American Airlines Brand Book
American Airlines, Inc., is a major US-based airline headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. It is the world's largest airline when measured by fleet size, scheduled passengers carried, and revenue passenger mile.
Version 3.0 Advertising Guidelines March 2015
Welcome Advertising Guidelines In this document, you’ll find everything you need to know to create advertising For the first time in over 40 years, that reflects the new American look, design sensibility and tone of voice. American Airlines has changed its iconic At this point in our history, it is particularly important that all of our advertising branding, with a new look and logo. looks and feels like it comes from the same family. In these guidelines you It has all been inspired by the extensive will see exactly what elements to use and where and when to use them. changes happening within American Yet, they should still leave you with enough creative flexibility to build distinctive and interesting as a company. communications. Like all guidelines, there are exceptions to the rules. You will discover many of these later in the document. As we continue to modernize, so too should our advertising, with fresh, bold, optimistic communications. By using our new branding elements and applying them directly to our advertising, we can create advertising that reflects the new American. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Table of Contents Welcome Visual Elements Photography & Livery Partnerships Advertising Guidelines 1.0 Introduction 1.32 Image Categories 2.19 Partnerships 1.01 Elements Quick Reference 1.33 Imagery Table of Contents 1.34 Plane Price Point Logo & Layout 1.35 Livery 2.20 Standard Price Point 1.02 Logo 1.36 Livery Violations 2.21 Percentage Price Point 1.03 Logo Clearspace 1.37 Imagery Violations 2.22 Multiple Price Points 1.05 Rule of Thirds 1.38 Image White Space 2.23 Transactional Non-Panes 1.08 Logo Colorways 2.24 Transactional Panes 1.09 Colorway Violations Audio 2.25 Route Launch Panes 1.10 Logo Violations 1.40 Music and Sound Design 2.26 Price Point Examples Color & Typography 2.0 Elements Applied International Examples 1.11 Color Introduction 2.29 International Print 1.12 Print Typography 2.31 International Price Point 1.13 Out-of-Home Typography Print 1.14 Digital Typography 2.01 Print 3.0 Contact Information 1.15 Typography Violations 2.02 Joint Business Print 1.16 Legal Copy 2.03 Reversed Elements 2.04 Print Spread Co-Branding 1.17 oneworld Out-of-Home 1.19 oneworld Exceptions 2.06 Out-of-Home 1.20 Joint Business Lockups 2.08 Subhead Violations 1.22 White Frame 2.09 Destination Imagery 1.23 Partnerships 2.10 Imagery Violations 2.11 Exceptions Price Points 1.24 Print Price Point Online 1.25 Online Price Point – Non-Panes 2.12 Standard Online 1.26 Online Price Point – Panes 2.13 Horizontal Online 2.14 Narrow Online Online & Screen 2.15 Mobile and Tablet –Static 1.27 Online Margins 1.28 Online Elements Panes 1.29 Online Animations 2.16 Online Banners: 300 x 250 1.30 Panes 2.17 Online Banners 160 x 600 1.31 Video End Frames 2.18 Online Banners: 728 x 90 © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Introduction 1.0 American’s advertising builds upon our iconic image while still reflecting our more modern, vibrant and welcoming spirit. So the American brand has to be much more than a logo on a page. It’s the words that you choose, the type you select and the colors, graphics and imagery that you use to communicate. Please visit the Brand Center at for full brand guidelines. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v.3.0
Visual Elements Elements Quick Reference 1.01 American advertising is comprised of Logo Typography core elements that include the new logo, typography, imagery and color palette. This set of tools has been designed to be flexible and expandable so that it can be innovatively applied AmericanSans. across all media. But to effectively define the American brand experience, these core elements must be used Modern. consistently across every touch point. Clean. Imagery Color © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Logo 1.02 The American Airlines logo is the signature of the new American identity. It is modern and simple, yet instantly recognizable. Because it is such a highly visible brand asset, it is vital that it is always applied consistently in whatever kind of advertisement it appears. The full American Airlines logotype with Flight Symbol is the only variation of the logo permitted to appear on paid advertisements. Do not use the abbreviated American logo for paid ads. The horizontal, positive logo is the preferred logo to use on all ads. The vertical, stacked logo can also be used, but only if it increases legibility in out-of-home or digital environments. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Logo Clearspace 1.03 To protect the clarity and visual integrity of the logo, always maintain proper clearspace around it. This prevents the logo from getting crowded by images, text or other graphics, which can lessen its impact and its visibility. The minimum clearspace is derived from X, which is measured as the height of the Flight Symbol. Clearspace should always be a minimum of 1X on the left and right sides of the horizontal logo while the top and bottom space measures .5X or ½ X. Clearspace requirements are the same for all horizontal variations. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Logo Clearspace 1.04 The stacked logo is used in digital or out-of-home environments to increase legibility when needed. The minimum clearspace is derived from X, which is measured as the height of the Flight Symbol. It is preferred for clearspace around the stacked logo to be a minimum of .5X or ½ X. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Rule of Thirds 1.05 To ensure logo placement is consistent across print executions, a rule of thirds should be applied to each layout. The rule of thirds is a simple, but effective grid that when applied to a layout helps maintain consistent and proportional elements. The rule of thirds is based on a three- column by three-row layout grid. Always place the logo in the far right column of the page. By applying this rule to guide logo placement, we will also maintain a healthy minimum size while reinforcing the momentum of the logo. For a multiple page spread, the rule of thirds makes the logo disproportionately small. Instead, use a two-row grid which will enlarge the logo to half the width of the page. Refer to the example on 2.04. One – Third © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Rule of Thirds 1.06 While the preferred size of the logo is the width of the far right column, exceptions may be made in selected circumstances— particularly in digital formats. If the logo is illegible when sized at one third of the grid, it should be enlarged to two thirds. If it is still illegible, it can be further enlarged to the full width of the grid. If the horizontal logo is difficult to read even at full width (specifically in skinny vertical units), the stacked logo may be used. If the horizontal dimension of the ad unit is much larger than the vertical Two - Thirds Full Width dimension, and applying the rule of thirds will cause the logo to interfere with other elements of the layout, it is permissible to reduce the logo to one fourth of the horizontal space. Stacked One -Fourth Exception © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Rule of Thirds 1.07 The rule of thirds does not always apply to out-of-home layouts. The goal in this