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2022 Annual Report 16 30% Club France Investor Group The Merits of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Audit (SCOR SE, Reinsurance) In 2021, the engaged company made additional commitments and conducted an external DEI audit that lasted three months and involved 12 people f rom their HR department. They contracted the Clear Company to carry out this DEI audit. We believe that such an investment is a good practice as they will have a good understanding of the state of play and where they must emphasis the impetus. It looks to be a good way to reconcile meritocracy and gender diversity. The idea is no longer to oppose meritocracy and gender diversity but to look to broader strengths and competencies brought about by cognitive diversity. They presented to the 30% Club the different aspects of the DEI audit, split into three parts. • A complete review of the company’s documentation (HR, procedures, internal communication, animation, results) in seven geographical areas chosen for their representativeness at the group level: UK, France, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, APAC, and USA. The Clear Company also reviewed the recruitment process of 12 of the last candidates recruited. • 50 employees who are leaders in their position were interviewed individually to gauge leadership commitment to DEI. In parallel, they conducted 13 employee focus groups that covered geographic, newcomer, generational, and gender themes. 350 people were interviewed concerning their perception of the inclusive experience at the engaged company. • Positioning of the engaged company by the Clear Company relative to its industry peers. The Consulting Firm formulated recommendations in terms of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. • Communication of the D&I strategy to all employees with clear objectives. • Further developing KPIs on D&I, a complex subject because legislation differs greatly f rom one country to another on what information can be collected on employees. • Setting a relatively broad definition of D&I because of the very different ways of seeing it in different geographical areas. • The example should come f rom the top. Critical role of leadership, not just HR or a few colleagues. All managers must embrace it with a participation in training programs, sponsorship on projects, and applying an inclusive lens to all the decisions they make on employees. • Educating employees and managers on the subject with a terminology that evolves and involves setting up dialogue zones. • Working on culture and values • Implementing a wellness, mental health, and D&I policy The DEI audit will help meet its ambitions in terms of gender diversity and equity. In that respect, a particular focus was done on the gender pay gap as per their commitment to no gendered pay gap for equal positions. Currently, the gender pay gap is on average/median at nearly 30% because women account for only 10% of the 10 highest salaries. There is no cure-all solution, but the engaged company is taking action on the many levers contributing to the gender pay gap, particularly the attraction, development, and promotion of female talent to increase representation in the highest pay groups. A tangible example is the mapping of all the roles in the organization, seen as the opportunity to have a more granular monitoring of the situation, e.g., which jobs are occupied by women, for which hierarchical roles, and at which wages. What gets monitored gets measured and improved with the end purpose of ensuring fair compensation for employees, whatever their gender. Case Study 3

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