2021 ESG Report

2021 ESG REPORT Prudential Financial, Inc.

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Table of Contents Introduction 25 Attracting and Retaining the 52 About this Report 3 About Prudential Best People 53 2021 Materiality Assessment 4 Letter from Our Chairman 26 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 54 The Global Environmental Commitment 5 2021 Highlights 29 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by the Numbers 56 Stakeholder Engagement 6 Governing our Business 32 Practices to Promote Pay Equity 58 Reporting Guidelines 33 Learning and Talent Development Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 7 Corporate Governance and Board Oversight 36 Employee Health, Safety and Wellbeing Sustainability Accounting Standards Board 9 Cybersecurity and Privacy 38 Global Employee Engagement (SASB) 10 Ethics and Compliance Task Force on Climate-related Financial 12 Risk Management 39 Community Investment Disclosures (TCFD) 14 Sourcing and Procurement 40 Community Initiatives Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 15 Political Disclosure and Accountability 43 Financial Education and Engagement 59 Appendix 44 Impact and Responsible Investing 16 Sustainable Investing 60 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index 17 PGIM 45 Climate and the Environment 61 Environmental Performance 22 Chief Investment Of昀椀ce and General Account 46 Climate Oversight 63 A ssurance Statement Related to Greenhouse 47 Environmental Performance Gas Inventory 2021 65 Forward-Looking Statements and Disclaimer Disclosure Statement: Prudential’s ESG Report provides an overview of long-term Company goals and efforts in support of those goals. Some material is derived from other Company documents, and links are provided to those documents where appropriate. The report contains goals, commitments, targets, plans, initiatives and aspirational or otherwise forward-looking statements and actual results may differ, possibly materially, and no guarantees are made that goals, commitments and targets will be met or that projects and initiatives will be successfully executed. The report also includes numbers and percentages that are estimates or approximations and that may be based on assumptions. See Index for additional important information about these forward-looking statements. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 2

Prudential 2021 ESG Report About Prudential Prudential Financial is a global 昀椀nancial services leader and premier active global investment manager with 1 more than $1.62 trillion in assets under management , and operations in the United States, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Through our subsidiaries and af昀椀liates, we offer a wide array of 昀椀nancial products and services, including life insurance, annuities, retirement-related products and services, mutual funds, and investment management. We offer these products and services to individual and institutional customers through proprietary and third-party distribution networks. Prudential’s diverse and talented employees, numbering over The Prudential Insurance Company of America traces its roots to WE MAKE LIVES 42,000 globally, help to make lives better by solving the 昀椀nancial the Prudential Friendly Society established in Newark, New Jersey BETTER by challenges of a changing world. Prudential’s iconic Rock symbol in 1875. Our Company’s founder, John Dryden, said Prudential has stood for strength, stability, expertise, and innovation for nearly existed to advance better social and economic conditions for our 150 years. customers and their families, and that these relationships are built SOLVING the Our vision is to be a global leader in expanding access to investing, on trust for millions of people in all the varying walks of life. While FINANCIAL CHALLENGES insurance and retirement security. We will serve the diverse needs the world has changed dramatically over the last nearly 150 years, of a broad range of customers and clients by investing in growth John Dryden’s commitment remains the foundation of our culture. businesses and markets around the world, delivering industry- The Company’s number one priority has always been to protect of CHANGING leading customer and client experiences that blend human touch and support the employees, customers and communities we serve. our WORLD with advanced technology, and creating the next generation of 昀椀nancial solutions. 1. As of March 31, 2022 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 3

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Message from As I re昀氀ect on the tumultuous events of the past two years, I’m proud • PGIM, our asset management business, appointed a global head of that all of us at Prudential have remained steadfast in our commitment ESG, who is responsible for shaping and coordinating the ESG strategy to our Company’s purpose — to make lives better by solving the 昀椀nancial and approach across its operations. the Chairman challenges of our changing world. We celebrated a milestone in our longstanding work to drive social progress: To ensure we continue ful昀椀lling that purpose and delivering on our promises, • The Prudential Foundation surpassed $1 billion in total contributions we are challenging ourselves to evolve, so we can seize new opportunities, since its inception in 1978. The foundation works to close the reach new customers and deliver increased value to all our stakeholders. 昀椀nancial divide by creating inclusive workplaces and communities, To guide our work, we recently unveiled a new vision: to become a and accelerating economic mobility for those who need it most. This global leader in expanding access to investing, insurance, and milestone follows the achievement in 2020 of $1 billion in assets under retirement security. management in our impact investing portfolio. Employees around the world have embraced this vision for the future of We reinforced our commitment to transparency and accountability: Prudential. We will achieve it by executing a three-pronged strategy: • We continued annual disclosure of our EEO-1 data on U.S. employee • Investing in growth businesses and markets around the world. representation in addition to the results of a comprehensive analysis on • Delivering industry-leading customer and client experiences that blend pay equity across our U.S. workforce. human touch with advanced technology. • We expanded our long-term executive compensation plan’s diversity • Creating the next generation of 昀椀nancial solutions to serve the diverse goals to reach deeper into the organization with an emphasis on Black needs of a broader range of customers and clients. and LatinX colleagues. Sustainability will remain integral to our ability to ful昀椀ll our purpose, As a global insurer and investment manager, we recognize the urgent achieve our vision and strategy, and deliver on our long-term promises to need to play our part in addressing societal issues. I thank our employees our customers and other stakeholders. around the world for their hard work and unwavering dedication, which enable us to live our purpose and deliver on our promises, every day. In 2021, we reinforced our efforts to drive sustainability with signi昀椀cant We will continue to take meaningful action to create a more sustainable enhancements to our environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices. future for our customers, employees, investors, and communities. I look We enacted new standards and commitments: forward to sharing news of our progress with you. • We announced our intention to achieve net-zero emissions across our primary global home of昀椀ce operations by 2050, with an interim goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2040. In addition, PGIM Real Estate committed to achieve net zero operational carbon by 2050 across all of its managed assets. Charles F. Lowrey • We’re assessing the emissions impact of our General Account’s Chairman and Chief Executive Of昀椀cer investment portfolio and have restricted new direct investments in companies that derive more than 25 percent of their revenues from thermal coal. • We formed a Climate Change Steering Council, headed by Robert Falzon, Prudential’s Vice Chairman, which will work closely with a cross- functional group to develop our climate policy. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 4

Prudential 2021 ESG Report 2021 Highlights $1 Billion Prudential Foundation Addressing Climate Change Awards and Recognitions Milestone Prudential commits to achieve net-zero emissions across ® • FORTUNE Magazine The World’s Most Admired its primary global home of昀椀ce operations by 2050, with ® With the aspiration to close the 昀椀nancial divide and Companies accelerate economic mobility for those who need it most, an interim goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2040. • Ethisphere World’s Most Ethical Companies® The General Account restricts new direct investments the Prudential Foundation surpassed $1 billion in total • Points of Light The Civic 50 in companies that derive a material portion of their contributions since its inception in 1978. revenues from thermal coal. • Barron’s 100 Most Sustainable Companies in America • Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index Diversity, Equity and Inclusion • FTSE FTSE4Good Index Series Public disclosure of our EEO-1 data and pay equity results • Working Mother 100 Best Companies for U.S. employees re昀氀ect our commitment to and • Military Times Best for Vets Employers accountability for our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. Sustainable Finance • 3BL Media 100 Best Corporate Citizens Prudential integrates its environmental and social • Hispanic Association of Corporate Responsibility commitments into the Company’s liquidity framework Corporate Inclusion Index through the renewal of its 昀椀ve-year, $4 billion credit Cultivating Talent Prudential launched Talent Marketplace, an online facility, linking the Company’s borrowing costs to its • National Organization on Disability Leading Disability ™ career development platform, that offers all employees sustainability targets. Employer Seal free courses, skilling programs, and matches an • Forbes America’s Best Employers for New Graduates employee’s skills with internal open positions. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 5

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Governing our Business In this section: 7 Corporate Governance and Board Oversight 9 Cybersecurity and Privacy 10 Ethics and Compliance 12 Risk Management 14 Sourcing and Procurement 15 Political Disclosure and Accountability Highlights Prudential achieves an A- CDP Supplier Engagement rating Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 6

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Corporate Governance Prudential’s Board of Directors is committed to sound and effective independent. With oversight by the Corporate Governance and Business and Board Oversight corporate governance practices on behalf of our employees, Ethics Committee, the Board’s current composition is the result of a shareholders, customers and society. The Board’s oversight extends thoughtful process informed by the Board’s annual self-evaluation, which to Prudential’s corporate strategy, environmental sustainability, human is conducted by an independent third party, and feedback received from capital and corporate culture. In addition, three of our Board members sit the Company’s engagement with shareholders and other stakeholders. on the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Oversight Committee. Over the last seven years, the Board has undergone signi昀椀cant Director These Directors inform the Company’s social responsibility efforts in refreshment, and added 昀椀ve directors — all diverse. When evaluating investing for 昀椀nancial and social returns, strategic philanthropy, employee quali昀椀ed Board candidates, the Corporate Governance and Business engagement and corporate community involvement. Ethics Committee considers individuals who possess skills that align with Prudential’s current and long-term global business strategy. The Board Structure Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Committee also considers the Board’s composition in the context of the diverse communities and As re昀氀ected in our Corporate Governance Principles and Practices, our geographies we serve. We require a diverse candidate pool for all Director Board believes that strong, independent leadership is a critical aspect searches and evaluate a nominee’s experience, education, skills, gender, of effective corporate governance. Eleven of our 13 board members are race, ethnicity and other qualities in the context of the entire Board. BOARD DIVERSITY 82% 4 2 1 2 4 1 of our have worked are African- is Asian- are Hispanic are Women is LGBTQ+ non-employee directors are outside the American American diverse U.S. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 7

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Board Oversight Environmental Sustainability Human Capital Management Strategic Risk Cybersecurity Risk Environmental Sustainability is overseen by the The Board believes that human capital The Board oversees the Company’s risk pro昀椀le The Board oversees cybersecurity risk through Corporate Governance and Ethics Committee and management and succession planning, including and management’s processes for assessing the Company’s Information Risk and Resilience Prudential’s Board of Directors. The Company’s inclusion and diversity, are paramount to the and managing risk, through both the full Board program. This program includes a cyber incident sustainability strategy is led by Prudential’s senior Company’s success and are central to our long- and its committees. At least annually, the Board response plan that provides controls and leaders including Prudential’s Vice Chairman, who term strategy. Our Company’s Corporate Social reviews strategic risks and opportunities facing the procedures for timely and accurate reporting of leads the Company’s Climate Change Steering Responsibility Oversight Committee, composed of Company and its businesses. any material cybersecurity incident. Prudential Council that guides climate policy for the enterprise. Board members and Prudential senior executives, The Board’s Risk Committee includes the chairs has not had a material data security breach in The Corporate Governance and Business Ethics in addition to the full Board, evaluates the of each of the other Board committees as well as three years. The Audit Committee, which is tasked Committee discusses environmental sustainability, Company’s commitment to inclusion and diversity another independent director who serves as Chair with oversight of certain risk issues, including climate objectives and strategy at least quarterly. and actively suggests policy enhancements. The of the Committee. The Risk Committee receives cybersecurity, receives reports from the Chief This regular engagement gives the Board insight Board reviews the Company’s “people strategy” in reports from management on material and emerging Information Security Of昀椀cer, the Chief Information into the Company’s climate change strategy and support of its business strategy at least annually risk topics that are reviewed by the Company’s Of昀椀cer and the Global Head of Operational Risk environmental stewardship initiatives. In addition, and frequently discusses talent issues at its internal management committees. Additionally, the throughout the year. At least annually, the Board the full Board receives periodic brie昀椀ngs and meetings. This includes a detailed discussion Committee oversees the Company’s assessment and and the Audit Committee receive updates about education on core concepts and trends that impact of the Company’s global leadership bench and reporting of material risks by reviewing: the metrics the state of the Company’s cybersecurity program, our businesses and society as well as regular succession plans with a focus on key positions at used by management to quantify risk; applicable including results of exercises and response discussions in the Investment and Risk Committees. the senior of昀椀cer levels. More broadly, the Board risk limit structures and risk mitigation strategies; readiness assessments led by outside advisors who is regularly updated on key talent indicators for and the Company’s processes and procedures for provide a third-party independent assessment of the overall workforce, including diversity, recruiting our technical program and our internal response and development programs. risk assessment and risk management, including preparedness. The Audit Committee regularly briefs the related assumptions used across the businesses the full Board on these matters. The full Board and material risk types. also receives periodic brie昀椀ngs on cyber threats to In performing its oversight responsibilities, the enhance our Directors’ literacy on cyber issues. Board and its committees review policies and guidelines that senior management uses to manage the Company’s exposure to material categories of risk. As these issues sometimes overlap, Board committees hold joint meetings when appropriate and address certain issues at the full Board level. During 2021, the Risk Committee received updates from the Chief Risk Of昀椀cer on the important strategic issues and risks facing the Company. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 8

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Cybersecurity Prudential’s cybersecurity, privacy threats and to leverage threat modeling insights These align with the broader incident response into its cybersecurity program. The Company process described above. Privacy risks and and compliance teams work to continuously tests its technical defenses with controls are assessed through the Compliance and Privacy safeguard Company and customer internal and external trained professionals Risk Management Program, and privacy data. seeking to probe the Company’s cybersecurity impact assessments and other assessments are defenses. Risk assessments are included in the conducted regularly on processes, initiatives and To respond to the threat of security breaches cybersecurity program. Prudential maintains products involving personal information. The and cyberattacks, Prudential has developed cyber insurance coverage as part of the Board and the Audit Committee receive updates the Information Risk and Resilience program, Company’s incident response preparedness. at least annually regarding the privacy risk pro昀椀le overseen by the Chief Information Security Cross-functional teams participate in simulated of the Company. Of昀椀cer and the Information Security Of昀椀ce, scenarios within Prudential, while Company Prudential informs its customers and employees that is designed to protect and preserve the representatives participate in industry-wide about its privacy practices through several con昀椀dentiality, integrity and continued availability external scenarios. New technology is regularly channels and honors individual rights as of all information owned by, or in the care of, reviewed and implemented to help thwart required by applicable laws and regulations. the Company. As part of this program, we attacks and prepare the Company to respond to We provide privacy notices to employees and maintain an incident response plan. The program those that evade defenses. customers consistent with legal requirements provides for the coordination of various corporate and explain how the Company generally collects, functions and governance groups and serves as Prudential continues to expand and evolve uses, stores, transfers and safeguards customer a framework for the execution of responsibilities its threat-hunting and analytics capabilities, information. Similarly, the Company’s online across businesses and operational roles. The proactively searching for and identifying privacy statements outline how Prudential program establishes security standards for evidence of malicious attacks already inside collects, uses and safeguards information that our technological resources and includes the network. These processes supplement may be gathered through online interactions. cybersecurity annual training for employees, traditional review of malicious external internet For more information, read Prudential’s Form contractors and third parties. Additionally, traf昀椀c directed at the Prudential network. 10-K and our Data Security Statement. we conduct periodic exercises and response Prudential respects and protects personal, readiness assessments with outside advisors to con昀椀dential, sensitive and material nonpublic Prudential provided information security gain a third-party independent assessment of training to employees in 2021. For employees our technical program and our internal response information and has implemented a principles in Information Security job functions, additional preparedness. We regularly engage with the based Global Privacy Program. The Global role-speci昀椀c training prescribed and tracked by outside security community and monitor cyber Privacy Of昀椀ce is led by the Company’s Global the Information Security Of昀椀ce is instituted. threat information. We continue to evaluate and Chief Privacy Of昀椀cer, who reports through the Chief Ethics and Compliance Of昀椀cer, and is All employees receive mandatory privacy training evolve the technologies, processes, controls and intelligence to prevent, detect and respond to responsible for establishing the Company’s at the time of hire and on an annual basis that standards and requirements around privacy is centrally tracked with role-speci昀椀c targeted cyber threats and attacks. Relevant cybersecurity controls related to 昀椀nancial reporting are protections for Personal Information. Data privacy training provided based on job function. considered by our external auditor in the context Protection Of昀椀cers are identi昀椀ed by the businesses to oversee the privacy risks within TRAINING FREQUENCY of Prudential’s annual external integrated audit. their business units to ensure procedures are Cybersecurity Annual Prudential partners with other companies in place that align with the Company’s Global Privacy Annual and industries, as well as law enforcement to Privacy Program to include privacy by design and communicate information about the latest cyber management of privacy events and incidents. Information Security Annual 9 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Ethics and Compliance Prudential’s business conduct is guided by Prudential’s Code of Conduct, Making the Right Choices, which is grounded in the Company’s purpose, principles and values. Prudential’s global Compliance Program within our Ethics & Compliance threatening or harassing acts against anyone for reporting in good faith Department (“Compliance Department”) operates independently. It reasonably suspected unethical or unlawful behaviors or practices, and supports risk-smart oversight of business growth and helps protect our anyone participating in an investigation; customers. The Compliance Department promotes a culture of ethical • Providing a toll-free number and web-based reporting mechanism for and compliant conduct, and fosters compliance with policies, programs, employees to report suspected violations of our Code of Conduct or the and applicable legal and regulatory requirements everywhere Prudential law — the Ethics Help Line is operated by an independent third party and does business around the world. is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in multiple languages, Prudential’s Global Business Ethics and Integrity (“GBEI”) team is the with an option to remain anonymous, where permitted by law; • Ensuring that appropriate grievance mechanisms and procedures enterprise-wide function designed to cultivate our culture of ethical conduct. By reinforcing our customer advocacy role, we endeavor are in place to receive, escalate, and facilitate resolution of concerns to ensure a safe and positive environment for anyone to speak up. promptly and appropriately, including the investigation of reports of Prudential encourages all employees to raise any ethics questions, misconduct and prevention of the recurrence of misconduct; complaints or concerns they may have. We provide all employees a • Appointing Business Ethics Of昀椀cers in the First Line of Defense; and variety of reporting channels, including management, human resources, • Consistent global reporting to address ethical concerns and monitor Business Ethics Of昀椀cers, the Ethics Website, the Ethics telephone Help Line, GBEI, Compliance Of昀椀cers and/or Law Department contacts. emerging trends. Prudential’s global Con昀氀ict of Interest (COI) Program emphasizes GBEI continues to evolve and adapt with the ever-changing industry, transparency, disclosure and mitigation to manage enterprise risk. partnering with Prudential’s businesses to protect their strategic aspirations The COI Program requires all employees to complete a personal COI while enabling compliant and ethical growth. To augment its leadership for disclosure at the time of hire, as well as at various intervals throughout ethical conduct, key areas of the Ethics and Compliance Program include: their employment. The COI Program also requires businesses and • Reinforcing Prudential’s Code of Conduct through ethical messaging, corporate functions to identify institutional con昀氀icts of interest, apply communications, and programming; appropriate mitigants and to assess those con昀氀icts annually. • Requiring employees to participate in annual training to reinforce In 2021, the Compliance function rolled out a new training platform that their understanding of Prudential’s Code of Conduct and policies, takes a game-based approach to learning, offering content in short and including the prohibition of any type of illegal or unethical behavior and personalized modules to reinforce and increase employees’ understanding of employees’ obligation to report suspected violations promptly; their obligations. The global con昀氀icts program was highlighted in the training • Creating an environment where employees feel comfortable and safe to to further educate employees about the risks of personal and institutional raise concerns without fear of retaliation; con昀氀icts of interest, how to identify actual, potential and apparent con昀氀icts, • Consistent with relevant legal protections, strictly prohibiting retaliatory, the mitigation of any con昀氀icts, and disclosure requirements. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 10

