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Sustainability For Our For Our Creating Value For the For Our Managing Appendix at MetLife Workforce Customers as an Investor Environment Communities Responsibly PROMOTING SUPPLY response rate to our request, disclosed CHAIN SUSTAINABILITY climate risks, GHG emissions and other environmental data to us through this MetLife’s Supply Chain Sustainability program. We share a scorecard with these Program embeds sustainability criteria in suppliers that identifies areas of strength and our procurement process, including within opportunities for improvement on climate requests for information and within supplier change management. We encourage suppliers contracts, and incentivizes environmental to set targets to reduce emissions and offer stewardship to reduce GHG emissions. As resources to help them with this process. part of our climate goals, we aim to engage 100 suppliers on setting GHG emissions MetLife also has a longstanding reduction targets by 2025. commitment to purchase products that have a lower environmental impact than Every year we request that suppliers respond others. We prioritize Energy Star-certified to the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire. IT equipment, sustainably sourced paper In 2021, 123 suppliers, representing a 94% and green building materials. METLIFE SUPPLIER CDP 2021 SCORECARD RESULTS metric tons in annual CO2e savings 67.9 reported by suppliers million $ in annual monetary savings from 14.2 emissions reduction billion of suppliers in the program reported having 77%their own forward-looking climate targets of suppliers are engaging their own suppliers 74%on climate issues 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 59

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