Infosys ESG report 2022-23

ESG is an opportunity ESG REPORT 2022-23

Inside this report ESG REPORT 2022-23 How to navigate the report 01 03 We bring you the Infosys ESG Report 2022-23 – an interactive PDF made to ESG is an opportunity SOCIAL help you access information easily, to go to another page, section or website. Introduction 03 Performance on social goals 25 The ESG disclosures consist of the ESG Report 2022-23 and the ESG Data book ESG highlights 04 Enabling digital talent at scale 26 2022-23. Apporach to reporting 05 Tech for good 29 Click here to access the ESG Data book Corporate overview 06 Diversity, equity and inclusion 31 Document controls Message from the Energizing local communities 35 The bold text on the navigation bar Chief Financial Officer 08 Employee wellness and experience 40 indicates the section you are currently in. You can also go to specific chapters from the Contents page. Some of the links embedded in the content will 02 04 take you to the Infosys Integrated Annual Report, ESG Data Book, the ENVIRONMENT GOVERNANCE Corporate Responsibility microsite, and the Foundation websites. Performance on environmental goals 10 Performance on governance goals 50 Climate change 11 Corporate governance 51 Water 19 Data privacy 60 Waste 21 Information management 63 Print optimized A4 Download printable PDF of Infosys ESG Report 2022-23 Mapping with UN SDGs Our ESG ambitions continue to power our efforts to create value for our stakeholders. Throughout the report, you will find our ESG progress mapped to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Cover: One of the artificial lakes created in Infosys Mysuru.

ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Introduction ESG highlights Introduction Apporach to reporting Corporate overview ESG is an opportunity Message from the ESG is an opportunity Most companies know that being socially conscious and Chief Financial Officer responsible is non-negotiable today. By integrating ESG ENVIRONMENT Introduction 03 practices, businesses can effectively mitigate risks associated with environmental and social challenges, enhancing their long- SOCIAL ESG highlights 04 term sustainability and minimizing negative impacts. Apporach to reporting 05 At Infosys, we believe ESG consciousness is about creating GOVERNANCE a sustainable business where we care about including more Corporate overview 06 people in our vision so we can drive value together, while at Message from the Chief Financial Officer 08 the same time, fostering social impact, promoting stakeholder engagement, emphasizing ethical governance, and unlocking investment and market opportunities. This is encapsulated beautifully in our purpose statement – to amplify human potential and create the next opportunity for people, businesses and communities. At Infosys, we believe ESG is an opportunity – an opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous society. Join us as we review the progress we’ve made in fiscal 2023 in this ESG Report. As always, we welcome and appreciate your feedback. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 03

ESG highlights Reflecting on our journey so far ESG REPORT 2022-23 World’s most ethical company ESG is an opportunity Carbon neutral 28.9 mn sq. ft. 60 MW recognized by Ethisphere for the third year in a row Introduction 4 years in a row of the highest-level of total installed green certied space solar capacity ESG highlights ~50,000 fresh graduates Apporach to reporting 35 mn sq. ft. 57.90% hired globally Corporate overview of oce space monitored through of electricity for our Infosys command center India operations comes from 91% local 39.4% Message from the renewable sources Chief Financial Officer women in the workforce 49.92% hires in scal 2023 ENVIRONMENT reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions over the 10.96 MWh/US$ mn SOCIAL BAU scenario* energy intensity for scal 2023 5.5 mn+ 8.5 mn GOVERNANCE training days learners CDP climate 39 lakes 100% in scal 2023 enabled with digital skilling across our campuses, recycling of leadership holding 426 million liters of wastewater 7 years in a row rainwater storage capacity ISO 27001:2013 ISO 27701:2019 Information security management Privacy information management 400 deep injection wells standard certied standard certied across our campuses in India , providing a combined recharge capacity of around 20 million liters ISO 14001:2015 ISO 22301:2019 Environment management Business continuity management standard certied standard certied 2,40,000+ 66% 114 mn+ lives ISO 45001:2018 rural families continue to benet proportion of spending empowered via Tech for Good Occupational health & safety management from our carbon oset programs on local suppliers (in India) programs in e-governance, standard certied in scal 2023 healthcare and education * BAU scenario refers to regular operations without interventions such as renewable power or energy conservation initiatives. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 04

Approach to reporting Infosys ESG Report 2022-23 ESG REPORT 2022-23 Over the last four decades, Infosys has stayed true to the vision of the founders – to earn the respect of our stakeholders. It is no wonder, therefore, that a holistic appreciation of progress - inclusive ESG is an opportunity of the universe of stakeholders from clients to communities, employees, suppliers, investors and the government - has continued to inform our collective efforts and results, since inception. This ESG report, together with our other publications, reflect our approach, journey and outcomes. Introduction ESG highlights About this report Frameworks, guidelines Approach to materiality Assurance statement Apporach to reporting and standards This report provides information on The universe of our material topics on Our ESG disclosures are reviewed and verified Corporate overview the progress on our ESG Vision 2030 The disclosures in this Report are in accordance Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is internally by an independent group, namely, Message from the commitments. The report forms the basis with the GRI Standard 2021 and SASB complex and multi-layered, one that is deeply Corporate Certifications and Assessments Chief Financial Officer of our Communication on Progress (CoP) standards. The ESG Data Book contains our intertwined with the value we seek to create Team (CCAT). Select non-financial sustainability with the UN Global Compact (UNGC) each response to the Task Force on Climate-related through our business for our stakeholders. disclosures are assured by KPMG Assurance ENVIRONMENT year. Our disclosures show the maturity of Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Read more: Infosys ESG Vision 2030 document and Consulting Services LLP. The Independent our sustainability management system and Assurance Statement is available as part of the SOCIAL reporting practices. It addresses the growing We have also mapped our contribution to the ESG Data book. interests and expectations of our global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). stakeholders across environmental, social and GOVERNANCE governance dimensions. Infosys Infosys Infosys ESG Databook 2022-23 Infosys Sustainability Microsite Infosys Infosys Integrated ESG Vision 2030 Foundation Report Corporate Social Responsibility Annual Report 2022-23 Microsite 2022-23 Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 05

Corporate overview Global Presence* ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Denmark Finland Netherlands Sweden Introduction Canada UK Latvia ESG highlights Norway Lithuania Ireland Czech Republic Apporach to reporting Belgium Poland Luxembourg Austria Corporate overview USA Croatia Germany Romania Message from the France Armenia Japan Chief Financial Officer Portugal Turkey China South Korea Mexico Liechtenstein Israel Qatar ENVIRONMENT Puerto Rico Malta Hong Kong Taiwan Italy Saudi Arabia UAE India SOCIAL Costa Rica Hungary Slovakia Philippines Switzerland Malaysia GOVERNANCE Serbia Singapore Peru Bulgaria Brazil Spain Chile Mauritius Argentina Australia South Africa New Zealand Infosys began its operations in a small apartment office in Pune, India, Global footprint Employees Revenues Revenue by geography in 1981. Today, we have offices across six continents. For details of our global locations, visit No. of countries Total number Total Regions 2022-23 56 of employees ` 1,46,767 cr North America 61.8% presence2023.pdf 3,43,234 Europe 25.7% No. of offices Digital Rest of the world 9.9% Women 274 employees 62.2% India 2.6% *as of May 29, 2023 39.4% Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 06

Corporate overview Our solutions are classified as digital and core ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Digital Core Experience Application management services Infrastructure management services Introduction ESG highlights Insight Apporach to reporting Proprietary application development services Traditional enterprise application implementation Corporate overview Innovate Message from the Independent validation solutions Support and integration services Chief Financial Officer Accelerate ENVIRONMENT Assure Product engineering and management Business process management SOCIAL GOVERNANCE Digital accelerators Infosys Cobalt is a set of services, solutions, and platforms for enterprises to accelerate their cloud journey. Infosys Metaverse Foundry combines the Infosys Center for Emerging Technology power of domain and design expertise, Solutions (iCETS) focuses on incubation of platforms and digital accelerators, with NextGen services and oerings by identifying Infosys Topaz is an AI-rst oering strong relationships in a rich and building technology capabilities to to accelerate business value for creator-partner economy. accelerate innovation. global enterprises using generative AI. Key products and platforms Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 07

Message from the Chief Financial O昀케cer ESG is an opportunity ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Dear stakeholder, Introduction The business and ethical imperative for enterprises today is to focus on being sustainable, then acting at speed and scale to accelerate impact. At Infosys, whether it is leading from the front and ESG highlights being carbon neutral for the fourth consecutive year, on our journey to net zero, or driving digital reskilling to impact 8.5 million lives, we’ve been navigating our next in terms of creating a hopeful, Apporach to reporting progressive shared future. That we know is a responsibility. Corporate overview And yet, for us, ESG is so much more than responsibility. Message from the It is that powerful potential to continue to support the 2,40,000+ rural families who benefit from Chief Financial Officer our carbon offset programs. To do all we can to harness tech for good. To energize platforms to nurture inclusion and belonging among our diverse employees, facilitate employee wellness and ENVIRONMENT experience. With 1,35,355 women making 39.4% of the workforce, we are making steady progress toward our goal of 45% women in the organization by 2030. We launched an exclusive learning SOCIAL channel for our suppliers too, this year. It drives ESG learning and best practices while providing learners an opportunity to discuss, ideate and engage on ESG topics. It’s part of our overall effort GOVERNANCE to build responsible supply chains. It’s the opportunity for us to amplify human potential and create the next opportunity for people, businesses and communities. Ethisphere Institute, the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices, recognized our efforts, for the third year in a row, listing us as one of the world’s most ethical companies. For us, however, the true reward of our efforts, continues to be the measurable impact we make on the ecosystem - building opportunities for everyone to thrive and grow responsibly. Because, at Infosys, ESG is indeed an opportunity. Sd/- Bengaluru Nilanjan Roy May 29, 2023 Chief Financial Officer Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 08

ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity ENVIRONMENT Performance on environmental goals Environmental vision Climate change Serve the preservation Water ENVIRONMENT Waste of our planet by shaping SOCIAL Performance on environmental goals 10 GOVERNANCE Climate change 11 and sharing technology Water 19 solutions Waste 21 Adopt, invent and spread smarter ways to mitigate GHG emissions, reduce energy consumption, manage water and waste. To make our planet stronger by consistently embracing clean tech in our operations and client solutions, thereby minimizing the impact on nature. UN SDGs aligned Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 09

Performance on environmental goals Environment ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Environment vision ENVIRONMENT Serve the preservation of our planet by shaping and sharing technology solutions Performance on environmental goals Material topics Ambitions Progress in fiscal 2023 Climate change Water • Maintaining the carbon neutrality across Scope 1, 2 • Carbon neutral across Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and 3 emissions every year • Reduced Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 49.92% over the Waste • Reducing absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas BAU scenario Climate change (GHG) emissions by 75%(1) • Reduced absolute Scope 3 emissions by 50.15% over the (2) SOCIAL • Reducing absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions by 30% 2020 baseline GOVERNANCE • Engaging clients on climate actions through our • >30% of our client engagements include climate-change solutions solutions Water • Maintaining 100% wastewater recycling every year • 100% of the wastewater in our campuses is recycled • We embarked on a journey of obtaining TRUE ZERO WASTE Waste • Ensuring zero waste to landfill Certification through GBCI for our owned campuses in Bengaluru, Chennai and Pune in fiscal 2023 Note (1) Corresponds to 75% renewable energy usage globally. This will be measured annually against the business-as-usual (BAU) scenario, which refers to regular operations without interventions such as renewable power or energy conservation initiatives. (2) Measured against the 2020 baseline. Includes business travel, employee commute, and transmission and distribution losses as per ESG Vision 2030. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 10

Climate change Environment ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Approach to carbon neutrality ENVIRONMENT Energy efficiency To reduce emissions Performance on environmental goals Renewable energy Climate change To avoid emissions Water Carbon offsets Waste To offset emissions SOCIAL CARBON GOVERNANCE NEUTRAL in 2023, making it the fourth year in a row Infosys’ climate commitments • As a part of our ESG Vision 2030, we Infosys Nagpur campus have committed to maintaining carbon neutrality across Scope 1, 2 and 3 Human activity has been increasingly driving to mitigate the impacts of climate change, Nationally Determined Contributions) based on emissions, each year. the rise in global temperature, which has nations have adopted the Glasgow Climate their capabilities, circumstances and priorities. • Our Climate Pledge, in partnership with reached approximately 1.1° C above pre- Pact in 2021 with a goal to transform the 2020s At Infosys, climate change considerations Amazon and Global Optimism, is to industrial levels. This has led to rapid and into a decade of climate action and support. continue to play a key role in all strategies: become net zero by 2040. widespread impact on global climate systems. The World Economic Forum’s 2023 Global from mergers and acquisitions to leasing new • Infosys is the first Indian company to The year 2022 was marked by record droughts, Risks Report focuses on the various sectors offices and engagement with our stakeholders. participate in the RE 100 initiative and heat waves, forest fires, floods, and a record low where the world is at a crucial juncture, calling While continuing to remain carbon neutral, set an internal carbon price. level of the Antarctic Sea ice, crippling human for action to get ready for possible future Infosys also integrates strong efforts to better • Our emission reduction targets are population across the world. Despite the Paris catastrophes, while on the other hand, striving our sustainability performance by consistently validated by the Science Based Target Agreement of 2015 reaching a milestone in to build resilience. The signatories to the Paris embracing clean technology in our operations Initiative (SBTi). cooperation among various countries to adopt Agreement, including India, have put forward and client solutions, thereby minimizing the strong measures for limiting global warming to their commitments to reduce Greenhouse Gas impact on the environment. 1.5°C, the pace or scale of action has not been (GHG) emissions in the form of INDCs (Intended adequate to achieve the stated goals. As a step Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 11

Climate change Environment Emission reduction strategies Emission reduction strategies ESG REPORT 2022-23 Our strategy for carbon neutrality remains the same—continue to reduce Energy efficiency ESG is an opportunity our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and offset the remaining emissions. The growth of the IT sector has been Scope 1 phenomenal in the past decade and this ENVIRONMENT has led to a major expansion of the Infosys • Better operational efficiency of our workforce. Performance on environmental goals Diesel Generator sets Keeping this growing demand in mind, Infosys Climate change • Better management of fugitive has been a pioneer in building sustainable emissions from HVAC units campuses. From creating lush green campuses Water • Transition to Electric Vehicles (EVs) for to implementing innovative technologies Waste company-owned vehicles like radiant cooling, Infosys has deployed Scope 2 one of the largest enterprise-level energy SOCIAL conservation programs globally and achieved • Design and build or lease new offices significant reduction in resource intensity over with low Energy Performance Index the past 15 years. GOVERNANCE (EPI) Our buildings are the primary consumers of • Retrofit old buildings to improve EPI energy. We are committed to building our • Source renewable power new infrastructure in a sustainable manner Scope 3 and pursuing energy efficiency projects • Include a hybrid working model in existing infrastructure. We will continue to implement innovative technologies in • Promote EVs among employees buildings and collaborate with experts and Infosys Hyderabad campus in Gachibowli • Promote carpooling, public transport, academia to ensure our infrastructure is and low to zero-emission modes of greener and smarter. The focus areas for energy In fiscal 2023, we consumed 199.66 Million kWh commute among employees efficiency measures in green buildings and power in our operations across the globe. • Optimize business travel existing buildings continue to be lighting, Energy intensity • Adopt a life cycle approach for capital air-conditioning, automation, UPS, building (MWh/US$ mn revenue) 28.9 mn sq.ft. goods façade, data centers, and server rooms. In this process, we have not only achieved 2020-21 13.0 with highest level of some of the global best standards in 2021-22 10.57 green certification green buildings, but we have also set new 2022-23 10.96 benchmarks in green building certification. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 12

Climate change Environment Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of Renewable energy share of renewable energy in its power mix for India operations. ESG REPORT 2022-23 buildings Greening the energy mix Infosys Hyderabad and Bhubaneshwar are Being a leader in design and construction utilizing renewable energy from the recently- To enhance its efforts towards meeting the launched green tariff mechanism for ESG is an opportunity of sustainable buildings, Infosys is doubling environmental goal of carbon neutrality, Commercial and Industrial (C&I) consumers. its efforts to reduce carbon emissions by Infosys has adopted the use of renewable ENVIRONMENT considering a LCA of buildings that looks at the energy in its power mix. Infosys has set up solar upstream and downstream carbon emissions PV panels on the rooftops of office buildings. during their life cycle. This information is used In total, Infosys has 14.4 MW of rooftop and Performance on environmental goals to make a comparative analysis of alternative ground mount solar PV panels. Further Infosys Climate change materials and construction technologies that has set up a 40 MW captive solar power plant 57.9% can help reduce overall environmental impact. at Sira, Karnataka. In total, Infosys has 60 MW of of electricity for our Water The LCA can be used for the following total installed solar capacity. Waste purposes: Infosys also procures green energy through India operations are from 1. Identify potential for improvement of third-party power purchase agreements. renewables SOCIAL environmental performance. Through these measures, Infosys has 57.9% GOVERNANCE 2. Comparison of environmental performance using alternative materials. The Command Center in Infosys Bangalore 3. Documentation of environmental Infosys collects data continuously through its performance for certification, labelling and command centers. This command center allows marketing. us to schedule ‘auto-pilot operations’ using a 4. Drive our climate action agenda across our built-in intelligence system. This has enabled supply chain. us to monitor over 35 mn sq. ft. of office space. Infosys Kolkata's LCA-based approach has set Analyzing this granular data, Infosys has made an example for the rest of the corporates. informed decisions in new building design and improved operational efficiencies. Command Center Data - Our command center has also allowed us to adopt a data-driven operations approach the New Oil to manage, on a real-time basis, occupant comfort, indoor air quality, energy intensity, By collecting and reporting data metrics, water intensity, the health of critical assets, companies can better understand the impact critical operations, renewable energy of their operations on the environment, society, generation, water and waste treatment, and and governance. This data helps in arriving at the overall performance at all levels within all a baseline against which emissions reduction our buildings in our campuses. can be tracked and monitored including This data has played an instrumental role in inefficiencies, leakages, and excessive usage of facilitating Infosys to be a leader in carbon resources. neutrality and setting high benchmarks in the industry. The solar field at the Infosys Hyderabad campus Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 13

Climate change Environment Nurturing social development ESG REPORT 2022-23 Carbon neutral events Carbon offset program Infosys organizes a few public events ESG is an opportunity Infosys was among the first corporates to generate emission offsets. While this approach through the year. In 2023, Infosys commit to bold climate action. The Company requires careful long-term planning, intense envisioned to make these events a ENVIRONMENT took up active measures to reduce and due diligence, and strict management control, hallmark of sustainability. Environment- streamline the energy demand in its campuses. it is significantly more rewarding. 2,40,000+ friendly measures, like the use of Performance on environmental goals This demand-focused approach helped in sustainable construction materials, reducing carbon emissions to a great extent. Infosys partnered with local NGOs to undertake rural families continue to benefit water conservation measures and zero Climate change Infosys has also invested in renewable energy projects in rural India that would benefit plastic use, emphasized Infosys’ holistic Water (solar PV) plants to avoid emissions. However, society. These projects include improved from our carbon offset programs approach to sustainability. Detailed there are unavoidable emissions due to cookstoves and household biogas plants, carbon emissions were calculated for the Waste business travel, employee commute etc., that which improved rural livelihoods, community Since 2016, we have implemented eight travel of the participants to the event. had to be offset to achieve carbon neutrality. health and social harmony. Improved indoor efficient cookstove projects, four biogas, one These were then compensated by Infosys’ SOCIAL air quality and diversified income have ensured each of rural electrification and integrated carbon credits. This effort made all the Infosys’ carbon offset program has carefully a better standard of living for women and community-based projects (solar, cookstove, major events organized by Infosys in 2023 selected grassroots social development children. street lighting and public health center) across carbon neutral with minimum impact on GOVERNANCE projects, implemented them at scale to India. the environment. Improved cook stove Self sustained Biogas unit Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 14

