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2021 ESG Report ENVIRONMENT Reducing Our Greenhouse Gas Emissions Fifth Third includes all Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 business travel (category 6) emissions in o u r “operational” GHG emissions and carbon Beyond developing operational sustainability neutral achievement. These emissions are goals, Fifth Third has continued to calculate primarily generated through power and climate and report on its corporate greenhouse gas control in our buildings (mostly using electricity emissions. and fossil gas) and our business travel. Since we began measuring these emissions in 2014, we Fifth Third uses the Greenhouse Gas Protocol have reduced our operational GHG emissions methodology* in calculating our operational by over 46%. We began ofsetting our Scope GHG footprint. Our calculations have been 2 emissions in 2010 by purchasing RECs and independently verifed by a third party since mitigating our Scope 1 and Scope 3 business 2014.** travel emissions in 2020 by purchasing verifed carbon ofsets. Operational GHG emissions 180 160 140 Remaining emissions ofset 120 through purchased 100 80 RECs and carbon 60 ofsets as part of 40 carbon neutrality 20 achievement. 0 Scope 1 emissions after carbon ofsets Scope 3 emissions from employee business travel after carbon ofsets Market-based Scope 2 emissions (after RECs) Indicates emissions ofset MT CO 2 E (IN THOUSANDS) 46% reduction in location-based emissions. 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Contents Scope 1 covers “direct GHG emissions” from sources owned or controlled by a company, including fossil gas used for heating, refrigerants, diesel and fuels used in corporate vehicles. Scope 2 covers “indirect GHG emissions” from purchased or acquired electricity and similar sources. There are two accounting methods for Scope 2 emissions: • The location-based method uses average emissions intensity for the electric power grids on which energy consumption occurs. • The market-based method allows companies to account for power they have contracted to buy, including through the purchase of unbundled renewable energy certifcates or through contractual agreements that lead to new renewable power plants and the bundled RECs they generate. We report our Scope 2 emissions under both methods to illustrate the impact of our renewable energy commitment. Fifth Third does not generate any Scope 2 market-based emissions through the purchase of 100% Green-E certifed RECs from renewable sources. Scope 3 covers 15 categories of other indirect GHG emissions, including eight upstream categories and seven downstream categories. Since 2014, Fifth Third has measured our business travel emissions (category 6) as we consider this in our “operational” GHG footprint and carbon neutrality achievement. This includes emissions related to air, rail, reimbursed personal vehicle and rental travel. These emissions fell as business Introduction Economic Environment Social Governance travel restrictions were put in place during the pandemic to ensure the safety of our workforce. Although business travel has resumed, Fifth Third continues to use videoconferencing and other technology to reduce the need for business travel. Category 15, investments, is particularly relevant for fnancial institutions and includes emissions associated with loans and investments. In March 2021, Fifth Third joined the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF), a partnership of fnancial institutions that work together to develop and implement a consistent and transparent standard for reporting these emissions. Fifth Third is committed to measuring and reporting on these emissions, beginning with a focus on carbon-intensive sectors in our commercial portfolio. Providing this additional information will ofer greater transparency to third-party stakeholders and will help us focus on those categories that have the greatest impact and greatest potential for reductions. *Prepared in accordance with the “World Resources Institute (WRI)/World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Greenhouse Gas Protocol, Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, Revised Edition (Scope 1 and 2) and the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, an amendment to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard” and “WRI/WBCSD Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard).” **Third party verifcation statements are available at CONTINUED 45

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