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Chapter 3 Design • Application logging ensures that logging errors, information events, and warning are appended into log files. Logging helps to check the issues reported by any users. • Server logging retains the logging errors and information events and warnings generated by the server. The server monitors its own list of activities. • Auditing ensures that all the activities done by a user on an application are logged in the auditing file or database. • Transaction processing initiates and interacts with the integration layer and business layer. It ensures the reliability and consistency of any kind of transaction that takes place in the system; in case of failure, it will roll back the failed transaction. Social and Collaboration Design You can integrate collaboration tools like Gerrit, Jira, Rocket Chat, Slack, and Yammer with the DXP application. These tools have RESTful APIs available, which can be integrated easily with the DXP application. You can integrate with social platforms, for example, Twitter and Facebook. These tools have authentication API available, so that you can authenticate the application using these APIs. You can use Facebook and Twitter APIs to integrate tweets and posts in your own application, as shown in Figure 3-21. The DXP UI layer gets the authenticating details from the user, and these authentication details are passed to a third-party social platform such as Facebook or Twitter. These platforms provide an access token to further interact with these platforms and get the users data to your DXP application. 89

Building Digital Experience Platforms - Page 109 Building Digital Experience Platforms Page 108 Page 110