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The Metaverse Overview : Vision, Technology, and Tactics | Industry 3. Industry There are numerous enterprises already involved in Metaverse. Our framework for the Metaverse industry below facilitates analysis of the sector, related companies, and different business applications. 3.1 Metaverse industry framework Application layer: Generates all distribution platforms; and AI Given the broad contents in and digital contents and applications, algorithms that support intelligent different understandings of the including environment building, applications and interaction. Metaverse, a unified industry industrial manufacturing applications, framework is critical for analyzing the games, social activities, digital Technology infrastructure layer: industry, developing solutions, and artworks, economic activity, and virtual The underlying technologies of the other Metaverse-related work in a offices. Metaverse including internet, IoT, structured way. 5G/6G, and cloud computing. Technology platform layer: Contains We view the Metaverse as a large technologies that support virtual We use this industry framework to enterprise application with four layers: community building, community rules compare different participants in and application development, including the Metaverse. People wanting to Access layer: VR/AR, somatosensory the generation and import of virtual enter the Metaverse or investors and devices, brain-computer interfaces, infrastructures such as blocks and companies can use this to identify and other technologies that connect architectures; supporting technologies specific opportunities in the Metaverse users to the Metaverse. such as game engines and content industry. Figure28: Industry Framework Access VA/AR Somatose- BCI Speech Camera Mobile PC nsory Devices Recognition Industrial Application Environment Industrial Scenarios Consumer Scenarios Governance Scenarios Scenarios Tech Platform Digital Twins Game Engine (Engine) AI Blockchain Spatial Computing NFT Internet IoT Tech Cloud Computing Infrastructure Wires and Wireless Communications Networks Source: Deloitte analysis 33

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