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The Metaverse Overview : Vision, Technology, and Tactics | Vision and Values 1. Vision and Values In this chapter, we discuss the development vision of the Metaverse, its long-term value, its characteristics compared with current internet platforms, and development bottlenecks. 1.1 Vision and 4 meanings of the access restrictions, economic functions, experiential, technological, or regulatory Metaverse connectivity, and creativity. Jon Radoff, interpretations. It is not easy to provide a In this nascent phase of the Metaverse, founder of Beamable, has ideated concise, definitive, unified definition that the industry has not formed a unified seven levels of Metaverse construction: covers all these dimensions. standard for defining or understanding experience, discovery, creator economy, it. It is a garden in which 100 flowers are spatial computing, decentralization, Starting from the original meaning of blooming and 100 schools of thought human-computer interaction, and "Meta (Meta) + Verse (Universe)", Deloitte contend. infrastructure. In China, some institutions has defined and imagined the future of have proposed that the Metaverse is a the Metaverse as "a converged world of David Bashuki, CEO of Roblox, has new internet application and social arena the virtual and the real". This has four proposed eight elements of the that integrates various new technologies, meanings: a virtual mirror world that Metaverse: identity, sociality, immersion, shaping a virtual space in an online world simulates the real world, an innovative low latency, diversity, anywhere, that mirrors the natural world in an virtual world set apart from the real economic system, and civilization. increasingly realistic digital landscape. world, the real world as a facet of the Renowned analyst Matthew Ball has Metaverse, and the convergence of the identified six characteristics of the These different understandings and virtual and real worlds beyond either the Metaverse: sustainability, real-time, no definitions of the Metaverse come virtual or the real world. from different perspectives, including Figure6: Definition and meanings in the Metaverse Components of Metaverse “A virtual and real world converged universe” 4 meanings Metaverse Virtual Mirror Virtual Native A virtual world Innovate virtual simulating world Virtual Mirror World reality to simulate reality Real World Convergence of Virtual Native World Real World Virtual and Real A new virtual world The real world Worlds Surpasses Virtual or Real World Source: Deloitte analysis 10

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