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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix Transparency In 2021, we expanded the scope of our capability- SUPPLIER RESPONSIBILITY SCORECARDS building program to include our customer support business, in addition to production We disclose the names and locations of the Our Supplier Responsibility Scorecards are intended to set expectations and drive improved performance suppliers, nonproduction suppliers, and our own production suppliers that represent 95% of our through consistent, comprehensive, and actionable feedback. This tool provides suppliers with a score that manufacturing operations. Examples of the manufacturing spend. Our products are encompasses audit performance; environmental and human rights governance, transparency, goal setting, trainings and opportunities we provide, eight manufactured in countries and territories worldwide. and performance; conflict minerals management; and other social and environmental topics. Results are of which ran during the year, are listed in the summarized across multiple dimensions and contribute to a supplier’s overall procurement score, which table below. In addition to this report, we disclose information impacts the supplier’s relationship with HP and ongoing business. Suppliers discuss their Scorecard with about our supply chain responsibility and human HP as part of regular business performance evaluations, and receive additional points if they demonstrate In October 2020, we launched MOVE, a program to rights performance through our annual SEC sustained improvement. In 2021, average scores for final assembly suppliers increased by three percentage help empower migrant workers in Southeast Asia. Conflict Minerals Report, Modern Slavery points compared to 2020, and average scores for commodity suppliers increased by one percentage point, The initiative provides information on COVID-19 Transparency Statement, Report on Cobalt, and in part due to closer followup and collaboration with suppliers. Supplier Responsibility Scorecards applied to and delivers free training on workers’ rights in four CDP Supply Chain disclosures. We also provide suppliers representing 76% of our production spend. See Data for full results. languages to support workers and managers in tailored supply chain responsibility information to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand. our customers and channel partners to help them achieve their sustainability and human rights goals. In 2019, we launched a two-year worker wellbeing • Responsible Minerals Initiative more than 16,000 employees at customer program in collaboration with Verité, an • Social Accountability International support-related and other nonproduction international nonprofit that promotes safe, fair, External collaboration suppliers who completed training on the HP and legal working conditions in global supply • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Supplier Code of Conduct. HP takes a leading role through collaborations (EPA) SmartWay focused on elevating supply chain best • World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Climate Focus areas Examples of trainings and opportunities practices and tackling shared challenges. Key Business Network relationships include: • EHS awareness training Baseline conformance • Foreign migrant worker training • CDP Supply Chain program Capability building with HP standards • RBA Code of Conduct training • Clean Electronics Production Network • Rights and Responsibilities training • Green Freight Asia In collaboration with nongovernmental • Supply chain responsibility workshop (including science- organization (NGO) partners and other external based targets training) • Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment organizations, we provide programs designed Ongoing engagement • Forced labor webinar • National Minority Supplier Development Council to help suppliers continually improve along their in key areas • Grievance mechanism webinar sustainability journeys. During 2021, we reached • Environmental expectation webinar • Clean Energy Buyers Association • Brazil Supplier Forum 37,000 workers through our capability-building • Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) programs, in areas such as worker wellbeing, Leadership above and rights and responsibilities, and environmental, • Worker wellbeing program • Responsible Labor Initiative health, and safety (EHS) awareness. This included beyond HP’s requirements • MOVE 30 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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