if your bid is not achieve. This means you’ll competitive relative to other only be billed when an advertisers, your campaign may account follows you. not serve. 08

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Audience targeting Getting follows is great. Getting follows from people your ad will resonate with is even better. We’re all about finding the right audiences for your campaign. People come to Twitter to Twitter is where hundreds of discover what’s happening in the millions of people post more than world, to share information 500 million Tweets every day. This instantly, and to connect with gives us a window into people’s people and businesses around lives, interests, wants, and what the globe. they’re doing right now. With the Followers objective, you get access to Twitter’s industry-leading targeting features. Configure accordingly and you’re all set to go. Here are 3 targeting strategies we offer: Targeting Core audience types People targeted based on designated factors like demographics, location, interests, and keywords. Existing connections Reach people who are already familiar with and have expressed interest in your brand on or off Twitter. Look-alikes Discover brand new people with habits, interests, and backgrounds similar to your existing followers or customers. 09

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Audience Targeting Core audience targeting Looking to reach the right people at scale? Start here. Core Audience targeting allows you to set parameters to find your ideal audience. Demographics Location Keywords Set preferences on Make selections Target or exclude age, gender, language, based on country, people who searched device, and more. state, region, metro for, tweeted, or area, or zip code. engaged with Tweets containing keywords. Conversations Followers Look-alikes Find people talking Reach people who Connect with people about your brand (or follow your brand based on the types of relevant topics) in real on Twitter. handles they follow and time to drive interact with. conversation across Twitter. Interests Movies + TV Events Choose based on Target people who See who’s interested what they’re into: Tweet about or engage in select festivals, hobbies, sports, with movies and shows concerts, holidays, etc. movies, and more. in a specific market. Pro Tip #1 While it’s always smart to target by location and device, we advise using only one type of audience targeting with each campaign. In other words, choose whether to target by keyword, interest, followers, behavior, and so on. This makes it much easier to track what works and optimize accordingly. All of our Demographic Audience Action based targeting tactics, Targeting tactics including Age, including Keywords, Interests, Gender, Location, Device, Follower Look-alikes, and Language, and Carrier will apply Conversations, a person can only to every person targeted in your be targeted by your campaign campaign. For our Interest and based on a single parameter, not multiple. 10

Audience Targeting Existing connections targeting Yes, Core Audience Targeting is a big help in finding a large and relevant audience. But maybe you’re looking for a more specific group of people? Here’s where you find people who have already shown interest in your brand. People who’ve People who’ve seen or People or customers visited your website engaged with past you already know Target individuals who have Tweets These are the people you already visited your website. Now you can retarget anyone already know are interested. All you have to do is install who’s watched your video, Identify them based on Twitter’s pixel. liked a Tweet, or engaged emails, Twitter IDs, or mobile with your organic/promoted advertising IDs. You can also For detailed instructions on content within a certain work through an Audience how to do this, visit our timeframe. Partner to import existing Tailored Audiences for Web customer audiences directly page that has step-by-step into your Ads account. instructions. Reconnect with them or exclude them to focus on new acquisition. Look-alikes targeting Core audience & Expand the audience you’ve that like, act, and engage the existing connections created using Core Audiences and way your existing customers do. Existing Connections using Look- This is the best way to scale Look-alike alikes. These are brand new your campaigns. audiences people Pro Tip #2 Have more questions about targeting? Visit our detailed Q&As on: Device targeting | Geo, gender, and language targeting | Interest and follower targeting | Keyword targeting | Tailored Audiences 11

Audience Targeting Targeting best practices for Followers campaigns Use the following targeting best practices to get the most out of your campaign Target creatively Include 10-20 When selecting parameters, @names and interests think about all the interests your Keep them in tightly-grouped audience is likely to have. For categories such as “Industry example, the target audience for Influencers,” “Competitors,” etc. a bike shop may also include The People Search function on people who enjoy coffee and Twitter is a great way to find sustainable accessories. We more @names to add. also recommend targeting accounts that are similar to yours. Create campaigns for Target follower look- each of your customer alikes segments. Since your followers are already By tailoring your content, you interested in your account and can control your bids you are targeting people similar independently and test and see to them, this feature tends to who’s interested in following yield the highest follow rate and you. We recommend creating lowest cost per follow. 3-4 separate campaigns to target a range of different interests. Doing this will allow you to more accurately monitor impressions, follows, and follow rates. Use the insights you gather to fine tune your bids. 12

Audience Targeting Other Targeting Tips to optimize your campaign Target with focus Creating campaigns with focused, relevant targeting means you have a higher chance to serve to audiences who are interested and likely to view with your ad. Too large an audience will decrease the chances of the ad being relevant to users. That being said, targeting too small an audience will limit the users who are eligible to see your ad. Use the campaign forecaster tool within the campaign setup form to see if your targeting parameters are focused but not limited. Increase your video reach Test running your pre-roll across a wide range of content categories in order to increase your reach and only stick to a few key targeting criteria to make sure you don’t limit your reach. Vary targeting between campaigns If you have more than one campaign targeting very similar audiences, your performance can suffer since your campaigns are essentially competing between each other for serve. Break out mobile vs. desktop targeting Mobile is a fundamentally different medium than desktop, characterized by frequent quick sessions and spur-of-the-moment spikes in purchase intent. Because of this, we recommend running separate campaigns each targeting mobile and desktop separately. This lets you test and learn the nuanced behaviors for each. Play around! One of the most important things you can do to drive continued campaign performance is to test what works for you and your campaigns. While it makes sense to run always-on campaigns, you’ll want to continually refresh and optimize your campaigns, given Twitter’s ever-changing, real-time nature. Remove low performing keywords, interests, and handles, and replace them with ones that are similar to the high performing ones. 13

