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OURMODIFIEDMASTER Endorsed Brand and Standalone Brand status recognizes that each of these brands currently has value in its respective marketplace. Our BRANDARCHITECTURE overarching brand migration strategy is designed to transfer that existing value to the Honeywell Master Brand whenever practical. At the same time, by retaining the current brand name as a product or As part of an ongoing examination of Honeywell’s brand architecture, service brand, Honeywell can continue to capitalize on the brand in 2004 the company adopted a modified master brand strategy. equity that exists in the Endorsed Brand or Standalone Brand today. Almost all of the company’s business units, products and services are now branded “Honeywell.” Nearly all of the company’s businesses, Business units responsible for the existing Endorsed Brands and products and services are branded with the well-known Honeywell Standalone Brands must develop a strategic brand plan that: Master Brand as their primary identifier. • Takes into account such factors as customer relationships, market- Within its master brand architecture, Honeywell supports a variety of ing channels and channel conflicts, and transition costs; sub-brands, product brands and services brands that are well-known identifiers in their respective markets. In all cases, these brands are • Considers the use of one or more interim steps to evolve the brand secondary to the Honeywell Master Brand. identity from its current Endorsed Brand state, to its new status as a branded product or service under the Honeywell Master Brand archi- Honeywell also supports a number of Honeywell Endorsed Brands tecture. Each interim step should build a progressively stronger link and Honeywell Standalone Brands. These brands have excellent to the Honeywell Master Brand; recognition, brand equity and value in their specific markets. These brands are supported and managed independently of the Honeywell • When complete migration is the appropriate path, use the smallest Brand Management System and the Honeywell Visual Identity number of interim steps possible to make the transition, minimize cost System. They have their own logos, brand colors and identity and avoid confusion among customers, employees and other key standards. audiences; In many cases, Endorsed Brand status is a step in the migration to • Includes an appropriate external and internal brand communica- the Honeywell Master Brand. Over a relatively short period of time tions plan to support the migration. Depending on the brand and (18-36 months), many of the current Endorsed Brands will evolve into market, this plan should include public relations, internal communica- product or service brands under the Honeywell Master Brand archi- tions and marketing communications elements. tecture. Those few that do not migrate will maintain their current form. Most Standalone Brands will retain their current status, but will be evaluated periodically for opportunities for closer alignment with the Honeywell Master Brand. 8

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