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Sustainability For Our For Our Creating Value For the For Our Managing Appendix at MetLife Workforce Customers as an Investor Environment Communities Responsibly UN Global Compact Index UN GC Principle Reference Human Rights Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of Letter from Our CEO internationally proclaimed human rights; and Sustainability at MetLife >> Recent Highlights in Alignment with the UN SDGs For Our Workforce >> Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion >> Our DEI Commitments Principle 2: Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. Are Public Facing and Strategically Aligned Creating Value as an Investor >> MetLife Investment Management >> ESG Integration in Agricultural Lending Managing Responsibly >> Governance; Supplier Management; Human Rights MetLife’s Statement on Human Rights MetLife’s Code of Business Ethics MetLife Supplier Code of Business Ethics MetLife Signs UN Women’s Empowerment Principles MetLife Ethics and Fraud HelpLine Privacy Compliance Program Labor Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the Letter from Our CEO effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; Sustainability at MetLife >> Recent Highlights in Alignment with the UN SDGs; Sustainability Goals and Progress Principle 4: The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor; For Our Workforce >> Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion >> Our DEI Commitments Principle 5: The effective abolition of child labor; and Are Public Facing and Strategically Aligned Creating Value as an Investor >> MetLife Investment Management >> ESG Integration Principle 6: The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment in Agricultural Lending and occupation. Managing Responsibly >> Governance; Supplier Management; Human Rights MetLife’s Statement on Human Rights MetLife’s Code of Business Ethics MetLife Supplier Code of Business Ethics MetLife Slavery & Human Trafficking Statements MetLife on Pay Equity 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 96

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