instance is to make the logo large enough in the space to be legible but not interfere with the content of the out-of-home messaging. Check out our new air candy, N.Y. Please use these out-of-home NEW PLANES EVERY WEEK. examples as a guide. #GoingForGreat Wi-Fi? Why, yes. WI-FI ON OVER 825 PLANES. #GoingForGreat © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Logo Colorways 1.08 There are two versions of the Primary Logo American Airlines logo. The Primary and the Alternative Beak. Each set of logos has a positive and reverse option for light and dark backgrounds. The Primary set should always be the first option for use in a layout. However, in circumstances when the beak of the Flight Symbol does not have sufficient contrast to stand out from the background, the Alternate Beak version should be used. The Alternate Beak version of the logo has lighter, more solid coloring to stand out on more medium- Positive Reverse value colored backgrounds. Alternate Beak Positive Reverse © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Colorway Violations 1.09 Images of the sky are very important in American advertising. We want to be sure that the sky imagery we use reflects the sense of optimism and possibility that we embody and enable; all skies should be welcoming and nonthreatening. Don’t use potentially threatening or disquieting sky imagery. Alternatively, do not use images of positive skies that are overly busy. When using an image of sky that is of medium value, do not use the version of the logo that has insufficient contrast in the beak of the Flight Symbol. In Do not use busy images of clouds. Do not use threatening images of clouds. these instances, the Alternate Beak version of the logo should be used (see Page 1.08). Also, the shade of blue in the sky should be sufficiently different from the shade of blue used in the top half of the Flight Symbol. The Flight Symbol must have sufficient contrast from the The Flight Symbol must have sufficient contrast from the background, otherwise the Alt. Beak lockup should be used. background, otherwise the Alt. Beak lockup should be used. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Logo Violations 1.10 The logo is a unique expression of the American brand. To maintain its effectiveness, care must be taken to ensure correct and consistent use in every application. Some common logo misuses are shown Do not use the logotype Do not change the logotype colors. Do not change the font of the logotype. here. These same principles of use without the Flight Symbol. apply to all configurations and variations of our portfolio of logos. Do not change the colors Do not place the logo over busy Do not rearrange the of the Flight Symbol. backgrounds that compromise the logo. logo components. Do not skew or distort Do not place the logo in holding shapes. Do not add drop shadows the logo in any way. or special effects. Sitwell Enterprises Do not use the abbreviated Do not add any additional text American logo for paid ads. or taglines to the logo. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Color 1.11 American advertising relies on a Advertising Color Palette Color Name CMYK RGB Spot Hex Number selected brand palette in order to maintain a readily identifiable identity. Typography and all graphical elements, excluding imagery, must align to this palette of colors. Custom PMS AA Blue 100/35/0/0 0/120/210 2778 U 0078D2 Always use the exact color values listed. Don’t use color references or values from files that have been converted 7545 C automatically between color modes, AA Dark Gray 50/28/14/56 54/73/90 7547 U 36495A since some software programs don’t always make color conversions that are equal to the specific color values White 0/0/0/0 255/255/255 NA FFFFFF listed in the palette specifications. AA Gray 5/0/0/40 157/166/171 429 C 9DA6AB 7544 U Black 0/0/0/100 19/19/19 Black C 131313 Black U AA Red* 0/100/75/15 195/0/25 200 C C30019 1805 U * AA Red is used exclusively in online advertising. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Print Typography 1.12 The American typeface is AmericanSans. Headlines - Print Leading or line spacing It is at the heart of American’s should always be +2 to the identity. Clean, distinctive and text size when using legible, it bridges both contemporary Headlines are set in AmericanSans. and classical qualities. Punctuation AmericanSans Light and Headlines are set in sentence case using correct punctuation and proper nouns. AA Dark Gray or White. Alignment Although typically set flush left, headlines can be aligned flush right Subheads - Print Always set the tracking on when the imagery requires. When using small caps to +75. flush right headlines, align text to the subheads are set in americansans medium, outer edge of American Airlines in the small caps and in aa blue. logo, not the Flight Symbol. Headlines and copy should never be centered. Or subheads can be set in AmericanSans Regular, sentence case in AA Dark Gray or White for non-transactional ads (i.e., fare/route). Body Copy - Print Callouts, Brand terms and keywords can be emphasized Body Copy is set in AmericanSans Regular and in AA Dark Gray or white. by setting them in -line in Generally, body copy is half the point size of headlines. AmericanSans Medium and AA Blue. Example: LGA, Chicago, AAdvantage. If the Example: Text size is 9 pt, the line spacing should be 11 pt. rest of the copy is reversed out in white, the callouts should be white as well. Call to Actions - Print URLS are set all lowercase and in the same weight as Call to Actions are set sentence case and in the same weight as the body copy. the body copy. They are They can be placed in-line or below the body copy paragraph. placed in-line or below the body paragraph. Example: Donate today on or or #newplanes © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Out-of-Home Typography 1.13 Headlines for out-of-home use AmericanSans Regular in white, Headlines - Out-Of-Home Leading or line spacing set in sentence case. Subheads should always be +2 to the use AmericanSans Medium in text size when using all caps. A rule separates the Headlines are set in AmericanSans. headline from the subhead. AmericanSans Regular in white. Subheads - Out-Of-Home Set the tracking on subheads from +50 - +70, depending SUBHEADS ARE SET IN AMERICANSANS MEDIUM, on size and legibility. ALL CAPS IN WHITE. Hashtags - Out-Of-Home Hashtags are placed next to the oneworld logo. Hashtags are set in AmericanSans Regular and 85% K or White. Capitalizing each word and making the font size large increases legibility. Headlines for increased legibility - Out-Of-Home This is for increased legibility in placements that move (e.g., units with irregular Headlines are set in backgrounds such as train wraps) and placements AmericanSans Medium in white. intended to be viewed at a distance. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Digital Typography 1.14 Copy is set in sentence case using Copy - Digital Leading or line spacing correct punctuation and proper nouns. should always be +2 to the text size when using Headlines are set in AmericanSans. AmericanSans Regular and AA Dark Gray or White. Subheads/End Frame Subheads - Digital Always set the tracking on small caps to +75. In price subheads are set in americansans medium, point ads, the headline font small caps and in aa blue. in the end frame can be AmericanSans Regular in all caps and AA Blue in order to keep the main focus on the price point. The use of one type of call- Callouts - Digital out needs to be consistent across the entire ad –mixed Callouts, brand terms and keywords can be emphasized by setting them in-line in use of lower case and all caps AmericanSans Regular or Medium and AA Blue. Or if the rest of the copy is reversed callouts within the same ad out in white, the callouts should be white as well. Mid-sentence small caps callouts unit is not allowed. in AmericanSans Medium and AA Blue can be used as an exception in transactional creative only to help it stand out. Example: Find great deals, Wi-Fi, entertainment and more. Example: Find low fares to Chicago and Los Angeles. Example: Find low fares to destinations across america. