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2021 ESG Report Contents Introduction Economic Environment Social Governance INTRODUCTION ESG Priorities and Performance Metrics Through stakeholder engagement and discussions with our senior executive leadership team, the ESG Committee identifed and the Board of Directors approved fve ESG priorities to focus on in 2022 and beyond. These priorities have been incorporated in senior executive goal-planning as well as the 2022 variable compensation plan for executives and employees. The metrics below represent key data points of these priorities, which are discussed in further detail through this report. Fifth Third’s fve ESG priorities are: addressing climate change, promoting inclusion and diversity, delivering on our commitment to employees, keeping the customer at the center, and strengthening our communities. The chart on the following pages shows the performance metrics we are tracking and our progress. ESG Priority Performance Metric Unit of Measure 2020 2021 Goals References Addressing Climate Change (See pages 49 51 for detailed environmental data) Renewable energy lending and capital raising since 2012 1 $ (billions) $5.4 $7. 3 $8 billion by 2025 34 Sustainability bonds underwritten for clients # 3 16 39 Sustainability-linked loans # 1 27 38 E&S Policy enhanced due diligence reviews # N/A 2 53 43 CDP Climate Change score Grade (A-F) A- A- 33 Net GHG emissions from operations 3,4 MTCO2e 0 0 45 Scope 1 and 2 (location-based) GHG emissions reduction 5 %  41%  50% 25% reduction by 2022 45 Renewable power purchased % 100% 100% Purchase 100% by 2022 47 Energy consumption 5 MWh  23%  26% 25% reduction by 2022 47 Water consumption reduction 5 %  31%  26% 20% reduction by 2022 48 Waste reduction 5 %  14%  18% 20% reduction by 2022 48 - 1 Since 2012 2 Environmental & Social Policy implemented in September 2020, however, there were no new clients in E&S-sensitive sectors requiring enhanced due-diligence reviews. 3 Scope 1, Scope 2 and business travel under Scope 3 emissions. 4 Includes impact from purchased carbon ofsets and renewable energy credits. 5 Compared to 2014, except for waste which is compared to 2018. CONTINUED 13

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