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World Wildlife Fund Partnership with MSD for Mothers is supporting the Pharmacist Accenture Promoting the case for MSD for Mothers: Council of Nigeria with implementing a tiered conversion-free food production Providing safe and quality accreditation model for community pharmacies Development and patent medicine vendors aimed at expanding maternal health outcomes access to family planning in rural and peri- urban communities. This effort was especially Partnerships Our global food systems provide fundamental significant during COVID-19 lockdown, enabling nutrition for human survival and are critical to Nigeria has the largest number of maternal continuous access to quality services when economic, environmental and social well-being. deaths of any country, accounting for nearly movement in the country was restricted. Accenture Development Partnerships delivers However, current global food supply chains are a 20% of all maternal deaths globally. Since 2015, the power of Accenture’s global capabilities and major contributor to environmental degradation, MSD for Mothers*, MSD’s global initiative to help experience to address complex social, economic social and health inequities and climate change. create a world where no woman has to die while and environmental issues in the developing To help mitigate these impacts and protect both giving life, has taken a comprehensive approach world. In 18 years, Accenture Development people and planet, we worked with World Wildlife to ensure women have access to two of the most 18 years In fiscal 2020 Partnerships has completed more than 1,800 Fund (WWF) to examine the conceivable future of powerful ways to prevent these tragedies: quality engagements in more than 95 countries across conversion-free food production—in other maternity care and modern contraception. We 1,800 191 areas such as health, gender, livelihoods and words, food production that does not degrade are helping to lead the MSD for Mothers country engagements engagements analysis is key to education, financial inclusion, humanitarian natural ecosystems. This portfolio, including a program which led to response, agriculture, water and environment. WWF’s global effort to bring together companies reduction of maternal death by up to 66% in one 95+ 37 Accenture Development Partnerships directly in food supply chains, facilitating dialogue state. The program incorporated a total market contributes to SDG 17 (partnerships for the and action toward a more environmentally approach in Nigeria’s Cross River State to better countries countries goals), one of Accenture’s high priority SDGs, sustainable future. link public and private facilities. Now, more as well as generating impact across other goals than 90% of women in the state have access such as SDG 5 (gender equality) and SDG 10 to quality emergency obstetric care within two (reduced inequalities). hours. Through another program, IntegratE, * MSD for Mothers is an initiative of Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, U.S.A. United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 30

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