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ordering all kinds of beverages and snacks from an Amazon Airborne drone. That’s the type of use case the patent cites in its filing. These CEOs all know about the future reality to which President Obama alluded—they see that society is restructuring itself in some pretty fundamental ways—and while other companies are carrying on business as usual, those CEOs Those CEOs are not stopping, either: in December, are running around making their investments 2016, CB Insights uncovered illustrations from an and preparations. As was true when limitations Amazon patent for an “airborne fulfillment center.” of mercantilism gave way to the expanse of In other words, a patent for drones that can ferry capitalism in the late 1700s, periods of great goods to and from convenient, flying, unmanned economic tumult always yield great opportunity— warehouses. Imagine being at a ball game and for those who can see what’s happening. 15

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