Climate change Environment Engaging clients on climate solutions ESG REPORT 2022-23 Recognition: WSJ: “World’s 100 Most Sustainably Managed Climate solutions Carbon neutrality leadership Companies” | Ethisphere “World’s Most Ethical ESG / sustainability oerings Companies” | UN: Global Climate Action Award | ESG is an opportunity Infosys continues to strengthen its position Infosys became carbon neutral in 2020, thirty Global ESG Leadership Ratings in delivering practical, impactful, ethical and years ahead of the timeline set by the Paris Circular PLM ENVIRONMENT holistic ESG solutions to its clients based on the Agreement. As part of our ESG vision 2030, we Partnerships Decarbonization following strengths: have committed to be carbon neutral each In fiscal 2023, we saw increased traction in Performance on environmental goals year. our client conversations on sustainability. We Energy transition Climate change • Deep, internal expertise spanning over a signed up for a number of engagements with Our strengths decade the clients. Our new offerings included 10 ESG nance and investments Water • Direct positive impact on client ESG metrics projects featuring ESG reporting services and Waste Strong delivery capabilities as a carbon neutral service provider Green IT offerings. We also piloted our award- Smart spaces Achievements: Strong sustainability credentials: winning blockchain traceability solution at two (Carbon Neutral 4 years in a row across Scopes 1, 2 clients. Sustainable procurement SOCIAL and 3 | 28.9 mn sq.ft. of office space with the highest • Major technology and solution providers Carbon neutrality leadership level of green building certification | 60 MW Installed ESG data reporting and analytics GOVERNANCE Solar capacity | Community-based Carbon Reduction • Major research institutions programs) • Governmental and non-governmental Green IT Thought leadership Thought leadership organizations Partnerships: Google, AWS, Microsoft, SAP, IBM, Salesforce, Sustainability advisory • Recognized as a sustainability leader and hundreds more | The Economist Group, Financial • Rated as a top provider of sustainability Times | MIT, UC Berkeley, Arizona State Univ. | World Partnerships services Economic Forum • Research and innovation Strong Delivery capabilities Strong delivery capabilities focusing on: • Efficiency: Reduced costs and resources • Intelligence: Deep data analytics and reporting • Innovation: Operations, Supply Chain, Facilities, Products, Services, Living Labs and Centers of Excellence • Growth: New revenue streams Services: ESG Data and Analytics | Green IT | Energy Transition | Smart Spaces | PLM Circularity | Decarbonization | ESG for Finance | ESG as a Service | Sustainability Advisory and Sustainable Procurement Gachibowli campus at Hyderabad Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 15

Climate change Environment Growing our public / private partnership footprint ESG REPORT 2022-23 Infosys campus as case study for international delegates Cradle 2 Commerce – AWS Sustainability Day Lawrence Berkeley National Labs Infosys teamed up with the AWS Sustainability ESG is an opportunity and US Department of Energy Day, a premier invite-only day of inspirations, To accelerate critical climate solutions to thought leadership, and panel discussions ENVIRONMENT market, Infosys has teamed up with the designed for leaders who have a vested Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). interest in sustainability, IT professionals, Performance on environmental goals LBNL has been granted major funding by and builders across all industries who are the US Department of Energy (DOE) to run committed to reducing costs while protecting Climate change Cradle to Commerce (C2C). C2C is a three- the environment. Water year program that will deploy scientifically Waste validated, commercially viable IP from multiple national labs, provide unprecedented access to entrepreneurs and inventors to scientific SOCIAL and business resources, and support a just and equitable energy transition. C2C is designed GOVERNANCE to overcome obstacles to clean energy and climate tech commercialization in four domains: smart grid, decarbonized buildings, AWS Sustainability Day - panel discussion solar / renewable energy, and nuclear energy. Together, we are leading the way in entrepreneurship and scientific vetting of technologies as a dovetailed public and private sector team, which is accelerating climate action through an unprecedented combination of robust scientific validation and business Infosys Cresent campus in Bengaluru was achieve net zero carbon commitment model innovation. selected as an energy efficiency showcase across the board. It was indeed an honor for Europe's Earthshot for delegates of the G20 Energy Transition Infosys to have been selected to showcase Working Group. The visit showcased the its commitment to environment and Infosys is participating in Europe’s Energy focused approach to net zero design and leadership in climate action. Earthshot, a whole-of-system design innovative technologies implementation in This was followed, in March 2023, by a visit process for catalyzing the continent’s energy the campus to achieve energy conservation. of a BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for transformation. Launched in October 2022, G20 member countries represent over Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic hundreds of European stakeholders are co- 80% of the world GDP and 60% of the Cooperation) delegation to Infosys campus, creating and collectively advancing solutions world population, and is committed to the with a similar objective of understanding for a just and inclusive clean energy future. As implementation of the Paris Agreement the net zero approach and the innovative a “B-Team member,” we collaborate with civil which aims to limit global warming below technologies implemented for reducing society, governments, experts and corporate 1.5°C. The urgency to reduce GHG emissions energy demand and thereby carbon leaders to accelerate the transformative action across the globe underlines the need to emissions. needed to build a better tomorrow, today. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 16

Climate change Environment A glimpse into some of our solutions ESG REPORT 2022-23 Advanced Engineering Group (AEG) has in an additional production of 10%. With the Infosys also helped implement a report data from multiple transactional, operational, been at the forefront of engineering and adoption of smart planning algorithms for system to track the client’s sustainability and billing systems, across multiple regions. ESG is an opportunity technology innovations at Infosys. Towards better machine and workforce utilization, goals through sustainable product certificate Infosys also aided the development of a this, AEG delivered many high value, complex energy, and waste management solutions, validation, product authentication, digitized balanced scorecard to deliver near-real- ENVIRONMENT and technically challenging programs, Infosys helped to reduce the carbon footprint value chain, sustainable product KPIs, pre- time operational waste metrics. The API spearheading cutting edge technologies, by over 10% for each of their 20 plants. production sustainability standards and and dashboard-enabled data hub helped in Performance on environmental goals innovation and differentiated growth for Support to a global research calculated sustainable fabric content. This delivering daily output and analysis of waste engineering services. would accelerate the client's journey towards and diversion volumes, including resultant Climate change Connected Ops on Cloud facility to cut carbon emissions achieving the target of having 100% of a unit's emissions. Water production meet at least one of the sustainable Infosys has developed "Connected Ops on A global research facility wanted to reduce its material criteria by 2025. Support for energy management Waste Cloud" solution / IP. This is a cloud first platform carbon footprint and establish itself as a leader for a leading pharma company consisting of multiple micro applications in its field. Infosys assisted them by using Live and accurate GHG reporting related to Manufacturing Operations like materiality assessment frameworks to identify for carbon neutrality Infosys’ deep experience and expertise in SOCIAL Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), target ESG areas, ranking them from highest energy management enabled it to help a Predictive Maintenance, Energy Monitoring, to lowest in impact and priority. The client’s A leading consumer goods company set leading pharma company enhance energy GOVERNANCE and Maintenance Management. This solution is wider procurement rules and processes were sustainability goals for net zero emissions performance. Infosys’ systematic approach already deployed at multiple clients and at the updated to new environmentally responsible (Scope 1, 2, 3). The company aimed for 100% of helped identify key areas of improvement recently concluded Hannover Messe Germany, policy and processes through workshops and carbon strategic suppliers to set science-based to facilitate incident management and this was part of the AWS IDF (Industrial Data online sessions, particularly with category targets by 2025 and use 100% renewable business processes in the context of their Fabric) solution. managers. Specific training courses were electricity by 2030. Infosys offered a solution their environmental performance. Leveraging creates for teams and individuals. To identify which focused on creating data products technology, the client was able to monitor Industry 4.0 led digital and negotiate the optimal solution for the related to Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions defined and publish yearly / quarterly reports on their transformation and sustainability requirements of the client, an assessment of by the GHG Protocol, while also helping to environmental performance. focus external ESG best practice measurement tools define KPIs to track progress. The objective Global rollout of Employee Health was also done. was to integrate data to provide a single For one of the largest Aircraft Maintenance, Sustainable materials traceability cross-system ID for consolidated reporting Scheme (EHS) product portfolio Repair and Overhaul (MRO) providers, and curating GHG protocol-compliant data for a pharma major Infosys is defining and executing a digital Infosys partnered with a leading apparel products through live, automated and accurate transformation strategy focused on reducing manufacturer to develop a road map of digital reporting, which would further reduce Infosys focused on delivering on the client’s their carbon footprint by implementing a product traceability through digital product compliance risks. need to enhance employee health and Digital Factory solution at scale across the identification. The identification process links Measuring environmental impact wellness by bringing innovation in the client’s manufacturing, assembly, and MRO physical products with the digital world to implementation of different initiatives and factories across the globe. The solution improve product authentication. To track the of waste programs. Infosys helped in developing contains several parts such as real-time overall client's progress on the goals of its 'Design the A major waste processor approached Infosys a continuous monitoring approach, thus equipment effectiveness (OEE), condition- Change' initiative, Key Performance Indicators to develop a sustainability data hub, the first ensuring the compliance applicable within based monitoring of assets, real-time asset (KPIs) were established. Estimated fabric of its kind in the industry, to gather, organize the geographical boundary, which fostered tracking, smart asset maintenance, intelligent content and sustainable fabric content were and report measured and calculated waste efficient internal and external stakeholder planning and dynamic scheduling. The client calculated to provide accurate labeling of fabric volumes, and the resultant environmental communication on risk, performance and achieved a 10% improvement of OEE resulting quality through DataIKU and MicroStrategy. impacts. Infosys helped in the integration of progress. Infosys analyzed the client’s EHS data and proactively minimized the detrimental Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 17

Climate change Environment EHS impact of their products throughout their Advanced robotic solution to ESG integrated reporting for a To centralize and share ESG technology and lifecycle . This effort successfully resolved the clean and coat conductors large FSI operations data across business areas, Infosys client’s requirement of selecting responsible worked on leveraging ESG and climate data ESG REPORT 2022-23 suppliers and business partners. Infosys supported the sustainability agenda When a large financial services company sets for client and product reporting. Infosys Rollout of EHS product portfolio of the Prysmian Group by partnering for a key sought to build an ESG platform to assess has outlined a simplified and scalable solution ESG is an opportunity project. Infosys designed and developed the climate risks and their impact on other risks to support asset stewardship, ESG investments, for American multinational E3X Robot System for cleaning and coating the (credit, market, operational and others), Infosys enterprise risk, and client, product and Infosys enabled the digital transformation overhead conductor, which has the potential offered a comprehensive solution for emissions regulatory reporting along with automated ENVIRONMENT of an EHS product portfolio for an American to work both in energized and unenergized reporting along with a risk management and processes for productivity gains. The aim was multinational involved in heating, ventilation, conditions. This robotics innovation project is scenario analysis framework. The goal was to enhance ESG Business Intelligence (BI) Performance on environmental goals and air-conditioning solutions. With a a great innovation for the energy and utilities to report financed emissions internally and reporting capability to assist business groups Climate change systematic approach, Infosys helped enhance industry. externally, forecast emission intensity and and client Queries via a strategic data platform the client’s time-to-market. This facilitated End-to-end energy service temperature alignment of the company's activation. Water faster data collection, contextualization, and portfolio to well below the 2-degree scenario Waste data aggregation to ensure that sustainability solution for large REIT client (Paris Agreement) and to achieve net zero metrics are properly published addressing greenhouse gas emissions from its operations, Infosys helped one of its REIT (Real Estate supply chain and financing activities by 2050. SOCIAL stakeholder expectations. Infosys also helped Investment Trusts) clients implement a A solution was formulated to create a process ensure optimal functionality for the EHS sustainable logistics system by offering an end- to set risk appetite limits and track exposure GOVERNANCE modules of the client. to-end energy service solution that focused against those limits. Mobile and web implementation on energy savings and supply insights of the client’s warehouse customers. The system Sustainability data for investment of incident management for effectively implemented data collection management railroad firm across EV charging, EV utilization, as well as third-party data across multiple sites and Regulatory requirements to report an Infosys implemented a system to enable the geographies. This optimized energy solution organization's sustainability performance are client, a railroad firm, to have the flexibility integrated with a modular technology platform becoming complex and global. At the same to facilitate daily operations. With its deep not only enhanced the client’s progress time, asset stewardship and engagement experience and expertise in data management, towards sustainability goals but also reinforced reporting requires organizations to create Infosys helped to handle sensitive data Infosys’ commitment to being a driver in the on-demand reports along with standard ones. and prevent problems in a timely manner. clients’ impactful ESG transformation. Infosys developed apps to enable the client to enhance its EHS performance while also leveraging technology to monitor, report and effectively manage the digital transformation. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 18

WATER Environment ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Water conservation ENVIRONMENT Rainwater harvesting Performance on environmental goals Rainwater harvesting is an important part Climate change Reduce Reuse Recycle of our water stewardship goal. Our India Water campuses are equipped with rooftop rainwater We have evaluated the water stress zones in harvesting, harvesting tanks, recharge wells Waste line with the WRI guidelines for all our locations and artificial lakes. These reduce our external globally. The details of water stress zones and freshwater dependency and also help to SOCIAL withdrawals are available in BRSR. 100% of our replenish the groundwater table in the areas water withdrawal from various sources has we operate in. Our campuses in Chennai Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) which is less than MCity, Thiruvananthapuram, Hyderabad and GOVERNANCE 1,000 mg/L and hence considered as fresh Bengaluru have achieved maximum rainwater water. harvesting last year. We are continuing efforts to strengthen rainwater harvesting in our other We are continuously preparing our campuses India locations too. to be water sustainable by reducing freshwater Rooftop rainwater harvesting intake and implementing water conservation initiatives. Retrofits and consolidation in Rooftop rainwater harvesting systems have building operations brought down freshwater helped us offset freshwater purchases from Rainwater harvesing at Infosys Hyderabad consumption in various locations. Our external sources. freshwater consumption is solely for human UNICEF estimates that by 2025, more than 50% globally due to climate change, and as a sustenance and hence, we believe we do of the world’s population could live in areas result, more than 2.3 billion people worldwide not significantly impact water resources. with scarce water resources. Due to severe are presently experiencing water stress. We are focused on reducing our freshwater water scarcity, 700 million people could lose Understanding the significance, the UN CEO consumption through many initiatives. A their lives by 2030. To address this challenge, water mandate experienced historic growth, comprehensive water management strategy it is crucial to develop sustainable systems and its Water Resilience Coalition, which places has been devised to achieve water sufficiency. that can efficiently store and use fresh water. global water stress on corporate agenda's, also Water usage is reduced through demand side Moreover, there is a need for land management experienced record growth. As a signatory to measures and 100% of wastewater is recycled techniques that preserve the integrity of the the UN CEO Water Mandate, we commit to within our campuses. water cycle. We, at Infosys, are committed to enhancing our operational water conservation minimizing our water footprint and improving procedures and expanding our community Water Intensity (KL/MUSD) water accessibility in the communities in which outreach. We are committed to water 2020-21 96.39 we operate. conservation through the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Since 2000, the frequency and length of Recycle) strategy. 2021-22 80.46 droughts have increased by almost a third 2022-23 124.90 The rooftop rainwater harvesting filter near SDB 1 in Infosys Chandigarh Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 19

Water Environment Artificial lakes and deep water Waste water treatment and reuse injection wells ESG REPORT 2022-23 We have built groundwater injection wells Upgrade of STP to Implementation of dual plumbing Wastewater treatment plant at our Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) (WTP) and STP retrofits ESG is an opportunity Hyderabad, Jaipur, Mysuru and Pune campuses. Implementation of dual plumbing in identified Injection wells and artificial lakes are useful in Non-MBR Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) buildings of the Bengaluru and Chennai MCity Retrofitting WTPs and STPs using latest replenishing the groundwater table. were upgraded to MBR technology to improve campuses is in progress to utilize STP treated technologies for efficient and economic ENVIRONMENT treated water quality and utilize treated water water for flushing. operations is an important strategy. We have We have augmented the capacity of the for all recycling purposes. In fiscal 2023, we Location Status ensured that all the treated water is reused Performance on environmental goals following lakes during the year. have upgraded the STP plants in Chennai in our campuses and its quality is monitored Sholingnallur, Nagpur, Pune Phase I locations. Bengaluru B#11, 12 completed regularly to ensure adherence to all applicable Climate change Location Capacity Chennai MCity SDB 2 completed norms. New designs for WTPs ensure they are Water Chennai MCity - 1 750 KL Location Plant capacity MBR Upgrade better optimized for size, treatment technology Chennai MCity - 2 450 KL Chennai Shols 180 KLD Completed Procurement of grey water for and improved treated water quality. Old Waste Bhubaneswar SEZ 5,250 KL Nagpur 200 KLD Completed recycling treatment plants have been retrofitted with Jaipur 400 KL Pune Phase I 250 KLD Completed advanced membrane bio reactor technology SOCIAL Hubballi 75 KLD In Progress The procurement of secondary quality water that gives better treated water quality, through authorized agencies to meet the meeting all wastewater treatment norms. We GOVERNANCE During fiscal 2023, we received confirmation water demand for landscaping helps us reduce ensure that we treat and reuse 100% of the from our overseas locations that the sewage freshwater dependency. We have implemented wastewater generated through our business generated at our offices was disposed in line grey water procurement in Chennai and operations within our campuses for flushing, with the local regulations. Hyderabad. landscaping and cooling tower applications. In fiscal 2023, we recycled and reused upto Location Qty. received in scal 2023 Consequently, freshwater withdrawal has 11,75,764.82 KL of water, which amounts Chennai MCity 4,829 KL reduced drastically. to 70.84% of the total water withdrawal in Hyderabad STPI 18,827 KL India locations. This has enabled reduction in freshwater sourcing to that extent. Smart water irrigation projects 100% Smart irrigation systems have been piloted in our Mysuru and Chennai campuses. Projects in of wastewater generated is treated Gurgaon, Hyderabad (STP) and Bengaluru are under evaluation. Careful planning to ensure and recycled within our campuses lesser grass cover, the use of native species and the continued development of irrigation infrastructure including automated irrigation and drip irrigation have ensured lesser water use. An artificial lake created in Infosys Jaipur The STP in Infosys Chennai - Shols Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 20

WASTE Environment ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Infosys’ waste management approach is based Waste management on the philosophy of Reduce, Reuse, Refurbish, ENVIRONMENT Repurpose and Recycle. We seek to uphold Today, we use the equivalent of 1.5 Earths our ambition of zero waste to landfills through Performance on environmental goals to meet the resource needs of everyday life. active minimization combined with technology According to an estimate of the carrying investment in recycling and streamlining Climate change capacity of our planet, it takes the Earth systems and processes. With our efforts, we 18 months to restore what is used in just contribute to a circular economy and convert Water 12 months. Every year, the world produces waste into resources. Infosys has established Waste 2.01 billion tons of municipal solid waste, robust waste management practices, focusing of which, at least 33% is not handled in an on waste collection, segregation and disposal environmentally responsible way. of waste. SOCIAL Today, waste management is a crucial GOVERNANCE challenge globally. Waste management Segregation at source includes the collection, segregation, and Waste segregation at source refers to the disposal of waste. Waste collection is a critical process of identifying and segregating various step in managing waste. Segregation of waste types of solid wastes at the place or location at source helps in quick disposal and has of their generation. We segregate waste monetary advantages like extracting energy mainly into two categories - hazardous and from the methane generated by decomposing non-hazardous waste. Separate storage of waste. Solid waste management operations are various components of solid waste such as typically a local responsibility, and nearly 70% biodegradable wastes including landscape of countries have established institutions with / garden waste and food waste and non- the responsibility for policy development and biodegradable wastes including sanitary regulatory oversight in the waste sector. waste and non-recyclable inert waste, various categories of e-waste, and construction and demolition wastes is practiced. A color code for bins has been implemented for different types of waste. Reduce Reuse Recycle The Infosys waste management practice involves segregation of waste at source, secondary segregation, efficient collection and handling, recycling, and effective disposal of all wastes while adhering to applicable Refurbish Repurpose Recycle legislations. This enables reduction of negative environmental impacts. We also insist on eco- The biogas plant in Infosys Hyderabad friendly packaging for all our purchases. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 21