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Typography Violations 1.15 Just as the logo is an expression of the American brand, AmericanSans too should be used in every application. BECOMING Becoming Becoming Some common typography THE NEW the new the new misuses are shown here. AMERICAN American. American. Do not use all caps for headlines. Do not set headlines in Do not add drop shadows to text. AmericanSans bold typefaces. Becoming Becoming Becoming the new a new the new American. American. American. Do not use too much Do not use too little Do not use centered text for headlines. leading for headlines. leading for headlines. Becoming Becoming Becoming the new the new the new American. American. American. Do not under-track headlines. Do not underline headlines. Do not use italicized headlines. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Legal Copy 1.16 Legal copy should not detract from Legal When possible legal copy the main image of an ad and should should align with the center be as inconspicuous as possible. Legal copy should be AA Light Gray or AA Gray. It should only be reversed in white if of the oneworld logo and Legal copy is vertically aligned with the it is totally illegible in gray. It should also be a minimum type size of 5 pts or the legal placed flush left in the ad. center of the oneworld logo and placed type size required by region/country. flush left at the bottom of the ad. It's also allowed to run up the side of an ad if it is . e g a short and would detract from the image. m e i h m t o In some cases, the legal copy may r s f t need to meet specified standards of c a r t a printer or format. An example of e d d this is printing on newsprint or on n t a r o a digital display. In these instances, h s s AA Dark Gray is acceptable. t i f i d i d In instances where the legal copy is n a f a e o longer than 3 lines or interferes with d i e s important aspects of the image, it h is permissible to place the legal in p t n u u a white frame under the image. o r Legal copy should be AA Light Gray, AA Gray or reversed in White. d t e It should also be a minimum type size of 5 pts. w o l When the legal is placed in white frame, l o a s the oneworld logo should remain on the l s a l i a image, separated from the legal copy. g e L See page 1.22 for reference. American Airlines, and Flight Symbol logo are marks of American Airlines Inc. oneworld is a mark of the oneworld Alliance. LLC 2013 American Airlines Inc. All rights reserved American Airlines, and Flight Symbol logo are marks of American Airlines Inc. oneworld is a mark of the oneworld Alliance. LLC 2013 American Airlines Inc. All rights reserved Legal on White Vertical © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements oneworld 1.17 To ensure the oneworld alliance logo 85.71% Scale Relationship is presented properly, always scale the oneworld logo 6/7 (or 85.71%) smaller than the Flight Symbol of the horizontal logo. This provides the appropriate visual balance between the orb and the American Airlines logo. If using the stacked logo, be sure the oneworld logo remains the same size. The oneworld logo must be included X 85.71% of X in core customer communications, for both traditional media and digital channels. This includes print, outdoor, online, video, TV and small space advertising. The oneworld logo is also required on all collateral and travel documents, including direct mail, digital communications, promotions, frequent flyer program materials, and all joint communications with other oneworld members. Business units or cost centers that do not involve the oneworld core customer Minimum Size for Print Minimum Size for Digital/Online are not required to incorporate the oneworld brand. These include uses for sponsorships, corporate travel brands, cargo, recruitment, etc. If you do see an opportunity to include the oneworld logo, then the logo may 8 mm. be included on an optional basis. 35 px.. For exceptions, see page 1.19. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements oneworld 1.18 In addition to the scale relationship, the oneworld orb should be placed below the Flight Symbol and left or right aligned with the full logo. While right alignment is the preferred placement, left alignment is permissible if absolutely necessary. Vertical alignment with the oneworld Your ticket to logo is determined by the logotype set inside the orb, not the orb’s actual edge. the world The oneworld logo should be vertically aligned such that the bottom of the orb sits on the bottom clearspace margin when the logotype is flush against the side margin. Right Aligned: Preferred Your ticket to the world. Left Aligned: Preferred © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements oneworld Exceptions 1.19 The oneworld logo is required on all paid advertising, with size exceptions for the following select online/digital circumstances. In these examples, the American Airlines to oneworld logo proportion changes to allow 728 x 90 Not to scale for legibility and white space. oneworld: 80% Exceptions and notes: The oneworld logo on the 160 x 600 px unit, is 125% larger than the Flight Symbol. For the 728 x 90, the oneworld logo is scaled 80% of the Flight Symbol. If the unit is so small that at the correct scale, the oneworld logo becomes smaller than minimum 35 pixels tall, the oneworld logo becomes more dominant 468 x 60 Not to scale than other main ad components no oneworld (American Airlines logo, CTA Button, etc.), or if there is no longer room to include the required clearspace around both the American Airlines and oneworld logos, the oneworld logo is omitted due to size constraints. 160 x 600 Not to scale oneworld: 125% © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Joint Business Lockups 1.20 Joint business lockups always include the oneworld logo and the selected airline logos. Lockups are built so that all logos appear equal in size. They should be sized as a group and should not be re-proportioned individually. Both the horizontal and vertical designs are acceptable for use in jointly developed campaigns. In referring to the agreements between American and these airlines in copy, do not use the term “joint business.” In lieu of that, use one of the following: “in cooperation with,” “enhanced relationship,” “together with” or “working with.” © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Joint Business Lockups 1.21 Airline advertising campaigns should only be signed off with the American Airlines logo in the upper right corner. X This signature identifies who is bringing the message to the customers. The JB lockup should be scaled to the American Airlines logo the same way as the oneworld logo. This means the oneworld logo in the JB lockup should be 6/7 (or 85.71%) smaller than the Flight Symbol in the American Logo. 85.71% of X © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements White Frame 1.22 In instances where the legal copy is longer than 3 lines or interferes