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THEGLOBAL ARC We’ve adopted a distinctive graphic device to be used in our communications – the “Global Arc.” We use it to structure our layouts and to help us integrate our photos. A distinctive feature of the Honeywell Graphic Language is the “Global Arc.” It has been created as a unifying graphic element that will be used across all of our communications. The “Global Arc,” a subtle, yet powerful graphic, reinforces our key attributes. First and foremost, the “Global Arc” represents Honeywell’s global perspective and unique vantage point. It appears both as a view of the curvature of the earth, as well as a long-reaching view over the horizon. Second, it gives all of the imagery we use a proprietary crop- ping. Over time, this unique look will instantly be recognizable as Honeywell’s. Use of the “Global Arc” is preferred and is used in most of our communications. Orientation is horizontal, never vertical. We place the Global Arc so that it bleeds off of the left and right margins. The images we place are always located above the Global Arc. Headlines and copy are located below the Global Arc. 15

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