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Appendix B Executive Opinion Survey: National Risk Perceptions Figure B.1 presents the list of 35 risks that were To ensure legibility, the names of some of the global incorporated into the World Economic Forum’s risks have been abbreviated in the 昀椀gures. The 2022 Executive Opinion Survey (EOS), which was portion of the full name used in the abbreviation is administered between April and September 2022. in bold. The risks are comparable to those in the GRPS (Global Risks Perception Survey) but are applied at a more granular level to re昀氀ect the possible short-term and country-level manifestations of global risks. TABLE B.1 List of risks Asset bubble burst Terrorist attacks Collapse of a systemically important industry Weapons of mass destruction Debt crises Collapse or lack of social services and public infrastructure Proliferation of illicit economic activity Cost-of-living crisis Prolonged economic stagnation Employment and livelihood crises Rapid and/or sustained inflation Erosion of social cohesion and well-being Severe commodity price shocks or volatility Infectious diseases (e.g. energy, food, metals) Blue (marine/freshwater) biodiversity loss and Large-scale involuntary migration ecosystem collapse Failure of climate-change adaption Misinformation Failure of climate-change mitigation Pollution-driven harms to human health Terrestrial biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse Severe mental health deterioration Human-made environmental damage Widespread youth disillusionment Natural disasters and extreme weather events Automation and displacement of jobs Severe commodity supply crises Breakdown of critical information infrastructure (incl. energy, food, water) through cyber attacks Geoeconomic confrontations Digital power concentration and monopolies (incl. sanctions, trade wars, investment screening) Geopolitical contestation of strategic resources Failure of cybersecurity measures (incl. loss of privacy, (incl. technology, energy, minerals) data fraud or theft, cyber espionage) Interstate conflict Lack of widespread digital services and digital inequality State collapse Risk categories Economic Environmental Geopolitical Societal Technological Source World Economic Forum Global Risks Perception Survey 2022-2023. Global Risks Report 2023 79

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