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THE 101 TOP B2B MARKETING INFLUENCERS OF 2022 Amanda Malko Melanie Marcus Ali McCarthy CMO | G2 CMO | Surescripts CMO | Skience CMO Super Power CMO Super Power CMO Super Power Partnering internally and externally. Making complicated things simple. Strategy. Amanda is a go-to-market leader Melanie is a senior healthcare Ali is a results-oriented marketing who thrives on leading high- marketing, customer experience and communications executive performing, cross-functional and strategy executive. She is with more than two decades of teams. Her career focus is on a creative and visionary leader distinguished performance in hyper-growth companies working who never shies away from a the financial services industry. at the intersection of marketing/ new idea. Her passion is building Previously she held senior creativity/technology. She’s teams who deliver growth through positions with Orion, Brinker worked at companies scaling from innovations in brand, thought Capital, Guardian Life Insurance first dollar to $850M, advised some leadership, lead generation, Co., and AllianceBernstein. of the largest companies in the sales enablement and customer With her academic background world, and been fortunate to be engagement. Melanie’s record in emotional intelligence, involved in 3 exits and multiple demonstrates a strong ability to she is recognized for helping M&A transactions. She is currently create uniquely effective marketing organizations blend an evidence- the CMO of G2, the world’s teams, and raises the bar for what based management approach with largest software marketplace, strategic marketing can achieve. seamless integration of behavioral reaching 60M+ software buyers sciences into the client-advisor every year. Previously, she led the relationship. Partner Program and Academy at Mailchimp, now part of Intuit. Before that, she was CMO of 360i, and CMO of Tongal. 22

101 Top B2B Marketing Influencers of 2022 - Page 22 101 Top B2B Marketing Influencers of 2022 Page 21 Page 23