with important aspects of the image, it is permissible to place the legal in a white frame under the image. When the legal is placed in white frame, the oneworld logo should remain on the image, separated from the legal copy. Framing the image is also allowed when using Joint Business lockups that interfere with the image. Legal should be flush right to line up with the oneworld logo. American Airlines, and Flight Symbol logo are marks of American Airlines Inc. oneworld is a mark of the oneworld American Airlines, and Flight Symbol logo are marks of American Airlines Inc. oneworld is a mark of Alliance. LLC 2013 American Airlines Inc. All rights reserved American Airlines, and Flight Symbol logo are marks of the oneworld Alliance. LLC 2013 American Airlines Inc. American Airlines Inc. oneworld is a mark of the oneworld Alliance. LLC 2013 American Airlines Inc. All rights reserved Joint Business Lockups on White Legal on White Do not squeeze the legal copy into the white frame. Even though that may be smaller, it creates visual clutter that will take away from the openness and lightness of the layout. The legal should have a minimum of two lines worth of clearance on all sides to allow the legal to breathe. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Partnerships 1.23 Partnership logos should not be locked up with the American Airlines logo and should never be more dominant than the American Airlines logo. Partner logos should be positioned next to the oneworld logo whenever possible. However, if the partner’s minimum size requirement and guidelines for their logo do not allow for this, they should be incorporated as part of the paragraph or headline copy. See page 2.19 for partnership advertising examples. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Print Price Point 1.24 All price points must align to approved Spacing standards. If editing a template, follow these rules to ensure all price point advertising will appear consistently: Price copy should be AmericanSans Light in AA Blue. The dollar Round Trip sign ($) is a medium weight. .5 Y All prices are $ shown in USD Price point descriptors are set in Y AmericanSans Medium and AA Light Blue. If more description is required, it should be placed under 1 X the Round Trip descriptor and set in .25 Y AmericanSans Regular and AA Gray. Price point descriptors should be a minimum of 5 pt. Secondary callouts (if necessary) are set in AmericanSans Medium,in AA Blue small caps Typography and tracked out to +75 pts. Round Trip All prices are $ shown in USD © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Online Price Point – Non-Panes 1.25 All price points must align to approved Spacing standards. If editing a template, follow these rules to ensure all price point advertising will appear consistently: Price point headline copy should conform to the same standards .5 X as subheads: AA Blue, small X(.25 Y) .5 X caps, and +75 point tracking. 1 X .25 Y Rules are .25 pt and AA Gray. Or if on 1 X a dark background .25 and White. Round Trip .5 Y All prices are $ shown in USD Y Copy should be set in sentence case, AmericanSans Light, and colored AA Dark Gray. 1 X Price points are set in AmericanSans .25 Y Light and descriptors are set in Taxes Included. Conditions Apply. AmericanSans Medium. Both are AA Blue. If more description is required, it should be placed under the Round Trip descriptor and set in Typography AmericanSans Regular and AA Gray. Price point descriptors should be a minimum of 5 pt. Buttons should lock up to the right of the price point whenever possible. Buttons can lock up below the price point for certain layouts. Price point terms and conditions Round Trip should be placed at the bottom All prices are of a unit in AA Gray or in close $ shown in USD proximity to the price. Taxes Included. Conditions Apply. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Online Price Point – Panes 1.26 All price points must align to approved standards. Spacing between lines of the template will need to tighten to fit within the Panes template. Follow these rules to ensure all price point advertising will appear consistently: Headlines should be set in all caps, AmericanSans Light, and colored AA Blue. Subheads are all caps, AmericanSans Medium, and colored AA Blue. Price point headlines should be set in all caps, AmericanSans Light, and colored AA Dark Gray. Price points are set in AmericanSans Light and AA Blue. Price point terms and conditions should be placed in close proximity to the price. CTA copy should be set in all caps, AmericanSans Medium, and white. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Online Margins 1.27 Margins should have a minimum of 20 px 300 x 250 20 px clearance space from the edge 20 px Clearance of a layout. This is required to create consistency and to allow banners accommodate any outside element that online publishers may require. 20 px margins are the minimum requirement for banners, 300 x 250, or larger. Smaller units like the 180 x 150, 160 x 600 and the 728 x 90 can adjust to 15 px margins. 15 px 180 x 150 15 px Clearance © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Online Elements 1.28 When communicating online, Brand and Product Transactional advertising falls into two categories: Brand/Product and Transactional. To emphasize this difference, it is preferred that Brand statements use an AA Blue colored button while Transactional ads use a button colored AA Red. However, a red button may be used outside of transactional advertising whenever a blue button doesn't stand out enough from a darker background. All buttons must conform to approved shape and configurations. They should never be longer than the American logo. The type inside the button is AmericanSans Bold set in small 1 px. Key- line Stroke 3 px. Borders caps and tracked out to +75 pts. Web banners require a 1 px. AA Dark Gray key-line frame. 3 px, solid AA Blue borders. can also appear on the left and right edges of the banner. Do not add a gradient to the blue borders. Blue borders are always a flat color. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Online Animations 1.29 Every banner should incorporate some element of eye - catching movement, even if still imagery is used. The oneworld logo should fade in with the call - to - action button. However, if the ad message is about oneworld, the oneworld logo should animate in at the same time as the claim copy. Buttons can manifest a soft glow as a final call to action. Logo Animations Button Animations © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Panes 1.30 "Panes" is an interactive design system developed to be more dynamic than Standard templates with the goal of breaking through the clutter of external, third-party and paid environments. It echoes the new American Livery and brand language. Panes allows American's online communications to stand out as dynamic, energetic and modern. *Design concepts beyond Panes and the Standard template may be approved by Advertising clients, but these would qualify as exceptions and are for specific campaigns only. