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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix human rights across HP. The company operates Human rights due diligence In late 2021, we engaged external human rights The scope of on-site audits and specialized an internal Human Rights Council to further experts to assist us in governance assessment assessments depends on the nature of the promote the integration of our Human Rights Building on our knowledge and capabilities, and and a global human rights risk assessment. The work performed by the entity and the nature of Policy. The Council is chaired by an HP executive in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business process, which is ongoing, will include reviewing the prioritized risks. For most of our production who has performance incentives to manage and Human Rights, we are responding to new stakeholder concerns across our sector, suppliers, we conduct full audits against our the company’s human rights program. The challenges, assessing risks, and monitoring engaging with potentially affected stakeholders Supplier Code of Conduct. For nonproduction Council is informed by independent external our performance. Progress includes being and civil society organizations, and reviewing suppliers, we may conduct audits only covering human rights experts. Board-level oversight is transparent about issues we face and discover, policies and procedures with reference both those portions of the Supplier Code of Conduct provided by the Nominating, Governance and and how we are resolving them. We practice to proposed human rights laws and to how our that are relevant to their operations. Social Responsibility Committee of HP’s Board human rights due diligence across our business voluntary commitments align to the UN Guiding of Directors. on our salient human rights issues (starting with Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Grievance mechanisms our own operations) including identification, UN Sustainable Development Goals. Training We offer multiple channels for our employees and investigation, prevention, and mitigation of The assessments will help us identify our priority third parties, such as workers in our supply chain, 1 adverse human rights impacts that the business human rights risks across our value chain, assess to ask questions and report concerns. We do not In 2021, 99.2% of employees (including senior executives) completed annual Integrity at HP may cause or contribute to through its own the ability of our policies and procedures to tolerate retaliation against those who engage training, which typically includes some human activities, or which may be directly linked to encompass new expectations and requirements, in our grievance processes, and we expect the rights-related content. For Human Rights Day on our operations, products, or services by our and inform creation of a tailored action plan to same from our business partners. December 10, 2021, we released an employee business relationships. help drive further enhancements to our human awareness video explaining human rights and rights efforts. We plan to share highlights when We collaborate to provide access to effective why they matter, as well as highlighting our legacy Risk assessment our evaluation is finalized. remedy and monitor reported grievances, of respecting human rights at HP. regardless of source, through to resolution. We Our human rights due diligence process is Audits and assessments also track and assess allegations of potentially Disclosures structured to identify and address human rights adverse human rights impacts that are brought risks and impacts across our value chain. Given We use audits and specialized assessments to to our attention outside of the grievance process, In addition to our Sustainable Impact Report, HP’s large global footprint, prioritization is critical help assess performance and identify corrective and take appropriate actions when allegations we also publish the HP Modern Slavery to the program’s effectiveness. We prioritize action where required. Use of audits and are confirmed. Learn more. Transparency Statement. risks based on salience—the severity and assessments is prioritized by level of risk. As a likelihood of adverse impacts on stakeholders we member of the Responsible Business Alliance might affect directly or indirectly. We strive to (RBA), we base our Supplier Code of Conduct continually improve our program by expanding on the RBA Code of Conduct and use the RBA responsible business conduct, ceasing, Validated Audit Process and Audit Protocol. preventing, or remedying the impact, and We only use certified auditors, and most audits reporting on implementation and results. are conducted by third-party auditing firms. 24 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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