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Bribery/Anti-Corruption Oversight Prudential is committed to a comprehensive global anti-money and regulations. In the United States, covered 昀椀nancial institutions laundering (AML) and anti-bribery and corruption program (ABC). pursuant to the USA Patriot Act have policies and procedures to The Company recognizes the importance of protecting the integrity comply with the record keeping, reporting and audit requirements of of the global 昀椀nancial system from money laundering, terrorist the Act. 昀椀nancing, and other 昀椀nancial crimes. The Company complies with The Global Financial Crimes Unit (“GFCU”) is responsible for all applicable governmental requirements that have been designed enterprise compliance of Prudential’s ABC policies, procedures, and to prohibit and prevent both actual and potential money laundering, processes. The GFCU partners with personnel across the enterprise as well as other activities that facilitate money laundering and the to provide compliance oversight as well as an escalation path for funding of terrorists and/or other criminal activity. 昀椀nancial crime matters requiring attention. The GFCU proactively Prudential has policies that expressly de昀椀ne and prohibit practices manages the development and coordination of Prudential’s ABC associated with money laundering, bribery and corruption. Such Policy and Standards (including compliance with the Foreign Corrupt policies apply to all companies, branches, subsidiaries, af昀椀liates, Practices Act), provides oversight of the Gifts and Entertainment joint venture and private equity investments, where Prudential has system (which maintains documentation of gifts, entertainment, and management control. Prudential reviews and updates these policies items of value given to government of昀椀cials), identi昀椀es emerging to align with industry best practices as well as applicable regulations. bribery and corruption risks across the Prudential enterprise, All Prudential employees, including management and executives, conducts investigations into allegations of bribery and corruption are trained on these policies and their implementation during the under the direction of the Law Department, assists in due diligence onboarding process, and periodic refresher training is also provided. for mergers and acquisitions, and escalates concerns or potential In addition, business-level training is provided, which is tailored to the issues to Senior Leadership, which may include the Board of business and customized to the business units’ risks. Directors as necessary. Prudential developed a global 昀椀nancial crime training course, including anti-money laundering, sanctions and anti-bribery, for launch in 2022. Prudential has a rigorous customer due diligence program (Know Your Customer). Each business unit reviews current and prospective clients and their transactions for potential money laundering and terrorist 昀椀nancing activities. Prudential and its global businesses implement anti-money laundering programs in accordance with applicable laws Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 11

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Risk Management Core to the sustainability of Prudential is understanding the risks the Company takes and how they impact our stakeholders, including policyholders. In addition, the Company’s culture of transparency and informed decision-making is foundational to our ability to plan for and mitigate potential risks. Risk Management Framework Risk Governance The risk management framework supports this culture by providing Each of our businesses has a risk governance structure that is supported standard processes and formal governance systems that facilitate by a framework at the corporate level. These provide a common open communication and effective challenge, that value diverse views, framework for identifying and evaluating the risks embedded in and and that encourage constructive engagement. The framework starts across our businesses, developing risk appetite, managing risks, and in the businesses and extends through the corporate centers, which identifying risk challenges and opportunities. Our risk governance are independent of the businesses they support. De昀椀ned roles and structure is overseen by senior management and our Board of Directors responsibilities promote individual accountability, and a robust risk and managed by Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). committee system promotes transparent and collaborative risk review and ERM operates independently and is responsible for recommending informed decision-making. policies, limits, and standards for all risks. ERM oversees these risks A critical element of Prudential’s risk management framework is the under the guidance of the Enterprise Risk Committee (ERC) and Risk ability to quantify risks and understand how risks behave individually Oversight Committees (ROCs). The ERM infrastructure is generally aligned and in aggregate. The Company’s Risk Appetite Framework (RAF) is by risk type, with certain groups within ERM working across risk types. a comprehensive process used to facilitate transparent and sound Business unit Chief Risk Of昀椀cers play a crucial role in translating the decision-making, ensure that risks taken across the Company align with key enterprise risk appetite metrics and limits into day-to-day decision- the capacity and willingness to take those risks, and provide assurance making at the business unit level. They enable ERM to meet the business that Prudential can meet its obligations as they come due. Risk impacts where decisions are made, bringing subject matter expertise in risk are measured and assessed through a comprehensive and cohesive set appetite, investment, market, operational, liquidity, and insurance risk of stress scenarios with varying degrees of severity, including historical into the business unit dialogue on a real-time basis. events such as the Great Depression, the 1918 pandemic, and in昀氀ation during the 1970s. The Qualitative Risk Appetite Framework helps the Company understand and manage risks that are not easily quanti昀椀ed. By continuously scanning the internal environment and reporting 昀椀ndings to leadership and the Board on a regular basis, we can manage and mitigate operational risks in qualitative areas such as culture, reputation, compliance with laws, regulations, and policies, and decision-making incentives. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 12

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Additionally, we evaluate operational risk exposure to physical assets and The use of arti昀椀cial intelligence (AI) within the 昀椀nancial services industry Environmental, Social and Governance Risks operations in geographies with rising sea levels and more severe weather has led to societal concerns around potential unintentional discrimination Prudential believes that it has a moral and business imperative to and 昀氀ooding. We also study the potential impacts of disease to help or bias against protected classes. Prudential has adopted Ethical Principles understand and manage its ESG risks. To consider the Company’s physical consider all operational outcomes. for AI, which provide the foundation for trust and transparency in our use and social environment is not only the right thing to do, but it is expected of AI and include a commitment to avoiding the creation or reinforcement In January 2021, a senior-level Climate Change Steering Council and by employees, customers, investors, regulators, and rating agencies. of unfair biases, unintended consequences, and unlawful discrimination. supporting Task Force were established to develop, execute and oversee As the speed and pace of change on these issues have increased, so have the Company’s climate change strategy. In addition, the Task Force, which Governance Risks the expectations of our stakeholders. Companies are not only expected to includes representatives from all relevant internal groups, including ERM, do the right thing, but insuf昀椀cient action on these issues can have negative works to coordinate climate-related activities across the Company. ERM is Our corporate governance has always been about promoting the stability of 昀椀nancial implications. For these reasons, we are working to augment developing its approach to climate challenges by devoting increasing time long-term outcomes where risks and 昀椀nancial outcomes unfold over decades. the risk management framework by incorporating the consideration of and resources to climate-related risk, which will enable the organization to Prudential is as committed as ever to effective, consistent, and transparent ESG risks and opportunities. As we look to the future, ESG risks bring better understand the implications of a broad set of climate risk outcomes. corporate governance. This becomes more important during times of stress a high degree of uncertainty in the form of potentially severe disruption and evolution, including the potential disruption that could result from to environmental, 昀椀nancial, and social ecosystems which may create future ESG issues. Prudential’s risk management framework supports this Social Risks rapid and sudden outcomes for stakeholders. Therefore, we work hard to objective with formal processes and governance systems that facilitate open Societal challenges could be exacerbated if there are declines in the understand how these developments may impact the business models of communication and effective challenge, thereby promoting the consideration health of the environmental and 昀椀nancial ecosystems. As pressures build the companies in which we invest and the Prudential business model itself. of diverse views and constructive engagement. around these ecosystems, having a fair society where all participants feel they have a vested and equal interest in societal outcomes is critical. With ERM is committed to integrating ESG risks into our risk management Environmental Risks rising inequality, there is not only increased risk to society but an inability to framework, which will progressively be expanded to accommodate new Historically, we consider environmental risks — especially climate-related solve long-standing challenges. It is, therefore, crucial for the sustainability realities over time. In the future, we will continue to enhance how we risks — and their impacts on cash 昀氀ow and the valuation of our investments. of our society that we continue to work towards inclusion and racial incorporate ESG into our analytical metrics, models, and targets, with an Looking to the future, we must analyze a broader distribution of outcomes equity. Prudential has made nine racial equity commitments, which span emphasis on further integrating climate risk into existing analytical processes. to account for the potential for increasingly severe climate disruptions. talent practices, design and delivery of products, investments and public The potential disruptions from climate change pose investment risks by policy work, and support of community institutions working to remove exposing our investment holdings to both physical damage from climate persistent obstacles to Black economic empowerment. In addition, given change (physical risks) or substantive changes in business models the challenges discussed above, having a diverse talent pool that re昀氀ects amidst the shift to a lower-carbon economy that could result in 昀椀nancial our society is a critical component to 昀椀nding solutions to the problems deterioration or stranded assets (transition risks). These impacts could facing us. Beyond these initiatives, Prudential considers social factors in uniquely affect speci昀椀c companies, sectors, asset classes, and geographies the assessment of investment risks as part of its strategic review process, in which we choose to invest. Climate change also poses market and focusing on how social inequality could impact various sectors, such liquidity risks from sudden changes in the pricing or liquidity of assets that as healthcare. For more information regarding Prudential’s racial equity Prudential holds. Climate change may also affect population health and commitments, please refer to Attracting and Retaining the Best People mortality by triggering events including heat stress, 昀氀oods, wild昀椀res and air section of this report. pollution, and the spread of disease. 13 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 13

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Sourcing and The sourcing and procurement organization drives value by leveraging Procurement Prudential’s buying power to optimize quality, service levels and competitive pricing from our vendors. We created a new Supplier Code of Business Ethics, which includes Responsible Purchasing our Human Rights and Fair Labor Practices, and contact information to address Supplier Code questions or to report any concerns anonymously. Prudential has a long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusion, Our goal is to work with suppliers who act consistently with our principles, which includes a diverse supply chain. By leveraging talent of every values and standards. For more information, refer to Prudential’s Vendor color, gender, origin, religion, sexual orientation and physical capability, Code of Conduct and Terms of Engagement on our website. Prudential provides opportunities to diverse 昀椀rms within a deep pool Prudential continues to focus on environmentally sound purchases. of accomplished suppliers. Our goal is to utilize these diverse 昀椀rms as fully as possible and to establish long-term agreements with non-diverse Examples include: vendor partners who share our vision for and dedication to supplier • Information Technology (IT) products are managed throughout the diversity fueling 昀椀nancial growth and promoting the development of procurement lifecycle and include responsible reuse, recycling and diverse supplier communities. appropriate disposal. • Print sourcing speci昀椀es the use of vegetable or soy-based inks and the Company’s print contracts stipulate adherence to the Lacey Act. The Supply Chain Sustainability percentage of the Company’s paper that included at least 10% post- consumer recycled content held at 6%. In 2021, Prudential achieved an A- Supplier Engagement Rating from CDP. We invited 100% of our top suppliers1 to participate in education and reporting with CDP. The response rate increased from 57% in 2020 to 69% in 2021. We also increased the number of suppliers we engaged. We view active participation in CDP’s Supplier Engagement Survey as one of the many ways our Company advances environmental transparency and monitors progress to attain a sustainable future. 1. Suppliers are invited to respond to the CDP survey based on potential environmental impact and material spend with the supplier by Prudential’s U.S. businesses. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 14

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Political Disclosure Decisions made by governments have tremendous impact on how and Accountability Prudential operates as a public company and competes in the global marketplace. Prudential’s External Affairs’ strategic initiatives include: how to ensure PAC contributions appropriately re昀氀ect the Company’s • Maintaining a leading presence in legislative and regulatory processes. purpose, vision, and values. Our PACs began using the new framework • Constructively and thoughtfully informing and advising on a wide for contributions for the 2021-22 election cycle, which applies to both range of public policy issues that are important to the Company’s federal and state contributions. shareholders, customers, and employees, including expanding Prudential’s Political Activities and Contributions (PAC) annual report workplace bene昀椀ts, promoting retirement savings and enabling a provides detailed information on Prudential’s sponsored political broader set of 昀椀nancial products and services to meet the growing contributions and annual association dues, assessments and demands/needs of society. contributions to trade associations exceeding $10,000. All employees • Participating in several trade associations, industry groups and other are permitted to engage in political activities to the extent permitted by public policy forums representing the interests of insurance, retirement law, provided they do so as individuals and not as representatives of the and asset management. Company. Certain personal political contributions of employees and family • Supporting core business growth and future growth opportunities. members are prohibited or restricted under Company policy to comply • Sponsoring political action committees (PACs) to provide a voice for with federal, state and local “pay-to-play” laws pertaining to contributions the Company and its values by actively supporting participation in the by vendors to the public sector. Prudential prohibits individual political American democratic process. contributions for the purpose of in昀氀uencing or attempting to in昀氀uence the award of business to the Company. The Company also maintains related To accomplish this, Prudential maintains a presence in the public policy policies that direct and govern all lobbying activity on behalf of Prudential. arena in the United States and internationally to express its viewpoints to legislators, regulators and in昀氀uencers on key matters that impact how the Company operates as a business. The 2021 CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure Prudential sponsors a variety of initiatives to help support an active pro昀椀le and Accountability ranked Prudential as a Trendsetter company, in policymaking and regulatory processes. Such sponsored activities the highest distinction. This is the seventh consecutive year that include direct engagements with state and federal and international Prudential has been recognized for its disclosure, accountability, lawmakers’ regulators, and standard setters, partnerships with trade and political spending oversight. organizations, operation of political action committees. In 2021, the Prudential Political Action Committee’s Board of Directors agreed to a new framework for evaluating candidates that thoughtfully considers Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 15

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Sustainable Investing In this section: 17 PGIM 22 Chief Investment Of昀椀ce and General Account Highlights The Chief Investment Of昀椀ce updates its Responsible Investing Policy with restrictions on new investments in thermal coal and controversial weapons PGIM’s Megatrends paper Weathering Climate Change proposes an actionable climate change agenda for institutional investors Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 16

Prudential 2021 ESG Report PGIM Our Philosophy PGIM Family of Asset Managers as of March 31, 2022 At PGIM, we believe that in our effort to deliver strong risk-adjusted returns, we must consider ESG-related risks and opportunities in our investment process, $214B $890B when managing assets for our clients and that this approach leads to superior 昀椀nancial results over the Jennison Associates PGIM Fixed Income long-term. For us, ESG is not only about managing risks, or investing in line with our client’s sustainability preferences it is also a critical lens for identifying strong investment opportunities. PGIM is one of the world’s largest asset managers, with over $1.4 trillion in total assets under management (AUM). PGIM is composed of $96.4B $209.3B autonomous asset management businesses, each specializing in a particular asset class with a focused PGIM Private Capital PGIM Real Estate investment approach. Each of our highly specialized businesses are equipped with best-in-class thought leaders and investment experts and are backed by our global af昀椀liate network to deliver diversi昀椀ed investment solutions to our clients. We believe that doing the right thing for our clients, $108B $198B our people and our communities leads to better results for all stakeholders. As both active and PGIM Quantitative PGIM Investments1 quantitative investors, PGIM businesses strive to Solutions embed ESG practices throughout its investment risk, and talent management processes, while delivering investment performance to its clients. We apply this thinking to our clients’ assets and the assets owned in Prudential’s General Account. 1. Represents assets sub-advised by other PGIM units and are included in their totals. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 17