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Video End Frames 1.31 When the end frame of a video features a URL, it always appears lowercase (e.g., Proper placement of the URL, oneworld logo and any hashtag is illustrated in Animation One or Animation Two. Specifications for exact placement differ based on screen size. However, this placement is designed to accommodate center–cut TV safety margins. #newamerican #newamerican The diagram in Animation Three demonstrates where the full logo Animation One Animation Two fades in over the image, along with the proper placement of the URL and oneworld logo. End frames do not have to follow rule of thirds and other scaling guidelines. Animation Three © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Image Categories 1.32 Imagery is one of the key elements we use to demonstrate the American brand identity. So care must be taken in choosing how we portray the destinations to which we travel, the faces of our customers, the beauty and scale of our aircraft and the subtle interiors of our lounges and planes. All images should demonstrate the following brand attributes: Details Places Journey Confident Smart Engaging Modern People Livery © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Imagery 1.33 Our advertising has many jobs to do but should never lose sight of the fact that every ad contributes to our larger brand identity. So we must be very conscious of what we choose to emphasize when selecting images and/or cropping. Images should always seek to focus on the human experiences that American enables. Images should strive to capture a specific natural moment, illustrate interesting or unique perspectives and employ artful cropping. When selecting imagery, use bright, open and uncluttered images. Avoid cliché, trite or overly staged images and stay away from feathering or harsh vignetting. Do not use Clip Art of any kind. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Plane 1.34 American is currently building the youngest, most modern fleet among major U.S. airlines, so plane imagery is vital to the brand story. All images of American planes should reinforce this narrative. All plane photography should demonstrate that American’s fleet is new, clean, fuel - efficient and technologically advanced. Focus on capturing different angles that are dynamic and give a different perspective from what the average person sees. Showcase details of the plane (example: a picture underneath the plane showing its wheels) or the size and scale of the plane. Please be mindful and take into consideration an image's context when concepting out - of - home layouts. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Livery 1.35 Plane images can be cropped as long as care is taken to ensure that the logotype, Flight Symbol and/or livery are not cut off. At least one of the livery’s two key design elements (tail or American logotype with the Flight Symbol) must be identifiable/recognizable and in context. Images cannot be cropped to only show a part of the plane that is not easily identifiable. The preferred side of the plane is the Starboard side – where the word “American” and the Flight Symbol line up in the traditional fashion. The plane cannot be used as an icon or a design element. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Livery Violations 1.36 Whenever cropping plane imagery, care must be taken to ensure that the logotype, Flight Symbol and/or livery are not cut off. Avoid using images of the plane that are expected or standard. Angles should be refreshing and dynamic. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Imagery Violations 1.37 Imagery is one of the key elements we use to demonstrate the American brand identity. All imagery must consistently reinforce our brand narrative. Some common misuses of imagery are detailed at right. Do not use old or unapproved livery, logos Do not use cliché, trite or overly staged imagery. or airport imagery. Do not use unnatural, posed portraits. Do not use imagery that captures artificial moments. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Image White Space 1.38 When selecting images, it is ideal to use bright and open images that do not require heavy retouching. Obviously, many images may require some retouching to add white space where text and other elements may need to be placed. The first thing to note is that white space is not meant to be taken literally; backgrounds could actually be gray or black or another solid color. Secondly, it is important that the white space you create feels like it occurs naturally in the image. That is, it should seem as though it is an organic part of the image rather than something added afterward. Avoid harsh lines or obviously vignetted images. Original Do not create harsh vignette. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Image White Space 1.39 Online banners should feature images that utilize the space of the banner. Images should not be small and artificially blended into the background. Get great deals Get great deals on flights every day. on flights every day. our lowest prices guaranteed our lowest prices guaranteed book now book now © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Visual Elements Music and Sound Design 1.40 Information TBD. Music and Sound Design may be based on brand guidelines and Tone of Voice. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Introduction 2.0 This section demonstrates how the visual elements work together and shows how each element should be applied. The following examples of print, out-of-home, digital, mobile, tablet advertising, and transactional communications demonstrate the flexibility these guidelines allow while maintaining branding consistently across touch points. Please refer to these examples and use them as future reference. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v.3.0
Elements Applied Print 2.01 Basic print advertising uses four of the foundation elements. In this example, they are aligned on a rule of thirds grid. The logo is always located at the top right of the layout. Headlines and body copy are set in AA Dark Gray and in this example flush left. The image has been retouched to create an open space for The world is waiting. the typography. Wherever in the world you wish to explore, oneworld logo is aligned according we can help take you there. We’re bringing you more destinations to make the world to the American logo. feel smaller so you can dream bigger. American Airlines, the Flight Symbol logo and the Tail Symbol are marks of American Airlines, Inc. oneworld is a mark of the oneworld alliance, LLC. © 2014 American Airlines, Inc. All rights reserved. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Joint Business Print 2.02 Basic print advertising uses four of the foundation elements. In this example, they are aligned on a rule of thirds grid. The logo is always located at the top right of the layout. Headlines and body copy are set in Some things you can AA Dark Gray and in this example only see in New York. flush left. Now, it’s easier than ever to see America for yourself. The image has been retouched Along with our partners, Iberia and British Airways, we fly direct to many great cities throughout the U.S. And with to create an open space for daily, direct service to New York, we can help you find the typography. he best the city has to offer. Book now on oneworld JB lockup is aligned in the white frame according to the American logo. See page 1.18 for reference. American Airlines, and the Flight Symbol logo are marks of American Airlines, Inc. oneworld is a mark of the oneworld Alliance, LLC. © 2013 American Airlines, Inc. All rights reserved. