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January 2023 Global Risks Report 2023 Acknowledgements Contributors Sophie Heading Lead, Global Risks Saadia Zahidi Managing Director, World Economic Forum At the World Economic Forum, a debt of gratitude is owed to Professor Klaus Schwab (Founder and Executive Chairman) and Børge Brende (President), under whose guidance this report has been produced. This report has relied heavily on the dedication and expertise of World Economic Forum colleagues: Attilio di Battista, Ellissa Cavaciuti-Wishart, Kateryna Karunska, Kevin Kohler, Ricky Li, Dorsey Lockhart, Gayle Markovitz, Cam Powers, Samuel Werthmüller, and Yann Zopf. We would like to thank our Strategic Partners, Marsh McLennan, and Zurich Insurance Group, and particularly John Doyle (President and Chief Executive Of昀椀cer, Marsh McLennan) and Mario Greco (Chief Executive Of昀椀cer, Zurich Insurance Group). Thanks also to Peter Giger (Group Chief Risk Of昀椀cer, Zurich Insurance Group) and Carolina Klint (Managing Director, Risk Management Leader Continental Europe, Marsh). Special gratitude is due to John Scott (Head of Sustainability Risks, Zurich Insurance Group) and Richard Smith-Bingham (Executive Director, Marsh McLennan Advantage) for their contributions throughout the planning and drafting of the report. The report has greatly bene昀椀ted from the insight and expertise of the members of the Global Risks Advisory Board: Rolf Alter (Hertie School of Governance), Gabriella Bucher (Oxfam), Sharan Burrow (International Trade Union Confederation), Winnie Byanyima (UNAIDS), Marie-Valentine Florin (International Risk Governance Center), Charles Godfray (Oxford Martin School), Al Gore (Generation Investment Management), Pascal Lamy (Jacques Delors Institute), Robert Muggah (Igarapé Institute), Moisés Naím (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), Carlos Afonso Nobre (University of São Paulo), Naomi Oreskes (Harvard University), Jonathan D. Ostry (Georgetown University), Carol Ouko-Misiko (Institute of Risk Management), Eduardo Pedrosa (Paci昀椀c Economic Cooperation Council), Danny Quah (National University of Singapore), Daniel Ralph (Cambridge Centre for Risks Studies), Samir Saran (Observer Research Foundation), John Scott (Zurich Insurance Group), Richard Smith-Bingham (Marsh McLennan), Effy Vayena (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich), Charlotte Warakaulle (CERN), Beatrice Weder di Mauro (Graduate Institute Geneva), Ngaire Woods (University of Oxford) and Alexandra Zapata (New America). We would also like to thank SalesForce (Justine Moscatello, Director of Customer & Executive Engagement) and Lovelytics for the design of the interactive global risks data visualization. We also thank our Academic partners: the National University of Singapore, the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford and the University of Pennsylvania. Global Risks Report 2023 96

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