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Elements Applied Out-of-Home 2.06 Our out-of-home advertising adheres to nine core elements. The bold blue sky 9 background paired with our striking plane tail make our ads easily identifiable in any placement. 5 Dear City that Never Sleeps: The logo is always located at the Challenge accepted. top right of the layout. Horizontal logo is preferred. Headlines are as concise as possible THE MOST LIE-FLAT SEATS TO LONDON. 7 for legibility. Headline copy is white 8 #GoingForGreat AmericanSans Regular and as large 6 as possible. 3 The rule line is centered vertically between the headline and subhead. It extends as far as the length of the headline or subhead line directly 9 adjacent to it, whichever is longer. 4 The subhead copy is all caps, 5 white and set in white AmericanSans Medium at +60 point tracking. Wi-Fi? Why, yes. Subheads are as large as possible. 5 This tail is used on most out-of-home. WI-FI ON OVER 825 PLANES. 7 6 Clouds anchor the bottom of the ad. 8 #GoingForGreat 6 7 The oneworld logo is aligned according to the American logo. 8 The hashtag aligns with the oneworld logo. It should be 85% K and set in AmericanSans Regular. It should be separated from the oneworld logo so it doesn't appear to be a logo lock-up. 9 The sky background moves from Due to the irregular size and placement of out-of-home advertising, dark blue at the top of the ad to AA please be mindful and take into consideration an ad's context when selecting imagery and typography in layouts. If airplane images are used, blue in the middle to light blue at the they should not be flying ‘into’ anything, whether a bus or a building etc. bottom, which blends with the clouds. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0

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