Waste Environment ESG REPORT 2022-23 tons/day are installed across India locations to enable conversion of landscape waste into Waste recovery options compost, which can then be used as organic ESG is an opportunity manure in our landscaping applications. Recycling As on date, our biogas plants have a capacity ENVIRONMENT Waste such as paper, plastic and metal, are to treat 10 tons of waste a day. The bio- recycled, converted into other usable forms methanation plants/ bioreactors in Infosys Performance on environmental goals and circulated back to the supply chain. are high-rate digesters where the organic We have established biogas plants in our loading rate is significantly higher even when Climate change campuses where food waste and landscape its loaded close to its rated capacity. Bi-phasic Water waste is treated through bio-methanation bio-digestion, known for its effectiveness, process, which produces biogas an alternative was tested at one of the Infosys sites. This Waste to LPG in our food courts. We also have sludge testing helped overcome challenges, such drying beds located next to our biogas plants as inconsistent input feed rate as well as the Organic waste segregation at Hyderabad SOCIAL to dry the slurry. Soon after sun drying, dried quality of wet waste. The trial was a great manure can be used for landscaping. Vermi success as we were able to establish process composters with a capacity of around eight stabilization at all our bio-methanation plants GOVERNANCE across India. Location Quantity Total quantity Total LPG cylinders equivalent Bengaluru 17,643.57 Thiruvananthapuram 1,955.93 Hyderabad - Pocharam 16,032.26 58,189.25 cu.m. Approx. 25,000 kg Mangaluru 2,933.13 Biogas Hyderabad - Gachibowli 3,281.18 Pune 16,343.16 Reuse We follow a waste hierarchy and we prefer reuse over recycling. Waste generated at source gets segregated and evaluated for reuse if possible. Waste like wood, STP sludge and bio manure slurry from bio-methanation plants gets reused inside the campus. Construction and demolition waste is sent to government authorized landfill sites where it further gets reused for various purposes by the municipal corporation. Used oil from kitchens is utilized in biogas plants as it has high Solar sludge drier in Infosys Hyderabad codigestion COD (chemical oxygen demand) levels, which in turn generates increased biogas. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 22

Waste Environment Co-processing Mixed waste challenge Waste vendor evaluation Environmental compliance Co-processing is the use of waste as raw In fiscal 2023, development centers in India had At Infosys, our green procurement policy We have a strong environmental management ESG REPORT 2022-23 material, or as a source of energy, or both to dedicated authorized vendors to collect, sort ensures rigorous vendor evaluation. Waste system aligned with ISO 14001:2015 standards replace natural mineral resources and fossil and dispose mixed waste to ensure minimal vendors undergo a detailed vendor site audit across all India locations in line with our HSE ESG is an opportunity fuels. Generally, waste which cannot be reused waste to landfills and maximize recycling. against several regulatory requirements. strategy and covers a significant portion of or recycled and has high calorific value is Post this, commercial proposals are invited the employees across the organization. The selected for co-processing. and scrutinized to ensure they comply management system is implemented across ENVIRONMENT At Infosys, waste such as tetra packs, tea bags, We have diverted with requirements. The proposals are then locations globally based on applicable legal Performance on environmental goals rubber waste, paper packaging, low value of mixed waste shared with the commercial team for further requirements and internal benchmarks and are plastic, plastic gunny bags, thermacol, foam, from landfills negotiations, if any. Once this process is a part of our internal audit coverage. Climate change carpets, discarded mop refills, lanyards, ceramic 90.45% completed, a formal agreement is entered into waste, flex banners, artificial grass mats, floor during the year across with the vendors. Vendors are audited annually We ensure adherence to the applicable legal Water mats, glass waste, cloth waste etc., are sent for based on the waste vendor checklist. requirements across our locations. We conduct Waste co-processing. India locations environmental impact assessments for all our E-waste management routine and non-routine activities and the significant concerns creating an environmental SOCIAL Co-processing achieves a superior At Infosys, we have been persistent in our impact include depletion of resources like environmental performance as compared TRUE Certification- efforts to ensure that we reduce, reuse, recycle power and water, waste generation and GOVERNANCE to landfill and incineration which can zero waste to landfill and dispose e-waste responsibly. Our e-waste disposal, and emissions that are part of our be demonstrated through life-cycle includes computers, desktops, laptops, material aspects. assessment of waste. Co-processing Infosys’ India centers are heading keyboards, mobiles, printers, cartridges and Environmental impacts of new services, is also recognized by the UNEP Basel towards the 2030 target of zero waste to batteries. Generated e-waste is always sent activities and changes in process or legislations Convention as a practical, cost-efficient, landfills through the adoption of TRUE back to original manufacturers (under buyback are also conducted. We conduct environmental safe and environmentally-preferred Zero Waste Certification. schemes) or authorized recyclers who provide impact assessment studies for all new projects, option compared to other waste us certificates on the successful recycling wherever applicable, covering impacts related treatment options. In fiscal 2023, we embarked on a journey and recovery of the material. The selection to air, water, social aspects, and biodiversity, to obtain TRUE Zero Waste Certification of authorized recyclers is done keeping in among others. Waste disposal options through Green Business Certification mind the extent of resource circularity in Inc. (GBCI) for our owned campuses at their process. E-waste is regulated through No cases of monetary or non-monetary As per Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) Bengaluru, Chennai and Pune. legislation and hence we evaluate the vendor sanctions for violations or environmental and State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) to ensure all compliances are addressed prior grievances have been reported in fiscal 2023. guidelines, bio medical waste, oil-soaked to disposal. Our campuses are built on state-approved cotton, oil filters from DG sets, and other wastes land in industrial areas and are not adjacent to are disposed of through authorized agencies. protected areas or biodiversity areas. These agencies incinerate the waste as per A process for monitoring requirements in prescribed guidelines. The resultant ash is sent line with legal requirements is established to Treatment, Storage, Disposal Facility (TSDF) and we ensure that all parameters are always landfills for safe disposal and in a few locations, maintained well within the defined norms. it is diverted for cement manufacturing. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 23

ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL Social vision Performance on social goals Serve the development Enabling digital talent at scale SOCIAL Tech for good Performance on social goals 25 of people by shaping a Diversity, equity and inclusion Energizing local communities Enabling digital talent at scale 26 future with meaningful Employee wellness and experience Tech for good 29 GOVERNANCE Diversity, equity and inclusion 31 opportunities for all Energizing local communities 35 We provide solutions and enable those we hire, those we work Employee wellness and experience 40 with and those around us, to not only live better, but also participate in progress for all. Technology is our way of doing good around us. UN SDGs aligned Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 24

Performance on social goals Social ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Social vision ENVIRONMENT Serve the development of people by shaping a future with meaningful opportunities for all. SOCIAL Material topics Ambitions Progress in fiscal 2023 Performance on social goals Enabling digital • Extending digital skills to more than 10 million • We have reached 8.5 million people through our digital skilling Enabling digital talent at scale talent at scale people, including employees, clients’ workforce, initiatives Tech for good students, teachers and communities by 2025 Diversity, equity and inclusion Energizing local communities • Empowering more than 80 million lives via tech for • More than 114 million lives empowered via tech for good Employee wellness and experience Tech for good good programs in e-governance, healthcare and programs in e-governance, healthcare and education education by 2025 GOVERNANCE Diversity, equity • Creating a gender-diverse workforce at Infosys, • 39.4% women in the workforce and inclusion with 45% women Energizing local • Delivering 33% of work by leveraging flexible / • ~75% of our employees leveraged remote working options communities remote work options Employee wellness • Facilitating best-in-class employee experience and • Recognized as a Top Employer in 22 countries across Europe, and experience being recognized among the best employers in our Middle East, Asia Pacific, and North America for best-in-class key operating regions HR practices and processes Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 25

Enabling digital talent at scale Social ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity introduced in the foundation program to employees with hands-on exposure to cloud Enhancing skills and amplifying human talent provide entry-level graduates an exposure to technologies. Some of these interventions ENVIRONMENT the latest technologies. include Microsoft Cloud Pro, a mega Microsoft Infosys continues to make strategic investments in the competency development of its talent. We Continuous education program Cloud Certification drive. have always believed it is important to nurture a learning ecosystem. Fiscal 2023 saw an increase A web version of the global news publication, SOCIAL in the learning consumption within Infosys and an overwhelming adoption in the community too. Lex, our versatile learning platform, helps Financial Times, was launched in Lex for Performance on social goals our employees keep abreast of the latest employees. We have introduced a LinkedIn technologies by learning anytime and from subscription this year, with over 9,000 courses. Enabling digital talent at scale anywhere. With the remote-first approach, Tech for good Lex also provides technology playgrounds to practice, and get certified using the in-house Quickstart, Diversity, equity and inclusion our lateral onboarding experience, Energizing local communities A virtual learning enables experienced hires to get an Employee wellness and experience in-depth understanding of the organization and craft their first GOVERNANCE assistant on Lex, 100 days learning plan. provides personalized guidance tailored ‘Milestone’ programs for our mid-level Experience centre at Bengaluru for an immersive experience of industry solutions and offerings to an individual’s unique learning needs. employees to enhance their role readiness, Foundation education program apart from improving peer networking and Employees ‘Infosys Assessment Platform’ leveraging leadership connect, and ‘Bridge’ programs that The Infosys Foundation Education Program is a its ‘virtual video proctoring’ mechanism. enable employees with training and internship We endeavor to provide employees with 16 to 19 weeks residential training program, to The platform is also being improved using opportunities to switch to new careers such as new learning experiences and future-ready enable the entry-level engineering and science generative AI technologies. consulting and technical architecture have also skills through two large interventions— the graduates transition into the corporate world. seen wider participation. foundation program and the continuous This program focuses on IT foundation skills We have forged academic partnerships education program. and one of the many technologies based on with an aim to develop top future-ready The foundation training program is designed to business requirements and includes process talent and to collaborate on emerging and 55 lakh+ learning days mold newly onboarded entry-level engineering training as well as professional and behavioral niche technologies. We conducted various and science graduates into corporate skills training. workshops in AWS, Azure, GCP and Metaverse professionals. The continuous education We hired 50,000 freshers in the year. Trainees in collaboration with our partners to provide Average training hours for employees program aims at upskilling or reskilling existing can also choose learning paths in Lex, our Men 129.0 employees and sets the tone for lifelong internal learning platform, based on their Women 132.7 learning. interest areas, and equip themselves with 14,800Lex courses Total 130.5 internal certifications to move faster in their careers. In the recent past, generative AI and prompt engineering-related topics have been Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 26

Enabling digital talent at scale Social Our learning efforts won us accolades from Learnship, and more offer insights into various Brandon Hall, ATD Best, Training Apex, and domain and technology trends through NASSCOM, who recognized the Education, masterclasses by recognized academia and ESG REPORT 2022-23 Training and Assessment (ETA) team as the industry experts. Virtual practice environments Cloud Innovator of the Year. Avasant and include programming challenges and ESG is an opportunity Nelson Hall continue to rate our digital learning assessments. capabilities in the highest quadrant. Technical and behavioral competency ENVIRONMENT Clients development is done through focused learning interventions including CodersZen, SOCIAL Infosys Wingspan, our learning solution for A Millennials Dream, Career Compass, Catch clients, has helped companies strengthen Them Young, and more. their employees' digital capability. Infosys Faculty members at academic institutions can Performance on social goals Wingspan, a one-of-a-kind cloud and mobile- get certified and learn from experts through Enabling digital talent at scale first platform, provides seamless interactive faculty enablement programs and can use the learning experiences, which has accelerated platform to provide an engaging experience Tech for good organizations’ transformation journeys. for their students. Diversity, equity and inclusion We have also extended Infosys Wingspan to Educational institutions can use the platform Energizing local communities meet the requirements of talent development to bring industry-relevant curriculum through in the healthcare sector this year. With Infosys rich content available on Infosys Springboard Employee wellness and experience Wingspan, clients do away with reinventing and monitor the learning progress of their the wheel completely. The client workforce students through the platform. GOVERNANCE gains from a learner-centric experience, including setting ‘learning goals,’ receiving An Infosys Springboard briefing session at an institution in Uttar Pradesh recommendations based on ‘interests’, practicing skills in fail-safe virtual lab them and amplifying their potential. Infosys environments, getting assessed and tracking Springboard promises to be a game changer their learning achievements and proficiencies. thanks to Infosys’ competency development The social and mentoring aspects of the lineage, active content curation, and ability to Wingspan learning experience also encourage support additional learning needs. It is aligned peer learning. Client leaders can use Wingspan with India’s National Education Policy 2020 to to communicate with all employees via live provide easily accessible, affordable, high- streaming. quality and accountable education. Community The platform is available in English and all major Indian regional languages, including Infosys Springboard, India Sanskrit and Urdu. In alignment with the Infosys ESG Vision The platform, powered by Infosys Wingspan, 2030 to enable digital skilling at scale, Infosys is available free of cost to any curious learner aims to empower over 10 million people from Class 6 to lifelong learners. with digital and life skills by 2025 through its Immersive learning experiences together with initiative Infosys Springboard. This initiative a host of benefits including curated world-class has been crafted to meet opportunities for content through partnerships with top content honing skills in learners and empowering providers like Coursera, Skillsoft, Techademy, Student interaction on Infosys Springboard offerings at an institution in Kerala Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 27

Enabling digital talent at scale Social ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL Performance on social goals Enabling digital talent at scale Tech for good Diversity, equity and inclusion Energizing local communities Employee wellness and experience GOVERNANCE An Infosys Springboard briefing and Soft skills training in a law college in Bengaluru The platform offers a choice-based credit technology and domain were conducted by affiliated colleges. Faculty enablement is also 10 state institutions, in India, have adopted system for academic institutions to use in experts from Infosys and the industry as part of supported by Infosys’ subject matter experts. Infosys Springboard in fiscal 2023. One of the their curriculum for industry interventions this initiative. Mentor-guided online internships have been states has leveraged Infosys Springboard to like assessments/assignments and credits for Through our engagement with content introduced this fiscal and two batches of the enable more than one lakh teachers. self-paced learning. Virtual/digital classroom partners, there are 12,000+ industry program were completed successfully. More In fiscal 2023, Infosys Foundation established capabilities can be leveraged by institutions to standard courses with curated learning paths than 50 industry-relevant projects, with a five STEM labs in Ramakrishna Schools under conduct online classes. Video-proctored exams recommended by the states to enhance the duration of 10 to 12 weeks, have been offered the Infosys Foundation-Ramakrishna Mission and assessment environments can be used to industry-readiness of the learners. As part of with a dedicated Infosys subject matter expert scholarships and STEM education program. conduct online examinations. our enhanced efforts, we are working with as a mentor. Students also earn credits after Another 30 labs are under progress. Makers Amplifying adoption in colleges and schools education departments and universities to successfully completing the projects. labs are physical incubation centers equipped An MoU with the All India Council for Technical integrate these courses into the curriculum. Curriculum for STEM subjects is now available with all the emerging technologies. They Education (AICTE) has accelerated the adoption A leading university has introduced job and on Infosys Springboard, for students from the facilitate a great hands-on learning experience of the platform by educational institutions. skill-oriented programs in the Computer Classes 6 to 10 for both CBSE and ICSE streams. for students. 20+ collaborated events with universities, Science and Information Technology A series called ‘Young Professional’ introduces government entities, and masterclasses in curriculum, which is being used by 250+ school learners to various industry domain areas. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 28

Tech for good Social ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Technology presents innumerable opportunities to resolve some of the world’s most challenging issues. At Infosys, we are committed to scaling impact and empowering lives through leveraging ENVIRONMENT digital technology in the areas of e-governance, healthcare, and education. SOCIAL Digital shared infra for social good Tech for good in e-governance Performance on social goals Our focus on digital infrastructure as a service (IaaS) seeks to empower social foundations and Infosys has embarked on country-wide projects in e-governance. We have joined hands with entrepreneurs to help expand the impact of their efforts. This infrastructure includes the Super various governments to transform the way government organizations interact with citizens, Enabling digital talent at scale App framework and various microservices for engagement, learning, campaigns, surveys, job businesses, and other government entities. The goal is to make government services more Tech for good marketplace, surveillance, case management, supplier management, telemetry, reporting and accessible, efficient, and responsive to the needs of citizens. Infosys is leading this in India with analytics. A modular approach allows these services to be combined and configured on our Super its ongoing projects in e-governance including income tax, Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Diversity, equity and inclusion App mobile application to meet the needs of social entrepreneurs. customs. Energizing local communities Employee wellness and experience GOVERNANCE Infosys Hyderabad - Gachibawli Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 29

Tech for good Social Indian customs portal MOSIP ESG REPORT 2022-23 Indian Customs Electronic Data Interchange Infosys has partnered with the International Gateway (ICEGATE) is the national portal of the Institute of Information Technology, Bengaluru Indian Customs of the Central Board of Indirect (IIIT-B) to support the Modular Open Source ESG is an opportunity Taxes and Customs (CBIC) that provides e-filing Identity Platform (MOSIP). MOSIP is a global services to trade, cargo carriers, and other digital public good project anchored by IIIT-B. ENVIRONMENT trading partners electronically. ICEGATE serves It helps governments implement a digital as an interface between the trade users and foundational identity in a vendor-neutral, SOCIAL the customs department and acts as a hub for interoperable and cost-effective manner. exchanging information with external trading MOSIP is currently being adopted by more than partners involved in international trade. Infosys 10 countries, either as national rollouts or as Performance on social goals is currently maintaining and enhancing the pilots. Infosys is contributing to a few modules Enabling digital talent at scale existing ICEGATE1.0 and has received positive as part of the tech for good effort. Through this feedback from users. The bigger scope of partnership, Infosys will contribute towards Tech for good Income tax Goods and Services Tax work for Infosys is to develop ICEGATE 2.0 ID-led transformation efforts on a national Diversity, equity and inclusion involving technology transformation to a scale. The Integrated E-Filing and Central Processing Network (GSTN) microservices / API-based architecture along Energizing local communities Center program takes the tax automation with enhanced and new functionalities to build Employee wellness and experience journey, which started 10 year ago, to the next Infosys partnered with the GSTN to a more efficient, transparent, contactless, and level. The program not only integrates filing implement and manage the indirect taxation paperless ecosystem. and processing into a single platform, it also platform for GST in India. The platform was GOVERNANCE brings innovation to each of the layers. In filing, designed to assist taxpayers in preparing, the focus was on simplification and scale. With filing returns, making payments of indirect Impact: innovative features like tax wizard, mobile tax liabilities, and maintaining additional application and pre-fill of tax forms, the new compliances. This unique and complex IT portal makes it easier and more convenient project established a uniform interface for ~1.6 lakh for taxpayers to file their income tax returns taxpayers under indirect taxes, which was and access related services. In processing the achieved through a common and shared IT entire engine was redesigned with modern infrastructure between the central and state registered technology tools and patterns resulting in governments. This has significantly simplified with around dramatic reduction in wait time for release of the tax compliance process for taxpayers, by users refunds (from 79 days to 7 days). reducing the burden of maintaining separate 90 lakh enquiries systems and complying with varying state- Impact: level tax regulations, and has made it easier for taxpayers to maintain their tax records accurately. ~100mnregistered users Impact: ~14mntaxpayers supported and serviced by the GSTN platform so far Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 30

