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The Metaverse Overview : Vision, Technology, and Tactics | Technology 2.2 Key technologies' development coverage that can accommodate the Whether XR will become the main stages and bottlenecks current scale of Metaverse users, entrance to the virtual realm is still There is a barrel effect around and support for UGC content, 3D unknown. The blockchain is developing Metaverse technologies, in which engines, and computing power. steadily, and downstream application the "shortest board" technology Current technology and content can scenarios are constantly expanding. determines the realizable extent of the meet the primary requirements of the Regional policies and laws regulate Metaverse. Metaverse, and will continue to evolve. blockchain-based virtual currency technology. At present, various technologies only VR, AR and other virtual reality meet the development needs of the technologies have also reached the XR initial Metaverse, with 5G having basic requirements of the Metaverse XR provides an immersive experience, achieved large-scale, low-latency and now need to be optimized. with the goal of taking over human Figure20: XR experience development Basic Implementation Initial Realization Not Yet Started Somatosensory Seeing - Glasses, Screen Smelling - Smell Movie Tasting Realization Hearing - Headphones, Speakers Touching - Somatosensory Devices Idea - Brain-Computer Interface No Immersion Primary Immersion Partial Immersion Deep Immersion Full Immersion Experience Seeing Seeing Seeing, Hearing Taste is a Visual 2D Visual 3D Hearing Hearing Touching, Smelling combination of Hearing Touching Touching Ideas multiple senses: Smelling Tasting flavor comes Technology VR/AR , from smell and Spatial Audio Sensor, texture relies on Screen Technology & AI, Odor Digitization Brain-Computer touch, which is Acoustic Simula- Somatosensory Interface Taste? ? very difficult to tion Technology Device make virtual Source: Deloitte analysis Figure21: XR development 1.0 Experiment 2.0 Development Boom 3.0 Trough 4.0 High Speed Germination VR/AR Enters the Investment Fever Constrained by business models Develoment Public Eye Climaxes and technical bottlenecks, • Microsoft growth was sluggish announced • 5G commercial officially • Home demand catalyzes development of AR announced VR/AR industry • The founder of • Oculus VR • Facebook bought glasses Hololens • Oculus, Microsoft, HTC, Huawei, penetration Oculus VR developer Oculus VR for iQiyi, OPPO, 3Glasses,Pico, Value invented VR headset USD2 billion and • AR game and other companies intensively prototype VR Oculus Rift launched VR phenomenon launched related products device raises headset PokemonGo USD2.4 • Sony announced launched • Ivan Sutherland , million Project Morpheus Numerous companies • Apple the "father of • Google VR headset started to launch new releasesd • Oculus Go VR • Concept stock Roblox computer releases AR projects: Arkit headset listed graphics" in the Google • BBC released 360° • Google released • Facebook , Tencent, United States, Glass documentary We released • VR game Beat ByteDance, NetEase, developed the first • Google released Wait Saber sold 1 Nvidia, and Epicgames, computer graphics- CardBoard to • Six Flags America Arcore million copies etc. have successively driven helmet- blend content into launched VR roller • Baidu, implemented strategies VR headsets via • Huawei mounted 3D coaster Alibaba and launched AR display smart phone • Media company Tencent AR • Samsung released platforms engine Samsung Gear VR RYOT produced VR issued platform series 5G + Epidemic + Metaverse 1968 2011 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Source: Public information, Deloitte analysis 26

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