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Sustainable Investing Across our Asset Managers Each of our asset management businesses supports and contributes to PGIM’s commitment to sustainable investing with the 昀氀exibility to take their own approach. The underlying business value proposition and the asset classes they invest in guides each business's strategy and investment decision-making. The table illustrates how PGIM’s asset managers are engaged in sustainable investing activities. JENNISON ASSOCIATES PGIM QUANTITATIVE SOLUTIONS PGIM FIXED INCOME Assets Under Management $214B $108B $890B Business Description Investments are based on fundamental research with a bottom-up approach. Quantitative equity and multi-asset specialist. Fixed income manager with resources to specialize across all 昀椀xed income Internal research underlies all investment decisions. sectors. ESG Integration into Investment Strategy Anchored by three key tenets — Research, Engage, and Monitor — material ESG Meet client investment objectives by closely managing portfolio exposure to Integrates ESG into investment process by analyzing ESG risks and issues are integrated throughout the investment process with a focus on deep expected risk and return. When determining portfolio holdings, evaluate the opportunities with an eye toward any potential negative or positive impact(s) fundamental research. Investment teams analyze ESG risks and opportunities impact of many factors on meeting these objectives, including ESG factors. on the value of investments. with a focus on forward-looking views of current and prospective investments Strong commitment to understanding both ESG’s present and future investment based on qualitative and quantitative information from third-party research implications as well as our clients’ ESG goals and priorities. 1 and data and/or proprietary ESG assessments. Climate Change Integration and Research Responsible Investing Policy Top-Down Portfolio Implications of Climate Change Environmental, Social and Governance Investment Policy Statement Issuer Engagement Dedicated ESG Team Proxy Voting Guidelines Integrates ESG Factors N/A Af昀椀liations SASB Standards Investor Advisory Group PRI TCFD CDP Climate Action 100+ CERES Investor Network Access to Medicines Foundation 1. The ESG research framework is in the process of being implemented. Our ESG Research Team has not completed its proprietary ESG Assessments on companies held in all of Jennison’s investment strategies. Our initial focus is on companies in our strategies managed by our Large Cap Growth and Global teams. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 18

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Our Approach Jennison Associates PGIM Fixed Income PGIM Quantitative Solutions In 2021, consistent with the focus on accelerating our ESG investment In addition to assessing the impact of ESG risk factors on the 昀椀nancial/ Research and Innovation strategy, Jennison hired its 昀椀rst global head of ESG and formed a team of economic value of our clients’ investments, PGIM Fixed Income (FI) is PGIM Quantitative Solutions has expanded its ESG portfolio integration dedicated analysts to partner with Jennison’s investment professionals as committed to supporting its clients in achieving their ESG objectives. By capabilities using its proprietary ESG scoring system. Our ESG scores they integrate ESG considerations into the investment process. leveraging our proprietary “ESG Impact Ratings” assessment framework, help us consider ESG issues that are material within each industry, as Jennison established an ESG research framework, which draws upon the PGIM FI helps clients understand the impact of their investments on the determined through group consensus among issuers, corporate experts and industry-speci昀椀c standards of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board environment and society by assessing these investments against negative investors. This helps ensure that we are viewing companies holistically and (SASB). The framework is applicable to the 昀椀rm's equity investment complex and positive ESG impacts relevant to the industry, issuer and/or issue. consistently. We’ve applied this approach to a number of ESG Solutions that and corporate bonds through a proprietary ESG assessment system, which This ESG impact assessment is distinct from our assessment of the risk look to provide better ESG exposure, while seeking to meet risk and return generates risk-based and forward-looking ESG views on portfolio holdings.1 ESG events could have on the 昀椀nancial/economic value of our clients’ targets of a range of different investor types. For example, PGIM Quantitative investments. Solutions introduced ESG indexing solutions that aim to materially increase The 昀椀rm's newly developed Impact Generation Framework captures PGIM FI has made signi昀椀cant progress in expanding its ESG capabilities the ESG exposure that meets or beats comparable ESG indices while hitting 2 昀椀ve secular impact themes called Pathways to a Better Future : Energy and product offerings. The 昀椀rm launched 昀椀ve new ESG funds and the performance metrics of the standard, non-ESG index. Transition; Health and Wellness; Technological Progress; Elevation; and repositioned four existing UCITS funds into ESG funds during 2021. Sustainable Consumption. Jennison employs a proprietary methodology Enhancements to PGIM FI’s research and analysis capabilities include Engagement to measure the impact of each portfolio holding using the Theory of increasing the size of the ESG team, expanding its proprietary frameworks PGIM Quantitative Solutions has selected a third-party pooled Change, which captures Company-speci昀椀c inputs, outputs and outcomes for assessing credibility and additionality of ESG-labeled bonds, which engagement and analytics provider to directly engage with companies on that we believe lead or will lead to impact. The impact themes support now include social, sustainability and sustainability-linked instruments, our behalf. We believe greater disclosure of reliable ESG data is essential the UN Sustainable Development Goals 1 (No Poverty), 3 (Good Health which are becoming increasingly prevalent in the market. To address to identify potential risk sources that might not be re昀氀ected in market and Well-being), 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 8 (Decent Work, climate change and net zero commitments, PGIM FI is developing a valuations. In 2021, these initiatives enhanced our ESG outreach and Empowerment and Access), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) proprietary methodology and tool to assess issuer and portfolio alignment investment practices: and 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption). with a 1.5 degree Celsius future. Jennison developed a proprietary carbon cost coverage tool to stress-test • In response to the Security and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) request issuers’ balance sheets within select equity and corporate bond holdings PGIM FI is now a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code. The 昀椀rm looks to for public comment on climate-related disclosure, we partnered across according to carbon pricing scenarios. Through active ownership, enhance its engagement activities with clients and the broader industry. PGIM to respond to the SEC; signed on to the PRI’s response; publicly the 昀椀rm also seeks to create shareholder value and catalyze positive The team’s industry collaboration extends to PGIM FI’s involvement with supported the Value Reporting Foundation’s response; and supported improvement in the area of climate change. the European Leveraged Finance Association’s (ELFA) ESG Committee, the adoption of SASB’s standards by the SEC. with the intention to in昀氀uence the standardization of ESG disclosures in • We supported the consolidation of the Value Reporting Foundation Jennison's comprehensive ESG screening policy is aligned with leveraged 昀椀nance. (formerly known as SASB) and the International Financial Reporting internationally recognized standards, including the Norwegian Standards (IFRS) forming the International Sustainability Standards Government Pension Fund Global, the Swiss Association for Responsible 1. The ESG research framework is in the process of being implemented. Jennison’s ESG Research Team has not completed its proprietary Board (ISSB); and engaged with approximately 100 companies covering Investments and United Nations Global Compact for its UCITs platform. ESG Assessments on companies held in all of Jennison’s investment strategies. The ESG Research Team is initially focusing on companies in Jennison’s strategies managed by Jennison’s Large Cap Growth and Global teams. a variety of ESG and pro昀椀tability questions in adherence to Japan’s 2. Jennison’s impact framework is currently applied to our Better Future Impact equity strategy, which was seeded in March 2022. Stewardship Code. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 19

PPrruuddeennttiialal 2200221 E1 ESSG RG Reeppoorrtt PGIM Real Estate This assessment is completed for all new acquisitions and at the time of loan origination. For our standing assets, the assessment is completed for ESG Risk Assessment all assets tracked on the ESG data management platform. In 2021, PGIM Real Estate launched an ESG Assessment conducted Environmental Risk Management during loan origination. The Assessment evaluates various environmental, social, resilience, and governance/transition risks to determine an ESG PGIM Real Estate’s risk assessment framework is based on a scenario Loan Score. The Assessment debuted for U.S. core commercial loans with analysis that considers the impact of a set of stressors on a range of plans to include international loans in 2022. A separate assessment is in different sustainability metrics. To anticipate and manage future risks development for agricultural loans. The inclusion of additional loans over and opportunities, PGIM Real Estate identi昀椀es, measures, evaluates and time will enhance portfolio-level analysis including the impact of ESG factors. manages investment, market, insurance, liquidity and operational risks PGIM Real Estate has an internal proprietary Equity ESG Assessment for individually and in aggregate. A robust stress testing process examines New Acquisitions and Developments. The Assessments provide a rating the sensitivity of long-term obligations and resources to possible 昀椀nancial, on the ESG implications from an asset’s environmental and economic operational, behavioral and biometric risks. performance. Using the rating, we strategically acquire investments Climate Change and Building Resilience that meet our criteria as well as identify potential improvements that can enhance the performance of assets as part of the acquisition and PGIM Real Estate proactively considers the potential impact of climate development process. This helps enhance ESG due diligence and change as part of an ongoing risk-informed decision-making process. In provides more consistent ESG-related information to the 昀椀rm’s Investment addition to considering climate risk, the focus is on building resilience Committee and other stakeholders. and environmental stewardship throughout our global businesses to both protect the environment and strengthen the businesses. That focus enables Climate Risk Assessment the 昀椀rm to improve the potential for higher investment returns and bene昀椀ts PGIM Real Estate uses Moody’s ESG Solutions Group, a provider of our clients, employees, and shareholders as well as future generations. market intelligence addressing the impact of climate change for 昀椀nancial Resilience risk assessment tools are aligned with the Financial Stability markets, for its asset and portfolio-level climate screenings, including Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) seven climate risks: heat stress, water stress, sea level rise, hurricanes recommendations, and the 昀椀rm is enhancing its ESG due diligence for and typhoons, 昀氀oods, earthquakes, and wild昀椀res. Moody’s ESG Solutions new acquisitions and developments by using those assessment criteria. Group determines the high risks. PGIM Real Estate completes further For equity investments, as part of Investment Committee summaries, the assessments to help ascertain whether required mitigants are in place. Research and Transactions teams prepare due diligence enhancement reports that include socioeconomic-trend considerations and the in昀氀uence The scores are received at the asset level, which can be rolled up to of new technologies, together with an impact evaluation of ESG factors. The determine average portfolio level scores. This helps PGIM Real Estate 昀椀rm has established guidelines for transactions and research teams—to to make informed decisions by understanding the underlying risks and be rolled out globally—together with a Property Manager Survey that diversifying if needed. takes inventory of the equity portfolio’s environmental and social risks and informs strategic initiatives for the 昀椀rm's resilience program. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 20

PPrruuddeennttiialal 2200221 E1 ESSG RG Reeppoorrtt PGIM Real Estate Net Zero Commitment In May 2021, PGIM Real Estate became a signatory to ULI Greenprint’s Net Zero by 2050 goal. The goal is in line with the Paris Agreement and 昀椀ndings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The objective is to achieve net zero operational carbon by 2050 across all managed assets. FHA/Agency Multifamily Originations PGIM Private Capital (PPC) Green Program PRIVATE DEBT/EQUITY RENEWABLES PORTFOLIO MARKET VALUE PGIM Real Estate’s 2021 FHA/Agency Green Programs totaled PGIM Private Capital is a leading source of private debt for public and approximately 17.2% of overall FHA/Agency multifamily loan volume, private companies and a leader in renewable power investments. PPC which represents a slight reduction from 2020 of 18% but is consistent has integrated analysis of ESG factors into its investment process with a with FHA/Agency Green volume trends for the year. focus on economic materiality of identi昀椀ed ESG risks, and has applied $4.27B $4.18B • 2021 was PGIM Real Estate’s fourth consecutive year setting a new ESG risk assessment to all investments across different asset classes all-time high in multifamily lending, totaling $11B — led by $7.2 billion and geographies. in agency 昀椀nancing, $3.4 billion in mission-driven, affordable housing, As of December 31, 2021, the market value of PPC’s renewable power 12/31/2020 12/31/2021 and $381 million in manufactured, student and senior housing. project portfolio reached nearly $4.2 billion, including over $400 million • PGIM Real Estate saw a signi昀椀cant increase in Green Building of new renewable power investments in 2021. New investments in Certi昀椀cation loans in 2021, which is also consistent with overall market 2021 included capital provided to one hydroelectric project, four solar RENEWABLE POWER PROJECT PORTFOLIO trends as owners look to invest more and more in “Green-ready” assets projects, one wind project, and an investment in a portfolio of both wind (Market Value % as of 12/31/21) rather than implementing signi昀椀cant Green renovation plans. The and solar projects. Average annual new renewable investments by PPC pandemic has in昀氀uenced this distribution, and we could see a shift exceeds $500 million per year over the past 10 years. 1.54% back to Green Rewards/Green Up when labor and materials become Biomass PPC’s managed portfolio also includes a number of signi昀椀cant social 10.05% 43.59% more available and accessible. infrastructure projects, including over $1.5 billion of 昀椀nancings for Geothermal Solar • Newer Green products like Fannie Mae’s “Healthy Housing Rewards” universities and high schools, over $1 billion of 昀椀nancing for nonpro昀椀t 15.83% and Freddie Mac’s “Green Retro昀椀t” programs continue to gain traction hospital systems, and $1 billion of 昀椀nancing for social housing Hydro $4.18B in the market, providing alternatives to the Agencies' traditional suite of providers in the United Kingdom. Green offerings. 28.99% Wind Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 21

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Chief Investment Of昀椀ce Prudential takes a long-term view of risks and opportunities when making investment decisions in our General Account. This requires the Prudential Green Bond Report and General Account consideration of all 昀椀nancial and non-昀椀nancial factors that may impact each asset class in which the Chief Investment Of昀椀ce (CIO) invests, In 2020, Prudential became the 昀椀rst U.S. insurer to issue a green including ESG factors. bond aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Prudential’s approach to ESG integration and responsible investment Goals. The Chief Investment Of昀椀ce evaluates and determines which in our General Account is governed by the Chief Investment Of昀椀ce’s projects are eligible for inclusion in the portfolio of Eligible Green Responsible Investing Policy where we de昀椀ne Responsible Investing (RI) Assets according to the criteria required by Prudential’s Green as the integration of ESG factors into investment decision-making and Bond Framework. All Eligible Green Assets are subject to a review ownership practices in the belief that these non-昀椀nancial factors can have consistent with Prudential’s Statement on Responsible Investing. an impact on long-term 昀椀nancial performance. Prudential considers RI Please read Prudential’s Green Bond Report for more information. to be the overarching objective while ESG is the data and portfolio tools used to inform investment decisions. 2021 Highlights • Updated the Chief Investment Of昀椀ce’s • Made the 昀椀rst investment under our • Continued industry engagement and Responsible Investing Policy that advances $300 million Sustainable Power mandate thought leadership through: the General Account’s responsible with PGIM Private Capital. The Mandate − The Geneva Association investing strategy and de昀椀nes six core includes investments in projects, portfolios, − Ceres Investor Network principles most important to Prudential. platforms and companies that develop, − Ceres Paris Aligned Investor • Implemented restrictions on new own or operate wind, solar, hydro, Working Group investments in thermal coal and geothermal, biomass generation, energy controversial weapons. storage, and transmissions infrastructures − Ceres Private Equity • Engaged MSCI, a leading climate data in the U.S. and Canada. Working Group provider, to support asset-level reporting and scenario analysis. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 22

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Six Core Investment Principles Prudential’s General Account Responsible Investing Strategy is centered on the following core principles PRINCIPLE 1 PRINCIPLE 2 ESG Integration Climate Action We expect asset managers to incorporate ESG We use a combination of sustainable investment • We acknowledge the potential risks posed • Prudential plans to assess Scope 3 emissions factors into investment decisions made on our themes, internal ESG ratings and external ESG by climate change and pursue investment within the General Account portfolio. behalf, including: ratings to: opportunities that will reduce/increase the • To support this effort, Prudential is in the process • Incorporating ESG factors into security selection • Identify ESG factors for as much of the portfolio negative/positive impact of the General Account’s of integrating MSCI climate data to enhance our and portfolio monitoring as possible (e.g., ESG Identi昀椀able) investments on the environment. public bond and equity carbon footprinting and • Assessing how ESG factors impact long-term • Categorize investments based on risk, impact • The risk associated with climate change obliges climate analytics. returns and resiliency (e.g., Positive, Neutral, Negative) Prudential to engage issuers, regulators, and • Reporting material risk and opportunities to the policy makers actively and collaboratively on General Account on a regular basis material climate-related risks. GENERAL ACCOUNT ESG IDENTIFICATION Our internal ESG framework standardizes the BY RATING interpretation of ESG risks and opportunities across the entire portfolio. This framework $99.0 B $243.6 B 2 4 intends to: ESG Positive ESG Neutral $32.7B 1 • Increase identi昀椀cation and understanding of ESG ESG Negative3 $375.3 B factors • Identify and track ESG-related risks and opportunities • Identify improving/deteriorating ESG trends 1. Exposures in market value as of 12/31/21. Total PFI assets of $519 billion. 2. ESG Positive are investments that have a positive ESG impact, reduce ESG risk, or have higher resiliency 3. ESG Negative are investments where the negative ESG impacts outweigh any positive impacts, there has been limited efforts to reduce negative impacts, or there is lower resiliency 4. ESG Neutral are investments where ESG has a limited impact or where positive and negative impacts offset. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 23