Campaign Pro Tips The best way to know if your campaign’s working? Try things out. Start a few campaigns, one for each marketing initiative, so you can get a sense of what works best. Test, iterate, win. Below are some insider tips for maximizing your campaign’s performance. Target-Bid We suggest selecting the target bid option since this will give you the flexibility to successfully bid on follows from users who are especially likely to follow your account, while staying near or below your target costs per follow. When you set up your campaign and input your bid, think of your target bid as how much you're willing to pay per follow. Go Broad Try Things Out Don’t over optimize Target as broad as possible, Vary the creative (3-5 Resist temptation to over- utilizing look-alikes, pieces) and copy, optimize. After edits, wait keywords, interests, headlines, 2-3 days to allow learnings conversation topics, and calls-to-action to see to progress. retargeting, and expand what’s working. your audience features. We’ve got your back. Our systems will automatically serve your best performing ads to the people you want to see them. Plus, we’re here to talk campaign strategy and effective ways to reach your key demo. 14

How to get started Launching a Followers Campaign 01 Log into your Twitter Ads account. 02 Click "Create campaign" in the top right corner of your Ads Manager. 15

How to get started 03 Choose "Followers" from the list of campaign objectives. 04 Create a campaign name. This won’t be public. We recommend you use a descriptive name for ease in reporting, ie: audience targeted, creative, etc. 05 Choose the proper Funding Source and input your Daily and Total campaign budgets. Set start date and (optional) end date. • We recommend longer flights to achieve greater CPV efficiencies. Set parameters for your ad group(s). • Ensure to only select “Accelerated Pacing” if you have a very short flight with more flexible cost ranges 16

How to get started 06 Next, you'll set up your first ad group. You can also set ad group start and end time. A B C D E A B C Set parameters for your Set a Start Date and End Date. Set a Total Ad Group ad group(s). Pro Tip: Longer campaigns allow Budget (optional). you to gain more insights about what is resonating with your audience and driving outcomes for your business. D E Select CPF bid type and Select your optimization bid amount. preference. Bid type: • Followers (default) • Automatic bid • Set up measurement (Recommended) tracking if applicable. • Target Bid 17

How to get started 07 Select the audience you'd like your ads to be served to in the "Targeting" section. Learn more about our targeting options. 08 Choose the locations or placements you’d like your Tweets to appear in: Home timelines (required) and Profiles (optional). Next choose the Tweets you'd like in your campaign then click “Next” to review details and then launch your campaign! NOTE: If you add a Tweet with media to your followers campaign, your photo or Card will not appear in your Tweet unless it is Retweeted. 18

Measuring results Metrics in ads manager Get real-time results any time by visiting the Ads Manager. There you can explore metrics like total spend, results, cost per result, and result rate. Keep in mind an impression is any time your ad is shown on Twitter. Discover all the things you can do in our Ad Manager. Key metrics to track Measurement studies Cost per follower (CPF) Ad level: Additionally, you can run Average cost to gain a new What Tweets are performing measurement studies* follower. This can be calculated best? Are there any common depending on your goals. by dividing total spend by the themes around creative and/or Here are examples of deeper number of new followers. copy? If so, consider creating measurements we have run more Tweets like these to add to for Followers campaigns. Total impressions the campaign. Audience Verification helps you Total impressions your Promoted Account ads receive. What Tweets are understand the demographics underperforming? Consider of the audience you have Follow rate turning these off. reached. In these reports, you Average number of people who can access key metrics like Age who engage with and decide to Ad group level: and Gender. follow your brand for each Is there an ad group performing Brand Surveys help you thousand promoted account ad better than others? Why is that? understand if your campaign is impressions delivered. driving mass awareness by Audience level: understanding the brand lift Total audience reach What audiences are your between those who have seen Total number of people who Tweets resonating with your ad and those who have had the opportunity to see most? not. “be impressed” by your ad. *Study feasibility, minimum spend and Total spend availability of solutions and partners vary by market. Please chat with your Twitter Total amount your account team for more details. You can find campaign spent. all of Twitter’s measurement solutions here. 19

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Troubleshooting + FAQs What types of Tweets can I use in my followers campaign? We highly recommend you use text-only Tweets in your followers campaigns. When Tweets are serving to users, the follower card will automatically render. This card will display your Twitter profile background header image, bio, and a "Follow" button, allowing users to follow your account with one click. If you add a Tweet containing an image or video to your followers campaign, the image or video will not display media forward. Instead, it will show as a pic.twitter URL link How long is the ideal flight time and what are the impacts of shortening/lengthening it? Longer campaigns (flights) allow you to gain more insights about what is resonating with your audience and driving outcomes for your business. What copy works best for Followers campaigns? Actionable and compelling copy works best for Followers campaigns. Give people a reason to follow you. How can I increase performance on my campaigns? How can I lower my cost per follower or increase my follow rate? Start by looking at your follow rate and your cost per follow. To lower your cost per follow, consider lowering your bid using target cost. To increase your follow rate, review Tweets that are driving more follows and consider adding similar Tweets to those that are doing well. It’s also a good idea to review your targeting. You can always add targeting parameters similar to those that are performing well. 20

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