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INITIATIVES & BEHAVIORS Champions Change and Six Sigma drives continuous improvement and fosters a Six Sigma mindset to make decisions that are in the best interests of customers, shareowners and the organization. It reflects a constant commitment to do things better. Strongly supports Honeywell people breathe life into our brand. Doing a superb job for Design for Six Sigma. Champions change that ensures the long-term our customers, each and every day, is the first pillar of Honeywell’s strength of the company regardless of personal impact. growth strategy. That philosophy also extends to other people and Fosters Teamwork and Diversity defines success in terms of the groups that are important to Honeywell’s success. whole team. Employees must understand and capitalize on the fact Our actions speak louder than our communications. All the great ads that Honeywell’s workforce is composed of individuals who represent and brochures we create can be undone by one employee who a great diversity of values, opinions, backgrounds, cultures and doesn’t keep our brand’s promise. The best way for employees to help goals. Recognizes diversity as an important value and develops build the value of the Honeywell brand is by understanding and sup- diverse teams. Effective team leaders not only meet the expectations porting the Honeywell Initiatives, and living up to the ideals of the of their role as leaders, but they also set and meet the expectations Honeywell Behaviors. for team members. Growth Global Mindset is viewing the business from all relevant perspectives and seeing the world in terms of integrated value chains. Productivity Intelligent Risk Taking recognizes that generating greater returns Cash requires taking greater risks; While using sound business judgment, has the courage to take action where outcomes are uncertain, but People where potential rewards are great. Business decisions often need to Enablers: DigitalWorks and Six Sigma be made based on incomplete information. Self-Aware/Learner individuals recognize their behaviors and how Growth and Customer Focus recognizes that we need to think different- they affect those around them. Employees must accurately assess ly in order to grow. The customer is the cornerstone of our success. their own strengths and weaknesses and take action to improve. Effective employees do a superb job for customers every day in qual- ity, delivery, value and technology. They aggressively pursue new Effective Communicator means providing timely and concise informa- opportunities through superior sales and marketing, globalization, and tion to others, and using clear and thoughtful oral and written commu- technology road maps supported by Design for Six Sigma. nications to influence, negotiate and collaborate effectively. Leaders and employees need to appreciate that effective communication is Leadership Impact means thinking like a leader regardless of your about listening and being listened to, but is not always about being in job, delivering on commitments, and being a role model for others. All agreement. leaders demonstrate passion for their work and care about the people in the organization. Each employee must be able to: 1) conceptualize Integrative Thinker decides and takes action by applying intuition, an issue, 2) develop an action plan to address the issue and 3) exe- experience, and judgment to the data available. Demonstrates ability cute the plan. to assimilate various and conflicting information or opinions into a well-considered decision. Gets Results requires consistently meeting commitments to the busi- ness and to others. Quickly translate business requirements into Technical or Functional Excellence means being capable and effec- actions by defining “who does what by when” to ensure plans are tive in a particular area of expertise. Employees must remain aware of executed. advances and current thinking in their fields and look for ways to apply the latest technologies to their work. Makes People Better encourages excellence in peers, subordinates and/or managers. Be a positive influence in the development of others. 11

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