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Six Core Investment Principles (continued) Prudential’s General Account Responsible Investing Strategy is centered on the following core principles PRINCIPLE 3 PRINCIPLE 4 PRINCIPLE 5 PRINCIPLE 6 Sustainable Financing Active Ownership Investment Restrictions Impact Investments • To increase the positive impact of our • We expect asset managers to engage • Thermal Coal — No new direct investments • Prudential has approximately $1.2 billion in investments on society and manage ESG- proactively with investees on ESG-related in mining or utility companies with > 25% of Impact & Responsible Investments (IRI) as related risks, we look to grow investments topics when ESG factors present a material revenue from thermal coal. Exceptions may of 12/31/21. For more information about the that both promote sustainability and achieve investment risk. apply for issuers with a low carbon transition IRI portfolio, see the Community Investment market returns. • We engage with regulators, policymakers, strategy and green bonds of restricted issuers. section of this report. • Total sustainable investments are 7.9% of peers, and industry groups on material • Controversial Weapons —No new direct the portfolio as of 12/31/21. ESG issues. investments in companies involved in the 1 direct manufacturing and production of cluster Infrastructure $9.8B munitions, anti-personnel mines, biological, or 2 Green buildings $7.0B chemical weapons. 3 Healthcare $7.0B 4 $40.8B Education $6.5B 5 Housing $3.6B 6 Renewable energy $2.9B ESG-Labeled Debt $2.0B 7 Sustainably managed agriculture $1.5B 8 Other $0.6B 1. Includes basic infrastructure such as water, transportation and power (including municipals). 2. Includes commercial mortgage investments that are secured by buildings with green certi昀椀cations, such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA BEST), Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), Green Globes, and ENERGY STAR. 3. Includes hospitals, medical buildings, and healthcare facilities (including municipals). 4. Includes colleges and universities (including municipals). 5. Includes senior, student, and affordable housing. 6. Includes wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and biomass. 7. Includes agricultural debt investments secured by agricultural properties where the operation and/or property 1) farms/manages their land under the guidance of third-party certi昀椀cations such as Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), American Tree Farm Systems (ATFS), Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), Leading Harvest, Florida’s Best Management Practices (BMP), Certi昀椀ed California Sustainable Winegrowing, or USDA Organic; 2) has buildings with green certi昀椀cations such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), or Napa Green Winery; 3) has facilities with active food safety certi昀椀cations such as Quality Assurance International (QAI) or Safe Quality Foods (SQF); 4) utilizes animal welfare practices and/or 5) utilizes any renewable energy (such as wind, biogas generation, solar, etc.). 8. Includes emerging market 昀椀nancial inclusion and transformative real estate development. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 24

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Attracting and Retaining the Best People In this section: 26 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 29 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by the Numbers 32 Practices to Promote Pay Equity 33 Learning and Talent Development 36 Employee Health, Safety and Wellbeing 38 Global Employee Engagement Highlight Annual disclosure of Prudential’s U.S. EEO-1 data and pay equity results Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 25

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Diversity, Equity Prudential has long had a commitment to advancing inclusion and Due to the success of this program, in December 2020, we committed and Inclusion racial equity. Our ongoing efforts are aimed at driving positive change to the following set of diversity goals for our senior and mid-level by creating opportunities for success both within and outside of our leaders to be attained by 2023: organization. While our senior management team understands that this work takes time, we are acting with a sense of urgency to identify and act Our most senior leader population: in areas that allow Prudential to have a meaningful impact and serve as a model for inclusion and diversity by creating an inclusive environment Increase overall Increase our percentage that starts at the top and extends to all employees. Our Board and Executive Leadership Team (ELT) are accountable for our diversity1 by of Black and LatinX inclusion and diversity practices and policies. We lead by example — 昀椀fty 10% employees by at least percent of our Executive Leadership Team is diverse. Prudential’s 25% Enterprise Inclusion Council, which has met quarterly since it was founded in 2019, is chaired by Prudential Chairman and CEO, Charles Lowrey. The Council is tasked with promoting C-suite accountability for inclusion and diversity and composed of executive and senior leaders Our mid-level leaders: and the heads of Prudential’s Business Resource Groups. Discussions include real-time feedback on employee sentiment as well as our talent Increase the Increase our percentage practices. The meetings are a valuable source of input for senior leaders percentage of of Black and LatinX to understand how our inclusion and diversity practices are impacting the people of color2 by employees by at least day-to-day experiences of our employees. Our Diversity Goals 8% 25% Our Board expects Prudential’s senior leadership team to set the standard for inclusive behavior and weave those standards into our in our employee engagement corporate culture. Recognizing that diversity is imperative to the Close the gap Company’s vitality, in 2018, we instituted a modi昀椀er for our 2018–2020 scores of our Black employees relative to other performance shares plan for the senior vice president level and above employees that was subject to a performance objective intended to improve the representation of diversity among senior management. As disclosed in our Company’s 2021 proxy statement, we achieved our goal of increasing representation of diverse persons among our senior management by 昀椀ve percentage points. 1. Our de昀椀nition of “diverse” includes people of color, women, LGBTQ+, differently-abled, and veterans. 2. Our de昀椀nition of “people of color” includes Black, Hispanic (also includes employees of Latin descent), Asian, Paci昀椀c Islander, Native American, Alaskan natives, and Hawaiian natives. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 26

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Commitments to Advance Racial Equity With the Board of Directors’ full support, in August 2020 Prudential announced commitments to advance racial equity for our people, through our businesses and in our society. These commitments build on Prudential’s long history of promoting inclusive economic growth through our investments, buying power, thought leadership, hiring practices and professional development initiatives. The table below describes our commitments and our most recent progress. Taking Action for Our People Taking Action With Our Business Commitment Action Commitment Action Provide Equal Opportunity • Developed diversity goals directly tied to senior leadership’s long-term Design products, services and • Racial Equity Ambassadors embedded inclusion and equity practices in for All Employees compensation, emphasizing Black and LatinX representation deeper in the operations to improve racial 500 business-led initiatives within 27 businesses and functions organization equity outcomes • Launched over 400 coaching engagements to cultivate high potential talent acquisition Taking Action in Society • Required a diverse interview panel and interview training to achieve more inclusive hiring practices Commitment Action • Targeted leadership development brings coaching and executive Accelerate our social justice • Advocated for policy and regulatory changes increasing employment sponsorship to diverse talent cohorts public policy agenda: pathways for people with prior arrest or conviction backgrounds • Advocated for the protection of voting rights and equitable access • Criminal justice and police Greater Transparency • Annual disclosures of EEO-1 U.S. employee diversity and pay equity data reform to elections Mandate Inclusion • 9,000 U.S. employees logged over 25,000 hours of inclusion training • Provided $500,000 in new 昀椀nancial contributions to organizations • Voting rights Training for all U.S. in 2021 • Closing the racial wealth gap combating the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes Employees • $3 million in new 昀椀nancial contributions to Historically Black Colleges Create Ways to Re昀氀ect • Monthly Inclusion & Racial Equity newsletter communicates progress to all Invest in institutions, ventures and Engage U.S. employees and high-impact nonpro昀椀ts and Universities (HBCUs): removing structural barriers to − strengthens the capacity of HBCUs • Quarterly Inclusion & Racial Equity Town Halls engaging 6,000 U.S. employees Black economic empowerment − reduces the 昀椀nancial burden on students − attracts talent to Prudential as an employer of choice • Employees provided 2,000 volunteer hours to support Newark & Atlanta small businesses and their employees • $58.41 million in new investments as part of $1 billion in impact investment portfolio focused on equity and inclusion Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 27

PPrruuddeennttiialal 2200221 E1 ESSG RG Reeppoorrtt Promoting Inclusion Through Our Cultivating Diverse Talent Business Resource Groups We utilize traditional and emerging strategies and partner with external Our eight Business Resource Groups (BRG) are employee-led organizations to recruit and support diverse talent. Our efforts have organizations designed to promote an inclusive culture to support been successful. As illustrated in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by strategic business goals. Today, 38% of our U.S. employees participate the Numbers section of this report, 69% of external hires in 2021 were in at least one BRG. Members can grow professionally and expand diverse. We have long-standing relationships with many organizations to their networks. Additionally, the BRGs provide an opportunity for our help us attract diverse candidates. businesses to leverage diverse employee perspectives to inform product These include: development, talent management and market strategy. • Association of Latino • National Organization on Our Business Resource Groups are: Professionals for America Disability (NOD) • ADAPT: Abled and Differently Abled (ALPFA) • National Association of Partnering Together • Hispanic Association on Female Executives (NAFE) • APA: Asian Paci昀椀c Islander Americans Corporate Responsibility • Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA) 38% • BLF: Black Leadership Forum (HACR) • Student Veterans of America • PRIDE: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Of our U.S. • GI GO Fund • Year Up Transgender and Queer+ (LGBTQ+) employees • Jopwell participate in at • Disability:IN • Generations: Promoting Open Dialogue least one BRG • National Association of Black • Out and Equal Accountants (NABA) Across Generations • Juntos: LatinX and Allies • VETNET: Military, Veterans and Veteran Supporters Supporting Opportunity Youth • Women Empowered The national organization Year Up is a core partner in Prudential’s Our inclusion vision is the shared responsibility of all Prudential BRGs served as a critical point of connection for employees during the $180 million commitment through 2025 to support organizations that employees, supported by an in-house team of diversity, equity, and COVID-19 pandemic. As of late 2021, average monthly BRG membership improve employment and 昀椀nancial outcomes for opportunity youth inclusion (DEI) experts. In addition to expertise, the team brings more than doubled versus six months prior to the pandemic. APA, the BRG around the world lacking access to school, training or regular jobs. capabilities in strategic philanthropy and impact investing and a for Asian Paci昀椀c Islander Americans and their allies, experienced the biggest Year Up has provided Prudential with a unique pipeline of diverse robust set of partnerships that are driving Prudential’s efforts to leap, with a 45% increase in members versus 2020. early talent for the enterprise. Since 2019, the Company has hired promote social justice by building inclusive workplaces inside and outside of Prudential, accelerating economic mobility and creating In 2021, more than 170 employees participated in the pilot BRG 72 Year Up students —64% Black and 17% LatinX — for internships, Mentorship Program, and more than 140 employees took part in contract and full-time positions. thriving neighborhoods. This work spans over 40 years and remains a Prudential’s 昀椀rst BRG Pru Bono Marathon. critical part of our DEI efforts. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 28

16,701 Prudential 2021 ESG Report United States 42,253 Diversity, Equity Global 25,552 International and Inclusion by Total Workforce 16,701 48% the Numbers United States Women 42,253 52% Gender Global Men Split 25,552 International 48% Women Certi昀椀ed 2021 Consolidated U.S. Employer Information Report (EEO-1) 52% Gender Men The summary table below displays Prudential’s U.S. workforce by EEO-1 job category as of December 31, 2021. Split MALE FEMALE NATIVE NATIVE HISPANIC OR HAWAIIAN HAWAIIAN LATINO OR OTHER TWO OR OR OTHER TWO OR PACIFIC MORE PACIFIC MORE SECTION D - EMPLOYMENT DATA JOB CATEGORIES MALE FEMALE WHITE BLACK ISLANDER ASIAN INDIAN RACES WHITE BLACK ISLANDER ASIAN INDIAN RACES TOTAL Executive/Senior Level Of昀椀cials and Managers 23 9 343 15 0 44 0 3 164 13 0 24 0 4 642 First/Mid-Level Of昀椀cials and Managers 147 92 2,253 104 5 516 3 35 1,337 117 5 349 6 25 4,994 Professionals 268 328 2,264 237 9 499 2 68 2,854 559 8 522 4 74 7,696 Sales Workers 49 30 485 115 1 16 6 19 200 110 1 18 5 26 1,081 Administrative Support Workers 83 226 364 101 1 26 0 7 965 368 2 64 5 52 2,264 Service Workers 4 4 8 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 24 TOTAL 574 689 5,717 579 16 1,101 11 132 5,521 1,167 16 977 20 181 16,701 29 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix

Prudential 2021 ESG Report U.S. Diversity Benchmarks Prudential benchmarked its workforce composition against the most PEOPLE OF JOB CATEGORIES WOMEN COLOR ASIAN BLACK LATINX recently available EEO-1 Finance & Insurance Industry data. The Executive/Senior Level Prudential 33% 21% 10.6% 4.4% 9.7% 5.1% 10.5% Company exceeds the industry in the following categories: Of昀椀cials and Managers Overall +.8% • Executive/Senior Level Of昀椀cials and Managers: Women, People of Color, EEO 31% 14% 6.1% 2.6% 3.7% 2.9% 4.4% Asian, Black and LatinX First/Mid-Level Of昀椀cials Prudential 39% 28% 17.3% 4.4% 4.8% and Managers Executive +1.5% • First/Mid-Level Of昀椀cials and Managers: People of Color, Asian EEO 48% 25% 9.8% 6.9% 2017 6.5% 2021 • Professionals: Women, People of Color, Asian, Black and LatinX Professionals Prudential 57% 33% 13.1% 10.6% 7.6% EEO 52% 31% 12.5% 9.2% 6.9% This table includes the latest 2018 EEO-1 benchmarks published by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. 10.5% 9.7% 7.6% 6.4% Overall +1.2% Overall +.8% 3.5% 4.4% 5.1% 2.9% Executive +1.7% Executive +1.5% Prudential’s U.S. Workforce Diversity Trends 2017 2021 2017 2021 Since 2017, Prudential has shown steady progress in increasing BLACK REPRESENTATION LATINX REPRESENTATION ASIAN REPRESENTATION the racial diversity of its workforce population, including at the top- level category of the EEO-1 report: Executive/Senior Level of昀椀cials 12.4% and Managers. 12.1% Overall +.3% 9.7% 10.5% 10.6% Overall +.8% 6.4% 7.6% 7.8% 4.4% Overall +1.2% Executive +2.8% 2.9% 3.5% 5.1% Executive +1.5% Executive +1.7% 2017 2021 2017 2021 2017 2021 12.1% 12.4% Overall +.3% 10.6% 6.4% 7.6% 7.8% Data points re昀氀ect 12/31/17 and 12/31/21. Overall +1.2% 3.5% 5.1% Executive +2.8% Executive +1.7% Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 30 2017 2021 2017 2021 12.1% 12.4% Overall +.3% 10.6% 7.8% Executive +2.8% 2017 2021

Prudential 2021 ESG Report U.S. Top Leadership Diversity Metrics PEOPLE OF DIVERSE WOMEN COLOR ASIAN BLACK LATINX Top Leadership is de昀椀ned as the approximately 400 senior leaders Top Leadership1 55% 39% 27% 14.8% 4.8% 6.8% (2.6% of the population) who are within three reporting levels below our Chairman and CEO and Vice-Chairman. We consider this population as 1 Level Down 44% 38% 13% 12.5% 0% 0% comprising key decision-makers and in昀氀uencers of change and culture 2 Levels Down 57% 43% 28% 15% 6% 5% at the Company. 3 Levels Down 54% 38% 27% 14.8% 4.5% 7% 1. Levels down from Chairman and Vice Chairman as of 12/31/21 Movement Across the U.S. Workforce PEOPLE OF POSITIONS FILLED DIVERSE WOMEN COLOR ASIAN BLACK LATINX Prudential’s annual turnover rate (includes voluntary and involuntary All Recruiting 70% 51% 37% 13% 12% 9% terminations) in 2021 was 14.1%. This compares to 25.8% for the Finance and Insurance industry, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Internal Recruiting 71% 56% 34% 14% 10% 8% Statistics (BLS). External Recruiting 69% 47% 39% 13% 14% 10% Prudential was not immune to the Great Resignation facing U.S. corporations. In 2021, voluntary turnover among Prudential’s U.S. workforce was 8.9% — this was higher than Prudential’s 昀椀ve-year average of 6.0% yet lower than the BLS benchmark of 15.9% for the Finance and Insurance industry. In 2021, Prudential 昀椀lled over 2,800 positions in the United States. Our active outreach and recruitment efforts result in a broad slate of diverse candidates for consideration. Internal mobility is driven by continuously introducing and improving existing tools and processes to cultivate the talents of Prudential’s current employees. As a result of these efforts, in 2 2021, half of the Experienced positions were 昀椀lled internally. 2. This calculation excludes Early Talent/Campus Hires and Financial Professionals, which rely predominantly on external recruiting. When including these populations, the internal hiring ratio on all positions 昀椀lled is 42%. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 31

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Practices to Promote Our Board of Directors’ actions are Pay Equity guided by our commitment to be a We periodically retain independent external experts to conduct pay analyses for leader in the advancement of equal our U.S. population. Described below are the 2020 and 2022 results. pay for equal work. In support of this commitment, Prudential’s Board 2020 of Directors reviews and provides Salary was evaluated and the results showed, when accounting for oversight of the Company’s pay relevant factors including job and location, that, on average, women and practices. Asian employees were paid at least 100% of the pay of male and White employees, respectively. Additionally, on average, Black employees were Prudential’s pay policies and practices promote paid at 99.0% and Hispanic1 employees were paid at 98.3% of the pay of pay equity throughout an employee’s career in a non-Hispanic White employees. holistic integrated approach. This practice starts before an employee joins our organization. We aim to reduce the likelihood of perpetuating historical or 2022 2022 a prior employer’s pay inequity by not considering or asking (except where required by law) a candidate’s Salary, bonus and equity were With respect to total compensation history in the application process, and evaluated. With respect to compensation (salary, bonus establishing starting pay based on gender- and race- salary, the results showed, when and equity), again accounting neutral considerations. accounting for relevant factors for relevant factors including Throughout an employee’s career with Prudential, including job and location, that, job and location, on average, we review pay on an ongoing basis to help safeguard on average, women and Asian women were paid at 99.8% against any systemic gender- or race-based pay employees were paid at least of male employees, Asian inequity by: 100% of the pay of male and employees were paid at least • Periodically engaging independent external experts White employees, respectively. 100%, Black employees were to audit for any systemic pay inequities and Additionally, on average, Black paid at 99.4% and Hispanic empowering them to determine the appropriate employees were paid at 99.3% employees were paid at 98.9% methodology to analyze our results. and Hispanic employees were of the pay of non-Hispanic paid at 99.0% of the pay of White employees. • Providing multiple avenues, including on an non-Hispanic White employees. anonymous basis, for any employee to raise a concern about discrimination, including with respect to pay. 1. Hispanic also includes employees of Latin descent. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 32

