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The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) is an independent, standards-setting organization that promotes disclosure of material sustainability information to meet investor needs. This table references the Standard for the Processed Foods industry as defined by SASB’s Sustainable Industry Classification System (SICS) and identifies how General Mills addresses each topic. Note that some responses may not be fully aligned with SASB’s definition, but represent the content most closely aligned with that indicator. Topic SASB indicator code General Mills response Energy Management FB-PF-130a.1 Total energy usage in FY21 for our owned production facilities was 10,201,111 gigajoules (GJ); 63% renewable electricity sourced for our global operations. Water Management FB-PF-140a.1 Total water consumption in FY21 in our owned production facilities was 13,607,000 cubic meters. Approximately 7% of our water withdrawals are from water-stressed areas. See CDP Water for details. FB-PF-140a.2 No incidents related to water quality and/or quality permits, standards or regulations in FY21. FB-PF-140a.3 Water issues are local, so we take a risk-based approach to address risks in priority watersheds across our global supply chain. Our goal is to champion the activation of water stewardship plans for the company’s most material and at-risk watersheds. See Water stewardship and CDP Water for details. Food Safety FB-PF-250a.1 96% of General Mills owned production facilities were Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) certified in FY21; there were zero critical nonconformances. FB-PF-250a.2 93% of our global co-production sites, 85% of our global ingredient suppliers and 97% of our North American ingredient vendor sites were GFSI certified in FY21. FB-PF-250a.3 No food safety violations were received in FY21. FB-PF-250a.4 We conducted one small voluntary product recall globally in fiscal 2021 for soup. Health and Nutrition FB-PF-260a.1 In FY21, 41% of General Mills’ global volume met our Nutrition-Forward criteria. FB-PF-260a.2 In FY19, we launched a new global health reporting system focused on Nutrition-Forward Foods that leverages established, transparent nutrition criteria grounded in regulations and dietary guidance and measures across our global portfolio. See Nutrition for details. Product Labeling and Marketing FB-PF-270a.2 We disclose the presence of bioengineered ingredients (GMOs) on our U.S. packages under the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard for all applicable FDA and USDA regulated products. In FY21 almost all of our applicable product labels disclosed this information, with all products in compliance prior to the 2022 compliance deadline. We are also voluntarily labeling all products that contain highly refined BE ingredients, with expected completion by Summer 2023. FB-PF-270a.3 General Mills fully complies with all requirements of CFBAI and locally applicable programs. We are not aware of any instance of noncompliance by General Mills in the past several years, and CFBAI has confirmed this in its reports. Packaging Lifecycle Management FB-PF-410a.1 In FY21, 89% of our packaging was recyclable (by weight) and 48% of our packaging was made from recyclable content. FB-PF-410a.2 We continually work to reduce the environmental impact of packaging by increasing use of recycled and recyclable materials, innovating to make our materials better, and leading through external collaboration. See Packaging for details. Environmental and Social Impacts of Ingredient Supply Chain FB-PF-430a.1 In FY20, we achieved our goal to sustainably source our 10 priority ingredients (representing approximately 40% of our annual raw material purchases). FB-PF-430a.2 In FY21, 15 of our owned locations, 30 of our co-packers and 190 of our Tier 1 suppliers were audited. See Responsible sourcing for additional details. Ingredient Sourcing FB-PF-440a.1 Our footprint consists of approximately 60 key ingredient and manufacturing watersheds that are the most critical for operations. Of those, 10 are prioritized as high risk. See Water stewardship and CDP Water for details. FB-PF-440a.2 In FY20, we achieved our goal to sustainably source 10 priority ingredients: cocoa, vanilla, oats, U.S sugar beets, U.S. wheat, U.S. corn (dry milled), U.S dairy (raw fluid milk), fiber packaging, sugarcane and palm oil. We have now shifted our focus to programs that regenerate the planet and create positive outcomes for people. See Ingredient sourcing and Regenerative agriculture for details. Sustainability Accounting Standards Board reference table GENERAL MILLS GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY 76

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