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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix 2019 2020 2021 Community giving and volunteerism Ozone depletion potential of estimated emissions‡‡‡ 2019 2020 2021 [kg of CFC-11 equivalent] 19 4 4 Social investment* Americas 18 1 0 [US$ million] 14.60 34.87 29.06 Europe, Middle East, and Africa 1 3 4 Company cash contributions 2.89 3.71 10.44 Asia Pacific and Japan 0 0 0 HP Foundation cash contributions 4.40 9.88 6.96 Number of violations of legal obligations/regulations‡‡‡‡ 1 1 0 Products** 1.88 13.86 3.08 Fines/penalties related to the above [US$] 0 0 0 Services*** 5.43 7.42 8.58 * Social investment [% of net earnings] 0.46% 1.23% 0.45% See About our operational data. ** Fuel consumption from HP’s transportation fleet was not included in the Direct energy use in operations figures prior to 2021. U.S. employee contributions to Cash Matching Program [US$ million] 2.13 2.65 2.65 *** Historical energy-intensity values were calculated using HP’s annual revenue as characterized in financial reporting and energy use. **** HP Foundation contributions to Cash Matching Program [US$ million] 1.96 3.66 2.73 Diesel is mostly used at HP for testing generators. In limited cases, diesel is also used for long-term on-site energy generation. † Renewable energy and renewable energy credits, excluding renewable energy provided by default in the power grid. Employee volunteer hours 145,000 127,000 136,000 †† “Water withdrawal” includes municipal water, wastewater from another organization, rainwater, and well water. Direct use of surface water is insignificant and not included in data reported. Water withdrawal does not include reused treated sewage treatment plant water. * Social investments include all corporate giving made to nonprofit organizations from HP plus the valuation of employee volunteer hours. ††† NEWater is ultra-purified wastewater used in manufacturing operations in Singapore. Data excludes contributions to the HP Foundation and employee donations but includes HP’s matching contributions and contributions ^ from the HP Foundation to other organizations. This water is used for landscaping and toilets. ^^ ** Historical water withdrawal-intensity values were calculated using HP’s annual revenue as characterized in financial reporting and water Product donations are valued at the internet list price. This is the price a customer would have paid to purchase the equipment through withdrawal. the HP direct sales channel on the internet at the time the grant was processed. ^^^ *** This includes NEWater (ultra-purified wastewater used in manufacturing operations in Singapore) as well as recycled or reused water “Services” equals the valuation of HP employee volunteer hours. Valuation rates are based on CECP standards. reported by sites globally. Grey water is included, rainwater is not. ^^^^ To provide additional transparency, this report presents used electronic equipment recovered from HP operations as a separate category. HP education programs and solutions 2019 2020 2021 ‡ We reuse electronic equipment when possible or recycle it responsibly through the same programs we offer customers. Students and adult learners benefiting from HP’s education programs and solutions 7,777,000 20,785,000 24,038,000 See Product repair, reuse, and recycling. ‡‡ Includes all waste not sent to a municipal solid waste or recycling facility. This conservative approach classifies all waste managed by HP LIFE users enrolled* 49,000 155,000 163,000 our hazardous waste vendor as hazardous, unless we can definitively determine it to be nonhazardous. ‡‡‡ * HP collects all refrigerant consumption data from local facilities maintenance teams company-wide, directly accounting for facilities’ HP LIFE users are also included in the overall students and adult learners data above. refrigerant leakage and use and avoiding the need for extrapolation. We use various tools and sources for global warming potential and ozone-depletion values, including the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s GHG Emissions from Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment tool, IPCC Second Assessment Report (1995). ‡‡‡‡ This data represents safety or environmental violations from a federal or state agency. 65 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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