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THE 101 TOP B2B MARKETING INFLUENCERS OF 2022 Laurie Mitchell Kay Moffett Allison Munro SVP Global Marketing CMO | Amplify CMO | Vena Solutions | Wasabi Technologies CMO Super Power CMO Super Power CMO Super Power Industry-shaping content Leading with passion. Building partnerships (internal marketing. and external). As Chief Marketing & Ecosystem Kay leads marketing, Officer, Allison is passionate Laurie is a marketing leader with communications, and government about building and leading high- experience guiding diverse global relations at Amplify. She has two performance marketing teams teams and building programs that decades of experience overseeing that drive brand, demand and drive revenue in close partnership marketing and public affairs in the experience. She began her career with sales. Laurie spent 20+ years K-12 education and technology as an entrepreneur and built driving partner alliances, channel industries. Kay approaches the her own experiential marketing programs and field marketing, and fast-paced world of marketing with agency, providing technology- creating and managing programs a remarkable work ethic, incredible based experience solutions for at both startups and large skillset, flexibility, and calmness. CPG and entertainment brands. companies. She has experience Kay started her career in Teach for She continued to apply her in partner program development, America as a high school English skills and experiences as she relationship management, and Humanities teacher in New transitioned to senior marketing contract creation, negotiation, York City. She later conducted leadership roles working directly partner enablement and demand research and taught pre-service with tech providers, including gen programs. Laurie also has teachers at the Stanford Graduate Oracle Marketing Cloud, NexJ expertise in a variety of go-to- School of Education. Systems and Piano Software. For market models including single- the last 3 years, Allison has been tier reseller, systems integrators, applying here 15+ years of GTM two-tier distribution, OEM, and co- experience at Vena Solutions selling with partners. She also has leading marketing and ecosystem strong interpersonal relationship strategy worldwide. building skills. 24

101 Top B2B Marketing Influencers of 2022 - Page 24 101 Top B2B Marketing Influencers of 2022 Page 23 Page 25