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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix chain best practices. See Human rights and ESG materiality Supply chain responsibility. • Digital divide: We partner with UN Women and We periodically conduct ESG materiality Based on these inputs, we evaluated and ranked Girl Rising to advance education for women assessments to review relevant ESG topics, Approach topics, then validated the results in a workshop and girls, and we work with MIT Solve and NABU reconfirm our long-standing areas of focus, and with HP executives and experts. Our new 2021 to advance digital literacy in communities clarify and shape our Sustainable Impact In 2021, we engaged the sustainability consultancy ESG materiality matrix summarizes the outcome around the world. See Education. strategy, investments, and disclosures. This Environmental Resources Management (ERM) of this process. process enables us to focus our efforts on the to conduct an ESG materiality assessment. Many other examples of HP’s stakeholder areas where we can have the greatest impact, Through interviews, surveys, and other sources, engagement are included throughout this report. determine gaps in our approach, and identify we collected internal and external input on a Key findings trends and leadership opportunities for our wide range of topics to determine their relative business. ESG materiality assessment informs importance to HP and to external stakeholders, By integrating a broad range of inputs and fresh our goals-setting process, and we have set and to understand the degree of impact we insights, our new ESG materiality assessment 1 aggressive goals related to several of our most can have on each topic area. Prior to this, our reflects the rapidly evolving landscape of ESG ESG-material topics to manage performance and most recent ESG materiality assessment was topics. In some cases, we combined topics or drive long-term progress. conducted in 2019. refined names or definitions to better reflect topic We collected input from a broad range of scope or content, and digital divide emerged as a stakeholders—including HP employees and new topic during the assessment. Throughout this report, we use the definition executives, customers, suppliers, investors, In addition to determining HP’s ESG material of “materiality” from the GRI (Global Reporting NGOs, and peer companies—to reflect a diverse topics, several key themes emerged: Initiative) Standards, which is different from range of views. To better understand HP’s the term as it has been defined by or construed impacts and potential impacts related to each • It is critical to take aggressive near-term action in accordance with the securities laws or any topic, the process incorporated the Future Fit on decarbonization, including by engaging other laws of the United States or any other Benchmark Technology Sector Impact Areas and suppliers to reduce climate impact throughout jurisdiction, or as used in the context of our Sustainable Development Goals Sector Survey. HP’s value chain. financial statements and financial reporting, The assessment also took into account leading • Stakeholders increasingly expect transparent or our reports filed with the U.S. Securities and reporting frameworks such as the GRI Standards reporting on carbon footprint and related Exchange Commission. Topics identified as ESG for sustainability reporting and the Sustainability impacts, risks, and opportunities, as well as material for the purpose of this report should Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Technology robust social impact data and metrics across not be construed as being material for SEC or & Communications Hardware Standard. the value chain. other financial reporting purposes. 12 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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