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39 Version 1.2 December 11, 2009 Pfizer Branding Guidelines / Visual i dentity / 1. the masterbrand / imagery Imagery: depth of field Background imagery • Broad view of a non-detailed environment • Serves as a contextual backdrop, allowing the dotted illustrations or the PDot typeface to carry the story • Use as a contextual backdrop midground imagery • Midrange view of clearly focused subject matter • Able to carry the story with or without the PDot typeface or dotted illustrations • Use to support headline or copy f oreground imagery • Macro view of clearly focused subject matter • Able to carry the story with or without the PDot typeface or dotted illustrations • Use to support headline or copy depth of field When selecting images for an application, consider the various typographic and graphic components that will coexist with the image. General users c ommunications Professionals design agencies

Pfizer Brand Book - Page 39 Pfizer Brand Book Page 38 Page 40