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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix Independent accountants’ review report To the Stockholders and the Board of data management systems and processes used different measurement techniques may also vary. Directors of HP Inc. to generate, aggregate and report the Subject Furthermore, Scope 3 emissions are calculated Matter and performing such other procedures as based on a significant number of estimations We have reviewed HP Inc.’s (“HP”) accompanying we considered necessary in the circumstances. and management assumptions due to the schedules of select sustainability information A review is substantially less in scope than an inherent nature of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (the Subject Matter) included in Appendix A and examination, the objective of which is to obtain Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and as presented in HP’s 2021 Sustainable Impact reasonable assurance about whether the Subject Reporting Standard criteria. Report for the year ended October 31, 2021 in Matter is in accordance with the Criteria, in all accordance with the criteria also set forth in material respects, in order to express an opinion. The information included in HP’s 2021 Sustainable Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Impact Report, other than the Subject Matter, has Ernst & Young LLP Appendix A (the “Criteria”). HP’s management is not been subjected to the procedures applied 303 Almaden Blvd responsible for the Subject Matter in accordance A review also does not provide assurance that San Jose, CA 95110 we became aware of all significant matters that in our review and, accordingly, we express no United States of America with the Criteria. Our responsibility is to express conclusion on it. Tel: +1 (408) 947-5500 a conclusion on the Subject Matter based on would be disclosed in an examination. We believe our review. that our review provides a reasonable basis for Based on our review, we are not aware of any our conclusion. material modifications that should be made to the Our review was conducted in accordance accompanying schedules of select sustainability with attestation standards established by In performing our review, we have also complied the American Institute of Certified Public with the independence and other ethical indicators for the year ended October 31, 2021, in Accountants (AICPA) AT-C section 105, Concepts requirements set forth in the Code of Professional order for the schedules to be in accordance with Common to All Attestation Engagements, and Conduct and applied the Statements on Quality the Criteria. AT-C section 210, Review Engagements. Those Control Standards established by the AICPA. standards require that we plan and perform As described in Appendix A, the Subject Matter our review to obtain limited assurance about is subject to measurement uncertainties whether any material modifications should be resulting from limitations inherent in the nature made to the Subject Matter in order for it to be in and the methods used for determining such May 12, 2022 accordance with the Criteria. A review consists data. The selection of different but acceptable principally of applying analytical procedures, measurement techniques can result in materially making inquiries of persons responsible for the different measurements. The precision of subject matter, obtaining an understanding of the 95 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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