AI Content Chat (Beta) logo

32 Version 1.2 December 11, 2009 Pfizer logo-themeline overview Pfizer Branding Guidelines / Visual i dentity / section 1: the masterbrand / the Pfizer logo-themeline Pr ef erre d gr adient mark s fo r pr in t Composed of Cy an an d PM S Re fle x Blue pfi ze rt ag _2 c_ pos.ep s P ref erred 2-color* Use the pr ef er re d 2- color ve rs ion whenev er p ossible . Use the pr ef er re d 4- color ve rs ion of the themeline when only CMYK printing is av ailable. Do no t us e co lo r themelines fo r re ve rs e back gr ound printing . Al te rnat e flat mark s fo r pr in t S cr ee n File nomenclat ur e C lear spac e M inimum size Alternate 1-color White Use the RGB ve rs ion of the ar tw or k on scr ee n an d in digital applications . Th e clea r spac e ar ound ou r logo is equal to th e fu ll height of th e loze ng e shape . Th e pr ef er re d themelin e ca n be scaled down to a mini mu m height of 0.3 12 5" . Al wa ys maintain th e logo an d themelin e as pe ct ra ti o when scal in g. Th e on e- color themeline can be scaled down to a mini mu m height of 0. 25 ". Alternate 1-color PMS P rocess Blue Use the 1- color blue ve rs ion when a simplified mar k is re quir ed fo r pr emiu m it ems, silk scr e en, et c. Do no t re pr oduc e in ot he r co lors . Use the 1- color bla ck ve rs ion when the 1- color blue ve rs ion cannot be us ed . Use the 1- color white ve rs ion fo r al l re ve rs e back gr ound printing . Alternate 1-color Black pfi ze rt ag _r gb _p os .p ng Id en tifie r Back - ground Forma t .e ps ve ct or file fo r prin t .jpg RGB fo r scr ee n .p ng RGB fo r scr ee n po s re v Colo r 1c 2c cm yk blk wht rgb pfi ze r_ rg b_ re v. pn g Composed of Cy an an d Mage nt a P ref erred 2-color f or CMYK pfi ze rt ag _c my k_ pos.eps Do no t reproduc e in ot he r colo rs . pfi ze r_ rg b_ pos.png .jp g P rimaryRGB/Screen Alternate RGB/Screen 0.25" 0.3125" pfi ze rt ag _1 c_ pos.eps pfi ze rt ag _b lk _p os . eps pfi ze rt ag _w ht _p os . eps * Please note: The 2-color file is built with overprinting gradients. It is recommended to use the AI file in Adobe ® Creative Suite ® version 3 and later for the best appearance on-screen, in composite printing and in PDF files. Using the EPS file and/or other software may cause the logo to appear incorrect, although the logo will color separate correctly. General users c ommunications Professionals design agencies

Pfizer Brand Book - Page 32 Pfizer Brand Book Page 31 Page 33