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3,038 India Population provided with water access in FY21 92,092 Indonesia FY21 current year 95,130 Water positive by 2030 A company is water positive when it replenishes more water than it consumes each year. 0 2M 5M 5M Water m 3 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Base year Current year 1M 4M 3M 1M 2M 3M 4M Water consumption Water replenishment 1,912,934 3,325,664 3,945,783 3,966,639 4 , 47 7, 8 65 96,906 331,081 1,952,710 2,020,747 0 Water Table 1 Replenishing more water than we use on our journey to become water positive by 2030 In FY21, our contra cted water replenishment amounted to 45 percent of our global water consumption across our operations. a. Reported water replenishment volumes represent total contracted water replenishment projects for each fiscal year. Reported water replenishment volumes may be adjusted once individual projects are completed and volumes verified. Water Table 2 Delivering on our commitment to enable the provision of water and sanitation services to 1.5 million people in seven water-stressed countries by 2030 Our approach (continued) In FY21, we provided 95,130 people with water access across India and Indonesia. From the program’s inception through calendar year 2021, we have provided 242,988 people with water access in Mexico, India, and Indonesia. a. Reported values represent data reviewed and validated by . 47

Environmental Sustainability Report | Microsoft - Page 47 Environmental Sustainability Report | Microsoft Page 46 Page 48