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Reversed Elements 2.03 Basic print advertising uses four of the foundation elements. In this example, they are aligned on a rule of thirds grid. The logo is always located at the top right of the layout. Headlines and body copy are We’re not just fans. reversed in white and, in this We’re turbofans. example, flush left. We’re proud to support the Dallas The image has been retouched Cowboys, because we love football. to create an open space for After all, we make more than 3,400 touchdowns every day. the typography. oneworld logo is aligned according to the American logo. AmericanAirlines and the Flight Symbol logo are marks of American Airlines, Inc. oneworld is a mark of the oneworld Alliance, LLC. © 2013 American Airlines, Inc. All rights reserved. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Print Spread 2.04 When creating a spread, each page should use its own grid. The logo is always located at the top right of the spread. For a multiple page spread, the rule of thirds makes the logo disproportionately small. Instead, use a two-row grid which will enlarge the logo to half the width of the page. We’ve got the Headlines and body copy are reversed in white and in this wings covered. example flush left. The image has been retouched Flying to hundreds of destinations in the to create an open space for Americas and beyond. Book flights at the typography. American Airlines. Dedicated supporter of Fulham Football Club. oneworld logo is aligned according to the American logo. American Airlines and the Flight Symbol logo are marks of American Airlines Inc. oneworld is a mark of the oneworld Alliance LLC. © 2013 American Airlines. All Rights reserved. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Print Spread 2.05 When creating a spread, each page should use its own grid. The logo is always located at the top right of the spread. For a multiple page spread, the rule of thirds makes the logo disproportionately small. Instead, use a two-row grid which will enlarge the logo to half the width of the page. Headlines and body copy are set in AA Dark Gray and in this example Get a good fl ight’s sleep. flush left. With the most lie-fl at seats between NY and London. Subheads are set in sentence case Find your dream fl ight and leave behind the city that never sleeps. With American Airlines and our partner British Airways, you’ll enjoy for magazine and other longer view the convenience of more fl ights and the comfort of more lie-fl at mediums. Type is in AA Dark Gray and seats from New York to London than any other airline alliance. in this example flush left. The image has been retouched to create an open space for American Airlines and the Flight Symbol logo are marks of American Airlines, Inc. oneworld is a mark of the oneworld the typography. alliance, LLC. © 2014 American Airlines, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 5 oneworld logo is aligned according to the American logo. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Out-of-Home 2.06 Our out-of-home advertising adheres to nine core elements. The bold blue sky 9 background paired with our striking plane tail make our ads easily identifiable in any placement. 5 Dear City that Never Sleeps: The logo is always located at the Challenge accepted. top right of the layout. Horizontal logo is preferred. Headlines are as concise as possible THE MOST LIE-FLAT SEATS TO LONDON. 7 for legibility. Headline copy is white 8 #GoingForGreat AmericanSans Regular and as large 6 as possible. 3 The rule line is centered vertically between the headline and subhead. It extends as far as the length of the headline or subhead line directly 9 adjacent to it, whichever is longer. 4 The subhead copy is all caps, 5 white and set in white AmericanSans Medium at +60 point tracking. Wi-Fi? Why, yes. Subheads are as large as possible. 5 This tail is used on most out-of-home. WI-FI ON OVER 825 PLANES. 7 6 Clouds anchor the bottom of the ad. 8 #GoingForGreat 6 7 The oneworld logo is aligned according to the American logo. 8 The hashtag aligns with the oneworld logo. It should be 85% K and set in AmericanSans Regular. It should be separated from the oneworld logo so it doesn't appear to be a logo lock-up. 9 The sky background moves from Due to the irregular size and placement of out-of-home advertising, dark blue at the top of the ad to AA please be mindful and take into consideration an ad's context when selecting imagery and typography in layouts. If airplane images are used, blue in the middle to light blue at the they should not be flying ‘into’ anything, whether a bus or a building etc. bottom, which blends with the clouds. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Out -of-Home 2.07 Vertical out-of-home advertising uses the nine elements shown on the previous page (2.06) with the exception of using a more 9 vertical version of the tail shown here. Wi-Fi? 5 Why, yes. WI-FI ON OVER 825 PLANES. 6 Due to the irregular size and placement of out- of -home advertising, please be mindful and take into consideration an ad's context when selecting 8 #GoingForGreat 7 imagery and typography in layouts. If airplane images are used, they should not be flying ‘into’ anything, whether a bus or a building etc. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Out-of-Home Subhead Violations 2.08 Headlines and subheads must be as large as possible in any out-of-home advertising, especially in drive-by units. Subheads may be a bit smaller in walk-by units. We’ve set the stage for great. However, care must be taken to not make the subheads so large that they are similar in size AMERICAN’S AWARD-WINNING SERVICE TO JFK. to the headlines. #GoingForGreat The following are examples of preferred subhead sizing in a drive-by out-of-home unit. We’ve set the stage for great. AMERICAN’S AWARD-WINNING SERVICE TO JFK. #GoingForGreat We’ve set the stage for great. AMERICAN’S AWARD-WINNING SERVICE TO JFK. #GoingForGreat Subheads on drive-by out-of-home units should not be too small (first example), but also take care that they don't get too large (second example). Large subheads can complete with the size of the headline and cause legibility issues. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Out -of-Home Destination Imagery 2.09 Out-of-home advertising can also utilize destination imagery. Iconic structures or sculptures are isolated on the blue sky background to represent a destination. A good rule of thumb when choosing an From the Big Apple image is to determine if the building could actually be seen against a sky with clouds at to Beantown. a similar scale. UP TO 20 DAILY FLIGHTS TO BOSTON. #GoingForGreat The most hops across the pond. UP TO 16 DAILY FLIGHTS TO LONDON. Together with our partner British Airways. #GoingForGreat The most flights from Lady Liberty to Sir Ben. UP TO 16 DAILY FLIGHTS TO LONDON. #GoingForGreat Together with our partner British Airways. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Out -of-Home Imagery Violations 2.10 Some common misuses of imagery in out-of-home advertising are shown here. The most hops across the pond. Please remember to use singular, iconic images when evoking a destination, always UP TO 16 DAILY FLIGHTS TO LONDON. use an approved airplane tail, and never *With our partner British Airways. use images against the sky background that #GoingForGreat wouldn't naturally be seen against the sky. Take a flight outta the Big Apple. CHOOSE FROM 300 DAILY FLIGHTS FROM N.Y. #GoingForGreat Welcome to a quieter world. BOSE NOISE-CANCELLING HEADPHONES WITH EVERY PREMIUM SEAT. #GoingForGreat © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Out–of–Home Exceptions 2.11 This example highlights an instance in which AmericanSans Medium is more legible than AmericanSans Regular. Such instances may include placements that move (e.g., units with irregular backgrounds such as train wraps) and placements intended to be viewed at a distance in which AmericanSans Medium becomes unreadable. In these placements, we strive to place the logo at the top right of the layout and for the oneworld logo to align with it. However, exceptions may be made for unconventional layouts. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Standard Online 2.12 Animated online advertising uses 300 x 250 these six foundational elements. The logo is present at the beginning of the ad. Refer to pages 1.05 and 1.06 for more info. Headlines are set in AA Dark Gray or white and in this example flush left, Introducing Introducing with AmericanSans Medium, AA Blue or white callouts. two new ways. two new ways. The image is open and has space for typography, then fades to white. The button fades in after the body copy at the final frame. 5 The oneworld logo is aligned with the American logo and fades in with the CTA button. The oneworld logo animates in with claim copy if the message is about oneworld. Legal copy goes at the bottom of the online banner. All banners require a 1 px. From DFW and From DFW and AA Dark Gray key-line stroke. Chicago, connect to Chicago, connect to hundreds of cities hundreds of cities worldwide. worldwide. Service is operated by American Eagle Airlines. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Horizontal Online 2.13 The logo is present at the 728 x 90 beginning of the ad. Refer to pages 1.05 and 1.06 for more info. Headlines are set in AA Dark Gray or white and in this example flush left, with AmericanSans Medium, AA Blue or white callouts. The image is open and has space for typography. Introducing two new ways The button fades in after the body to go anywhere. copy, in the final frame. 5 The oneworld logo is aligned with the American logo and fades in with the CTA button. The Fly nonstop from Columbia, MO to oneworld logo animates in with claim copy if the message is Dallas/Fort Worth and Chicago. about oneworld. Legal copy goes at the bottom of the online banner. All banners require a 1 px. Fly nonstop from Columbia, MO to AA Dark Gray key-line stroke. Dallas/Fort Worth and Chicago. Service is operated by American Eagle Airlines. 5 © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Narrow Online 2.14 Vertical formats: 160 x 600 160 x 600 The logo is present at the beginning of the ad. Refer to pages 1.05 and 1.06 for more info.. Headlines are set in AA Dark Gray or white and either flush left or right, with AmericanSans Medium, AA Blue or white callouts. The image is open and has space for typography, then fades to white. The button fades in after the From DFW From DFW body copy in the final scene. and Chicago, and Chicago, 5 The oneworld logo is aligned connect connect with the American logo and fades to hundreds to hundreds in with the CTA button. The of cities of cities oneworld logo animates in with claim copy if the message is worldwide. worldwide. about oneworld. Legal copy goes at the bottom of the online banner. All banners require a 1 px. AA Dark Gray key-line stroke. Service is operated by American Eagle Airlines. In this example, the plane tail rotated on blue sky for the entire ad, so it did not fade to white as indicated in item 3. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Mobile and Tablet – Static 2.15 Static units for mobile and tablet 300 x 250 – Non-Panes 300 x 250 – Panes ads use the fundamental elements from other online advertising. The oneworld logo and 15 px border does not apply in the 320 x 48, 216 x 36 and smaller sized units due to space limitations. All banners require a 1 px. Get great deals AA Dark Gray key-line stroke. on flights every day. our lowest prices guaranteed book now 320 x 48 – Non-Panes 320 x 48 – Non-Panes Get great deals on flights every day. book now 216 x 36 – Non-Panes 216 x 36 – Non-Panes book now © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Panes Online Banners 2.16 Animation: 300 x 250 Global Intro The American logo should not be moved from set template position. The logo transitions off along with the panes during the opening animation. Animation and Messaging This is the most flexible sequence of the design, allowing for unique imagery, messaging and animations. The American logo is revealed, set in place. Full Transition In this sequence, the panes fill the entire frame, clear the messaging and then retreat, revealing final messaging and the American logo set in place. Final Messaging In this sequence, additional messaging, and/or blue subhead messaging, when applicable, fades in. The panes transition in partially (about a quarter) up the frame. The bottom pane will have the oneworld logo on it. 5 End -Frame and CTA The red CTA button to slide on screen. The red CTA button has an initial shine animation and grows on hover. Messaging: Copy AA Dark Grey American Sans Regular –20 pt/22 pt Subhead AA Blue with +10 tracking American Sans Medium – 19 pt/21 pt Button Always red, and will expand upon hover; should not be more than 10 – 12 characters. Logo Present on all frames. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Panes Online Banners 2.17 Animation: 160 x 600 160 x 600 Global Intro The American logo should not be moved from set template position. The logo transitions off along with the panes during the opening animation. Animation and Messaging This is the most flexible sequence of the design, allowing for unique imagery, messaging and animations. The American logo is revealed, set in place. Full Transition In this sequence, the panes fill the entire frame, clear the messaging and then retreat, revealing final messaging and the American logo set in place. Final Messaging In this sequence, additional messaging, and/or blue subhead messaging, when applicable, fades in. The panes transition in partially (about a quarter) up the frame. The bottom pane will have the oneworld logo on it. 5 End-Frame and CTA The red CTA button to slide on screen. The red CTA button has an initial shine animation and grows on hover. Messaging: Copy AA Dark Grey American Sans Regular –20 pt/22 pt If there is an ad unit with Subhead AA Blue with +10 tracking little copy, panes and the CTA button can be raised American Sans Medium – 19 pt/21 pt up slightly to reduce the Button Always red, and will expand amount of white space. Panes should never be upon hover; should not be taller than 150 px. more than 10 – 12 characters. Logo Present on all frames. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Panes Online Banners 2.18 Animation: 728 x 90 Global Intro The American logo should not be moved from set template position. The logo transitions off along with the panes during the opening animation. Animation and Messaging This is the most flexible sequence of the design, allowing for unique imagery, messaging and animations. The American logo is revealed, set in place. Full Transition In this sequence, the panes fill the entire frame, clear the messaging and then retreat, revealing final messaging and the American logo set in place. Final Messaging In this sequence, additional messaging, and/or blue subhead messaging, when applicable, fades in. The panes transition in partially (about a quarter) up the frame. The bottom pane will have the oneworld logo on it. 5 End -Frame and CTA The red CTA button to slide on screen. The red CTA button has an initial shine animation and grows on hover. Messaging: Copy AA Dark Grey American Sans Regular –20 pt/22 pt Subhead AA Blue with +10 tracking American Sans Medium – 19 pt/21 pt Button Always red, and will expand upon hover; should not be more than 10 – 12 characters. Logo Present on all frames. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Partnerships 2.19 There are instances when American Airlines will run an ad along with a partner. In this instance, partner logos are positioned next to the oneworld logo whenever possible. However, if the partner’s minimum size requirement and guidelines for their logo do not allow for this, they are incorporated as part of the paragraph or headline copy. In digital panes ads, the bottom pane is dropped to make room Online for the partner logo. Asia awaits. New flights from DFW to Hong Kong and Shanghai. Out-Of-Home Print © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Standard Price Point 2.20 Advertising with price points uses six elements. In this example they are aligned on a rule of thirds grid. The logo is used simply at the top right of the layout. Headlines are set in AA Dark Gray with AmericanSans Light, AA Blue callouts. The image is open and has space for typography. LAX and Aspen oneworld logo is aligned according to the American just got closer. logotype and Flight Symbol. Round Trip All prices are Price point lockup is discussed in $ shown in USD more detail on page 1.24. Legal copy is placed at the bottom of a layout and justified. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Percentage Price Point 2.21 Advertising with price points uses six elements. In this example they are aligned on a rule of thirds grid. The logo is used simply at the top right of the layout. Headlines are set in AA Dark Gray and AmericanSans Light, with ¡ AA Blue callouts. Nos mudamos! The image is open and has space Y para celebrarlo for typography. aprovecha este Percentage price points should follow descuento. the standard price point layout. oneworld logo is aligned % according to the American logotype and Flight Symbol. de 10 descuento Legal copy is placed at the bottom of a layout and justified. Consulta por tarifas especiales para vueloz en Business Class. Reserva hoy mismo tu viaje en, a traves de Express Ticket Service llamando al (02)2679 – 00, en nuestras oficinas: Santiago(Huerfanos 1199B), Las Condes (Avda. El Bosque Norte 107)consulta a tu agencia de viajes. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Multiple Price Point 2.22 Advertising with price points uses six elements. In this example they are aligned on a rule of thirds grid. The logo is used simply at the top right of the layout. Con esta tarifa Headlines are set in AA Dark Gray especial ahora with AmericanSans Medium, AA Blue callouts. viajan todos. The image is open and has space for typography. Miami a partir de: When two price points are required, USD the primary price should follow $ standard price point layouts, while the secondary, should be smaller and locked up underneath. 749 oneworld logo is aligned New York, according to the American San Francisco USD logotype and Flight Symbol. Los Angeles $809 partir de: Legal copy is placed at the bottom Consulta por tarifas especiales para vueloz en Business Class. of a layout and justified. Reserva hoy mismo tu viaje en, a traves de Express Ticket Service llamando al (02)2679 – 00, en nuestras oficinas: Santiago(Huerfanos 1199B), Las Condes (Avda. El Bosque Norte 107)consulta a tu agencia de viajes. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Online Price Point – Transactional Non-Panes 2.23 Online advertising with price points uses six elements. The logo is present at the beginning of the ad. Headlines are set in AA Dark Gray From DFW and with AmericanSans Medium, AA Blue callouts. Chicago, connect The image is open and has space to hundreds of for typography. cities worldwide. Price point lockup is discussed in more detail on page 1.24. The button fades in after the body copy in the final frame. oneworld logo is aligned according to the American logotype and Flight Symbol and fades in with the button. The button fades in after the body copy in the final frame indianapolis to dfw All banners require a 1 px. AA Dark Gray key-line stroke. $ Round Trip 129 Taxes Included. Conditions Apply © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Online Price Point – Transactional Panes 2.24 Online advertising with price points uses six elements. The logo is present at the beginning of the ad. Headlines are set in AA Dark Gray with AmericanSans Medium, AA Blue callouts. The image is open and has space for typography. Price point lockup is discussed in more detail on page 1.26. The button fades in after the body copy in the final frame. oneworld logo is aligned according to the American logotype and Flight Symbol and fades in with the button. All banners require a 1 px. AA Dark Gray key-line stroke. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Online Price Point – Route Launch Panes 2.25 Online advertising with price points uses six elements. The logo is present at the beginning of the ad. Headlines are set in AA Dark Gray or white with AmericanSans Medium, AA Blue or white callouts. The image is open and has space for typography. Price point lockup is discussed in more detail on page 1.26. The button fades in after the body copy in the final frame. oneworld logo is aligned according to the American logotype and Flight Symbol and fades in with the button. The button fades in after the body copy in the final frame All banners require a 1 px. AA Dark Gray key-line stroke. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Price Point Examples 2.26 All price points must align to approved 300 x 250 Transactional – Non-Panes 300 x 250 Transactional – Panes standards. The following are examples of how to treat price points with various information. 300 x 250 Route Launch – Panes © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Online Price Point 2.27 All price points must align to approved 160 x 600 Transactional – Non-Panes 160 x 600 Transactional – Panes 160 x 600 Route Launch – Panes standards. The following are examples of how to treat price points with various information. mountain deals $ 237 Round Trip Taxes Included. Conditions Apply offer ends soon! © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied Online Price Point 2.28 All price points must align to approved 728 x 90 Transactional – Non-Panes standards. The following are examples of how to treat price points with various information. mountain deals$ Round Trip offer ends 237 soon! Taxes Included. Conditions Apply 728 x 90 Transactional – Panes 728 x 90 Route Launch – Panes © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied International Print 2.29 © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied International Print 2.30 © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied International Price Point 2.31 Nuevos aires, nuevo destino. Vuela sin escala desde Hermosillo a Dallas/Fort Worth. Ida y Vuelta $ Tarifa en USD. 412 Consulta por tarifas especiales para vueloz en Business Class. Reserva hoy mismo tu viaje en, a traves de Express Ticket Service llamando al (02)2679 – 00, en nuestras oficinas: Santiago(Huerfanos 1199B), Las Condes (Avda. El Bosque Norte 107)consulta a tu agencia de viajes. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Elements Applied International Price Point 2.32 von düsseldorf dallas/ ft worth nach chicago Vuelos desde Ida y Vuelta ab € $ Tarifa en USD. 477fluge suchen 282 reserva ahora Incluyen impuestos. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
Questions? If you have questions about how to apply these guidelines, need assets, or wish to request an exception to one of these rules, please contact the Advertising Team at © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v.3.0