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Learning and Talent Development Restructuring Our Learning and Talent Development Organization to Better Serve Employees In 2021, Prudential implemented a new vision for Learning and Development (L&D) that delivers results for the business and employees in a more ef昀椀cient and impactful way. This effort brought together learning expertise from across the enterprise, developing a new operating model, and selecting talent for reimagined roles. Today, our organization centralizes all L&D professionals enabling us to provide a cohesive learning experience for all employees no matter where they sit in our organization. These specialized Learning and Development teams focus on creating a seamless and engaging experience at every stage of the employee’s learning journey. Learning Partnerships — Accountable for Learning Programs — Managing leadership Learning Technology & consulting and relationship management with development programs to develop the Operations — Responsible for the platforms our business partners across the enterprise next generation of Prudential leaders and which serve learning opportunities, such to clarify their emerging talent and skill gaps, reskilling programs that equip employees as our learning management systems, develop and execute on a strategic learning with new skill sets to take on critical roles micro-learning platforms, and our tools agenda to close those gaps. across the enterprise. and programs that are a strategic talent Learning Design & Delivery — Empowering Learner Engagement & differentiator for Prudential. the talent and culture at Prudential by User Experience — Accountable for delivering modern, digitized, and self-driven understanding our employees and their learning that drives business value and learning styles and leading the engagement develops transformation-ready employees. strategies for our learning programs while supporting an inclusive culture of continuous learning at Prudential. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 33

Prudential 2021 ESG Report 67% 74% of eligible of eligible employees employees visited Talent 1 completed Talent Marketplace Learning and Talent Development Programs 67% 74% Marketplace of eligible of eligible Prudential offers employees open access to the tools they need to own employees employees TALENT MARKETPLACE (Previously Skills Accelerator) EMPOWER HOURS their career journeys and prepare for future opportunities. In 2019, visited Talent completed Marketplace Prudential introduced Skills Accelerator that featured skills building and mobility tools. Skills Accelerator helped the Company mobilize internal 67% talent, resulting in 50% of positions being 昀椀lled internally in 2020. 138,993 74% 60% 6.64% of eligible of eligible of eligible of eligible Building on Skills Accelerator’s success, Talent Marketplace was launched employees employees U.S. # of hours employees in March 2021. This interactive and innovative platform brings Prudential’s visited Talent completed employees completed Marketplace completed talent tools and resources together in one place enabling employees 60% 6.64% to view open roles, identify skills gaps, access learning opportunities, of eligible of eligible U.S. employees and connect with our in-house career coaches. In addition to creating employees 67% completed 74% a more intuitive employee experience, the Talent Marketplace provides of eligible of eligible employees, regardless of level, business, or function, with full access to employees employees COMPLIANCE TRAINING visited Talent AXONIFY the talent tools Prudential has to offer, providing equal opportunities to 60% Marketplace 6.64% completed 98% 12% learn and grow. Other bene昀椀ts include the ability for the user to network of eligible of eligible of eligible of eligible with other colleagues, hiring managers, and internal recruiters in order to U.S. employees employees employees employees 22,030 completed completed 10,142 completed explore career options based on their skills and experience. 98% 67% 12% 74% of eligible of eligible of eligible of eligible employees # of hours employees # of hours employees employees completed visited Talent completed completed completed 67% completed Marketplace of eligible 74% 60% 6.64% employees of eligible of eligible of eligible visited Talent employees U.S. employees Marketplace completed employees completed 98% 12% of eligible of eligible employees employees NOMINATION-BASED LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS OPEN ENROLLMENT LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS completed 60% completed 6.64% of eligible of eligible U.S. employees employees completed 13,672 18,803 60% 6.64% 98% 12% of eligible of eligible of eligible of eligible # of hours # of hours U.S. employees employees employees employees completed completed completed completed completed 98% 12% 1. References to hours completed are as of 12/31/2021 of eligible of eligible employees employees 98% 12% completed completed 34 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix of eligible of eligible employees employees completed completed

Prudential 2021 ESG Report A New Way of Learning Prudential’s Tuition Reimbursement Program Our world is constantly changing and so is the way people learn. By Prudential is invested in its employees. Our Tuition Assistance Program leveraging gami昀椀cation and bite-sized learning platforms, Prudential helped offers qualifying employees 昀椀nancial support to advance their educational employees build business acumen and complete mandatory training in goals and increase their business knowledge. In 2021, 840 employees a way that suits their unique learning needs. We also created learning participated in our Tuition Assistance Program. In 2022, we are looking communities via Microsoft Teams to incorporate social learning, which to enhance the current experience for employees participating in helps boost engagement and maintain accountability. As an organization the program. that cares about L&D, we offer and promote learning and help employees In addition to our Tuition Reimbursement Program, Prudential also offers build healthy habits to enhance their professional development. the following to qualifying employees: Axonify: In 2021, Prudential’s mandatory Con昀氀icts of Interest Executive MBA Sponsorship training was launched via Axonify to U.S. and select international Prudential will sponsor quali昀椀ed employees to attain an Executive MBA. operations. Over 70% of the organization accessed the platform Employees looking to earn an Executive MBA must be a strong performer, Inclusion and Diversity Training and completed the training. have four or more years of relevant work experience (preferably at Level-Up: To help employees gain the business acumen they need least two of those years at Prudential), apply to a top-rated school and Our most recent mandatory diversity and inclusion training for all U.S. to be successful in their careers at Prudential, we introduced an receive approval from their business group and corporate function head. employees commenced in late 2020 and addresses core issues such as immersive and multi-step learning journey that included an online Prudential will reimburse 100% of tuition and course-related fees based understanding racism and bias, building cultural intelligence and using game. Those who responded to the survey following the completion on the requirement of the program for any employee sponsored and tools and techniques to take action to support an inclusive culture. The of the game rated the overall learning experience a 4.39/5. accepted to the school. goal is for all employees to develop a baseline understanding of these concepts. All U.S. employees were required to complete at least one Social Learning: As part of our Business Acumen Learning Industry Study Programs inclusion training program by December 31, 2021. Journey, we hosted a live Q&A session during our third quarter earnings call where employees posted questions in a dedicated Prudential also offers Industry Study Programs (ISP) to all employees Prudential’s Gig Program channel and received a response from a subject matter expert looking to earn licenses and certi昀椀cations such as Certi昀椀ed Public in real time. Following the call, 86% of participants felt more Accountants, SHRM Certi昀椀ed Professional, Project Management In 2021, Prudential launched an internal Gig pilot program offering informed about Prudential’s businesses and 昀椀nancial standing. Professional, and more. Some of our ISPs offer cash awards to employees employees the opportunity to build and leverage skills through who successfully complete the program and earn the related designation. experiential, on-the-job learning. All Gig projects are posted in Talent Marketplace, providing increased visibility and equal access to eligible U.S.-based Prudential employees. Gigs are projects that employees work on in addition to their current role and are tied to a speci昀椀c deliverable. Each opportunity offers employees the chance to develop new skills, build enterprise connections, and improve their business acumen. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 35

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Employee Health, We embrace a holistic approach to the wellbeing of our employees and understand the health of our Safety and Wellbeing workforce is intrinsically linked to that of the organization. Our multi-dimensional de昀椀nition of health focuses on the physical, emotional, social, cognitive, spiritual and 昀椀nancial wellbeing of our employees and provides a foundation for the development and delivery of our programs and services. We offer employees a comprehensive package of bene昀椀ts, programs, and resources designed to provide them options and 昀氀exibility to help them achieve optimal health at work and home. Key components include: • Coaching and Guidance. We support employees in achieving their • Health. In addition to medical, dental and vision insurance options, life goals and meeting the challenges they face through a variety of we encourage and support our employees’ general health through programs, including behavioral health/Employee Assistance Program our BeWell Rewards program which provides information on, and (EAP), life coaching, health coaching, second opinion services, budget incentives for, healthy behavior. We also support employees by hosting coaching, 昀椀nancial planning assistance, work/life resources and wellness events and wellbeing challenges throughout the year, offering referrals services. healthy choice discounts in our cafeterias, and providing on-site 昀椀tness • Family Support. We offer several programs to support employees centers in certain locations. caring for loved ones through various life stages, including new • Insurance. We provide our employees access to programs that deliver parent support programs, paid parental leave, adoption expense protection for them and their dependents as either core bene昀椀ts (at reimbursement, personal support and coaching services, childcare no cost to them) or as voluntary programs (they pay the full cost). To discounts, back-up childcare, tutoring support, college admissions accommodate the different needs of our employees, we offer multiple support, adult care support and coaching services, geriatric in-home choices for life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment assessments and elder law consultations. insurance, disability insurance, accident insurance, critical illness • Paid Time Off. Employees are encouraged to refresh and recharge with insurance, and hospital indemnity insurance coverage. paid time off. We also provide 10-weeks of fully paid parental leave for • Retirement. We help our employees build 昀椀nancial security for the birth or adoption of a child. the future through our de昀椀ned bene昀椀t retirement plan (open to all employees) and our 401(k). We match 100% of an employee’s before- tax and/or Roth 401(k) contributions up to a maximum of 4% of earnings, subject to a three-years-of-service vesting requirement. The 401(k)’s after-tax component can also be used by employees as an emergency savings vehicle. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 36

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Focus on Mental Health We recognize mental health as an integral component which serves the emotional and overall health needs of our employees. Prudential prioritizes the mental health needs of its employees and has assigned two senior executives to sponsor the Company’s mental health initiatives. Our Company offers mental health-related bene昀椀ts to our employees and their families, but also encourages employees to become actively involved in their emotional wellbeing. We provide an extensive behavioral health program with a myriad of programs and services, including con昀椀dential EAP counseling, life, budget and adult care coaching, mental health- related webinars, mindfulness sessions, on-site serenity rooms, and work- life resources and referral services. Our Behavioral Health team partners with managers to help appropriately address behavioral concerns within the workplace and serves as an excellent resource to assist in identifying services which support the emotional health needs of employees, both at work and at home. Employees and their family members enrolled in our medical coverage have access to a team of multidisciplinary nurses to assist and manage long-term clinical needs, including substance use disorder and clinical depression, and access to virtual behavior health visits, including mental diagnostic services, talk therapy, and prescription medication management, when appropriate. Our medical program administrator’s nurses and case managers provide in-network referrals and steer members to other bene昀椀ts available through Prudential and other community resources. To complement the broad scope of services offered, we facilitate a variety of forums that encourage employees at all levels to participate in open conversations focused on mental health and wellbeing. We are committed to a continuing focus on reducing the stigma of mental health in the workplace and building a culture of health that bene昀椀ts employees, their families, and the enterprise. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 37

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Global Employee We believe the best and most transformative decisions Engagement are made when we listen and re昀氀ect on the diverse 2021 Employee Survey voices of our people. In 2021, Prudential’s polling and survey programs collected over 48,000 employee responses through listening programs to understand 23,600 27,895 10,169 experiences, behaviors, attitudes and perceptions of leadership, culture, and key organizational issues 1 Comments Responded Invited including pandemic challenges and return to workplace planning. These responses help to inform 85% 7 24 decisions about our people, programs, processes and policies. Response rate Languages Countries Prudential’s annual global employee engagement survey 昀椀elded across 24 countries in seven languages, received an 85% response rate in 2021, 2 versus 83% in 2020. Prudential’s engagement scores, ENGAGEMENT INDEX while slightly lower versus 2020 (75% in 2021 versus 77% in 2020), remain largely positive. Employees -2 points Favorable Neutral Unfavorable noted Prudential’s ethical, respectful and inclusive compared 75% 17% 8% work environment and expressed appreciation for to 2020 the 昀氀exibility and support provided throughout the pandemic. Career growth emerged as a prominent theme, as did Prudential’s U.S. transformation efforts. The survey results and the process of continuous INCLUSION3 INDEX improvement that ensues is discussed with the Board at least annually. Senior leaders are committed to No change listening to diverse perspectives and responding compared Favorable Neutral Unfavorable in ways that have a meaningful impact, including to 2020 79% 14% 7% changes in development programs, manager training, and internal mobility opportunities. 1. Excludes the Field Of昀椀ce in U.S. and the sales forces of Gibraltar, Malaysia, Chile and Gibraltar India. 2. Engagement: Average favorability score of employee engagement indicators: job satisfaction, advocacy, discretionary effort, and intent to stay 3. Inclusion: Average favorability score of various facets that re昀氀ect an inclusive environment: communication, respect, ethical culture, growth opportunities, empowerment, innovation, 昀氀exibility, and feeling valued Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 38

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Community Investment In this section: 40 Community Initiatives 43 Financial Education and Engagement 44 Impact and Responsible Investing Highlights The Prudential Foundation reaches $1 billion in contributions Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 39

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Community Initiatives The Prudential Foundation: THE PRUDENTIAL FOUNDATION DISBURSED $48 MILLION IN 2021 2021 Snapshot 23% A spotlight on its impact in a single year Financial Inclusion & Capability: affordable wealth-building 40% Prudential was founded on the belief that 昀椀nancial security should be solutions for individuals and Inclusive Communities: within reach for everyone. It’s a challenge we’ve embraced for nearly small businesses supporting cities – including 150 years and steers our efforts to help people now and in future 12% $48M Prudential’s headquarters city generations achieve peace of mind and a more secure future. Our work is Matching Gifts and of Newark, New Jersey – to Volunteering Grants: increase opportunity for guided by a core belief that pro昀椀ts and social progress, working together, supporting the causes 昀椀nancially vulnerable groups can bene昀椀t our shareholders, customers, employees, and communities. employees give to and serve 6% For over four decades, Prudential has sponsored research, incubated 19% Disaster Relief: partnerships, and innovated and scaled distribution channels and Talent and Workforce: immediate help and resiliency services to more fully understand and meet the challenges of 昀椀nancially training programs and investments for disasters and connections to next-generation humanitarian crises underserved communities. In February 2020, we reached $1 billion in quality jobs assets under management in our impact investing portfolio. In 2021, The Prudential Foundation surpassed $1 billion in grants since inception, providing catalytic capital for organizations on the front lines of creating inclusive workplaces, thriving communities, and accelerating economic mobility for all. 18 9 4 0 % Our approach has focused on: Organizations funded Nearly 40% of grants bene昀椀ted • Driving inclusive economic growth for low-income communities, Newark, New Jersey particularly in Newark, New Jersey, Prudential’s headquarters • Developing and scaling innovative 昀椀nancial products and services that increase short-term and long-term 昀椀nancial health 2021 Prudential Foundation grantees include: • Reducing barriers that prevent equitable wealth-building pathways • YouthBuild Newark, supporting training, career pathways, and an • Upskilling and reskilling workers for in-demand and high-quality jobs advocacy agenda for opportunity youth in Newark • UnidosUS, supporting 昀椀nancial coaching and wealth creation pathways for Latinos through its Financial Empowerment Network • Student Freedom Initiative, supporting a new microgrant program to provide emergency cash assistance for HBCU students Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 40

Prudential 2021 ESG Report As illustrated in our Commitments to Advance Racial Equity in this report, Closing the Wealth Gap we also use our platform to advocate for policy improvements and changes to help close the 昀椀nancial divide. This means serving as a champion for a A signature partner of Prudential’s in closing the racial wealth gap is the comprehensive, national solution to provide paid family and medical leave Financial Health Network — a nonpro昀椀t organization that unites business Equitable Access to Capital to all workers. Currently, only one-third of the lowest paid workers in the U.S. leaders, policy makers and innovators to improve 昀椀nancial health • Equitable access to capital promotes growth, opportunity and the have access to paid sick leave, compared to 93 percent of the highest-paid for all. The Financial Health Network’s innovation arm, the Financial works. Black and LatinX workers are also less likely to have leave bene昀椀ts. Solutions Lab (FSL), incubates and scales ideas to address acute and ability to overcome 昀椀nancial barriers to success. Active allocation persistent 昀椀nancial challenges speci昀椀cally facing low-to-moderate income of Prudential’s resources to diverse organizations allows these The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout revealed how fragile individuals and Black and Latinx communities. 昀椀rms to create a positive, measurable impact on communities 昀椀nancial security is for Americans. The pandemic exposed the precarity of and clients. our public health and economic systems and the pervasiveness of racial and FSL invests in 昀椀ntech companies and nonpro昀椀t organizations led by • Prudential continues to focus on active participation by social inequality. Prudential’s 2020 Financial Wellness Census found that diverse owners to incubate and scale 昀椀nancial solutions, design and test diverse banks in the Company’s capital markets transactions, the 昀椀rst few months of the pandemic reversed three years of 昀椀nancial gains policy interventions, and conduct consumer impact research. including debt issuances and share repurchase activities. in the United States and 46 percent of Americans were worried about their In 2021, FSL focused on building consumer resiliency and supporting In 2021, Prudential exclusively used diverse-owned 昀椀rms to 昀椀nances. People of color, women, younger people, small business owners, vulnerable families such as those in the criminal justice system. They act as agents on the repurchase of $1.2 billion in shares of gig workers, and those employed in the retail industry were disproportionately directly invested in 53 昀椀ntechs, 21 昀椀ntech-nonpro昀椀t partnerships, and Prudential’s common stock. Diverse-owned 昀椀rms also served as impacted. At the same time, the persistent racial wealth gap only widened 昀椀ve pilot policy initiatives with the following results: active co-managers on the issuance of $1.2 billion of Funding during the pandemic. Agreement Notes. • Reached over 23.7 million users • Provided 昀椀nancial coaching • Prudential places deposits at minority-certi昀椀ed retail banks, In 2021, with Prudential’s support, our non-pro昀椀t partners addressed both • Assisted over 12 million clinics and resources to over short-term and long-term 昀椀nancial security with the following results: consumers in opening a new 23,000 consumers which helps the banks serve their communities through lending, transactional account • Served 4.5 million consumers and invests in diverse-owned share classes of Government with 昀椀nancial health products Money Market Funds. 5 87,69 0 197,000 • Helped over 730,000 consumers in accessing appropriate credit and services Individuals accessed affordable Individuals built their savings 昀椀nancial products (e.g. emergency enabling them to withstand short- savings, bank accounts); 84% term 昀椀nancial shocks, saving on were people of color average $3,300 13 5,675 3,29 6 Individuals accessed long- Small businesses and term savings products entrepreneurs gained access (e.g. retirement), improving to capital, customers and recipients’ long-term 昀椀nancial technical assistance, average security loan size of $19,639 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 4141