Diversity, equity and inclusion Social ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity At Infosys, we work to build and sustain an inclusive, non-discriminatory and equal opportunity Building cultures of inclusion Our ERGs include workplace with the vision of taking everyone forward. Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) ENVIRONMENT vision is an integral part of the Infosys Code of Conduct and Ethics contained in the powerful tenet and belonging Infosys Women’s Inclusivity of 'Respecting each other'. Network (IWIN) for women Learning employees and their allies SOCIAL DEI governance Some of our many DEI partnerships A dedicated learning channel on Diversity, iPride for members of the Performance on social goals Our ESG ambition commits to strengthening Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Lex contains a include: plethora of learning modules, certifications and LGBTQ+ community Enabling digital talent at scale diversity, equity and inclusion in the Company and their allies and achieving 45% women in our workforce IN THE US experience-sharing through human libraries, Tech for good by 2030. DEI goals are a part of the corporate • Black Tie Dinner, Inc • Thurgood Marshall blogs and leadership talks. Diversity, equity and inclusion scorecard and flow into leader and manager • FairyGodBoss College Fund (TMCF) Award for Excellence Multicultural ERG (MERG) to goal sheets. DEI Councils at the global, business • InHerSight • Women in Technology celebrate a multicultural Energizing local communities International (WITI) An award category for DEI in the prestigious workforce and enable unit, location and Geo levels provide a rich • National Black MBA • Women of Color STEM collaboration across cultures Employee wellness and experience matrix of responsibilities and relationships (NSBMBA) Conference (WOC) Infosys Awards for Excellence (AFE) inspires DEI to collaborate on the strategic intent of the • RecruitMilitary – Focus commitment and action. organization to build inclusion for everyone. on hiring Veterans iBELIEVE for our GOVERNANCE DEI Councils at Geos enable us to be responsive IN INDIA Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) Black employees and the and tap into the ‘local’ diversity needs of • Pride Circle Black diaspora employees in the Geo. Diversity Councils • Jobs for Youth Beyond leadership commitment and policy, • Periferry there is a larger focus on where employees comprise members from business and enabler • Solidarity Foundation • Enable India experience inclusion in their everyday Family Matters, focusing on functions, who work under the leadership of a • American India • Giftabled workplace, interacting with colleagues and building awareness on Diversity Council Head. Periodic reviews enable Foundation • NASSCOM DEI Council immediate teams. To strengthen these micro parenting, relationships, teams to enhance the effectiveness of their • Sarthak India • CII DEI Council ecosystems, ERGs act as huge enablers. health and wellness efforts. IN AUSTRALIA • Australian Network on Disability (AND) InfyVets for Infoscions who are military veterans Our global memberships and their allies Signatory to the DEI leadership tool 8 ERGs United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Young Employees The DEI leadership tool provides DEI-related To strengthen inclusion Network(YEN) for the young Signatory to the UN Women’s data 24*7 to business and HR leadership to Empowerment Principles (WEP) facilitate timely decision-making on hiring, and belonging. and young at heart Signatory to UN Fair and growth and retention of the diverse talent Equal (LGBTQ+ Charter for Business) pool. InfyAbility for employees with Founder member of WEF Partnering for Data points on gender disabilities and their allies Racial Justice in Business 75+ available in the tool. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 31

Diversity, equity and inclusion Social Parental leaves 2. Orbit Next is a year-long program for Women high-performing women in the middle In fiscal 2023, the return to work post maternity management level. The current cohort ESG REPORT 2022-23 program ensured 99% women returned includes 1,200 women high performers. and development and specific interventions The program has four key levers – a profile Women in the workforce for women in navigating their personal and to work and 68% are continuing in their assessment through business simulation by ESG is an opportunity 39.4% in fiscal 2023 professional ambitions. professional journeys with us after 12 months DDI India, interventions to strengthen the International Women’s Day 2023 with the of resuming work. A total of 6,713 men and digital quotient levels through additional ENVIRONMENT A signatory to the UN Women’s Empowerment theme ‘Embrace Equity’ was celebrated across 6,976 women availed parental leave. reskilling and upskilling, Tech Talks by Principles (WEP), our efforts on gender Infosys. More than 30 campaigns, 50 panel Focusing on women’s subject matter experts and an Impact to SOCIAL diversity in the workplace emphasize the discussions and a 100 guest speakers, including Elevate program to hone leadership skills. participation of women in technology, clients, experts and leaders, made the occasion career progression Performance on social goals management and leadership. Our workplace memorable. policies and investments focus on learning Some of our interventions in fiscal 2023 Enabling digital talent at scale Tech for good 1. IamtheFuture is an integrated program, in 26% of women collaboration with Stanford, designed to from the Orbit Next program Diversity, equity and inclusion realize our ESG Vision 2030 of developing Energizing local communities women leaders who are not only have been promoted better prepared to take up expanded Employee wellness and experience responsibilities, but also inspire those who 3. TechCohere This program reaches out to follow them. The program design is based 7,000+ engineers and focuses on nurturing GOVERNANCE on three foundational pillars of accelerating and building a vibrant, collaborative the readiness of the leaders, fostering an tech community of engineers, architects inclusive ecosystem, and strengthening and technologists to learn, share, teach, the leadership pipeline. Since its inception practice and refine architecture design and in 2021, the program has received positive software engineering practices. This year, feedback from the participants, managers, over 50 sessions and panel discussions mentors, sponsors and leaders. Over 35,000 were conducted by women technologists. learning hours have been invested by participants. About 4,300 assignments have been submitted and graded by Stanford. Whitepapers PoVs 11 37 women leaders have authored by women were published 450 completed the IamtheFuture program Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 32

Diversity, equity and inclusion Social 4. Women in Management (WIM) is an The program includes a component of learning exclusive two-day program for women and competency-building, mentoring and Family matters managers at Infosys. The program enables working on client projects to give these ESG REPORT 2022-23 women managers to understand the professionals the support and confidence challenges that might be keeping them required to transition back to their careers. ESG is an opportunity from progressing in their careers. This program covers a series of modules on External collaborations making difficult choices, strengths-based ENVIRONMENT leadership, striking the right balance We encourage our women employees to assertively, power of networking and more. participate in industry events as part of their SOCIAL 5. Women of Infy is a popular blog column on professional growth journeys. This enables InfyMe, the Infosys employee experience them to strengthen their social interaction Performance on social goals platform. It is a fortnightly showcase of skills and networks. Enabling digital talent at scale women at Infosys. Their stories of courage, EVEmpower Mentoring Initiative of grit and accomplishment serve as a source Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) IWN Tech for good of inspiration for all employees. Southern Region, saw 30 women employees Diversity, equity and inclusion from Infosys participate as mentors and Women of Infy mentees. Energizing local communities 25+ showcases Women Wizards Rule Technology (W2RT) Employee wellness and experience is a year-long program in collaboration with NASSCOM (National Association of Software GOVERNANCE and Services Companies, India) to build a talent pool of 10,000 women in the new and emerging technologies for India. The program has online learning content, industry mentors, workshops led by industry leaders and hands- on project opportunities. It also offers learners access to conferences organized by NASSCOM. Family Matters is an ERG that focuses on Our Mother’s Day special this year included family, health and relationships. In addition sessions on different aspects of parenting, Restart with Infosys to bringing to employees expert sessions in future of child safety, fertility care, pranic Women these areas, it also serves as a great network healing, the impact of ‘atomic habits’, health- This unique program, launched in 2018, focuses for employees on matters concerning family, related topics and more. on hiring professionals who are on career 102 employees children’s education, health and relationships. breaks. participated in the W2RT program Sessions conducted for Women hired in fiscal 2023 21+ employees globally 365 through Restart with Infosys in 2023 Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 33

Diversity, equity and inclusion Social Employees with disabilities LGBTQ+ Cultural diversity ESG REPORT 2022-23 Our focused hiring and retention efforts for engine and exhaustive features that enable As a signatory to the UN Free & Equal, we are With over 160 nationalities in our workforce, employees with disabilities have yielded intuitive data to facilitate accessibility committed to strengthening and supporting our DEI effort continues to focus on the ESG is an opportunity positive results. analysis. an inclusive workplace for members of the diversity of culture and experiences, enhancing Key efforts during the year • External collaborations with our alliance LGBTQ+ community. We have curated three learning, awareness and collaboration across ENVIRONMENT partners to strengthen our inclusion efforts. learning modules on our DEI learning channel employees and teams. • Digital Accessibility Learning – A digital • Launch of persons with disabilities under the aegis of ‘Ally for Change,’ to build Cross-cultural skills and learning SOCIAL accessibility learning channel on Lex, internship program – The program focuses awareness and learning in the organization. We make continued investments in cross- our internal learning platform, has been on strengthening the talent pool of We celebrate important milestones, share cultural enablement through learning Performance on social goals launched. This contains learning modules, professionals for the industry and has seen personal stories through human libraries interventions. The Culture Café initiative is a videos and certifications to enable great interest from the student community. and blogs. Interviews with experts and favorite with employees. Enabling digital talent at scale employees to gain a deeper understanding famous personalities from the community Culture chats Tech for good of accessibility needs of people with Employees have are hosted on our DEI Learning Channel. We As part of this initiative, we help bridge culture disability and design inclusive solutions. have launched Infosys’ first global virtual gaps, enhance understanding of business Diversity, equity and inclusion Infosys’ Accessibility Testing Tool (iATT) is 1,357 voluntarily disclosed Toastmasters Club for members of the iPride culture and provide employees with an Energizing local communities listed as one of the’s recommended their disabilities ERG in response to the need for a safe platform opportunity to interact with their colleagues in tools and is an intelligent accessibility to improve communication skills and build other locations. Employee wellness and experience compliance analyzer with a robust rules leadership capabilities. GOVERNANCE Global recognition 1. Infosys has been recognized as Top 10 Best 4. Infosys won the Advancement of Women 8. Infosys won the Asset Triple A ESG Awards 12. Infosys has achieved the #1 position in Company for Women in India (BCWI) by in India Award sponsored by Credit Suisse 2022 for Diversity and Inclusion. two out of five leadership categories Avtar & Seramount, 2022. We have also at the 2022 Community Business Awards. 9. Infosys won the ICAI Sustainability (Transparency and Social Impact) in the been featured in the “100 Best – Hall of 5. Infosys was named among the top Reporting Awards 2021-22 for Gender ‘ESG India Leadership Award 2022’ Fame” for having made it to the list of top three employers for Building Disability Equality. rankings by ESG Risk Assessments & 10 in five editions. Confidence in India at the 2022 Community Insights Limited. 2. Infosys has been recognized as the Business Awards. 10. Infosys won the Economic Times Best 13. IamtheFuture program won the Brandon Champion of Inclusion in the Most Organisations for Women Award, 2023 Hall Gold Award for Best Advance in Inclusive Companies Index (MICI) by Avtar 6. Infosys scored 100 / 100 in the Corporate 11. Infosys has been certified by Australian Leadership Development for Women. & Seramount, 2022. Equality Index (CEI) assessment for Network on Disability (AND) as a Disability LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the US, in 2022. Confident Recruiter for 2022. 14. IamtheFuture won the Women Icons Asia 3. Infosys has been rated as “Most 7. Infosys is Silver Award winner in India D&I Champions Award in the category of Noteworthy” Company by DiversityInc, Workplace Equality Index (IWEI), 2022 advancement of women in 2022. USA. awarded by Stonewall and Keshav Suri Foundation. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 34

Energizing local communities Social ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity The world over, Infosys is committed to going telcos, retail, utilities, manufacturing, sports Labs in Melbourne and Sydney provide digital Young Change Agents (YCA): Infosys local to strengthen its profile as an employer of tech and edu tech, among others. The Infosys innovation-as-a-service to participating established a partnership with YCA to ENVIRONMENT choice for employees and be a part of the local Living Labs will also enable Infosys partners to startups with a presence in Australia. collaborate and build an International culture. test and incubate extended reality experiences CSR progams Credential for Social Entrepreneurship with SOCIAL in a 360-degree digital donut. It will bring the University of Melbourne and Telstra together Infosys’ digital ecosystem including The Infosys Australia and New Zealand CSR Foundation. Local hires clients, partners, startups, academia and program is committed to providing pathways GovHack: This is the southern hemisphere’s Performance on social goals 91% governments in a co-creation and collaboration for underrepresented communities across largest open data hackathon designed to help Enabling digital talent at scale environment. There are over a 100 digital the region through access to digital learning advance digital skills across the community in APAC region experiences to draw from and solution and ‘bridge’ interventions. The program has Australia and New Zealand. This year, over 500 Tech for good accelerators and services, which include four broad focus areas, including education, people participated. Diversity, equity and inclusion Australia and New Zealand Infosys Metaverse Foundry, cloud services via the indigenous support program, employee Infosys Cobalt, cyber security, sustainability, volunteering and initiatives for people with Energizing local communities Living labs edutech (digital learning) and co-creation disability. Employee wellness and experience workshops with Infosys Consulting’s product Infosys launched its living labs in Melbourne and portfolio development offerings. It will Education and Sydney, Australia, in 2022. The program also feature WONGDOODY’s human experience Future Leaders program: The Future Leaders GOVERNANCE is designed to help advance ESG and people- design expertise to elevate brand and business program is designed to enable pathways to centric innovation in the region. Underpinned interactions and virtual reality zones. learning and education for students including by an ecosystem approach, the living labs will students from regional locations. 30 students enable a confluence of digital technologies engaged in the Victoria Springboard channel 5-years of GovHack with Infosys to advance digital skills and human experience. Infosys partners will page-built-Living Lab camp hosted in in Australia and New Zealand be able to leverage solution accelerators, Melbourne. Partnership with Auckland University (NZ): digital experiences, and frameworks to ideate, Infosys signed a funding agreement with prototype and test innovations. Led by the Auckland University (NZ) to support Māori and Infosys Centre for Emerging Technologies, Pacifica students in the faculties of science and these solution accelerators leverage digital engineering. In addition, we offer mentoring technologies including cloud, 5G, IoT, 3D, AI, support to these underrepresented student cyber security, data and analytics, AR, VR and Andrew Groth, EVP Infosys and Region Head, Australia groups so that they complete their studies and address industry use cases in financial services, and NZ, delivers the keynote address at the launch of the find pathways to employment. Infosys Melbourne Living Lab In October 2022, Infosys also extended its Biz Rebuild: Infosys partnered with Biz Rebuild. living lab ecosystem to enterprise-ready This is a business-led initiative to provide startups in Australia to accelerate their go to practical and on-the-ground assistance to small market. On the Startup Day, startups from and local businesses left devastated by natural the Infosys Innovation Network (IIN), with a disasters. In 2022, BizRebuild has provided presence in Australia, had the opportunity to support in re-tooling and business advisory pitch their products and services to Infosys’ vouchers to more than 1,500 small businesses enterprise customers from the private sector, Future Leaders Program beneficiaries at the Australian in deluged communities across New South Infosys Melbourne Living Lab Launch public sector and academia. Infosys Living Open 2023 Wales and Queensland. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 35

Energizing local communities Social Indigenous support programs Initiatives for people with Veera: This program helps domestic violence EMEA The Galuwa Program - Indigenous outreach disabilities victims by empowering migrant women ESG REPORT 2022-23 and engagement: Galuwa is an outreach and through awareness and support (education, UK engagement program for indigenous youth Disability-confident recruiter: Infosys IT workshops, social campaigns, legal support in Australia that focuses on deeper and more benefited from its long standing seven-year and more). Infosys Springboard ESG is an opportunity meaningful engagement with high school partnership with the Australian Network on Ozanam House (VIC): Infosys employees indigenous students through corporate Disability (AND) and was again recognized for continue to volunteer in providing support Infosys has launched the Springboard platform and community partnerships. The program the third year as a Disability Confident recruiter, to Ozanam House which helps people for Sandwell Council in the West Midlands ENVIRONMENT engaged 35 students. extending its commitment to the disabled experiencing homelessness (120 FTE days of and Brent Council in London as a part of our community. To increase and widen tennis fan support was provided in fiscal 2023). social value commitment to provide free online SOCIAL engagement for the Australian Open, Infosys digital learning platform to residents, schools worked with Tennis Australia and updated Infosys China and colleges. The platform now has over 49,000 Performance on social goals its Infosys MatchBeats technology to present registered users. simplified game data and visualizations which GREEN AMBASSADOR | Enabling digital talent at scale included contrasting color combinations Museum of Memories Project Tech for good meeting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Hangzhou DC ‘The Museum of Memories’ project for the (WCAG) 2.1 AA. The Infosys Hangzhou team and their families Dementia Research Institute was launched. Diversity, equity and inclusion participated in a sustainability effort to clean a UTS Galuwa Program participants at Infosys' Sydney Focused on raising awareness around how Energizing local communities Living Lab section of the Wu Yun mountain. The 10-km- dementia disproportionately affects women, Employee wellness and experience Yirigaa Project: This project focuses on long drive took about five hours. The team WongDoody created the ‘Museum of Memories’ building digital skills among indigenous collected more than 10 bags of trash and - a virtual museum that curates cherished students of the Yirigaa community. received huge appreciation from the locals. memories from women who have experienced GOVERNANCE SPRING - Giving Tree Program: SPRING is an dementia. We brought their precious moments Auckland City Mission: People approach the employee-led team that supports various to life, in a way that’s not possible in the mission when they need access to permanent Disability Awareness: Infosys participated in philanthropic activities such as donation drives physical word and then stored these memories and sustained housing, enough nutritious food PACE mentoring program 2022 organized by for blood, books and computers. This year, the in the blockchain as ‘digital heirlooms’ so they to eat, and when their physical and mental AND. Two employees from Infosys mentored team organized the donation of 1,170+ laptops can never degrade or disappear. health is compromised. Infosys contributed to mentees with disability preparing them for across China. the mission. professional life. Infosys’ participation also The website also details positive lifestyle Tennis Australia (Play for Ukraine / UNICEF): helped broaden disability confidence and Giving Tree – Since 2009, SPRING team and behaviour changes that aid in preventing Infosys also supported Tennis Australia to help awareness among Infosys staff, while providing Infosys China employees have supported the dementia in later life. those affected by the war in Ukraine. job seekers with disability exposure to the Community Center, Shanghai (CCS) Giving Tree Supported by short documentaries, nationwide professional world. charity program. Infosys China assisted 1,721 advertising placements, and an influencer migrant / underprivileged students in need by campaign we’ve seen an earned media reach of Employee volunteering donated Giving Tree bags, filled with age and 125 million (including coverage in the UK’s BBC Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA): gender-appropriate winter clothes and school Radio) plus results from the social influencer supplies. work reaching 1,25,000 views, 15,000 likes and Infosys provided support in helping establish an average engagement rate of 10.5% (the a network of services and support for MHFA industry average is 4.5%). patrons through awareness, multi-lingual support, interactive voice-supported chatbot and other technology solutions. We also 'Tennis Plays for Peace', a fundraiser for Ukraine by provided an interactive chatbot to help MHFA Tennis Australia and UNICEF, supported by Infosys. user queries. Over 6,00,000 queries were responded to using this. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 36

