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2021 ESG Report GOVERNANCE Public Policy and Government Relations Fifth Third is subject to government regulation and risks generated by new, complex and evolving legislative and regulatory requirements that impact nearly every aspect of our operations. As a result, customers, employees and shareholders have a measurable stake in the outcome of certain public policy discussions. To mitigate this risk and work toward favorable outcomes, we participate in the public policy process. Our government afairs program is designed to give us a coordinated voice in public policy through a partnership between the Government Afairs team and Company leaders . F ifth Third’s advocacy eforts are executed at the local, state and federal level by registered lobbyists. Disclosure of federal lobbying activity occurs via the U.S. Congress, and disclosure of non-federal lobbying activity is provided to appropriate local and state agencies as required by law. Fifth Third’s Political Action Committee supports candidates at the federal, state and local level . To mitigate legislative and regulatory risks and work toward favorable outcomes, we participate in the public policy process through our government afairs program. Contents Funds in the PAC consist of voluntary personal contributions from eligible ofcers of the Company and its subsidiaries. No Company funds are contributed to the PAC. Disclosure of federal PAC activity can be viewed at and our website. Disclosure of PAC activity at the local and state levels is provided to state election authorities in compliance with applicable law and on our website. Fifth Third’s political contributions are governed by the Government Afairs Policy . The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board reviews political contributions semi-annually and approves the policy annually. Fifth Third also maintains a Political Activity Policy that ensures the compliance of the Bank and its employees with laws and regulations governing political contributions. Introduction Economic Environment Social Governance “As Fifth Third continues to grow and serve customers nationwide, we engage public ofcials across all levels of government on public policy issues afecting the Company, its customers, employees and shareholders. We promote sound public policy to ensure a regulatory and political climate that fosters economic growth, competition, prosperity and innovation on behalf of our stakeholders.” -SUSAN ZAUNBRECHER, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER 87

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