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Local Community Impact Addressing Youth Unemployment in Brazil Prudential’s skills-based volunteer program — PruBono and Board In 2021, as part of the Company’s $180 million opportunity youth Service — helps to strengthen the capacity and resiliency of our local commitment, Prudential launched a new initiative in Brazil called community partners. Employees donate their time and talent to support Jovens Para o Futuro to address youth unemployment rates and help nonpro昀椀t organizations and small businesses to address critical young people obtain the right skills for a quality job. Prudential is challenges in the areas of business strategy, operations, marketing, supporting 昀椀ve local community-based organizations that are training data and 昀椀nancial analysis and human resource. In 2021, the programs young people in digital skills, smartphone maintenance, robotics and helped advance Prudential’s racial equity commitments by focusing on more. One organization, CIEDS, is speci昀椀cally working with students nonpro昀椀t organizations and small businesses held by women and people with disabilities for apprenticeship roles at Prudential do Brasil. In of color. The COVID-19 pandemic and systemic barriers negatively December 2021, Prudential do Brasil welcomed 13 apprentices impacted the sustainability of both groups. Although programs were with disabilities who are working in operations, compliance, human conducted virtually in 2021, there was an increase in demand from resources, risk, franchising, strategic partnerships and marketing employees and community partners requesting PruBono support. through 2023. 2021 PruBono and Board Service Results 222 42 6,628 $1,573,712 Employees engaged from Nonpro昀椀ts and small businesses Hours in four pro bono Dollar value of pro bono 10 business locations engaged from 11 locations opportunities service delivered Nonpro昀椀t Impact 83% 38% 49% 21% Of organizations increased their Increased their revenue Increased their reach or impact Reduced cost effectiveness Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 42

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Financial Education Thousands of employers choose Prudential to be and Engagement their rock for 昀椀nancial wellness. According to the Employee Bene昀椀t Research Institute, 90% of employers • Analytics demonstrated that individuals using Prudential’s 昀椀nancial have developed or are planning to develop a 昀椀nancial wellness strategy wellness services become more likely to take positive 昀椀nancial actions for their workforce. These strategies address employees’ holistic 昀椀nancial such as increasing their retirement contributions. needs including, managing healthcare costs, planning for retirement, • Prudential began providing 昀椀nancial wellness services to Veterans budgeting, and reducing debt. served by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. In 2015, Prudential was one of the 昀椀rst 昀椀nancial services 昀椀rms to Prudential will continue to expand its 昀椀nancial wellness offerings and build turnkey 昀椀nancial wellness programs to help employers improve broaden and deepen the adoption of these services to help Prudential their employees’ 昀椀nancial health and complement their existing health ful昀椀ll its purpose to solve the 昀椀nancial challenges of our changing world. wellness programs. Today, Prudential offers a market-leading suite of 昀椀nancial wellness capabilities including multi-channel live 昀椀nancial education via seminar and one-on-one formats, digital content and tools, access to 昀椀nancial advisors, and solutions for key 昀椀nancial needs 2,500+ 100+ including student loan management, caregiving support, and general Organizations had access to Plan design changes were debt management to its institutional clients and other organizations. Prudential's 昀椀nancial wellness adopted to improve employees’ In 2021, Prudential’s 昀椀nancial wellness services were available services 昀椀nancial wellness to more than 39 million individuals and 2,500 organizations. Other 2021 highlights include: • More than 60,000 individuals attended at least one 昀椀nancial wellness 60,000+ 88% education seminar hosted by Prudential, which represented a 88% increase compared to the number of seminar attendees in 2020. Individuals attended at Increase in number of seminar • Prudential expanded its offering to address caregiving needs and least one 昀椀nancial wellness attendees from 2020 introduced a consultative tool for retirement plan sponsors that education seminar in 2021 contributed to more than 100 plan design changes and/or solutions adopted by retirement plans to improve employees’ 昀椀nancial wellness. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 43

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Impact and Prudential’s Impact and Responsible Investing group was formed in 1976, an early testament Responsible Investing to the Company’s deeply ingrained purpose-driven culture and commitment to social Impact Investing Highlights responsibility. Over this time, the unit has invested over $2.9 billion for Prudential’s General • Provided $3.5 million in pre-development Account and The Prudential Foundation to support innovative solutions creating economic and social mobility for underserved populations globally. loans to help build equitable arts-themed Prudential is an original signatory to the Operating Principles for Impact Management — a communities in Newark, NJ, in partnership set of nine principles that serve as a framework for the design and implementation of impact with the New Jersey Performing Arts Center investing management systems. These principles were launched by the International Finance and The Newark Museum. • Invested a total of $36 million into two Corporation to provide further transparency and greater discipline in impact investing. designated Opportunity Zones in North Prudential’s IRI portfolio encompasses approximately $1.2 billion in investments in partners Carolina to repurpose a brown昀椀eld site into and projects that tackle pressing societal issues, such as 昀椀nancial inclusion, affordable a mixed-use transit-oriented development housing, education and preparing workers for jobs of the future. and signi昀椀cantly renovate an older vintage workforce housing community in a high The Billion-Dollar Breakdown opportunity area. • Committed a total of $15 million into two (as of 12/31/2021) education and skills investment funds. 4% Owl Ventures invests globally in tech- 32% enabled transformative companies that Sustainability & Resiliency Financial Inclusion: make access to high-quality education Investments Access to affordable banking Sustainability projects that and other 昀椀nancial services and training affordable available for all. preserve and protect equitable Renovus invests in companies focused access to natural resources on educational services and workforce 9% $1B 23% Outcomes Financing & Transformative Developments: readiness. Impact Innovation Quality places to live and work Advancing the 昀椀eld of in underserved areas impact investing 16% 16% Affordable Housing: Education & Skills: Includes bringing services Training programs and connections and opportunities to residents to next-generation quality jobs Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 44

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Climate and the Environment In this section: 46 Climate Oversight 47 Environmental Performance Highlights Prudential commits to net zero environmental performance emissions across its primary domestic and international home of昀椀ce operations by 2050 Prudential provides additional climate-related disclosure under the TCFD framework and CDP platform Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 45

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Climate Oversight Board Executive Leadership Climate Change Task Environmental Sustainability, including Prudential’s Vice Chairman leads the Force Prudential’s climate practices, are Company’s Climate Change Steering Prudential’s Climate Change Taskforce overseen by the Corporate Governance Council, which oversees the Company’s drives the development of analysis, and Ethics Committee and Prudential’s climate change strategy. policies, and practices that underpin Board of Directors. Prudential’s climate change strategy. Prudential’s Climate Change Taskforce consists of representatives from multiple businesses and functional areas and is led by the Head of External Affairs. As a global insurer, investor and asset manager Prudential recognizes that climate change impacts our operations and investment business. We have a responsibility to bolster the long-term sustainability of our operations, investments, and our global community by acknowledging the risk of climate change, meeting the challenges and opportunities that climate change presents for our business, and reducing our own environmental impacts. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 46

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Environmental In November 2021, Prudential expanded its Performance commitment to achieve net zero emissions Progress against Global Environmental Commitment Climate across its primary home of昀椀ce operations by 4 20501. To accelerate the company’s longstanding Reduction Target (U.S. & International) commitments to mitigate the impacts of climate MB = market-based emissions as of 12/31/2021 change, we have expanded the scope of the commitment to include our primary home of昀椀ce operations located in Brazil and Japan in addition to U.S. domestic operations, and set an 94,235 interim goal to become carbon neutral by 2040. The expanded 2021 commitment maintains a 46% Reduction from 2017 2017 baseline and includes greenhouse gas 2 (GHG) emissions from operationally controlled , corporate owned or leased “Home Of昀椀ces”, garages and data centers located in the United States, Brazil and Japan3 . 50,480 The November 2021 announcement includes GHG Emissions GOAL: 55% 2021 PROGRESS: 84% interim greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals from 2017 by 2030 MB of 55% reduction by 2030 and 97% by 2040, both compared to a 2017 baseline. This ESG Report and all future GHG reduction goal disclosures re昀氀ect the Company’s expanded 2021 commitment. GHG Emissions GOAL: 97% 2021 PROGRESS: 48% from 2017 by 2040 MB 2017 2021 4 Scope 1 & 2MB GHG Emissions [MTCO2e] 1. Previous and current goal details are reported in the Appendix. 2. As documented in Prudential’s Inventory Management Plan, the Company de昀椀nes its organizational boundaries using the Operational Control approach per the World Resource Institute (WRI)/World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. Under this approach, Prudential will account for 100% of the GHG emissions from operations over which it has control. This includes domestic and international properties (home of昀椀ces, data centers, and garages) which are either owned or leased by Prudential Financial and for which Prudential has operational control. 3. Prudential fully divested its South Korea business (POK) in 2020 and Taiwan businesses (POT) in April 2021. The POT business was included within Prudential’s 2021 GHG inventory for the months prior to the divestiture. While POK should be removed from the 2021 GHG inventory, its contribution to the base year is de minimis (~5%) and both POK and POT businesses will be removed from Prudential’s 2022 GHG inventory for the 2017 base year and all intervening historical years in the 2022 ESG Report. 4. Detailed year-over-year emissions including location-based updates provided in the Appendix. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 47

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Prudential quanti昀椀es greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from operationally controlled, corporate owned or leased “Home Of昀椀ces” and data centers located in the United States, Brazil, and Japan. This formal inventory process uses the Operational Control approach Consistent with previous years, Prudential included the following • Scope 3 emissions in Prudential’s GHG inventory include activities per the World Resource Institute (WRI)/World Business Council for greenhouse gases: CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), CH4 (Methane), N2O (Nitrous from business travel (commercial air transport, intercity rail, employee Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol to Oxide), HFCs (Hydro昀氀uorocarbons): mileage reimbursements, public transit, rental cars, hotel stays), fuel de昀椀ne its organizational boundaries and account for Scope 1 and Scope • Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions that result from stationary and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 and Scope 2 2 GHG emissions from these domestic and international sites. Prudential combustion (e.g., natural gas, propane for heating, diesel used in (FERA), purchased goods and services, waste generated in operations, maintains an internal Inventory Management Plan (IMP) which records employee commuting and upstream leased assets1. Prudential will institutional, managerial, and technical procedures and processes used emergency generators), mobile combustion (e.g., leased vehicles for continue to expand its value chain emissions, where relevant and annually to collect and manage reliable, quality GHG data. executive transport, employee shuttles, corporate aircraft) and fugitive where data are accessible. HFC emissions refrigeration/air conditioning equipment use. • Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions that result from purchased electricity, steam, heat and cooling. Prudential’s goal to achieve net zero Scope Progress toward goals, including Year on year changes from 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emission by 2050 domestic and international market- 2020 to 2021 for domestic and 3 includes interim reduction goals of: based emissions : international facilities: 55% 97% Prudential reduced domestic and international 14% emissions (market-based) by 46% from 2017 3 by 2030 from 2017 by 2040 from 2017 decrease in emissions from 2020 for base year base year Scope 1 and 2 emissions (market-based) 84% 48% Progress towards Progress towards 2030 interim goal 2040 interim goal 1. For detailed Scope 3 emissions from 2017-2021 see Appendix. (market-based) (market-based) 2. Taiwan was divested in April 2021. Reporting is pro-rated for 2021 and included in the Appendix. 3. Scope 1 and 2 emissions (location-based): 15% decrease in emissions, also see Appendix. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 48

Prudential 2021 ESG Report 2017 164,349 2017 13,572 2018 181,666 2018 14,311 2021 GHG Inventory 2019 154,228 2019 17,247 2020 159,531 2020 12,953 2017 164,349 2017 13,572 In its continued efforts to ensure the quality and accuracy of its GHG emissions data, Prudential again engaged a third-party veri昀椀er (Lloyd’s Register Quality 2021 163,531 2021 11,381 2018 181,666 2018 14,311 Assurance) to review and provide limited assurance of its 2021 Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions and Scope 3 GHG emissions resulting from business travel. 2019 154,228 2019 17,247 Prudential’s energy consumption and GHG inventory follows in the below charts: 2017 143,796,398 2017 80,663 2020 159,531 2020 12,953 2018 146,039,158 2018 73,499 2021 163,531 2021 11,381 2019 139,992,142 1 2019 57,120 Energy Consumed U.S. & International GHG Emissions [MTCO e] U.S. & International 2020 2 117,712,018 2020 46,061 2017 143,796,398 2017 80,663 STATIONARY COMBUSTION [MMBTU] SCOPE 1 SCOPE 3 BUSINESS TRAVEL 2021 107,741,516 2021 39,099 2018 146,039,158 2018 73,499 Increased 3% year over year Decreased 12% year over year Increased 35% year over year 2019 139,992,142 2019 57,120 2017 2017 164,316494 ,349 20172017 13,57213,572 2017 11,352 2020 117,712,018 2020 46,061 2018 2018 181,666181 ,666 20182018 14,31114,311 2018 13,488 2021 107,741,516 2021 39,099 2019 2019 154,215284 ,228 20192019 17,21477,247 2019 29,598 2017 0.01089 2020 2020 159,513159 ,531 20202020 12,95312,953 2020 4,541 2017 164,349 2017 13,572 2017 11,352 2017 164,349 2017 13,572 2018 0.01058 2021 2021 163,513163 ,531 20212021 11,38111,381 2021 6,132 20182018 181,666 20182018 14,311 2018 13,488 181,666 2019 14,311 0.00896 2019 154,228 2019 17,247 2019 29,598 2019 154,228 2019 17,247 2020 0.00709 2017 0.01089 20172017 143,714963,,739986,398 20172017 80,66380,663 2017 105,587 20202020 159,531 20202020 12,953 2020 4,541 159,531 2021 12,953 0.00715 2018 0.01058 20182018 146,013496,1,05389,158 20182018 73,49793,499 2018 101,298 PURCHASED ELECTRICITY [KWH] SCOPE 2 (MARKET-BASED) TOTAL SCOPE 1, 2 MB AND 3 BIZ. TRAVEL 20212021 163,531 20212021 11,381 2021 6,132 163,531 11,381 139,91932,9,194292,142 2019 57,12507,1200.00896 20192019 20192019 2019 103,965 Decreased 8% year over year Decreased 15% year over year Decreased 11% year over year 2017 0.01220 2020 0.00709 20202020 117,171127,,071182,018 20202020 46,04616,061 2020 63,555 2017 143,796,398 2017 80,663 2017 105,587 2017 143,796,398 2017 80,663 2018 0.01220 2021 0.00715 20212021 107,710417,5,71641,516 20212021 39,03999,099 2021 56,612 2018 146,039,158 2018 73,499 2018 101,298 2018 146,039,158 2018 73,499 0.01252 2019 2019 139,992,142 2019 57,120 2019 103,965 2019 139,992,142 2019 57,120 2020 0.00764 2017 0.01220 20172017 11,31152,352 2020 117,712,018 2020 46,061 2020 63,555 2020 117,712,018 2020 46,061 2021 0.00802 2018 0.01220 20182018 13,41388,488 2021 107,741,516 2021 39,099 2021 2021 107,741,516 2021 39,099 56,612 2019 29,52989,598 0.01252 20192019 20172017 0.01008.019 089 2020 0.00764 20202020 2017 4,5414,541 2017 11,352 20182018 0.01005.018 058 11,352 2021 0.00802 1. Additional details are provided in the Appendix. 202120216,1362,132 2018 13,488 20192019 0.0008.0960896 2018 13,488 2019 29,598 20202020 0.00070.090709 2019 29,598 2017 0.01089 2017 0.01089 20172017 105,105857,587 49 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 2020 4,541 20212021 0.00071.050715 2020 4,541 2018 0.01058 2018 0.01058 20182018 101,120198,298 20212021 6,132 6,132 2019 0.00896 2019 0.00896 20192019 103,916503,965 20172017 0.0102.2010 220 20202020 0.00709 0.00709 20202020 63,55563,555 2017 105,587 20182018 0.0102.2010 220 2017 105,587 20212021 0.00715 20212021 0.00715 2018 56,61562,612 101,298 20192019 0.0102.5012 252 2018 101,298 2019 103,965 20202020 0.00076.040764 2019 103,965 2017 0.01220 2017 0.01220 2020 63,555 20212021 0.00800.020802 2020 63,555 2018 0.01220 2018 0.01220 20212021 56,612 56,612 2019 0.01252 2019 0.01252 20202020 0.00764 0.00764 20212021 0.00802 0.00802