Energizing local communities Social France Germany Americas Infosys Springboard in the USA Infosys, in partnership with the NGO LEPC, is Infosys participated in the ISG Research Day in In fiscal 2023, the Foundation expanded its ESG REPORT 2022-23 contributing to digital inclusion in France. As a January 2023 in Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany. Infosys Canada Infosys Springboard USA digital learning partner of LEPC’s Innov’Avenir program, Infosys ISG and Infosys have partnered in the past in In 2022, Infosys and the University of Alberta platforms to reach not only K-12 educators is bridging the digital gap for students and France, Italy, Nordics and the UK. renewed their agreement with the intent of and students through the Pathfinders Online ESG is an opportunity young adults, from marginalised areas, who Otto Beisheim School of Management was cultivating the next generation of tech talent, Institute, but also to bring digital skills to often lack knowledge and understanding of invited to the Infosys office in Düsseldorf. This spark innovation and advance opportunities, higher education learners and professionals ENVIRONMENT the digital world and transformations. Infosys visit highlighted our commitment to building such as internships for the students. This seeking to upskill in the latest technology aims to add 1,000 beneficiaries to the program relationships with academic institutions and would be further enhanced by prioritizing trends and leadership skills through the Digital SOCIAL through training and coaching. Further, Infosys showcasing our company culture and values to professional development and training Academy. is aiming to extend the scope of the program the next generation of professionals. opportunities for students. Digital Academy Performance on social goals to the Toulouse (south west France) area. Several Infosys France volunteers also directly Partnership with Hackerschool Infosys has partnered with Calgary Economic The Digital Academy offers over 8,000 courses Enabling digital talent at scale contributed to training interventions in Development, a not-for-profit corporation in coding, data science, cyber security, machine marginalised area high schools. The Hackerschool and Infosys teams met in funded by the City of Calgary for a multitude of learning, and AI, as well as critical leadership Tech for good Hamburg for the IT Strategic Days in February events related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion skills that will help talent prepare for the Diversity, equity and inclusion Les Pros dans ta Classe Initiative 2023 and planned joint activities including (DEI), indigenous communities, tech talent technology-enabled workforce. Through Summer Schools for students in and around immigration, tech confluences and academia Springboard platforms, the Foundation Energizing local communities This is a digital inclusion program in the Paris, Düsseldorf at Infosys. associations. contributes to the Infosys ESG Vision 2030 goal Employee wellness and experience Marseille and Occitanie regions. With the of reaching 10 million globally with digital skills support of 18 employees, 13 sessions have Infosys USA by 2025. been conducted. Infosys Foundation USA GOVERNANCE Benelux Pathfinders Online Institute Infosys Foundation USA is committed to During fiscal 2023, the Foundation curated 17 Infosys Benelux contributed to assisting expanding computer science and maker new courses for the Pathfinders Online Institute Ukrainian refugees by generously donating education to K-12 students and educators, across a range of computer science subjects over 100 food supplements. The mayor of Düsseldorf and the head of the library and delivering digital skills for all, particularly such as cyber security, robotics, AI, and those at In Benelux, a partnership with local universities project visited the Infosys Innovation Lab in Düsseldorf, within under-represented communities. the intersection of arts and technology. These is helping us acquire local talents. In Belgium, Germany. Through its programming, signature initiatives offerings reflect a high degree of diversity we have a tie-up with Antwerp Management Romania and the two digital learning platforms of and inclusion, reaching underrepresented School. In the Netherlands, we have tied Infosys Springboard USA, the Foundation communities, such as neurodiverse students up with Technische Universiteit Eindhoven In Romania, schools are invited to visit reached 1.3 million students and 44,000 and non-English language learners. Today, the (Eindhoven Institute of Technology), University Company facilities. This helps us engage with educators in fiscal 2023, taking the total Pathfinders Online Institute hosts more than of Amsterdam, Maastricht University, the local community and promote positive number of students reached to 24 million and 18,000 account holders. Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus relationships with schools, students, and educators to over 1 million. University and more. teachers. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 37

Energizing local communities Social Below are highlights of these courses: Volunteering efforts On March 14, 2022, Infosys Foundation USA • Coding music in Python: Infosys Foundation USA made a concerted sponsored a professional development event Produced by Black Girls CODE and effort in fiscal 2023 to engage Infosys from Firia Labs at the Infosys Phoenix Tech ESG REPORT 2022-23 GoldieBlox, this course teaches middle and Innovation Center in Tempe, Arizona. With and high school students basic Python employees in the wider mission of tackling support from Infosys volunteers, this in-person programming language through music. the digital skills gap through a series of event brought 18 middle and high school ESG is an opportunity The modules cover a range of programming Career Tech Talks; hosting micro:bit office educators together for free training in Python concepts, including function calls and hours during the International Day of the code. ENVIRONMENT arguments, assigning variables, and Girl; SDG-focused Design Thinking workshop; representing musical beats as strings, for mentoring the Infy App Challenge 4.0 NYC high SOCIAL loops, defining functions, reading input, school students; delivering project feedback and if statements. during the Kode with Klossy STEM summer Performance on social goals camps and capturing candid professional • Cuantrix: advice in the Million Women Mentors video Enabling digital talent at scale Taught in both Spanish and English, series to encourage girls to pursue STEM these modules were produced by Televisa careers. The CrossRoads 2023 conference in Tech for good Foundation and designed to engage Latinx Tempe, Arizona opened additional doors for Diversity, equity and inclusion students in CS. 'Cuantrix Elementary' for employees to engage with the thought leaders K-5 students teaches the basics of coding of K12 computer science and maker education Energizing local communities while 'Cuantrix Advanced,' covers more as video production assistants, Living Lab Employee wellness and experience advanced topics such as website coding, presenters and program implementation app development, and AI for grades 6-10. support. These efforts not only help empower GOVERNANCE • Digital empowerment for your future: and inspire future generations, but also foster This course, produced by scholars from Tech a sense of community and purpose among Kids Unlimited, was specifically designed Infosys employees. both by and for neurodiverse students. Additional spotlight projects are captured The innovative curriculum equips teachers below: with the necessary tools to effectively teach neurodiverse students about In early 2022, 27 Infosys volunteers provided online safety, privacy, recognizing scams IT Career Talks about Data, AI and Digital and misinformation, and smart security Transformation to over 60 high school students During the past year, over 30 Infosys mentors 13 Infosys volunteers delivered a series of practices. in the newly launched school, Newark School provided professional and academic guidance virtual 'Infy Tech Talks' to 359 NYC high school • Cyber A.C.E.S.: of IT and Data Science, in Newark. to more than 115 NYC-based high school students as part of our ongoing partnership This cyber security course, produced by students, as they designed an app that with the non-profit PENCIL where they shared Palo Alto Networks, aims to demystify cyber addresses a societal challenge as part of personal and professional insights to students security through interactive learning by the 'Infy App Challenge 3.0'. Additionally, potentially pursuing careers in tech. equipping kids in the age group of 5-15 throughout the 2022 Spring semester, with the resources to have safer online experiences, become good digital citizens, and protect their digital future. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 38

Energizing local communities Social From June 20 to July 1, 2022, the Foundation Infosys employees provided support to an During CSEdWeek in December 2022, the sponsored a two-week STEM camp in in-person hackathon, hosted by the Televisa Foundation, in partnership with Learning partnership with Kode with Klossy at the Foundation, serving 54 Latinx students in Blade and Million Women Mentors, produced ESG REPORT 2022-23 Infosys Technology and Innovation Center Phoenix, Arizona. The 'Ready.Set.Code.' the ‘Women in CS’ video series featuring four in Raleigh, North Carolina. The camp was hackathon provided students with valuable employees who shared their career stories ESG is an opportunity designed for middle and high school girls, technological insights through workshops on and encouraged young women to pursue gender non-conforming, and transgender Design Thinking and machine learning. STEM careers. Infosys women leaders, Lopa teenagers to learn basic coding skills and Mahapatra, Raje Ganesan, Kavitha Ganesh, and ENVIRONMENT complete a group project showcasing their Jayashree Sridharan, shared candid insights skills and passion. We were thrilled to have about their own professional journeys. SOCIAL 10 employees give their time, insights and support to these young future computer Performance on social goals scientists during the 'Pitch Party' and the 'Career Tech Panel' led by Foundation Executive Enabling digital talent at scale Director Kate Maloney. Tech for good Diversity, equity and inclusion On October 11, 2022, the Foundation Energizing local communities celebrated the International Day of the Girl Employee wellness and experience in the Infosys World Trade Center office to promote the empowerment of young girls. We were honored to host an interactive Design GOVERNANCE Thinking workshop for over 35 NYC-based middle school girls. Four Infosys volunteers The Foundation served as the official STEM shared career advice on a 'Tech Career Talk' and sponsor for the Thurgood Marshall College mentored the students during the workshop. Fund’s annual Teacher Quality Retention Program (TQRP) Summer Institute in July 2022. At the event, Foundation ED Kate Maloney moderated a 'Tech Career Talk' with Infosys The Foundation delivered a successful Infosys Phoenix Technology and Innovation ERG I-Believe representatives, Nicole Kilby CrossRoads 2023 program in February, where Center working to shift the landscape of and Kenneth Barry. over 200 passionate educators, thought K-12 computer science education. 26 Infosys leaders and implementers of computer employees volunteered and made the event a science and maker education gathered at the success. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 39

Employee wellness and experience Social ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity For over 40 years, Infosys has set the pace in delivering excellence for clients, valuing employees Our purpose For us at Infosys, the purpose conversation as our greatest asset, and being a responsible community stakeholder, while embracing best has moved from 'why' to 'how.' We are ENVIRONMENT practices in corporate governance and ethics. To amplify human potential and create the implementing programs, policies and ways next opportunity for people, businesses, and of working that bring our purpose more alive SOCIAL communities. than ever, inspiring employees to carry it into every client engagement and individual Our people are crucial to our purpose. To meet interaction. Performance on social goals the challenges that our industry, clients, and Read more in our Talent Pulse Report 2023 Enabling digital talent at scale society face at large, we need people who function at their best, creating and developing Tech for good opportunities to move us all forward. Diversity, equity and inclusion Deeply tied to our purpose are principles that Energizing local communities guide our behavior. We express those as C-LIFE: Client value, Leadership by example, Integrity Employee wellness and experience and transparency, Fairness and Excellence. These principles permeate everything we GOVERNANCE do. They are deeply embedded in our teams, upheld by leaders across the organization, and readily recognized by every employee. We call our employees ‘Infoscions’ because they are the true custodians of the culture, legacy, and purpose of Infosys worldwide. Key highlights Total number of employees 1,14,852 new hires in 3,43,234 fiscal 2023 91 % 77% 82% employee local hires across senior management satisfaction score geographies personnel hired locally Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 40

Employee wellness and experience Social Creating employee experience and a unified experience around development, Digital-first, personalized employee life cycle application performance and careers. We are leveraging through digital transformation the power of the Live Enterprise platform We have transformed ourselves into a Live Enterprise, offering digital-first personalized experience ESG REPORT 2022-23 to enable timely nudges around actions, for our employees across life-cycle events. We used our Live Enterprise suite of technologies for We are committed to creating a world-class performance and development. this. Some of our offerings that deliver employee experience are listed below: ESG is an opportunity experience for our employees. We believe this We are also focused on automation of backend, will inspire employees to deliver their best administrative activities that can free up Employee journey map ENVIRONMENT for our clients. As our employees develop a HR personnel and enable them to focus on digital future for our clients, we want them to enhancing employee experience and forming experience the same in their day-to-day work strategic partnerships with business. An ATTRACT OFFBOARDING SOCIAL at Infosys. Hence, the digitization of human example of this is Launchpad, our onboarding ▪ Talent management system ▪ Oboarding system resources processes and practices becomes platform, which has enabled us to digitize our ▪ Candidate experience ▪ Alumni portal Performance on social goals a critical lever to create a great workplace onboarding process. This mobile-based app ▪ Automated workows and self-service experience. provides a guided flow that helps new hires ▪ Social media listening Enabling digital talent at scale initiate their onboarding process, complete ▪ Hackathon Tech for good Transforming the employee experience at scale ▪ InfyTQ and Infosys Springboard in a company of more than 3,43,000 people all the necessary documentation and data CAREERS AND REWARDS Diversity, equity and inclusion spread across 56 countries is only possible updates before their date of joining. With all ▪ FLUID - Digital marketplace through technology. For us, digitization was operational processes taken care of prior to ▪ Skill Tags - Digital career maps and skills Energizing local communities the only way forward. We are reimagining joining, employees are engaged in a more ONBOARDING ▪ Accelerate - Gig work opportunities experience using a combination of process meaningful way with managers, teams and HR ▪ Launchpad, e-joining and more ▪ Step Up - Internal movements and skilling Employee wellness and experience busting, automation and digital transformation from Day 1. ▪ E-docket digital records ▪ Stripes - Centralized reward management in people practices to create consumer-grade In addition to the above, we are making our ▪ QuickStart new joiner experience GOVERNANCE digital experience for our employees. Through systems smarter with: ▪ Cohorts - Mentoring and communities digitization, we are simplifying our processes, ▪ Surveys and feedback PERFORMANCE ENGAGEMENT eliminating unnecessary approval steps • Nudges to managers and employees to ▪ iCount - Continuous feedback and leading straight through processing. drive the right behavior on closures and ▪ Smart goals and evaluations An example of this is InfyMe, our mobile- guide managers to take the right decisions DEVELOPMENT ▪ Mcode - Manager enablement first, self-service platform that brings all in matters like role change, retention, etc. ▪ Lex - Anytime-anywhere learning services to our employees’ fingertips anytime, • Chatbots that provide instant resolutions to ▪ CARA - e-coaching anywhere. InfyMe is designed to be intuitive queries and transactions ▪ Zoiee - Digital learning assistant ENGAGEMENT and contextual and aids networking and • Omni-channel experience for employees to ▪ Atlas - Learning maps ▪ InfyMe - Employee experience app collaboration. We continued to enrich our get on call support using a conversational ▪ People Dashboard and Data Village - ▪ Power Teams - Collaboration forums InfyMe app with more services that enable IVR that uses natural language voice inputs Analytics and Insights ▪ iEngage - Communication framework teams to operate, connect and collaborate from callers to direct them to the right ▪ RISE - Celebration and rewards easily and it is particularly effective in the agents for support ▪ HALE - Wellbeing and care hybrid work model. More than 200 touchpoints • Self-service portals ▪ Pulse - Employee feedback and culture sensing for activities have been merged into the • Robotic process automations in people ▪ Chatbot - COVID-19 support intuitive interface of InfyMe. processes to reduce manual work We are making our performance appraisal process light, easy and convenient. As a first step, we have introduced a senior management review interface on InfyMe. Through this, we are enabling an enhanced user experience, faster navigation, seamless data integration Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 41

Employee wellness and experience Social Reinvigorating culture in a Nurturing great managers Infosys Manager Code Leadership development ESG REPORT 2022-23 hybrid workplace It is our managers who develop and mentor Be the Voice of the Team The Infosys Leadership Institute (ILI) is teams while making a world of opportunities ▪ Encourage PULSE feedback. dedicated to supporting leaders to embrace Employee experience is significantly influenced available to them. Preparing managers to ▪ Represent Infosys to your team. larger responsibilities and challenges, grow to by how they perceive organizational culture. lead amid change and emerging industry ▪ Celebrate the EVP and Involve be future ready and positively influence their ESG is an opportunity In the hybrid world, it has become increasingly the team in the journey. challenges is crucial to our success. teams, clients and the communities in which important to strengthen and reinforce our we operate. ILI’s charter is to enable leaders ENVIRONMENT culture so that it is experienced uniformly and We launched our flagship management Be the Navigator to be aligned with business, remain agile positively by employees – remote or in office. initiative, the Infosys Great Manager Program, ▪ Provide opportunities and to help prepare all our managers for the rapidly encourage participation. and continuously explore new and impactful SOCIAL ▪ Increase the Digital Quotient score. developmental efforts. 5 C engagement model changing work environment. With input from ▪ Conduct eective career conversation Cornell University, the program facilitates and aspiration management. Read more. Performance on social goals immersive development and nurtures four Enabling digital talent at scale CONNECT crucial skills: digital mindset, leadership, Be a Lifelong Learner and Teacher We have created common engagement business acumen and operational excellence. ▪ Encourage learning and use of platforms. Tech for good platforms that allow us to onboard ▪ Navigate capability development. new employees quickly. By mastering these, our managers enhance ▪ Create opportunities and Diversity, equity and inclusion their technical expertise and acquire soft enable internal mobility. Energizing local communities COLLABORATE skills that enable them to have wide-reaching We are driving team collaboration through influence. Employee wellness and experience Power Teams - a knowledge sharing sessions Leave No One Out initiative, investing in collaboration tools to Infosys Manager Code ▪ Create a psychologically safe workplace. recreated the physical workplace experience, ▪ Support team integration and inclusivity. GOVERNANCE and providing resources to our managers to For the third consecutive year, Infosys is among ▪ Be open to ideas and opinions. lead teams remotely. the Top 50 Companies with Great Managers 2022 in India, through the Great Manager Connect, Empathize and Recognize CELEBRATE Awards conducted by People Business and ▪ Intervene based on performance We celebrate our people's successes with Economic Times. and people. rewards that are real, instant, specific, ▪ Express gratitude. and exciting (RISE framework). The Infosys Manager Code are guiding ▪ Focus on wellbeing and health. principles on how to become a good manager. CARE It is a comprehensive guide for any manager Collaborate to Win The Infosys Leadership Institute centre in Infosys Mysuru The wellbeing of Infoscions is our priority, who would want to set an example for his ▪ Contribute to the organization’s objective. and we encourage our managers to build team members, especially in this rapidly ▪ Leverage various platforms for hybrid collaboration. strong personal relationships, create transforming and ever-competitive business ▪ Lead the team to get recognition mutual trust, and be more empathetic. landscape. A flipbook with enablement in internal and external awards. CULTURE kits, leader blogs, manager enablement sessions, inspiring stories of ‘Awesome Live CLIFE We encourage inclusive and diverse Bosses’, communication toolkits to manage ▪ Motivate to go the extra mile for clients. thinking, ensure a healthy work lifestyle, the pandemic were some of our stand-out ▪ Lead by example. and drive the company values of C-LIFE interventions. ▪ Be fair and transparent. among our people. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 42

