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Conclusion As a marketer today, you might be focused This report shows that you’re not alone. So many of on driving revenue; exploring new channels; us are also struggling to balance the pull of creative and positioning your company in terms of work, with the necessity of operationalizing how we ‘do social impact in addition to your value offering. marketing’. More than anything, this year’s report shows You’re likely battling to keep employees that ‘now’ is critical—teams are reporting higher stress, engaged, and competing to attract an ever- greater workloads, and more limited impact than ever more-distracted customer. Almost certainly, before. If this isn’t a sign of pending burnout, what is? you’re managing a great number of tools, and The path to success is also becoming clearer. Teams you’ve got more data at your fingertips than who are aligned with company-wide strategic goals are you know what to do with. more likely to have efficient workflows and to produce better outcomes. Marketing teams who are investing in workflow efficiency are much more likely to achieve their goals (and, just as importantly) show how their results contribute to overarching initiatives. And this report shows that more and more marketing teams are adopting no code technologies and, in doing so, they’re transforming their culture to one of adaptability and agility. If you’re a marketing leader hoping to motivate your team to strive higher and stretch themselves creatively, it’s time to focus not on the work your team is doing, but how your team is achieving that work. Companies like Equinox, West Elm, Baker Hughes, and Panavision are reimagining their teams’ workdays, and connecting their marketers’ time and energy. The results that come from this effort extend far beyond the work itself. 27 Airtable 2022 Marketing trends report

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