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34 Version 1.2 December 11, 2009 Use of tints for information graphics Pfizer Branding Guidelines / Visual i dentity / 1. the masterbrand / c olor palette General users c ommunications Professionals design agencies Only use tints of colors when treating information graphics, otherwise use the color at 100%. Visual representations of data are conveyed more clearly and are better understood when color is properly used. Using pairs of colors that have adequate contrast will make the design of information graphics more effective. Specific screens (i.e., 75%, 50%, and 25%) of each color are designed to add visual depth and flexibility and to convey additional levels of information hierarchy. 50% 75% 25% Pfizer Blue 100% Pink 100% 50% 75% 25% light Blue 100% 50% 75% 25% 50% 75% 25% c yan 100% light Green 100% 50% 75% 25% r ed 100% 50% 75% 25% orange 100% 50% 75% 25% y ellow 100% 50% 75% 25% 50% 75% 25% Green 100% Purple 100% 50% 75% 25% light r ed 100% 50% 75% 25%

Pfizer Brand Book - Page 34 Pfizer Brand Book Page 33 Page 35