Employee wellness and experience Social Occupational Health and Safety a. Risk management Safety and well-being at the workplace is the processes instituted through certifications Ozone is based on the Demings cycle controls are implemented, the document is ESG REPORT 2022-23 an important consideration in a responsible and has a focused risk-based approach in revisited to assess the residual risks. A ranking but has also fostered a culture of safety and ensuring identification and implementation is done based on the severity and probability business and Infosys accords the highest well-being across the organization. We ensure of operational controls in line with hierarchy of the risk. The Occupational Health and ESG is an opportunity priority to this aspect. The Health, Safety and adherence to all applicable regulations in all and effective mitigation of hazards. Risk Safety (OH&S) hazards in the workplace are Environmental (HSE) Management System the regions we operate across the globe. We assessment is proactively conducted to communicated to all concerned stakeholders ENVIRONMENT at Infosys termed ‘Ozone’ is driven by the consciously strive to ensure zero accidents, identify hazards for all existing / new / who are also consulted when there are Management commitment, legal requirements physical and emotional well-being, and safety modified activities, processes, products or changes in operations. Relevant OH&S hazards SOCIAL and expectations of our stakeholders. Ozone of our stakeholders. services and the implementation of measures are identified, and appropriate operational has not only enabled us to obtain assurance on to minimize or control impacts and monitor controls are implemented. During training, Performance on social goals them in a structured manner. Risk assessment the hazards are shared along with directions Management System is proactively conducted on a yearly basis on ways to reduce the risk. Employees are also Enabling digital talent at scale or at the beginning of a new process or consulted during development and review Tech for good The robust management system has enabled Officer. The effectiveness and adequacy of activity. Reactive risk assessments are also of policies and procedures to manage risks. us achieve certification to ISO 45001:2018 the HSE framework, its execution and HSE carried out at least once every quarter based Emergency response procedures for different Diversity, equity and inclusion and ISO 14001:2015 standards across all India performance are evaluated through periodic on incidents that have occurred during the scenarios are established and mock drills are Energizing local communities locations, including Infosys Limited and its management reviews. The internal-external period. Hazardous conditions present are conducted to evaluate our preparedness, subsidiaries, in line with our HSE strategy. The issues and opportunities for the organizational identified and prioritized for elimination response and learnings. Employee wellness and experience management system is implemented across context are identified. Interested parties and control. Once the identified hierarchy of locations globally based on applicable legal (including all our stakeholders), their GOVERNANCE requirements and internal benchmarks and needs and expectations, our expectations, are a part of our internal audit coverage. At legal requirements, owners and mode of Identify Evaluate Identify Identify Detail Risk the helm of our Health, Safety, Environment communication are also documented. Some of List Identify List all existing and unacceptable additional residual management Management System (HSEMS) is our Executive the elements of the management system are activities hazards risks controls rate risk hazards controls risk Vice President-Finance and Chief Risk listed below: PLAN DO CHECK ACT b. Incident management chair the safety committee meetings at their • Policy & Strategy • Competency and • Performance • Continual respective locations in India. In our overseas • Leadership Awareness Monitoring Improvement Incidents which include near misses / potential offices, these committees are formed based Commitment • Documentation • Audits • Non-Conformity and hazards / accidents are reported through on the local legislations. The representation • Organization Roles, • Communication • Compliance Corrective actions internal applications, supervisors, or mails. Root of employees in safety committees is 100%. Responsibility and • Resources Evaluation • Incident Management causes of incidents are identified, analyzed The committee ensures the establishment, Accountability • Management and appropriate corrective actions are taken implementation, maintenance, and continual • Risk Management • Operational Controls Reviews to avoid recurrence or occurrence of incidents improvement of processes needed for the • Objectives & Targets • Emergency Response leading to injuries / losses. elimination of hazards and minimization of • Action plan c. Occupational Health and Safety risks. Contract workers are also an intrinsic part (OH&S) Committees of the committee, which is one of the ways to ensure participation and consultation. OH&S Committees comprising cross-functional teams are established at each of our campuses and offices. The Development Center Heads Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 43

Employee wellness and experience Social d. Training and awareness care to procure systems which have inbuilt controls implemented and the same is time, and developing and sharing strategies features that help avoid glare and hence communicated to all concerned to eliminate, mitigate or reduce those risks. Embedding HSE culture in the organization reduce such instances. Sessions on ergonomics • Health promotion programs are conducted • Employees are required to report all ESG REPORT 2022-23 necessitates competency development. help address work-related conditions such as to encourage employee involvement in incidents to the HSE team to establish Training needs are identified based on myalgia. Ergonomic incidents reported are health and safety. A Safety Week and Health and implement operational controls to ESG is an opportunity the nature of jobs, which may have a treated and exercise regimens suggested. Week are conducted annually. avoid the recurrence of the incidents and significant impact on the environment or During fiscal 2023, 39 occupational ergonomics • Employees, including contract workmen, aid in elimination of unsafe behavior and may pose occupational health and safety issues were reported. are entrusted with the responsibility of conditions. ENVIRONMENT risks. Training includes awareness building, Various interventions on physical and participation in the ongoing HSE activities. • The expectation from employees is to mock drills, classroom sessions and periodic emotional well-being were enabled under Employees are encouraged to participate participate in the emergency mock drills SOCIAL demonstrations. HSEMS training is also a part the aegis of our HALE / SAFE initiatives during in the process of reviewing risks in their and report or identify learnings which need of our employee induction program. To enable the year. Well-equipped occupational health respective areas of operations from time to to be addressed. Performance on social goals continuous learning, a HSE awareness module centers / physiotherapy facilities are available is available on Lex, our internal learning on our campuses in India. The telemedicine Enabling digital talent at scale platform. Job-specific and generic trainings Various employee engagement activities are conducted to enhance awareness on HSE: are conducted for contractual staff during portal through which employees can consult Road Safety Week (India locations): Tech for good induction and later through refresher training. our occupational health center doctors online was operational in India during the year. In January, programs were conducted as part of the Road Safety Week, which included Diversity, equity and inclusion e. Health and safety interventions Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) programs include – Sessions articulating the importance of road safety Energizing local communities We have always focused on building a culture BBS observation for contract staff, periodic – Communication to employees on defensive driving Employee wellness and experience of safety at Infosys. Individual responsibility inspections, trainings, observations from mock for safety is always emphasized. Safety in the drills and employee engagement programs. GOVERNANCE workplace is one of the highest priorities. f. Participation and consultation Systems have been established to ensure the The process includes: same, including work permits, trainings, Lock out, Tag out (LOTO), safety inspections, audits, • Employee consultation in development operational controls and monitoring. Policies and review of policies and procedures to and processes, which cover various aspects of manage risks safety, have been established. These include • Consultation where there are any changes women’s safety, lone working, transport, that affect workplace health and safety; travel and construction, among others. Gaps, a management of change procedure is in learnings, deviations and findings, if any, are place to address health and safety issues identified, controls implemented and tracked before a change occurs for effective closure. As Infosys is an IT / ITES • Representation of employees in health company, there are no product risks but there and safety matters; the Safety Committee are risks including those related to provision of includes employee and contract workmen services like ergonomics, emotional well-being, representatives risks associated with operation of utilities, commute. We have established numerous • The OH&S hazards in the workplace are initiatives, interventions, virtual sessions, and communicated to all concerned including process controls to address them. Awareness contractors and visitors. They are also sessions are conducted for ergonomics across consulted when there are changes in locations. Workstations and furniture are operations and the relevant OH&S hazards designed and procured after considering their are identified, appropriate operational ergonomic advantages. We have also taken Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 44

Employee wellness and experience Social National Safety Week (India locations): Health Assessment and We have tailored HALE with high-touch During March, the National Safety Week was and high-tech elements to provide the best observed with the following programs: Lifestyle Enrichment (HALE) working experience for our employees. ESG REPORT 2022-23 – Communication and endorsement of the safety pledge by employees We continuously strive towards enhancing Digital well-being ESG is an opportunity – Quiz competitions designed to test the the well-being experience for our employees knowledge of employees about safety through our HALE program that is aimed at • Holistic Wellness Platform ENVIRONMENT measures and to create awareness on increased awareness and overall well-being • Expert talks from professionals safety practices resulting in good health, reduced stress • Round-the-clock access to qualified – Poster competitions aimed at levels, safe work environment and improved counselors SOCIAL encouraging people to express their productivity levels. creativity while promoting safety Striking a balance between work and life, Emotional well-being Performance on social goals – Safety slogan competition where our multi-faceted approach to addressing • HALE Heal-A-thon: A series of Enabling digital talent at scale participants came up with creative and corporate and individual needs helps us masterclasses dedicated to help Tech for good impactful slogans achieve conclusive results for the organization, employees get through some of the – Medical camps covering general health while embracing a diverse workforce. At most challenging times Diversity, equity and inclusion check-up, eye checks, blood sugar Infosys, we strive to improve every day in the • POSITRONS: An intervention to train Energizing local communities monitoring etc., to promote physical life of every employee, and wellness is an peers to offer strong support to their well-being of employees important element. project teams Employee wellness and experience – In-house training sessions by the HSE HALE has a three-tiered sustainable model to • Enabling the enablers: Connects teams on topics such as first aid, fire help employees in their journey to wellness. sessions and workshops with GOVERNANCE safety, ergonomics, construction safety, counselors and experts road safety and electrical safety TIER 1 - Self-help • Grief counseling – Safety mailers to employees Aims to increase employee awareness Physical well-being – Exhibitions on Personal Protective and access to self-help tools. • Collaborations with nationwide Equipments (PPE) and safety equipment, COVID-19 testing labs including unique exhibits like seat belt TIER 2 - Micro environment convincer, alcohol impairment vision • Collaborations with emergency goggles and driving simulations This tier aims to encourage and support ambulance services – Mock drills, safety inspection and safety our managers, who, in turn, will do the • Teleconsultations and helpline skit same with their teams. TIER 3 - Macro environment Social well-being • Promoting work-life balance This is the top-down part of the model, • Help in navigating the new normal focused on building alliances and working environment partnerships with the most effective • Organizing leisure events third parties, implementing appropriate policies, and providing ready access to vaccination programs. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 45

Employee wellness and experience Social ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL Performance on social goals Enabling digital talent at scale Tech for good Diversity, equity and inclusion Energizing local communities Employee wellness and experience Our employee well-being rates reached an Employee satisfaction organization, all managers have access to a Performance management all-time high of 91% across locations. The sense real-time customized dashboard with feedback of connectedness measured at 91% because Infosys has robust mechanisms to gauge from their respective teams, which enable Infosys has established a high-performance GOVERNANCE of the ability of different teams to collaborate employee sentiments and feedback. Up them to engage with their teams better and culture and our employee breathe this each and connect with each other emotionally. until fiscal 2020, employee engagement at address any concerns. This dashboard has day. Our performance management process HALE successfully touched the lives of 1,50,000 Infosys was measured through the annual multiple views and advanced analytics such drives a 'meritocracy culture' yet stays employees through 431 initiatives, where we LITMUS survey. When the pandemic struck, as heatmaps, trendlines, sentiment analytics individual employee focused and development witnessed a three-fold increase in employee the team quickly reimagined this tool for to enable the managers to prioritize focus oriented. We focus on identifying the best participation. The key focus for us was mental the new remote way of work and introduced areas according to their teams. Managers performers against standards of performance health. We conducted 150 interventions on a periodic feedback mechanism called along with their respective units HR executives instead of relative comparison of individuals. mental health-related topic this year. Pulse. Pulse collects ongoing and real-time and leadership work on making changes or This mechanism helps us to identify our best feedback from employees anonymously on improvements at the Unit / team level on the performers through well-defined goals that Hybrid well-being key organization-wide themes that shape ground. Over 50,000 employees participated are always relevant, continuous feedback and an employee’s experience at Infosys such as in Q4 with insights gathered around various a strong focus on employee development. The hybrid work model urged us to consider a work, learning and careers. We poll the entire themes of the organization. These insights Aligning with this performance management hybrid well-being awareness and engagement organization through a micro survey every have led us to create focus areas for actionizing philosophy, we have the defined performance approach. We created a page on hybrid month. In addition to this, we also poll our on a quarterly basis which is socialized with the review and assessment process. well-being on our HALE portal and launched employees on select tenure-based milestones leadership team. a hybrid wellness toolkit for employees and and specific events including onboarding, Continuous feedback is an essential managers, and a Hello Hybrid widget which job rotation and appraisals. This cumulative Employee satisfaction element of the process with regular reviews, provided HALE counsellor contacts. Initiatives understanding of employee perception, and FY2021 73% culminating into a rating based holistic view across development centers such as habit- feedback from actual events and milestones of the employee’s performance. Performance forming campaigns, Bring Your Kids to Work have strengthened our sensing architecture FY2022 75% conversations between employee and manager days and story-sharing forums strengthened to obtain richer insights of employee FY2023 82% happens on an ongoing basis, given the awareness and engagement among experiences. To drive change across the continuous performance process that we have employees. in Infosys. The continuous feedback process Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 46

Employee wellness and experience Social helps managers provide instant feedback for Along with this, employees can seek and share Human rights as a part of Infosys’ ESG Vision 2030. The necessary improvements in the work that is feedback with all the colleagues they work suggestions from the independent human being done. with. Thus, iCount goes a long way in providing Infosys is a signatory to the UNGC. Our rights impact assessment allowed us to ESG REPORT 2022-23 a holistic view of the employees performance. human rights stand is contained in our Code accelerate our part time and remote work Infosys performance management puts policies and inform our hybrid model further. equal focus on the future development of the Resolution hubs of Conduct and Ethics in an important tenet, ESG is an opportunity employee and the introduction of Individual ‘Respecting Each Other.’ The Infosys Human The minimum notice period for significant Development Plan (IDP) is a testament to the A safe and positive work environment is what Rights Statement articulates our philosophy to operational changes are included in the ENVIRONMENT same. IDPs are created by employees under we want to be associated with. In keeping with provide a discrimination-free workplace for all collective bargaining agreements (CBA) the guidance of the manager and are a perfect this philosophy, we envisage an open-door employees and contractors. All our employees wherever mandated by law. In countries SOCIAL blend of theory and application. Managers policy. Employees can access several forums and contractors undergo a mandatory Smart where there is no such mandate to include coach and mentor the employee to set career where they can highlight matters or concerns Awareness Quiz (SAQ), every year, which them in the CBA or in countries where CBA and professional aspirations and reach them faced at the workplace. This is achieved includes questions on human rights and the is not mandated, we abide by the local laws Performance on social goals in a structured manner. Employees are also through a well-established and robust Infosys Code of Conduct and Ethics. The SAQ is prevailing in the land. In all other scenarios, Enabling digital talent at scale encouraged to take up training to upskill / grievance resolution mechanism comprising a comprehensive tool which also includes ‘self- Infosys prescribes the notice period based on reskill themselves to meet the needs of the ‘resolution hubs’. The Anti-Sexual Harassment study’ tutorials, allowing employees to learn the type of change. Tech for good projects. Initiative (ASHI) and the Hearing Employees and then take up the assessments. All our security personnel are trained on Diversity, equity and inclusion In case of continued lack of expected and Resolving (HEAR) forums are designated In fiscal 2023, we conducted an independent human rights related topics. The Infosys Energizing local communities performance, employees are identified for a as redressal forums for sexual harassment and Human Rights Impact Assessment of our Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) has reference structured performance improvement plan workplace related complaints, respectively. operations across India. India comprises >80% to human rights and it states, ‘Infosys expects Employee wellness and experience where they are given goals and the managers Resolution hubs adhere to the principles of of our employee base. The assessment protocol its suppliers to support and respect the support them in achieving these goals. natural justice, ensure confidentiality, and was created based on the Articles contained protection of internationally proclaimed GOVERNANCE At the end of the performance cycle employees non-retaliation while addressing concerns. The in the Universal Declaration of Human human rights and to ensure that they are not receive a performance rating. To support the concerns are handled with utmost sensitivity Rights (UDHR), ILO, UNGC Principles, the GRI complicit in human rights abuses.’ As part process, we have our web and mobile app and are redressed and closed in a timebound Standards, the Business Responsibility and of the onboarding process the vendors called iCount, where employees can add their manner. A detailed investigation process Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) parameters, have to accept the SCoC. The procurement goals and are encouraged to update progress ensures fairness and provides an opportunity as well as Health and Safety criteria and team ensures that SCoC acceptance is done against the same on a regular basis. Managers to present facts and any material evidence environment management systems. by vendors and maintains a tracker for the can provide feedback to employees on these pertaining to the grievance. It is our constant endeavor to make Infosys a same. In fiscal 2022, we committed to an goals and support them in achieving the Read more on Infosys resolution hub place where people can be the best version independent responsible supplier assessment objectives. Feedback from client stakeholder of themselves. The Talent Pulse Report 2022, for our top 100 suppliers over the next 4 years. (although not mandated by the process) is provides a glimpse into our Employee wellness As on fiscal 2023, 46 supplier ESG assessments also a key input that the manager uses during and experience practices. Employee wellness have been completed. performance and development conversations. and experience is an important ambition Read more. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 47

Employee wellness and experience Social Awards and Recognition ESG REPORT 2022-23 • Global Top Employer 2023 - Recognized • LinkedIn Top Companies 2022 - Among • SHRM HR Excellence Awards 2022 - • Stevie® Awards - Infosys honored with Five as a Top Employer in 22 countries across Top 5 employers in India for the second year Excellence in HR Analytics, Wellness and Stevie® Awards at the 20th Annual American ESG is an opportunity Europe, Middle East, Asia Pacific, and North in a row, recognized for industry leading Hybrid Workspaces, D&I. and Asia Pacific Business Awards. America for best-in-class HR practices and employee practices. • Great Manager Awards - Companies with • Best Recruitment Marketing and Employer ENVIRONMENT processes. • ATD Excellence in Practice Award 2022 - Great Managers 2022 third time in a row by Branding Program - HR Risk Management • World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2023 Infosys Leadership Institute recognized for Economic Times. • Randstad Employer Brand Research (REBR) SOCIAL by Ethisphere - Recognized for values and Leadership and Management Development. • Brandon Hall Group’s HCM Excellence - Most attractive employer in India. ethics across people and business for the • Best Internship Program by Vault - Infosys - Best Recruitment Marketing and • AVTAR Best Company for Women 2022 - Performance on social goals third consecutive year. InStep ranked No. 1 in the ‘Best Overall Employer Branding Program, Best-in-class Forbes’ The Best Employers for Diversity in • Great Place to Work® 2022 - Recognized for Internship Program’ category for the fifth talent acquisition and Best Social Talent 2021, Diversity Inc.’s Top 50 Companies for Enabling digital talent at scale value driven culture and trust, across India, year in a row. Acquisition Strategy, Best Unique or Diversity. Tech for good US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, UK, Germany Innovative Talent Acquisition Program. in 2022. Diversity, equity and inclusion Also recognized as Fortune Best Big Energizing local communities Companies, India’s Best Employers Among Nation Builders, Top 50 Companies for Employee wellness and experience Women to Work for, Top IT Companies of India. GOVERNANCE Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 48

ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL Governance vision GOVERNANCE GOVERNANCE Serve the interests of Performance on governance goals all our stakeholders by Corporate governance Performance on governance goals 50 Data privacy Corporate governance 51 leading through our Information management Data privacy 60 Information management 63 core values We set new standards on how to act right and do more. We lead the way with respect and vigor in our solutions, in our corporate policies, throughout our value chain and across the industry. UN SDGs aligned Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 49

Performance on governance goals Governance ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Governance vision ENVIRONMENT Serve the interests of all our stakeholders by leading through our core values SOCIAL Material topics Ambitions Progress in fiscal 2023 GOVERNANCE • Bringing the interests of all stakeholders to the fore • 12.5% women on the Board through our empowered, diverse and inclusive Board Performance on governance goals Corporate • Building sustainable and responsible supply chains • Completed ESG assessments for 46 of our top 100 suppliers Corporate governance governance • Ensuring robust compliance and integrity practices • Infosys has been recognized as one of the 2023 World’s Most Data privacy Ethical Companies for the third consecutive year by Ethisphere Information management • Engaging with stakeholders through various • We continue to lead on ESG assessments in India and globally channels and earning trust through transparent communication • We are among the first few organizations globally, to have our Data privacy • Adopting leading data privacy standards across all framework certified with accreditation, for ISO:27701 privacy global operations information management standard. We are in the process of getting identified / selected locations certified. Information • Being recognized as industry leader in our • Infosys won Data Security Council of India (DSCI) Excellence management information security practices Award for Best Security Practices in IT-ITeS / BPM Sector, 2022. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 50

