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The Metaverse Overview : Vision, Technology, and Tactics | Metaverse tactics for enterprises Figure40: Potential risks Capital Manipulation Opinion Bubble Ethical Constraints Monopoly Tension There are still many Irrational public How to construct the ethical Competition among the Industry Evolution uncertainties in the framework consensus of the giants determines the Conceptual breakthroughs embryonic Metaverse, opinion bubbles Metaverse in a decentral- relatively closed nature have not fundamentally and industries and echo irrational stock ized framework needs to be of their ecology, and it is changed the status quo of markets need to return market volatility explored from multiple difficult to achieve industrial evolution to rationality perspectives complete openness and decentralization. Hashrate Pressure Privacy Risk Intellectual Property How to ensure the stability Addicted to Risk As the base resource supporting the Multi-agent collaboration of cloud computing, Economic Risk Excessive immersion in continuous operation of the and adaptation applications low-cost computing power Economic risk can spill virtual worlds can Metaverse, individuals’ data needs to across the virtual-real over from the virtual to exacerbate psychological be updated and expanded boundary are likely to lead resources, and many other the real world problems such as social constantly, and the compliant problems, remain to be anxiety and alienation collection, storage and management to disputes over production solved of data resources remains to be rights discussed Source: Deloitte analysis 4.2 Potential risks than the "old" internet has been in user interaction and form unified The advance of the Metaverse people's daily work and lives. Any standards, and needs stable service will present potentially significant malicious use of the data recorded providers, which creates potential risks related to addiction, privacy, by every interaction of people with oligopoly risk. Avoiding this risk is intellectual property, economics, the Metaverse will bring huge risks to crucial to Metaverse development. oligopoly, and governance. people's privacy. • Governance: The most desirable • Addiction: With continuous • Intellectual Property: With relationship between virtual development of the Metaverse, the integration of the digital and and human humans; whether addiction risk is becoming more real worlds, the ownership and decentralization of the digital world significant. The Metaverse breaks distribution of intellectual property is realized or it merely becomes the physical rules of the real world, in the virtual world and the problem the embodiment of a group of redefines production and lifestyles of virtual item embezzlement will developers' personal will; the in the digital world, and transforms challenge intellectual property influence of the digital world on social productivity. However, brand- management. the real world; and the division of new visual stimulus and interactive • Economics: Economic risk includes governance across the virtual and experiences could make people the possibility that the contradiction real worlds are key problems and addicted to the virtual world and between huge economic value in the complex to solve. unable to extricate themselves from virtual world and the virtual nature it. It is therefore critical to find a way of this value leads to speculative 4.3 China's attitude to the to balance the relationship between behavior, or that the Metaverse is Metaverse the real world and the Metaverse, attacked, invaded, disrupted, and Generally, China's attitude towards letting the latter play a more positive destroyed, damaging real-world the Metaverse has been to embrace it role. economic and social development. actively but move forward cautiously. • Privacy: The Metaverse will become China welcomes Metaverse technology a massive, extremely complex, open, • Oligopoly: Construction of the innovation and industrial cultivation, and dynamically optimized system Metaverse requires a huge amount but is strict with digital currency and that is more deeply integrated of investment to realize mass NFT trading. Embrace actively 44

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