2017 164,349 2017 13,572 2018 181,666 2018 14,311 2019 154,228 2019 17,247 2020 159,531 2020 12,953 2017 164,349 2017 13,572 Prudential 2021 ESG Report 2021 163,531 2021 11,381 2018 181,666 2018 14,311 2019 154,228 2019 17,247 2017 143,796,398 2017 80,663 2020 159,531 2020 12,953 2018 146,039,158 2018 73,499 2021 163,531 2021 11,381 2021 GHG Inventory (continued) 2019 139,992,142 2019 57,120 2020 117,712,018 2020 46,061 2017 143,796,398 2017 80,663 2021 107,741,516 2021 39,099 2018 146,039,158 2018 73,499 Actuarial Assumptions and Intensity [MTCO e/sqft] U.S. & International Recycling, Waste and Water 2019 2 139,992,142 2019 57,120 Climate Change 2017 11,352 2020 117,712,018 2020 46,061 SCOPE 1 & 2 (MB) PER SQUARE FOOT RECYCLING (TONS) Climate change will affect human health, mortality, and 2018 13,488 2021 107,741,516 2021 39,099 Increased 1% year over year broader society. While we cannot predict the future, we 2019 29,598 1,437 2019 can plan for possible outcomes. As part of Prudential’s 2017 0.01089 2019 1,437 2020 671 risk management framework, the company stresses the 2020 4,541 2018 0.01058 2017 11,352 2019 1,437 key drivers that affect the ability to keep our promises. 2020 671 2021 2021 6,132 1,641 2019 0.00896 2018 13,488 These include the health of our policyholders, how 2020 671 2021 29,598 1,641 their behavior may change in the future, and economic 2020 0.00709 2019 2017 0.01089 2021 1,641 2017 105,587 factors such as future interest rate and equity returns. 2021 0.00715 2020 4,541 2018 2 The results of these stress tests and our quantitative 0.01058 WASTE (TONS) 2018 101,298 20212019 6,132 2,009 models inform the risks we take and the actions we 2019 0.00896 2019 103,965 utilize to mitigate them. 2019 656 2,009 2017 0.01220 2020 2020 0.00709 20202019 63,555 2,009 2017 656 105,587 2020 635 2018 1 0.01220 2021 SCOPE 1 & 2 (MB) & SCOPE 3/BIZ TRAVEL PER SQUARE FOOT 2021 0.00715 2021 656 56,612 2020 2018 635 101,298 2019 0.01252 2021 Increased 5% year over year 2021 635 103,965 2020 0.00764 2019 2017 0.01220 2021 0.00802 2020 63,555 2018 0.01220 2019 106,594,822 2021 WATER USAGE (GALLONS) 56,612 2019 0.01252 2019 106,594,822 2020 50,876,429 2019 106,594,822 2020 0.0076 4 2020 50,876,429 2021 68,719,043 2020 50,876,429 2021 0.00802 2021 68,719,043 2021 68,719,043 1. Prudential discloses additional scope 3 categories reported in the Appendix. 2. 2021 Recycling number re昀氀ect document purging as part of our of昀椀ce transformation Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 50

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Performance Highlights Operational Measures to Mitigate Climate Change As reported in Prudential’s Global Environmental Commitment issued in December 2019, to minimize the waste impacts and paper consumption 14% In 2021 associated with doing business, the company will continue to prioritize initiatives such as participation in direct deposit, “householding” to reduce the Decrease in the company’s Prudential reduced the number of mailings or proxy materials going to the same household, and electronic delivery and completion of forms. When paper use is unavoidable, Scope 1 and 2 (MB) domestic footprint by Prudential seeks to partner with vendors who practice and supply paper that adheres to sustainable practices. emissions, compared consolidating data centers Reducing our reliance on paper to communicate to our customers is a priority. To advance the sustainability focus and our Zero Paper aspiration, to 2020. and closing several Prudential has teamed up with American Forests to plant trees to help with the reforestation of threatened or endangered ecosystems by planting domestic sites. 12,500 trees in Florida and Idaho in the summer of 2021. We continue to advance the awareness internally of our current paper consumption in customer communication, while accelerating initiatives that will drive digitization to reduce paper consumption and improve the customer experience. DocuSign is a tool Prudential leverages for the electronically sending and signing of contracts, invoices, account openings, both in the U.S. and In 2021 In 2021 internationally. The 昀椀rst account was set up in April 2016 and the tool is now leveraged throughout the organization. The environmental impact results Several LED upgrades were Prudential of Brazil (POB) were provided to Prudential from DocuSign and re昀氀ect total 昀椀gures for the Enterprise for 2021. The DocuSign service helped replace over 21 million completed, and unused moved the Home Of昀椀ce sheets of paper saving trees, water, CO2 and waste. of昀椀ce space was shut down to a LEED Gold certi昀椀ed 2021 Results: with lights turned off and building which features CO : 1,854,187 lbs Water: 2,325,962 Gallons 2 HVAC reduced. This helped ef昀椀cient energy and Waste: 128,367 lbs Wood: 2,370 Trees to reduce electricity usage by water consumption, uses To offset carbon emissions for U.S. employees’ business travel in 2020, Prudential and PGIM purchased high-quality carbon offsets from Natural 8% compared to 2020. recyclable materials and ® Capital Partners. The company earned CarbonNeutral business travel certi昀椀cation in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol. Carbon offsets are renewable energy. generated from independently veri昀椀ed projects including global renewable energy, land昀椀ll and gas capture, and forest conservation projects in, India, NY state, Brazil, and Mexico. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 51

Prudential 2021 ESG Report About this Report In this section: 53 2021 Materiality Assessment 54 The Global Environmental Commitment 56 Stakeholder Engagement 58 Reporting Guidelines Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 52

Prudential 2021 ESG Report 2021 Materiality Assessment Prudential de昀椀nes sustainability as how the Company anticipates and manages future risks and opportunities to meet its long-term promises. Sustainability materiality assessments consider the relevance of topics using a broader lens than just Corporate 昀椀nancial risk — it considers overall business priorities, management, and performance by incorporating Governance & Ethics both internal and external perspectives. Prudential conducts these assessments as guided by the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Reporting Principles and GRI’s de昀椀nition of material topics; this approach promotes the Company use of a robust, logical process for understanding the risks and opportunities Climate Risk Responsible Enterprise Human Capital & Resilience Investing Risk Management presented by sustainability topics for the business and its stakeholders. Prudential has used its Cybersecurity & Privacy materiality assessment as a key input into its sustainability strategy and reporting. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Refreshing the materiality assessment was a timely and necessary exercise to understand how recent Impact Investing Customer Engagement events have affected the state of the world and Prudential’s business. This is the second materiality AKEHOLDERS Products assessment we have conducted. Prudential conducts a materiality assessment every three years, as we Energy & committed to in our Global Environmental Commitment. Emissions Responsible Results of the 2021 Materiality Assessment Green Sourcing Buildings SIGNIFICANCE TO EXTERNAL ST Community & Conservation Prudential assessed the materiality of 15 Stakeholders were also asked to select topics sustainability topics. To derive this short list for which Prudential should focus its efforts, of topics to evaluate, we analyzed 40+ topics independent of the topics’ potential impact informed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) on the business or in昀氀uence on stakeholders. Waste framework, benchmarked ESG frameworks, The following three topics rose to the top: Management investor requests and industry peers and 1. Climate risk and resilience Water Category reviewed the 2018 materiality assessment. We Stewardship Signi1cance To Internal Stakeholders 2. Customer engagement ENVIRONMENT then conducted interviews and surveys with both GOVERNANCE/ECONOMIC internal and external stakeholders to evaluate 3. Diversity, equity & inclusion SOCIAL these topics’ relative prioritization and develop the materiality matrix. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 53

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Prudential’s Global Environmental Commitment Prudential’s Global Environmental Commitment was created to acknowledge the risks presented by global Goals Status climate change and to address this important issue through our business operations and investments. This document describes the status of these Commitments as of December 31, 2021. Achieve 65% waste diversion • Achieved goal in 2021 with 72% waste reduction in reporting by 2025 countries.2 Environmental Reporting Continue internal initiatives to • Continued partnership with American Forest partnership to support Goals Status reduce paper use our Zero Paper aspiration. Increase robust reporting in • Prudential’s 2021 ESG Report includes comprehensive information Develop both internal and public • The Chief Investment Of昀椀ce updated its Responsible Investing annual sustainability report on both the impact of our operations on the environment and the facing ESG Policy Policy in November 2021. action we are taking to reduce the impact we have. Invest in companies and • The General Account’s sustainable investment allocation is Achieve and maintain • Received A- CDP Climate Rating in 2020 and B in 2021. Prudential projects that responsibly reduce described in the 2021 ESG Report. Management-Level CDP scores will participate in the 2022 CDP climate questionnaire. emissions, water consumption and/or waste generation Publish speci昀椀c asset level • Approximately $375B of the General Account’s assets have an Allocate 10% of Impact • As of 12/31/2021, Impact Investments has 4% of its fair market reporting ESG identi昀椀er. Investments portfolio to value of investments in companies and projects promoting Publish information and progress • The 2021 ESG Report describes the General Account’s total companies and projects that sustainability and resiliency. on General Account investment sustainable investments and each category. promote sustainability and allocations resiliency by 2025 Responsible Use of Natural Resources Grant $25 million by 2025 to • Prudential Foundation provided $12.7 million (as of 12/31/2021) in support response to climate- grants and investments to support climate-related natural disasters. Goals Status related natural disasters via Prudential Foundation Prudential commits to achieve • 84% progress towards 2030 interim goal and 48% progress net zero emissions across its towards 2040 interim goal. See Prudential’s 2021 ESG Report for primary home of昀椀ce operations by more detail. 2050 and set an interim goal to become carbon neutral by 20401 1. As documented in Prudential’s Inventory Management Plan, the Company de昀椀nes its organizational boundaries using the Operational Control approach per the World Resource Institute (WRI)/World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. Under this approach, Prudential will account for 100% of the GHG emissions from operations over which it has control. This includes domestic and international properties (home of昀椀ces, data centers, and garages) which are either owned or leased by Prudential Financial and for which Prudential has operational control. 2. Reporting countries include 2019 and 2020: U.S., Brazil, Taiwan, Japan; 2021: U.S., Brazil, Taiwan (pro-rated), Japan Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 54

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Prudential’s Global Environmental Commitment (continued) Resiliency Preparation Goals Status Expand our public policy • PGIM’s paper, Weathering Climate Change, proposes a climate Goals Status Continue strengthening our • Identi昀椀ed 昀氀ood risk for the Newark, New Jersey properties. engagement to support topics change agenda for institutional investors that encompasses both business continuation activities aligned with the Global hidden portfolio vulnerabilities and potential opportunities in the Environmental Commitment transition to a lower carbon world. Invest in long term businesses • Hired engineering 昀椀rms to develop decarbonization capital plan for Become a go-to provider for • PGIM Quantitative Solutions, PGIM Fixed Income, Jennison and projects that support two Newark, New Jersey-based Prudential of昀椀ce properties. resiliency thought leadership on sustainable Associates and PGIM Real Estate (PGIM asset managers) are investing strategies Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) signatories. • PGIM Real Estate 昀椀nanced more than $9.5 billion in loans secured Engagement & Education Invest or grant dollars to companies and organizations by properties with green certi昀椀cations, including ENERGY STAR Goals Status that change public perception labels. More than 60% of our af昀椀liated investors’ of昀椀ce portfolio is • Green Teams hosted a virtual Earth Day and beach cleanup in toward a more environmentally green certi昀椀ed (as of 12/31/2021) demonstrating a commitment to Create robust employee responsible society sustainable loan production. engagement opportunities to Monmouth, New Jersey. creatively and consistently • Removed vending machines to reduce plastic bottle use in all communicate the importance of Newark, New Jersey properties. environmental sustainability • Implementing responsible cafeteria waste reduction activities in two Newark, New Jersey owned properties. • Engaged 100% of top vendors to complete the CDP Supply Chain Commit to engaging 100% of our top vendors to support progress survey resulting in 69% participation. toward the Global Environmental Commitment Invite 100% of our top vendors to report on climate change KPIs by 2022 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 55

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Stakeholder Engagement Proactive engagement with stakeholders supports Prudential’s achievement of its purpose and long-term vitality by encouraging learning and increasing transparency. In general terms, Prudential’s stakeholders include: STAKEHOLDER GROUP IDENTIFIED ENGAGEMENT ACTION Shareholders and Institutional • Annual Report, Proxy Statement and Sustainability Report The Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Committee receives Investors • Press releases environmental sustainability brie昀椀ngs at least quarterly and the full Board • Webcasts and conference calls was briefed on Prudential’s net zero greenhouse gas emissions strategy. • Financial services conferences • Proxy voting • Communications with Investor Relations, Corporate Governance Teams and the Board of Directors • Annual Meeting and Investor Days • Responses to ESG surveys from ratings 昀椀rms and CDP Customers (both individual and • Digital interface The Zero Paper aspiration will advance digital transformation, reduce institutional) • By telephone costs and improve the customer experience. Multiple initiatives are • Social media underway to advance the awareness of the current paper consumption and • Customer satisfaction surveys, customer focus groups, and net promoter scores to drive consistency, ef昀椀ciency and simpli昀椀cation across the Company’s • Assessment of 昀椀nancial data customer communications. Employees and Retirees • Performance management and development programs Global employee engagement survey, 昀椀elded across 24 countries, received • Annual Report, Proxy Statement, and Sustainability Reporting an 85% response rate in 2021. • Matching gifts program for employees • Business Resource Groups, Green Teams, and Volunteer Councils • Company intranet • Prudential Ethics Help Line • Employee surveys Environmental Stakeholders • Ceres Company Network Prudential announced intention to achieve net-zero emissions across its • Ceres Investor Network primary global home of昀椀ce operations by 2050, with an interim goal of • CDP Supply Chain member becoming carbon neutral by 2040. • U.S. Green Building Council • Urban Land Institute’s Greenpoint Center for Building Performance — Performance Committee • The PRI • U.S. EPA’s Energy Star Program Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 56

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Stakeholder Engagement (continued) STAKEHOLDER GROUP IDENTIFIED ENGAGEMENT ACTION Community leaders, Neighbors, and • Virtual meetings, calls, social media, and events with local leaders, neighbors, Pro bono employee engagements with 42 nonpro昀椀ts and small businesses. Non-Governmental Organizations NGOs, and advocacy groups (NGOs) • Board memberships • Financial support • Employee volunteering • Pro Bono consulting National and local government • Virtual meetings, conference calls, lobbying activities, industry associations, Informing and advising in the public policy arena on a wide range of of昀椀cials located in the U.S. and public policy forums and press conferences issues that are important to the Company’s shareholders, customers, and abroad • Membership on government councils and committees employees including, addressing 昀椀nancial fragility, promoting retirement savings and guaranteed lifetime income, and increasing workforce development and sustainability. U.S. state, federal and international • Meetings, conferences, lobbying activities, industry associations, public policy Increased industry engagement through Geneva Association, Ceres, NAIC, regulators forums and press conferences and NYDFS. Suppliers, vendors and business • Prudential Ethics Help Line Prudential received an A- CDP Supply Chain Rating. Sixty-nine percent of partners • In-person meetings, calls, conferences, and workshops our top suppliers disclosed climate-related risks. • Vendor Registration Portal and related websites Thought leaders and advocates • Board memberships PGIM Quantitative Solutions released research paper “Top-Down Portfolio in issue areas related to 昀椀nancial • Virtual meetings, conference calls Implications of Climate Change.” services • Group calls and meetings • Industry groups, roundtables, workshops and events • Working groups • Joint projects • Responses to ESG surveys from ratings 昀椀rms and CDP Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 57

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Reporting Guidelines Prudential’s annual ESG Report illustrates the Company’s purpose and covers the period of January 1– December 31, 2021. As appropriate, signi昀椀cant developments occurring in early 2022 may be referenced and will be more fully developed in subsequent reports. The report addresses the parent company, wholly owned subsidiaries and joint ventures comprising U.S. and international subsidiaries’ operations. The report re昀氀ects no material changes from the previous period in boundaries. Prior to release, the ESG Report is reviewed by Prudential executives representing all the Company’s businesses and corporate center functions, including law, governance, ethics and compliance, regulatory reporting, risk and 昀椀nancial management. The Greenhouse Gas Emissions data is externally veri昀椀ed. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is the most widely accepted Disclosures (TCFD) In 2015, the United Nation (UN) member states adopted the framework for sustainability reporting. This document has been prepared In June 2017, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve a better future for in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. The preparation (TCFD) released its 昀椀nal recommendations for disclosing climate-related all while leaving no one behind. This global call to action includes ending of this report considered all GRI Principles for sustainability reporting, 昀椀nancial information. The core elements of the recommendations are: poverty and hunger, climate action, affordable and clean energy and including guidelines for Principles for De昀椀ning Report Content and Report reducing inequalities. The SDG framework unites society, governments Quality. The process for de昀椀ning content and boundaries re昀氀ects the • Governance around climate-related risks and opportunities and the business community to foster positive change. Prudential Company’s previous reporting practices, feedback from stakeholders and • Strategy about the actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks embedded the SDGs where relevant in this report. For example, the 2021 discussions with internal subject matter experts. Prudential’s GRI Index and opportunities green bond issuance aligned with SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy is located in the Appendix section of this report. and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. • Risk management process used by the organization to identify, assess, and manage climate-related risks For additional information, please review the Green Bond Report on our Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) • Metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate- investor relations homepage. In October 2018, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board published related risks and opportunities 77 industry-speci昀椀c standards to assist companies with disclosing material For further details, please review the TCFD Index on our website. information. This report includes aspects of the Insurance Sustainability Accounting Standard. SASB standards are designed to identify a minimum set of sustainability issues most likely to impact the operating performance or 昀椀nancial condition of the typical company in an industry, regardless of location. These disclosures are included on our website. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 58