Corporate governance Governance ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Our corporate governance reflects our value systems, culture, policies and relationships with our Our Board instituted an ESG Committee on Interaction with other Board stakeholders. Integrity and transparency, the core of our corporate governance. Since it's integrity April 14, 2021, to discharge its responsibility ENVIRONMENT and transparency, it has to be ensure sound practice and performance that, in turn, help us gain to oversee matters related to organization- committees and retain the trust of our stakeholders. wide ESG initiatives, priorities, and leading ESG SOCIAL We practice the highest level of corporate governance across all our business functions. A strong, practices. The ESG Committee reports to the The ESG Committee works closely with independent and diverse Board leadership nurtures and sustains effective corporate governance Board and meets every quarter. other Board Committees to further our ESG throughout the corporation. Independent Board committees review and formulate industry- ambitions. For instance, it informs ESG risks GOVERNANCE leading governance practices. Objectives of the ESG and challenges, if any, in achieving progress on the goals, to the Risk Management Committee Performance on governance goals and invites its support to address the risks. It Corporate governance Read the Infosys Board Diversity Policy Committee interacts with the Stakeholder’s Relationship The composition of our Board ESG governance The objectives of the ESG Committee are Committee to discuss performance on ESG Data privacy provided in the ESG Committee report that assessments and actions for improvement. It as on March 31, 2023 In October 2020, we launched our ESG collaborates with the CSR Committee for social Information management Vision 2030. Our focus has been steadfast forms part of the Corporate Governance Report impact programs. It also interacts with the Size and composition of the Board on leveraging technology to battle climate in the Integrated Annual Report. Cyber security Risk Sub-committee as part of Non-executive and Executive change, conserve water and manage waste. The objectives are also provided in the its efforts to track progress on the information non-independent director director On the social front, our emphasis has been ESG Committee charter. management ambitions. Nandan M. Nilekani Salil Parekh on the development of people, especially In addition to the ESG Committee, other around digital skilling, improving diversity and The ESG council reports to the ESG Committee. inclusion, facilitating employee wellness and The purpose of the council is to execute the Board committees and senior management experience, delivering technology for social programs and plans of the ESG Committee are also actively involved in enhancing our Independent directors good and energizing the communities we live to achieve the ambitions outlined in the ESG performance and disclosures on a range of ESG D. Sundaram Bobby Parikh and work in. We have also redoubled efforts to Vision 2030. The council nominates sponsors issues, relating to our different stakeholder serve the interests of all our stakeholders by from the executive leadership team, who work groups. Refer to Infosys Integrated Annual Michael Gibbs Chitra Nayak leading through our core values and setting closely with the ESG ambition leads to ensure Report 2022. Uri Levine Govind Iyer benchmarks in corporate governance. progress on the goals. The council has overall responsibility for ESG governance, reporting, ESG performance evaluation communication, branding and to take stock Indians Foreign nationals of the performance and discuss programs and ESG goals are a part of the corporate The plans, as appropriate. scorecard and the performance parameters 62.5% 37.5% Board of leaders, and are cascaded to various levels in the organization. ESG performance of the ESG Committee Company is linked to the compensation of the CEO & MD and leaders. Men Women 87.5% 12.5% ESG Council Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 51

Corporate governance Governance Building sustainable and responsible supply chains ESG REPORT 2022-23 Infosys believes in and is committed to partnering with the highest quality suppliers to ensure that we deliver best-of-breed business and IT solutions to our clients. As a signatory to the Sambandh ESG is an opportunity United Nations Global Compact, Infosys leverages the UNGC principles covering human rights, Sambandh is our biannual supplier labor, environment, and anti-corruption as foundational principles for building and improving meeting. This year, the theme at Sambandh ENVIRONMENT its sustainable supply chain practices. The Company’s Responsible Supply Chain and Supplier was ‘Sustainable procurement through Diversity Policy is an expression of our commitment to integrate these principles into our engagement’. supply chain relationships and towards building long-term environmental, social, and economic SOCIAL opportunities for diverse businesses. This commitment is manifested in our internal activities and Over 700 suppliers engaged in Sambandh processes, as well as through the organizations we engage with externally. Integrity and ethics across locations in India. The engagement GOVERNANCE govern all our supplier partnerships, while also supporting and encouraging the aspirations of included workshops and discussions on the diverse businesses. principles contained in the Infosys SCoC and Performance on governance goals ESG-compliant procurement practices. Corporate governance Infosys Supplier Code of Diligence before empanelment Data privacy Conduct As part of the pre-contract and evaluation, Information management we perform exhaustive due diligence of Infosys prides itself in the way it conducts suppliers in sanctions, corruption, financial its business and has always been a company crimes, litigations and ESG issues at the time of with a strong commitment to ethical business onboarding and periodically thereafter, with practices and sustainability. Infosys encourages the help of a third-party tool. This assessment its suppliers to join in this commitment, based covers compliance, adverse media, information on a shared set of values and principles. Infosys security, physical security and sustainability, pursues mutually beneficial relationships with based on the type of vendor. We have its Suppliers and seeks to work with businesses onboarded 1946 new suppliers in fiscal 2023. that are committed to act fairly and with Additionally, we have incorporated ESG criteria integrity towards their stakeholders, observing into the supplier onboarding process. 45% of the applicable rules of law. The Supplier Code our new suppliers were screened using the of Conduct (SCoC) draws inspiration from the third party tool. Infosys Code of Conduct and Ethics and the principles of the UNGC. It provides a detailed account of material topics that we are focused on to nurture and sustain responsible supply chains. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 52

Corporate governance Governance ESG learning for suppliers ESG assessments Our centralized procurements are in India, but we engage with local suppliers for local We launched a dedicated ESG learning channel In 2021, we made a commitment to assess needs across geographies. The proportion ESG REPORT 2022-23 for our suppliers on Infosys Springboard. The 100 of our top suppliers (by spend) on ESG of spending on local suppliers (in India) was portal contains ESG learning and best practices over a four-year period. As on fiscal 2023, nearly 66% in fiscal 2023. We did not have ESG is an opportunity and provides learners an opportunity to we have covered 46 suppliers through any significant actual and potential negative discuss, ideate and engage on ESG topics. this assessment. The assessments covered environmental and social impacts in the supply governance, ethics and compliance with chain. We did not have any significant changes ENVIRONMENT law, fair business practices, labor practices to our supply chain in fiscal 2023. SOCIAL and human rights, health and safety, and environment. The assessment is based on a No. of MSME protocol which leverages the Infosys Supplier suppliers 24,891 GOVERNANCE Code of Conduct (SCoC), ISO 26000, GRI, contract staff UNHRC, Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) and Performance on governance goals other international frameworks. The Infosys 777 engaged Supplier Code of Conduct leverages the UNGC Corporate governance principles including protecting and upholding of top 100 suppliers Data privacy internationally proclaimed human rights, 46% underwent ESG assessments endorsing treating all persons with respect in the last two years Information management and dignity while safeguarding their rights, the elimination of forced and compulsory labor, the abolition of child labor in the supply chain and strong corporate governance practices A course on the ESG learning channel including anti-corruption and anti-bribery and promoting fair business practices across the supply chain. As an environmentally conscious organization, Infosys also urges suppliers to protect the environment and make abstemious use of scarce natural resources in their business processes. As part of the onboarding process, all vendors have to accept the Infosys SCoC, and this is ensured and tracked by the procurement team. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 53

Corporate governance Governance Reinforcing a culture of transparency and good governance to Integrity and compliance build enduring relationships with our compliance clients, employees and partners. It has ESG REPORT 2022-23 The Ethics and Compliance Program at Infosys has two key objectives – to uphold and ensure the become a platform to create awareness values of integrity and transparency and to assure enterprise-wide regulatory compliance. 1. Code of Conduct and Ethics (Digital and have an engaging dialogue with all ESG is an opportunity version): We also have a digital version of stakeholders, and influence behavior and Integrity is key to nurturing a responsible business. Beyond regulation and stakeholder the Code of Conduct and Ethics. It provides showcase the Infosys culture. This has attention, there is a growing recognition that good behavior is good for business. At Infosys, our user-friendly access to specific topics taken forward the compliance and ethics ENVIRONMENT commitment to a value-based ethos is enshrined in our Code of Conduct and Ethics. in an interactive manner. It is a unique program and created increased awareness audio-visual experience and is easy to of expected behavior. SOCIAL Our values are the principles we use to run the Company daily and are the source of our Code of navigate. The Code can be accessed on Conduct and Ethics. Our values are the foundation of everything we do and are encapsulated in mobile devices as well. The digital version 4. Local Compliance Officer program: the acronym C-LIFE (Client value; Leadership by example; Integrity and transparency; Fairness and of the Code aims to help every employee To further raise awareness among our GOVERNANCE Excellence). understand the behavior we expect and employees about ethical aspects globally, a the principles and values we uphold. local compliance officer (LCO) network has Performance on governance goals We aim to continue to build a culture of also been created across the Infosys Group compliance, where everyone feels they are in collaboration with Office of Integrity Corporate governance and Compliance. The LCO network plays a Data privacy able to do the right thing and prioritize crucial role, in promoting an organizational legal and ethical choices. The digital version culture that encourages ethical conduct Information management of the Code is available here. and a commitment to compliance with the 2. Code of Conduct and Ethics training: law, regulations, and policies and helps in Our employees and Board members maximizing the impact of ethics-related are trained on the Code of Conduct and communication and training. Ethics. We have a Smart Awareness Quiz (SAQ) which includes training modules that employees are mandatorily required to undertake every year to renew their commitment to the Code of Conduct and Recognition as Ethics. Our vendor partners were also trained on the Supplier Code of Conduct one of the world’s Code of Conduct and Ethics by the Board and the Office of Integrity and through various channels including Compliance is the custodian of the Code of live sessions during the vendor partner most ethical companies We firmly believe that following the highest Conduct and Ethics. Our business partners meet called Sambandh. We also have Infosys has been recognized as one standards of business conduct and ethics helps acknowledge and comply with the Supplier a detailed communication plan to use of the 2023 World’s Most Ethical us run our business responsibly. Our Code Code of Conduct which is based on the UNGC multiple channels of communication like Companies for the third consecutive of Conduct and Ethics helps us maintain the principles. emails, video messages, blogs, gamified year by Ethisphere, a global leader in highest ethical standards for our employees. assessments, and storyboards to spread defining and advancing the standards Purpose statement awareness about various policies. of ethical business. Through this It complies with the legal requirements of 3. #SwipeRightforIntegrity: recognition, Infosys becomes one of applicable laws and regulations, including Our Code of Conduct and Ethics now #SwipeRightforIntegrity is an annual only four honorees in the software anti-bribery and anti-corruption and ethical encapsulates our purpose statement: legal and compliance event organized and services Industry, globally, and handling of conflicts of interest. It also “To amplify human potential and create the by Infosys. The event brings our leaders the only honoree from India. highlights expectations from our employees. next opportunity for people, businesses and together to reinforce our values of integrity, The Code of Conduct and Ethics is signed off communities.” Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 54

Corporate governance Governance Anti-Bribery and Export Control Policy Use of technology for effective Sometimes, services to be obtained include permits, licenses, approvals, marketing Anti-Corruption (ABAC) The export control policy describes Infosys’ compliance monitoring of activities / expenses, awareness campaigns ESG REPORT 2022-23 export control program and is reviewed and liasoning with the authorities for filings practices and policy periodically by the Management. The export controls and reporting requirements. ESG is an opportunity control program protects the company and • To ensure appropriate proof of service Our Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption practices its employees from potential risk of violation We have leveraged Artificial Intelligence (AI) by vendors is submitted, reviewed, and and policy is reviewed by the Management at of sanctions prescribed under export control and Machine Learning (ML) technology to approved before payments are released and ENVIRONMENT regular intervals. regulations and facilitates business expansion review and identify exceptions in compliance to ensure that the process of requisitioning, With an evolving landscape, Infosys is in accordance with these regulations. All our and ABAC controls. purchasing, receiving, paying for, and SOCIAL committed to a responsible Anti-Bribery & customers and vendors are screened against Compliance proof-testing accounting for goods and services, covering Anti-Corruption risk management framework various sanctions to ensure that we are the entire process from point of order right GOVERNANCE to demonstrate a comprehensive risk compliant. As part of the program, training • Infosys implemented a compliance program through to payment, is monitored, Infosys management program to reduce the risks by modules are rolled out to relevant employees covering 80 countries and 14 regulatory has implemented the following controls by Performance on governance goals regularly assessing risk in alignment with its to ensure that they are aware and are areas across major business enabling reimagining system logic in procurement growth strategies, and to drive an ethical and compliant with export control laws. functions in September 2018. systems and use of AI and ML techniques: Corporate governance risk intelligent culture, to increase the certainty We have a self-assessment and certification • The program instituted a self-assessment of – Traceability of transactions at initial Data privacy of business outcomes. program in place for anti-bribery and anti- the compliance status against a compliance procurement stages through user Risk assessment for bribery and corruption corruption, anti-trust / anti-competition, and framework with a maker checker process declaration and OCR technology. Information management risks is done periodically and the criteria export control. built into it. – Trail of documentation to substantiate used for risk assessment include business • The program also enabled the creation of various milestones and proofs of services units / internal departments, location and the Whistleblower Policy a repository of compliance proofs against availed. Corruption Perception Index (CPI) index of self-assessment. – Built-in escalation matrix to ensure countries, among others. The Infosys Whistleblower Policy, last amended • By consolidating compliance proofs across timely approval of red flags identified for in January 2022, is a comprehensive and countries and regulatory areas, Infosys appropriate resolution and action. Anti-competitive practices well-designed mechanism that encourages designed an OCR-based technology to – Tracking of potential red flag indicators employees, vendors, customers, and any other scan the proofs and validate if the proofs through keyword searches and OCR policy stakeholders to report any unethical conduct, corroborate the compliance status. technology before raising procurement violation of applicable laws or the Company’s • The OCR technology was combined with request and payment processing. The Anti-Trust / Anti-Competitive Practices Code of Conduct and Ethics occurring within a rule engine to test compliance controls – Periodic assessments of transactions on Policy states the objective, scope, applicability, the Company. With strict confidentiality around timeliness and accuracy of the sample basis considering factors such as and regulatory consequences, and is reviewed measures and multiple reporting channels, compliance proof. high-risk vendors / transactions. periodically by the Management. This policy the policy ensures that whistleblowers are includes the three aspects of anti-trust law: protected from any retaliation. The company ABAC program – In addition, digitized self-assessment and (i) abuse of dominance; (ii) anti-competitive reviews all complaints impartially and takes certification is also rolled out as part of practice; (iii) merger control. Besides, a list appropriate action, as applicable, while • Infosys develops and manages multiple monitoring and controls. of do’s and don’ts are communicated to the providing regular communication to ensure office facilities and collaborates with relevant stakeholders highlighting expected awareness about the policy. The Infosys multiple vendors / service providers during behaviors. Whistleblower Policy is a testament to the the various phases of construction. Infosys Company’s commitment to transparency, engages with vendors for infrastructure accountability, and responsible corporate development and facility maintenance. citizenship. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 55

Corporate governance Governance Engaging with stakeholders through various channels and ESG REPORT 2022-23 earning trust through transparent communication ESG radar The tone for transparency is set at the top. The Company prides itself on its compliance with global Thought leadership ESG is an opportunity guidelines, standards and corporate governance codes ensuring timely and accurate disclosures. We Infosys published its inaugural ESG Radar 2023 continue to publish our independently assured ESG disclosures based on the GRI Standard 2021. The Infosys Knowledge Institute report. We surveyed 2,500 executives and ENVIRONMENT (IKI) ESG experts and found that companies need In fiscal 2023, Infosys’ ESG performance was recognized globally by to radically reinvent how ESG fits within the several industry rankings and assessments The Infosys Knowledge Institute harnesses the enterprise. ESG is no longer a good to have but SOCIAL intellectual capital of Infosys subject matter a business necessity. The Company has been recognized for its many efforts to consistently demonstrate experts to produce unique and fresh content GOVERNANCE commitment to sustainability, ethical leadership, and responsible business practices. and insights on the business impact that technology can drive for prospects and clients. Infosys topped the charts in the CRISIL ESG risk management, mitigation initiatives, IKI also develops its proprietary data and Performance on governance goals insights through multiple large-scale surveys Corporate governance Leadership Rankings and was featured in transparent disclosures on emissions, and and quantitative analysis. These are published the CRISIL Sustainability Yearbook, 2022 emission reduction initiatives across the throughout the year through its flagship Data privacy for the second consecutive year. supply and value chain. Radar maturity assessments, the annual Tech Information management Infosys was conferred an ‘AA’ rating in the For the sixth year in a row, in 2022, Infosys Navigator report on future trends and the Practical Sustainability MSCI ESG ratings. The MSCI ESG ratings is listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability ongoing TechCompass tech trends series. These measure the ESG performance, including Indices (DJSI), a leading benchmark for are supplemented by IKI-authored books, Our book, Practical Sustainability – Circular the management of financially relevant corporate sustainability. including Practical Sustainability and The Live Commerce, Smarter Spaces, and Happier ESG risks and opportunities, of companies In their latest ESG Risk Ratings, Enterprise. IKI also creates new proprietary Humans, is globally recognized as an industry worldwide. Sustainalytics recognized Infosys as video content through expert interviews, standard in delivering climate change Infosys is also a forerunner in driving an industry-wide and regional top- webinars and online roundtables with clients, solutions having won international awards climate action across its operations. It rated ESG performer. Sustainalytics is a Infosys executives and academics or industry for economics, business, and journalism has been recognized for leadership in renowned independent ESG and corporate influencers. IKI has collaborated with 500 excellence. corporate transparency and performance governance research, ratings, and analytics clients and created over 1,000 assets since on climate change by the global firm. inception and regularly publishes in leading environmental nonprofit CDP, securing a business and technology media. For more place on the CDP annual A List in 2022. EcoVadis, a globally acclaimed ratings information, go to This is the seventh year in a row that platform for corporate social responsibility Infosys has been featured in the leadership and sustainable procurement, recognized category under the CDP Climate Change Infosys with a Gold medal for CSR disclosure - a testament to Infosys’ climate practices. Infosys has been a recipient of action efforts, including climate-related EcoVadis Gold for over seven years now. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 56

Corporate governance Governance Partnerships ESG REPORT 2022-23 have been downloaded over 3,400 times and Among the flagship projects is the Climate have reached almost 24,000 students across Game - a unique data-driven simulation that the globe. gives the readers a sense of what it takes to ESG is an opportunity Building on the momentum from initiatives, manage the global climate crisis. With 400 this year, Infosys and Economist Impact will predictive choices, the game places the players ENVIRONMENT create the Value Chain Navigator (VCN) – a at the heart of crucial decision-making to reach visual, interactive, data-driven tool that helps net zero by the year 2050. Each player has to business decision-makers understand the next successfully limit global warming to below SOCIAL steps they need to take to manage value chain 1.5 °C by selecting the best course of action for emissions. each sector that the game focuses on. GOVERNANCE Within VCN, the users will be able to explore Performance on governance goals Economist Impact interviews with Bill Gates, Emmanuel Faber, the world of scope 3 via seven ‘levers’ where Patricia Espinosa and Ellen Jackowski on topics each lever represents a different area of Corporate governance In 2021, Infosys and Economist Impact entered such as climate change, scope 3 emissions, business action. These include areas such as Data privacy a strategic partnership with a shared purpose social justice, e-waste and more. TSP has business model innovation, product design of building a digital platform, The Sustainability also won some of the most coveted awards, and investment strategy. Information management Project (TSP), that advances sustainability including Webby Awards and World Media As an open digital platform, VCN aims to solutions. Group Awards in 2022. provide executives with insightful, practical, TSP, developed by Infosys, leverages and evidence-based business actions to our expertise in digital innovation and address these emissions in line with an transformation to deliver insights and data- evolving regulatory landscape. With almost 1 million plays till date and an powered solutions across the globe. It serves as Financial Times average of 15 minutes per play, the Climate a best-in-class destination for content focused Game has been very well received by FT on sustainability. Infosys and Financial Times teamed up in 2022 readers, climate influencers and some of the to build creative and immersive newsroom most influential people in business and global projects and cover issues that matter. Through politics. It has won over 14 awards such as this partnership, we have delivered engaging The Lovie Awards, German Design Award, digital platforms to create media experiences Corporate Engagement Award and many of the future. more. The game has also been syndicated in Japanese. Last year, we opened up The Sustainability Project to the next generation by partnering with The Economist Educational Foundation (TEEF) and created a series of six world-class teaching resources for 9 to15 year-olds on Since its launch, the platform has garnered sustainability themes. Our objective here was over 800K pageviews from 500K+ unique to enable the next generation to have inspiring visitors, who spent an average of 1:56 mins discussions on sustainability issues and to on the site, resulting in a total of more than think critically, communicate effectively and 17,000 hours. Today the platform hosts original understand global challenges. These resources Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 57

