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OUR ENDORSED BRANDS Honeywell maintains and supports a family of Honeywell Endorsed Brands. These brands are co-branded with the Honeywell name. They Current Endorsed Brands have their own logos and brand colors, and in some cases, have their own identity standards. In most promotional uses, the endorsement line, “by Honeywell,” appears below the brand logo. In many cases, Endorsed Brand status is a step in the migration to the Honeywell Master Brand. Over a relatively short period of time (18-36 months), many of the current Endorsed Brands will evolve into product or service brands under the Honeywell Master Brand architecture. Those few that do not migrate will maintain their current form. Endorsed Brand status recognizes that each of these brands currently has value in its respective marketplace. Our overarching brand migra- tion strategy is designed to transfer that existing value to the Honeywell Master Brand whenever practical. At the same time, by retaining the current brand name as a product or service brand, Honeywell can continue to capitalize on the brand equity that exists in the Endorsed Brand today. Brand migration strategies will be developed in consultation with the business unit communications leader and the Honeywell Brand Council. Endorsed Brands – Aftermarket Only 53

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