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Appendix In this section: 60 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index 61 Environmental Performance 63 A ssurance Statement Related to Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2021 65 Forward-Looking Statements and Disclaimer Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 59

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index GRI 102: Foundation 2016 DISCLOSURES PAGE # AND/OR URL DISCLOSURES PAGE # AND/OR URL ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE GOVERNANCE 102-1 Name of the organization https://www.prudential.com/about 102-18 Governance structure https://www.prudential.com/links/about/board-of-directors?lp=31850 102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 102-3 Location of headquarters Newark, NJ 102-40 List of stakeholder groups Review the “Stakeholder Engagement” section 102-4 Location of operations https://www.prudential.com/links/about/worldwide-locations/ 102-41 Collective bargaining agreements 0% 102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders Review the “Materiality Assessment” section 102-5 Ownership and legal form https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001137774/37dee9a8­ bb5c-4c0c-bb9f-c0e516400f50.pdf 102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement Review the “Stakeholder Engagement” section 102-6 Markets served https://www.prudential.com/links/about/worldwide-locations/ 102-44 Key topics and concerns raised Review the “Materiality Assessment” section 102-7 Scale of the organization https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001137774/37dee9a8­ REPORTING PRACTICE bb5c-4c0c-bb9f-c0e516400f50.pdf 102-45 Entities included in the consolidated 昀椀nancial statements https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001137774/37dee9a8­ bb5c-4c0c-bb9f-c0e516400f50.pdf 102-8 Information on employees and other workers https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001137774/37dee9a8­ bb5c-4c0c-bb9f-c0e516400f50.pdf 102-46 De昀椀ning report content and topic boundaries Review “About This Report” section 102-9 Supply chain https://www.prudential.com/links/about/vendor-engagements 102-47 List of material topics Review the “Materiality Assessment” section 102-10 Signi昀椀cant changes to the organization No signi昀椀cant changes 102-48 Restatements of information None 102-11 Precautionary principle or approach Review the “Risk Management” section 102-49 Changes in reporting None 102-12 External initiatives Review the “Stakeholder Engagement” section 102-50 Reporting period Review “About This Report” section 102-13 Membership of associations Review the “Stakeholder Engagement” section 102-51 Date of most recent report Review “About This Report” section STRATEGY 102-52 Reporting cycle Review “About This Report” section 102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker Review letter from Chairman 102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report Review back cover of report ETHICS AND INTEGRITY 102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI standards Review “About This Report” section 102-16 Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior https://www.prudential.com/links/business-integrity 102-55 GRI content index Appendix of report 102-56 External assurance Appendix of report 60 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Environmental Performance Comparison of Prudential’s Expanded 2021 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goal Versus its 2019 Goal. Prudential Greenhouse Gas Inventory — breakdown by Scope 1, 2 and Scope 3/Business Travel. This summary re昀氀ects market-based MB Scope 2 emissions. Stationary Scope 1 emissions include activities from use of generators, cooling/refrigerants and heating fuels. Scope 2 emissions include market-based and location-based emissions. Additional scope 3 categories are provided in a separate table. 2019 GOALS U.S. DOMESTIC GOAL PROGRESS IN 2021 REDUCTION FROM 2017 2019 (previous) Goal: 34% from 2017 by 2030 MB 100% -43% GHG EMISSIONS [MTCO e] U.S. & INTERNATIONAL 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 YEAR OVER YEAR 2 2019 (previous) Goal: 65% from 2017 by 2050 MB 66% -43% Scope 1 11,381 12,953 17,247 14,311 13,572 -12% Domestic Stationary 8,901 9,721 9,025 8,514 7,684 Domestic Mobile 1,395 2,537 7,171 - ­ CURRENT GOALS U.S. & INTERNATIONAL GOAL PROGRESS IN 2021 REDUCTION FROM 2017 Goal: 55% from 2017 by 2030 MB 84% -46% International Stationary 991 610 868 5,797 5,888 Goal: 97% from 2017 by 2040 MB 48% -46% International Mobile 93 85 183 - - Scope 2 (Market-based) 39,099 46,061 57,120 73,499 80,663 -15% Domestic Purchased Energy & Cooling 35,511 39,196 48,436 65,134 72,508 GHG EMISSIONS [MTCO e] U.S. & INTERNATIONAL 2021 2017 2 International Purchased Energy & Cooling 3,589 6,865 8,684 8,365 8,155 Scope 1 & 2MB 50,480 94,235 Scope 2 (Location-based) 36,612 43,824 54,652 58,206 57,055 -16% Domestic Purchased Energy & Cooling 33,023 36,959 45,968 49,842 48,901 Size and count of Prudential’s primary home of昀椀ce operations included under the International Purchased Energy & Cooling 3,589 6,865 8,684 8,364 8,154 operational control approach. TOTAL Scope 1 & 2 Scope 1 & 2 (Market-based) 50,480 59,014 74,367 87,810 94,235 -14% FACILITIES U.S. & INTERNATIONAL 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 YEAR OVER YEAR Portfolio Square footage 7,058,579 8,319,649 8,302,095 8,302,095 8,653,579 -15% Scope 1 & 2 (Location-based) 47,993 56,777 71,898 72,518 70,627 -15% Scope 3 (MTCO e) Business Travel 6,132 4,541 29,598 13,488 11,352 35% Count of Domestic Facilities 20 19 19 19 18 5% 2 Count of International Facilities 18 18 16 16 16 0% Total Scope 1, 2 MB and Scope 3 Biz. Travel 56,612 63,555 103,965 101,298 105,587 -11% Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 61

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Environmental Performance (continued) Prudential Greenhouse Gas Inventory — breakdown by business unit and country. Prudential Greenhouse Gas Inventory Scope 3 Emission. GHG EMISSIONS BY BUSINESS UNIT SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS (MTCO e) 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 YEAR OVER YEAR MARKET-BASED [MTCO e] 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 YEAR OVER YEAR 2 2 Scope 3 - Cat 1 Purchased Goods & Services 337,579 267,623 282,031 222,906 - 26% Scope 1 & 2 MB - U.S. Domestic 45,807 51,454 64,632 73,648 80,192 -11% Scope 3 - Cat 3 FERA Market-based 8,526 9,612 - - - -11% Scope 1 & 2 MB - Brazil POB 131 116 174 85 109 13% Scope 3 - Cat 3 FERA Location-based 15,762 12,948 18,723 18,628 18,247 22% Scope 1 & 2 MB - Japan 4,088 4,234 4,730 9,146 9,087 -3% Scope 3 - Cat 4 Upstream T&D 0 338 195 233 - -100% Scope 1 & 2 MB - Taiwan POT 454 692 821 1,226 1,192 -34% Scope 3 - Cat 5 Waste in Operations 363 427 1,294 1,338 - -15% Scope 1 & 2 MB - S. Korea (POK) (divested) 2,518 4,010 3,705 3,655 0% Scope 3 - Cat 6 Business travel 6,132 4,541 29,598 13,488 - 35% TOTAL Scope 1 & 2 Scope 3 - Cat 7 Employee Commute 13,464 8,604 112 - - 56% Scope 1 & 2 (Market-based) 50,480 59,014 74,367 87,810 94,235 -14% Scope 3 - Cat 8 Upstream leased assets 164 182 112 313 - -10% GHG EMISSIONS BY BUSINESS UNIT LOCATION-BASED [MTCO e] 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 YEAR OVER YEAR 2 Scope 1 & 2 LB - U.S. Domestic 43,320 49,217 62,164 58,356 56,584 -12% Scope 1 & 2 LB - Brazil POB 131 116 174 85 109 13% Scope 1 & 2 LB - Japan 4,088 4,234 4,730 9,146 9,087 -3% Scope 1 & 2 LB - Taiwan POT 454 692 821 1,226 1,192 -34% Scope 1 & 2 LB - S. Korea (POK) 0 2,518 4,010 3,705 3,655 -100% TOTAL Scope 1 & 2 Scope 1 & 2 (Location-based) 47,993 56,777 71,898 72,518 70,627 -15% 62 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix

Prudential 2021 ESG Report LRQA Independent Assurance Statement Relating to Prudential Financial’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the 2021 calendar year This Assurance Statement has been prepared for Prudential Financial, • Evaluating the accuracy and reliability of data and information for only assurance2 and at the materiality of the professional judgement of the Inc. in accordance with our contract. the selected indicators listed below: veri昀椀er. − Direct (Scope 1), Energy Indirect (Scope 2) and Other Indirect 1. http://www .ghgprotocol.org/ Terms of engagement (Scope 3) GHG Emissions; 2. The extent of evidence-gathering for a limited assurance engagement is less than for a reasonable assurance engagement. Limited assurance engagements focus on aggregated data rather than physically checking source data at sites. Consequently, the level of − Scope 3 GHG emissions veri昀椀ed by LRQA only include Business assurance obtained in a limited assurance engagement is substantially lower than the assurance that would have been obtained had a LRQA was commissioned by Prudential Financial, Inc. (Prudential) to reasonable assurance engagement been performed. provide independent assurance of its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory Travel. for the 2021 calendar year (CY 2021) against the assurance criteria − Domestic and International Greenhouse Gas Emissions Basis for Quali昀椀ed Opinion below to a limited level of assurance using LRQA’s veri昀椀cation procedure − Year over Year Change in Scope 1 & Scope 2 GHG emissions. and ISO 14064 — Part 3 for greenhouse gas data. LRQA’s veri昀椀cation LRQA’s responsibility is only to Prudential. LRQA disclaims any liability Prudential has not reported diesel consumption used in backup procedure is based on current best practise and is in accordance with or responsibility to others as explained in the end footnote. Prudential’s generators at facilities located outside of the United States (with the ISAE 3000 and ISAE 3410. responsibility is for collecting, aggregating, analysing and presenting exception of Prudential of Taiwan and the Prudential of Brazil Home Our assurance engagement covered Prudential’s operations and activities all the data and information within the report and for maintaining Of昀椀ce). This omission is not material. in operationally controlled, corporate owned or leased “home of昀椀ce” effective internal controls over the systems from which the report is Table 1. Summary of Prudential’s Global GHG Emissions for CY 2021: properties worldwide. Prudential home of昀椀ces are de昀椀ned by Prudential derived. Ultimately, the report has been approved by, and remains the as principal properties used for regional corporate functions. Not responsibility of Prudential. SCOPE OF GHG EMISSIONS METRIC TONS CO2e included are any of Prudential’s leased, detached, retail or branch of昀椀ce Scope 1 GHG emissions 11,381 sites. Speci昀椀cally, this engagement covered the following requirements: LRQA’s Opinion Scope 2 GHG emissions (Location-based)1 36,612 • Verifying conformance with: Based on LRQA’s approach, except for the effect of the matters described Scope 2 GHG emissions (Market-based)1 39,099 • Prudential’s reporting methodologies for the selected datasets: in the Basis for Quali昀椀ed Opinion, nothing has come to our attention that Scope 3 GHG emissions: Business Travel2 6,132 Prudential’s GHG Inventory Management Plan; and would cause us to believe that Prudential has not, in all material respects: 1. Scope 2, Location-based and Scope 2, Market-based are de昀椀ned in the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, 2015 • World Resources Institute / World Business Council for Sustainable • Met the requirements above 2. Business Travel includes Air Travel with radiative forcing, Public Transportation including Intercity Rail, Bus and Ferry, Vehicles Development Greenhouse Gas including employee personal vehicles, rental cars and taxis, and Hotel Stays. • Disclosed accurate and reliable performance data as summarized in • Protocol: A corporate accounting and reporting standard, revised the tables below. edition (otherwise referred to as the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol) for the The opinion expressed is formed on the basis of a limited level of GHG data1 Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 63

Prudential 2021 ESG Report LRQA Independent Assurance Statement (continued) Table 2. Summary of Prudential’s Regional Building Related GHG LRQA’s approach LRQA ensures the selection of appropriately quali昀椀ed individuals based Emissions for: on their quali昀椀cations, training and experience. The outcome of all LRQA’s assurance engagements are carried out in accordance with our veri昀椀cation and certi昀椀cation assessments is then internally reviewed by REGION METRIC TONS CO2e veri昀椀cation procedure. The following tasks were undertaken as part of the Domestic Emissions (United States only) evidence gathering process for this assurance engagement: senior management to ensure that the approach applied is rigorous and transparent. Scope 1 & 2 Building Emissions1 (Location Based) 41,925 • reviewing processes related to the control of GHG emissions data and Scope 1 & 2 Building Emissions (Market Based) 44,412 records; Veri昀椀cation assessment is the only work undertaken by LRQA for Prudential and as such does not compromise our independence or Scope 1 Mobile Emissions 1,395 • interviewing relevant employees of the organization responsible for impartiality. International Emissions2 managing GHG emissions data and records; Dated: 31 May 2022 Scope 1 & 2 Building Emissions (Location Based) 4,580 • assessing data management systems to con昀椀rm there were no signi昀椀cant errors, omissions or misstatements in the inventory; and Scope 1 & 2 Building Emissions (Market Based) 4,580 • verifying historical GHG emissions data and records at an aggregated Scope 1 Mobile Emissions 93 level for the calendar year 2021. Brooke Farrell 1. Scope 1 Building emissions includes emissions from stationary combustion and fugitive emissions from air conditioning. Scope 2 LRQA Lead Veri昀椀er Building Emissions includes electricity, purchased heat/steam, purchased chilled water and purchased cooling. 2. International locations include Japan, Taiwan, and Brazil in CY 2021 LRQA’s standards, competence and independence On behalf of Lloyds’ Register Quality Assurance, Inc. Table 3. Summary of Year to Year Change in Emissions (2020–2021): LRQA implements and maintains a comprehensive management system 1330 Enclave Pkwy, Suite 200 that meets accreditation requirements for ISO 14065 Greenhouse Houston, TX 77077 SCOPE OF GHG EMISSIONS PERCENT CHANGE gases — Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and veri昀椀cation Scope 1 GHG emissions -12% bodies for use in accreditation or other forms of recognition and ISO/IEC Scope 2 GHG emissions (Location-based) -16% 17021 Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies providing audit Scope 2 GHG emissions (Market-based) -15% and certi昀椀cation of management systems that are at least as demanding as the requirements of the International Standard on Quality Control 1 and comply with the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants. LRQA reference: UQA00000952/5129768 LRQA Group Limited its af昀椀liates and subsidiaries, and their respective of昀椀cers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as ‘LRQA’. LRQA assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant LRQA entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract. The English version of this Assurance Statement is the only valid version. LRQA assumes no responsibility for versions translated into other languages. This Assurance Statement is only valid when published with the Report to which it refers. It may only be reproduced in its entirety. Copyright © LRQA, 2022. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 64

Prudential 2021 ESG Report Disclaimers The information provided in this report re昀氀ects Prudential’s approach to ESG as at the date of this report and is subject to change without notice. We do not undertake to update any of such information in this report. Any references to “sustainable investing”, “sustainable investments”, “ESG” or similar terms in this report are intended as references to the internally de昀椀ned criteria of the Company or our businesses only, as applicable, and not to any jurisdiction-speci昀椀c regulatory de昀椀nition. Our approach to inclusion of disclosures in this report is different from disclosures included in mandatory regulatory reporting, including under Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) regulations. While this report describes events, including potential future events, that may be signi昀椀cant, any signi昀椀cance does not necessarily equate to the level of materiality of disclosures required under U.S. federal securities laws. No reports, documents or websites that are cited or referred to in this document shall be deemed to form part of this report. Prudential is not responsible for the information contained on third-party websites, nor do we guarantee their accuracy and completeness. Forward-Looking Statements Certain of the statements included in this report, including those regarding our ESG initiatives, constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are made based on management’s current expectations and beliefs concerning future developments and plans and their potential effects upon Prudential Financial, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All statements other than statements of historical fact could be forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made, are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond our control and are dif昀椀cult to predict. Prudential Financial, Inc.’s actual results may differ, possibly materially, from expectations or estimates re昀氀ected in or implied by such forward-looking statements. Certain important factors that could cause actual results to differ, possibly materially, from expectations or estimates re昀氀ected in such forward-looking statements can be found in the “Risk Factors” and “Forward-Looking Statements” sections included in Prudential Financial, Inc.’s SEC 昀椀lings, including our most recent Annual Reports on Form 10-K and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K. Statements regarding our ESG initiatives are subject to the risk that we will be unable to execute our strategy because of market or competitive conditions or other factors. Except as required by law, Prudential Financial, Inc. does not undertake to update any particular forward-looking statement included in this document as a result of future events or otherwise. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 65

2021 ESG REPORT Prudential Financial, Inc. om Prudential Financial, Inc. dison.c 751 Broad Street, 21st 昀氀oor ad Newark, NJ 07102-3777 y [email protected] Design b 973-802-3738