Corporate governance Governance World Economic Forum (WEF) • Infosys' presence at WEF annual meeting: ESG REPORT 2022-23 – Infosys CEO & MD participated in a public session on Accelerating the Reskilling ESG is an opportunity Revolution. With labor markets in flux from the fallout of the pandemic, technological shifts and the green ENVIRONMENT transition, up to one billion people will need reskilling, training and lifelong SOCIAL learning by 2030. The session covered details on how much progress has been made and what needs to happen next to GOVERNANCE reach this target. – Infosys General Counsel and Chief Performance on governance goals Compliance Officer participated in a Corporate governance WEF public discussion on Investing Responsibly in Sustainable Governance. Data privacy While a significant focus on climate Information management change is influencing global investment priorities, responsible and sustainable governance remains essential to ensuring a just economic recovery. The speakers discussed actions and meaningful approaches that will empower investors to take a holistic Infosys has had a 23-year strategic-level 1.5 °C requires significant collaboration and approach to sustainable governance partnership with the World Economic Forum shared responsibility between the private so that integrity is incorporated in their (WEF). Key ESG initiatives undertaken with the and public sectors and are ready to work strategic decisions. forum include: side by side with governments to accelerate – Sustainability is embedded into the • Infosys is a founding business partner of the transition to net zero. As part of this fabric of Infosys. Our presence at Davos WEF’s 'Reskilling Revolution' initiative that community, we signed an open letter for 2023 was completely carbon neutral. aims to provide one billion people with world leaders at COP27 committing the All avoidable emissions were offset with better education, skills and jobs by 2030. same. the use of sustainable methods and Infosys integrated the Pathfinders Online • Infosys is a key member of the Chief materials. For unavoidable emissions, Institute on the platform. Diversity and Inclusion Officers Community. Infosys invests in commensurate certified • Infosys is part of WEF’s Alliance of CEO It is a signatory of Partnering for Racial Gold Standard Carbon offsets. We Climate Leaders community, a CEO-led Justice in Business, a global coalition of also had a session in partnership with community committed to raising bold organizations and their C-suite leaders Economist Impact on Managing Risk climate ambition and accelerating the net committed to leveraging their individual across the Sustainability Landscape that zero transition by setting science-based and collective power to build equitable emphasized on the risks to sustainability targets, disclosing emissions and catalyzing and just workplaces for professionals against a turbulent macroeconomic and decarbonization and partnerships across with under-represented racial and ethnic geopolitical landscape. global value chains. Alliance members identities. know that limiting global warming to Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 58

Corporate governance Governance G20 Smart Cities Alliance Sustainability Taskforce ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE Performance on governance goals Corporate governance Data privacy Information management World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution As the world urbanizes, sustainable adopting the right set of policies to make sure residents around a shared set of principles Infosys participated in the High-level development and economic growth depend that technology is used responsibly, and our for the responsible and ethical use of smart Roundtable for the G7 Sustainable Urban increasingly on the successful management research shows that most cities do not have city technologies. The Alliance establishes Development Ministers’ Meeting in Tokyo of urban growth. With the right technology these fundamentals in place. and advances global policy norms to help Policy and Guidance on how to prepare Whole and the know-how to govern it, cities can Infosys is partnering with the WEF secretariat accelerate best practices, mitigate potential Life Carbon (WLC) assessments including how lead the way in solving problems in energy, in the role of taskforce lead for the G20 risks, and foster greater openness and public to calculate WLC emissions and the information transportation, healthcare, education and Global Smart Cities Alliance on Technology trust. The taskforce is designing principles and that needs to be submitted to comply with the natural disaster response, while making their Governance unites local and national WLC benchmarks to aid planning applicants in policy and how public-private collaborations in communities more inclusive, resilient and governments, private-sector partners and city designing buildings that have low operational cities are critical to solving some of the world's sustainable. But progress depends on cities carbon and low embodied carbon. biggest challenges. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 59

Data privacy Governance ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Evolving notion of privacy ENVIRONMENT Today, there is a much greater adoption of digital and emerging technologies in everything we do. Approach to sustained DP compliance The tools and technologies that we use at work have brought in a great deal of operational ease SOCIAL and efficiency, making life much simpler. Often, the incentives to use these are so compelling, At Infosys, we constituted the data privacy the time of data collection to both internal that choice is only notional. On the other hand, Data Privacy (DP) regulations around the world function over a decade ago as an independent and external data subjects and the privacy GOVERNANCE are demanding greater accountability from us, to ensure that these are not intrusive when business enabling function reporting to statement for external data subjects is also deployed. Many of these tools, platforms and processes have the propensity to breach privacy if the management and using the globally made available in the public domain. These Performance on governance goals not deployed with due diligence. Hence, at Infosys, the Data Privacy Office (DPO) an independent recognized PIMS (Privacy Information are constantly updated to reflect the changes function, ensures careful balancing before deploying them. Management System) framework. We complied in personal data processing or applicable DP Corporate governance with all applicable data privacy regulations regulations. Data privacy in fiscal 2023 in building applications and Privacy Statement Information management platforms, or while executing client projects, by introducing appropriate privacy safeguards. Infosys does not do behavioral advertising. Our Data Privacy Policy published in the Infosys also does not use personal data for Company intranet, demonstrates our the secondary purposes. Whenever there is a Management's commitment to privacy and change in the purpose, data subjects are applies to the entire operations including notified of the new purpose through privacy service providers. To ensure complete notices. transparency, we provide privacy notices at Infosys - Privacy Statement. CONTEXT IMPROVEMENT INTERESTED PARTIES MEASUREMENT ISSUES AND EXPECTATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT SCOPE AND TREATMENT PIMS OBJECTIVES VISION SOA MISSION RISK AND POLICY OPPORTUNITIES Diagram 1: A robust framework to continuously improve data privacy Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 60

Data privacy Governance DP governance ESG REPORT 2022-23 framework ESG is an opportunity At Infosys, the Data Privacy Office plays the role of architect and checker, while business ENVIRONMENT enabling functions and units are the makers, with independent audits being carried out SOCIAL periodically by our Quality team and external Aspirations in DP bodies. Quarterly senior management reviews ensure adequate oversight. We make every effort to protect the personal GOVERNANCE information that comes under our purview. RMC Our data privacy compliance framework is Performance on governance goals based on ISO 27701 with inputs that include Corporate governance LCRC convergence of international best practices, client-prescribed requirements and applicable Data privacy data privacy regulations across geographies. Information management DPC Adopting internationally that complies with DP regulations, leading to supplier-related risks to Infosys. We have market differentiation. The program focuses published comprehensive guidelines for PSC accepted protocols on introducing PbD strategies, patterns and suppliers / vendors to ensure that they adhere guidelines to integrate privacy principles and to strict obligations imposed by contracts Risk Management Committee Data Privacy Council We are among the first few organizations requirements into solutions and platforms and applicable laws of the land, during their Legal Compliance and Risk Council Privacy Sub-Council globally, to have our framework certified development. To institutionalize privacy by engagement with Infosys and its subsidiaries. with accreditation, for ISO 27701 privacy design, a two-phased enabling program is The Infosys Supplier Code of Conduct is • Privacy Sub-Council information management standard. We intend under way. In phase one, foundational and mandated across all essential suppliers (Comprises nominated individuals from to increase the coverage of the certification intermediate courses on privacy by design involved in processing of personal data, along business enabling functions and Delivery) across the enterprise in phases. were designed and enabled for all employees with necessary data processing clauses which • Data Privacy Council globally. Phase two is focusing on taking the are agreed prior to their onboarding. Assurance (Comprises heads of business enabling Privacy by Design (PbD) privacy by design implementation to clients. is further demonstrated through due diligence functions and business units) EPIC program Vendor DP guidelines and annual assessments. • Legal Compliance and Risk Council Robust incident management (General Counsel, CFO and CRO are key Anticipating the need to make privacy an Vendor DP management of our extended members) integral part of any process or application entities has assumed strategic significance and breach handling • Risk Management Committee dealing with personal data, an organization- in the current scenario of third-party risks, (Chaired by an independent director) wide strategic initiative named EPIC given the increasing volume of data breaches, At Infosys, we have robust mechanisms to (Embedding Privacy by design into Infosys and enterprise dependency on outsourcing detect, assess, contain and manage data Culture) was rolled out in early 2022 by including cloud service providers. Suppliers privacy breaches and incidents with well- the DPO in collaboration with Quality and present difficult and unique privacy and defined processes and procedures to respond Delivery functions. EPIC embeds PbD into the cyber security challenges. Compliance with to breach notifications within defined timelines solution development process at Infosys to diverse data protection laws across the world in accordance with the laws of the land. If an enable responsible data-centric innovation requires an effective mechanism for managing incident or a breach is determined to be of Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 61

Data privacy Governance high impact, and / or if the law of the land Raising DP awareness through Driving DP thought leadership mandates, such breaches are notified to the impacted data subjects and /or supervisory campaigns and events In this constantly changing privacy threat ESG REPORT 2022-23 authority. We also incorporate key learnings landscape, the Infosys DPO recognizes the from incidents in privacy awareness stories Every year, we celebrate the Data Privacy Day need for regular engagement with industry ESG is an opportunity and tips sent to employees. Incidents of high by hosting engaging interventions and diverse and government bodies to shape the future and critical nature are reported to the incident online interactive events like crosswords, of data privacy. Towards this, it actively disclosure committee, consisting of senior quizzes, chat with DPO and messages from participates in various initiatives with ENVIRONMENT leaders including the CEO & MD. Infosys has senior leaders to spread awareness. The events industry forums and standard bodies globally, zero tolerance for any breaches, which in span over several months and rewards are contributing to developing DP frameworks, SOCIAL addition to appropriate preventive measures, offered to promote employee participation. policies and standards. The Infosys DPO is the are controlled through effective deterrent Additionally, monthly awareness mailers in the co-editor for ISO and IEEE standards related GOVERNANCE mechanisms including stringent consequence form of privacy tips and scenarios reflecting to privacy engineering, management and management. changing threats are also sent to everyone in privacy in emerging technologies, some of Performance on governance goals In fiscal 2023, there were no substantiated the organization to strengthen awareness. We which have been published while others are complaints received concerning breaches of conducted International Privacy Symposium being developed. Such emerging technologies Corporate governance customer privacy from outside parties and 2022, a virtual conference organized by the include AI, digital twins, Metaverse and ZKP Data privacy regulatory authorities. Infosys Data Privacy Office in association with (Zero Knowledge Proof). IAPP and ACC, where participants included Recently, AI-based tools and technologies Information management Data subject rights global privacy leaders, CPOs, experts from have proliferated across the digital industry, academia and global frontline practitioners bringing in rich dividends both for consumers management to reflect on key trends, challenges and best and businesses. However, this has also practices. Some of the sessions organized introduced hitherto unknown privacy threats, Data subject rights, which have become an as part of this included privacy engineering, particularly on decisional autonomy, basic intrinsic part of data privacy laws in many anonymization, privacy-preserving synthetic to individual data empowerment. At Infosys, countries, are legal rights enjoyed by the data data, AI, data ethics and human behavior, data privacy and data ethics are an integral subject. These rights are legally enforceable, privacy standards, data subject rights and parts of the responsible AI framework and all but never absolute, which makes the fulfilment other emerging areas. A similar symposium AI-based solutions and platforms are subjected complex in the current enterprise setting with is proposed to be organized in 2023 in to privacy assessments before deployment, data spread across systems and servers in collaboration with international bodies. to balance business value derived with data multiple geographies with diverse regulatory All employees and sub-contractors have to privacy. regimes. Infosys has established necessary also mandatorily complete privacy awareness tools and processes to cater to such data quizzes annually, the questions and scenarios subject rights requests within the legally for which are tailored based on the their stipulated timelines across Infosys locations, respective roles. including subsidiaries. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 62

Information management Governance ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Infosys cyber security is an amalgamation of the cyber security strategy that is aligned to the Innovations and service Industry recognition business goals, the Infosys cyber security framework and a strong cyber governance program ENVIRONMENT that is driven through the Information Security Council. The Infosys cyber security strategy has offerings • Leader in the Avasant Risk and Compliance been designed to minimize cyber security risks and is aligned to business goals. It's objectives Services 2022 Radarview SOCIAL focuses on proactive enablement of business, along with ensuring continual improvement in • We have a portfolio of cyber security service • Leader in the Avasant Cyber security the compliance posture through effective monitoring and management of cyber events. Infosys offerings and solutions to strengthen our Services 2022 Radarview believes that an effective security culture would complement its cyber security objectives capability. In the last financial year, we made GOVERNANCE by reducing the risks for the enterprise. Infosys cyber security program is a reassurance that huge progress in the Cyber Next modules • Major Player in IDC MarketScape: Worldwide the required controls and processes are implemented, monitored, measured, and improved like Cyber Watch, Cyber Intel, Cyber Hunt, Managed Cloud Security Services in the Performance on governance goals continuously to mitigate cyber risks across cyber security domains. Cyber Scan, Cyber Gaze, Cyber Compass, Multicloud Era 2022 Vendor Assessment Cyber Central and Managed Protection • Major Contender in the Everest Group IT Corporate governance Detection and Response (MPDR) and Security Services PEAK Matrix Assessment Data privacy Our approach have also onboarded customers to these 2022 - North America. solutions and platforms • Major Contender in the Everest Group IT Information management • We have rolled out a new service offering Security Services PEAK Matrix Assessment WHAT SECURE BY DESIGN SECURE BY SCALE SECURE THE FUTURE addressing requirements for Zero Trust 2022 - Europe • Maximize visibility • Optimize cost • Innovate faster Assessment, establishing Secure Modern • Major Contender in the Everest Group WHY • Minimize risk • Amplify reach • Deliver value Workplaces and achieving convergence of IT Managed Detection and Response (MDR) • Early engagement • Rapid development • Thought leadership and OT security framework Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2022 • We have strong strategic partnerships with over 50 global partners to help enhance and Cyber security governance • Awareness and culture • Platforms and accelerators • Competency building strengthen our cyber security solutions. at Infosys • Security architecture • Integrated and optimized • Research and innovation • In the endeavor to serve our customers with HOW • DevSecOps • Automation • Co-created partner solution assured digital trust, we have built several • Infosys has a robust and comprehensive • Intuitive dashboards • Managed security service • Emerging technologies POVs and collaterals with the help of our cyber security program, managed by a • Compliance • Academic collaboration highly professional SMEs dedicated unit called Information Security • We have a global network of seven Cyber Group. Infosys has multi-layered controls Defense Centers spread across EMEA, US with a defense-in-depth approach starting and APAC, and a strong set of innovation from a robust cyber security strategy hubs and integrated platforms. supplemented by policies, processes and controls (preventive, detective, and corrective). A full-time Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has the overall responsibility for the Infosys cyber security program. The Infosys Board of Directors and the senior management oversee the execution of the cyber security program through the CISO. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 63

Information management Governance • The Board has constituted the Cyber Additionally, we have also been attested Cyber skill management 7. Bringing in automation to eliminate the security Risk Sub-Committee under the on SSAE 18 SOC 1 and SOC 2 by an repeated and monotonous tasks being Risk Management Committee. The Sub- independent audit firm. During the year, at Infosys done by the analyst and enable them ESG REPORT 2022-23 Committee consists of three independent our focus on our cyber security personnel’s to perform investigation and cognitive directors. The objective of the Sub- training, reskilling and building a security With the increasing demand for cyber security activities . ESG is an opportunity committee is to assess cyber security related culture of collective onus, encouraging jobs and skilled workforce, Infosys has taken 8. Invested in Cyber Range platform for the risks and the preparedness of the Company shift-left, enabling developer community several measures over the past year to counter security force to get hands-on security to mitigate and react to such risks. with dedicated courses, resource-kits went the cyber security talent crisis as well as in training based on real-world attacks ENVIRONMENT • A high-level working group, the Information ahead as planned, together with our overall reskilling, retaining and diversifying our simulation. Security Council (ISC), has been established. initiatives on improving cyber security security workforce in areas, such as application SOCIAL The ISC is responsible for governing and processes, technologies and posture. security / secure development lifecycle, etc. Awards and recognition overseeing the Information Security Our regular stakeholder interactions Management System (ISMS) at Infosys. The ensured that we have timely sponsorship Some of the initiatives are: • CISO of the Year - 4th CISO Conclave and GOVERNANCE ISC is the governing body on information from the senior management and all key 1. Partnership with Purdue University for Awards, 2022 – Vishal Salvi. security at Infosys which focuses on stakeholders. upskilling and reskilling the fundamentals • DSCI Excellence Award for Security Leader Performance on governance goals establishing, directing, and monitoring and advanced Cyber security . Corporate governance of the information security governance Cyber resilience at Infosys of the Year, 2022 – Lakshmi Narayanan framework. The ISC consists of senior 2. Conducting bootcamp every year with Kaliyaperumal. Data privacy representatives from various departments Cyber resilience is a strong focus at Infosys. focused technical, process, and behavioral • Infosys won DSCI Excellence Award for Best Information management and business units at Infosys chaired by the We have extensively concentrated on training training sessions. Week-long event Security Practices in IT-ITeS / BPM Sector, co-delivery heads. our employees with the latest cyber attacks organized for the ISGians in collaboration 2022. • At Infosys, while our employees operated scenarios through various exercises, including with various external and internal trainers • AWS Security Competency Partner enabling efficiently as a hybrid workforce, we tabletop, simulation of a real-world attacks in a and speakers, who are all SMEs in their own Infosys to offer its customers deep technical continued to remain vigilant on the containerized platform. fields. Engaging sessions were organized expertise with security in AWS and evolving cyber security threat landscape. The ISG conducted a simulated exercise, which with the help of ETA and HR. delivering security-focused solutions for In our endeavor to maintain a robust cyber enabled employees to train in a real world-like 3. Behavioral training sessions conducted for specific workloads and use cases. security posture, the team has remained cyber attack simulated within the platform. ISGians basis competency mapping. • EMEA International Partner of the Year 2022 abreast of emerging cyber security events We have also conducted regular table-top 4. ISG MasterClass launched to promote by Zscaler for jointly securing customer’s globally, so as to achieve higher compliance exercises across all job levels including our key learning and exchange of knowledge / digital transformation via Zero Trust and its continued sustenance. We continue stakeholders which evaluate the organization's thought leadership ideas. Security. to be certified against the ISMS Standard cyber crisis processes, tools, preparedness and ISO 27001:2013. proficiency in responding to cyber attacks from 5. Virtual trainings and content through both strategic and technical perspectives. This ISF portal, digital platforms for trainings, helped the team to revisit the process, incident certifications, and reskilling. response plans, escalation point of contact, etc. 6. Enabled developer community on SSDLC framework and SecDevOps, integration of security testing with CI / CD pipeline. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 64

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